because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Leaderboard decay
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
one of my friends havent played since March, still in TOP1000…
Confirmed. It needs to be reworked.
I agree, Anet needs to take a hard look at the leaderboards and show they really care. I’ve seen some people who have over a thousand wins that are lower on the leaderboards than someone who has won 13 matches and lost 0. This is such a problem. Please Arenanet, address this issue and either scrap the whole leaderboard project or think of an intuitive way to rank players. I feel like the players who play and do well are not being noticed due to the state of the leaderboard.
The decay is working, just very slow. Look at the rank graph for the 13win/0lost player.
Anet hasnt showed us the actual rating values, so we cant see actually how fast its decaying, but maybe it should be accelerated over time the longer a player is inactive.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Decay is definitely broken. i took a friend on a ride for some tpvp matches one night, got him 7 wins, next day he went solo and got 7 losses, got mad and stopped pvp. that was a month ago. he still happens to have a higher ranking than me even though i have 30x his wins and a better w/l ratio. this system just does not make sense and needs to be looked at.
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows
I have not played tpvp in a long time and actually my rank is increasing – yesterday it was 730, now it is 726. So if I continue this “not playing streak” will probably get myself in top100 np…
I don’t think it’s working. It would be nice if someone could look into this.
Decay is definitely broken. i took a friend on a ride for some tpvp matches one night, got him 7 wins, next day he went solo and got 7 losses, got mad and stopped pvp. that was a month ago. he still happens to have a higher ranking than me even though i have 30x his wins and a better w/l ratio. this system just does not make sense and needs to be looked at.
The rating system does not account for # of wins or w/l ratio. You gain more rating by beating a team with higher rating. Conversely, you lose more rating if you lose to a lower rated team.
Each Win or Loss is weighted differently. You can beat a lower rated 5x and gain little rating each. However, if you so happen to lose once to that lower rated team all your gains can be wiped.
I have not played tpvp in a long time and actually my rank is increasing – yesterday it was 730, now it is 726. So if I continue this “not playing streak” will probably get myself in top100 np…
Just means someone ahead of you lost rating and you naturally moved up. Because anet doesn’t show you the actual rating, you could be very close to the next person.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
It is working, I used to stay around 90-107 or so and now I am 149. Haven’t played since quickness nerf.
well they dont care about tpvp since it gives no money….. so yeah….
Today my rating increased to 721 so it is actually the opposite of decay =]] And yes, i understand that some people may have lost higher place by playing, but still it is funny how incompetent this ranking system was made.
@prozon – all you ranked “teamplayers” are there cause you guyz farmed randoms and SoloQers
see what i did?
plz stop being an elitist and think you are the pro cause you are ranked in a leaderboard showing only who farmed better the RANDOMS
edit: when theres 1 guy in top 25 and did this rly with random pugs than he can be proud about – YOU would never archieve something like this
Your rank in leaderboards means nothing. There are better players ranked around 500 than a half of a players from top 100. I hate when i play with someone and he thinks he is a pro because he is in top 50. So what?
And to the topic, yea the decay does not work :P i saw the inactive players go down only on the first day of the latest update, after that, nothing has happened.
Rank #1 Life
@prozon – all you ranked “teamplayers” are there cause you guyz farmed randoms and SoloQers
see what i did?
plz stop being an elitist and think you are the pro cause you are ranked in a leaderboard showing only who farmed better the RANDOMS
edit: when theres 1 guy in top 25 and did this rly with random pugs than he can be proud about – YOU would never archieve something like this
Hehe. A point you never would reach. We onky playing during the prime time like all the other teams there infront.and only get matched with them.mmr allows us not facing a solo q grp ….. maybe 2games 100. But u cant understand it i know. Cause you solo qers omly get wiped by 0815 newb premades
Hehe. A point you never would reach. We onky playing during the prime time like all the other teams there infront.and only get matched with them.mmr allows us not facing a solo q grp ….. maybe 2games 100. But u cant understand it i know. Cause you solo qers omly get wiped by 0815 newb premades
Not that there are many teams playing, when #100-200 are matched vs top 20 ;P
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”