League of PvP

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: nickarthur.5061


I’ve recently noticed in PvP there are only about 2 events annually for players and teams to participate in so I decided to try and fix this with a League of PvP.
This PvP league will consist of any and all players or teams that wish to compete against each other. These matches will consist of 5 v 5 Conquest or Team Death Match Game Hosted in a Private League of PvP Server.
Things Soon To Come:
League of PvP Matches Streamed on Twitch
League of PvP Teamspeak 3 Server
League of PvP Match Prize Money
Full List of League of PvP Rules and Regulations
League of PvP Website with Ranked Leaderboards
If you are interested in joining the League of PvP send a Mail to me @ nickarthur.5061

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ristillath.6745


If you are not trolling you should maybe further elaborate on your idea because I have absolutly no clue what you want to do.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: nickarthur.5061


Not Trolling but my idea is to create a group of PvP teams that are interested in versing each other in 5v5 Conquest or TDM with a Ranked leader-board System similar to the GvG Scene if you are familiar with it. Teams Fighting against eachother fighting for the Top Spot on the leader-boards, as mentioned above soon also gold but thats the basis of the idea.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: nickarthur.5061


Update* Invites are being Sent PM me for invites and Info

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: nickarthur.5061


Update* Website is up @ http://leagueofpvp.weebly.com/
Regestration is Open for all players and teams

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Elite Skill Rampage has been BANNED from all League of PvP Matches
lol… I don’t play Warrior, but this is stupid.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769



Slot Skills that are Banned:
Elite Skill Thieves Guild
Elite Skill Litch Form

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: nickarthur.5061


Elite Skill Rampage has been BANNED from all League of PvP Matches
lol… I don’t play Warrior, but this is stupid.

All Rules and Regulations are Subject to change through out the games progression.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480


…banned skills? What?

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play. No competitive team will participate in this if you ban something.

That said, if you need help with this league in terms of how points are rewarded, games are tracked and tournaments are set up, i’ll more than happy to help you with that up if you’re needing to know how the league should function.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play.

^ This.

I hope I didn’t come off as rude earlier. In retrospect I should have worded what I said differently.

What you’re doing is great and I hope you get all the support in the world.

Nevertheless, unless a trait is bugged… I don’t think you should ban any skills, builds or comps. Some people may think something is “gimmicky”, but if it is intended behaviour by the development team you should let it be.

We should not foster the “scrub” mentality. Check this link for further explanation: http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub

(edited by Jasher.6580)

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: nickarthur.5061


The Rule-book was made to balance game play and comps that are either far too powerful or broken.And yes things have been banned in other tournaments and leagues in the past (Another league banned the Warrior Banner because teams would run a full nomad tank warrior with banner and the game would go on for an unreasonable amount of time)

For Ex: a Comp of full rampage warriors would be a ridiculously broken comp allowing 5 rampages to tear through the map with relatively no damage taken from white damage or condition pressure, Arena Net hasn’t yet balenced Rampage and some other skills effectively enough for organized 5v5, but if things change the rule-book will be altered.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


The Rule-book was made to balance game play and comps that are either far too powerful or broken.And yes things have been banned in other tournaments and leagues in the past (Another league banned the Warrior Banner because teams would run a full nomad tank warrior with banner and the game would go on for an unreasonable amount of time)

For Ex: a Comp of full rampage warriors would be a ridiculously broken comp allowing 5 rampages to tear through the map with relatively no damage taken from white damage or condition pressure, Arena Net hasn’t yet balenced Rampage and some other skills effectively enough for organized 5v5, but if things change the rule-book will be altered.

You should look to some more established 5v5 events.

You’ll see that Lich Necros and Thieves Guilds Thieves are not pooping on everybod (anybody?).

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


You should look to some more established 5v5 events.

^ This.

A balanced team with decent players would utterly destroy a team full of Rampage Warriors or any other gimmick you could possibly fathom from your current banned list.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


For Ex: a Comp of full rampage warriors would be a ridiculously broken comp allowing 5 rampages to tear through the map with relatively no damage taken from white damage or condition pressure, Arena Net hasn’t yet balenced Rampage and some other skills effectively enough for organized 5v5, but if things change the rule-book will be altered.

If this were true you would already see this in ESL.

Plus that would be easily counterable by a 5 Mesmer team.

1.) Moa
2.) Burst
3.) ????
4.) Profit

(edited by Shadow.1345)

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


Thieves Guilds Thieves are not pooping on everybod (anybody?).

Yeah I don’t know of any thieves on the competitive level that are running Thieves Guild when the much more useful Basilisk Venom is available.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: nickarthur.5061


Rule-Books Removed
Website Updated with Steps to Schedule a match
Website Updated Registration Form now Working
Private Arena Comming today

Link: http://leagueofpvp.weebly.com/

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


free website – check
free web template – check
silly rules – check
no reward fund – check

why are we still bumping this?

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


To be honest, It would be fun if some competing teams could ban one Amulet/Profession for another, akin to MOBA-style Hero Bans.

It could be more interesting than regular tournies, which got stale after two weeks from the patch.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


Not sure why anyone would pay you 25 gold to enter this when Academy Gaming and Aspect GG hold weekly tournaments that don’t require a pay in fee, offer prizes and are hosted by people that are knowledgeable enough to know that Thieves Guild is the worst elite on the Thief class.

0/10 looks like a scam.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ristillath.6745


You seem to be very inexperienced pvp wise at least it looks like it from what you are posting, maybe you should ask ppl that held tournaments before for some help ^^.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play. No competitive team will participate in this if you ban something.

Are you sure? Grenadier trait was banned during ESL, all ‘competitive’ teams played.
Honestly, there is not much difference between banning bugged and/or broken stuff… for example I would rather watch tournament with some stuff banned (e.g. some D/D toys to promote diversity) than tournament without bans (reason I don’t watch ESLs anymore – they are boring).

People usualy compete to win rewards, not because something is or isn’t banned.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


LOL classic

Phaatonn, London UK

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play. No competitive team will participate in this if you ban something.

Are you sure? Grenadier trait was banned during ESL, all ‘competitive’ teams played.
Honestly, there is not much difference between banning bugged and/or broken stuff… for example I would rather watch tournament with some stuff banned (e.g. some D/D toys to promote diversity) than tournament without bans (reason I don’t watch ESLs anymore – they are boring).

People usualy compete to win rewards, not because something is or isn’t banned.

And I’m sure if Thieves Guild and Lich did bugged double damage they’d be banned too.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play. No competitive team will participate in this if you ban something.

Are you sure? Grenadier trait was banned during ESL, all ‘competitive’ teams played.
Honestly, there is not much difference between banning bugged and/or broken stuff… for example I would rather watch tournament with some stuff banned (e.g. some D/D toys to promote diversity) than tournament without bans (reason I don’t watch ESLs anymore – they are boring).

People usualy compete to win rewards, not because something is or isn’t banned.

Grenadier was banned by ANet shortly after from the game, aka Disabled, until it could be fixed.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play. No competitive team will participate in this if you ban something.

Are you sure? Grenadier trait was banned during ESL, all ‘competitive’ teams played.
Honestly, there is not much difference between banning bugged and/or broken stuff… for example I would rather watch tournament with some stuff banned (e.g. some D/D toys to promote diversity) than tournament without bans (reason I don’t watch ESLs anymore – they are boring).

People usualy compete to win rewards, not because something is or isn’t banned.

Grenadier was banned by ANet shortly after from the game, aka Disabled, until it could be fixed.

First it was banned during ESLs, disabled by ANet like week later or so…

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play. No competitive team will participate in this if you ban something.

Are you sure? Grenadier trait was banned during ESL, all ‘competitive’ teams played.
Honestly, there is not much difference between banning bugged and/or broken stuff… for example I would rather watch tournament with some stuff banned (e.g. some D/D toys to promote diversity) than tournament without bans (reason I don’t watch ESLs anymore – they are boring).

People usualy compete to win rewards, not because something is or isn’t banned.

Grenadier was banned by ANet shortly after from the game, aka Disabled, until it could be fixed.

First it was banned during ESLs, disabled by ANet like week later or so…

Exactly “banned” shortly after it was banned from ESL because it was bugged.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play. No competitive team will participate in this if you ban something.

Are you sure? Grenadier trait was banned during ESL, all ‘competitive’ teams played.
Honestly, there is not much difference between banning bugged and/or broken stuff… for example I would rather watch tournament with some stuff banned (e.g. some D/D toys to promote diversity) than tournament without bans (reason I don’t watch ESLs anymore – they are boring).

People usualy compete to win rewards, not because something is or isn’t banned.

Grenadier was banned by ANet shortly after from the game, aka Disabled, until it could be fixed.

First it was banned during ESLs, disabled by ANet like week later or so…

Exactly “banned” shortly after it was banned from ESL because it was bugged.

There were other ‘bugged’ things that wasn’t banned. Really don’t get your point.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


Dude, you can’t ban items that are allowed in 5v5 tournament play. No competitive team will participate in this if you ban something.

Are you sure? Grenadier trait was banned during ESL, all ‘competitive’ teams played.
Honestly, there is not much difference between banning bugged and/or broken stuff… for example I would rather watch tournament with some stuff banned (e.g. some D/D toys to promote diversity) than tournament without bans (reason I don’t watch ESLs anymore – they are boring).

People usualy compete to win rewards, not because something is or isn’t banned.

Grenadier was banned by ANet shortly after from the game, aka Disabled, until it could be fixed.

First it was banned during ESLs, disabled by ANet like week later or so…

Exactly “banned” shortly after it was banned from ESL because it was bugged.

There were other ‘bugged’ things that wasn’t banned. Really don’t get your point.

The point is that it was bugged bad enough that ANet even removed it from non-competitive play. ESL just did it quicker, probably because they have cash prizes involved.

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: xantosnightwish.5438


So your enthusiasm is def there and youll need that as a TO def man. Couple of thoughts though to consider:

1) There are already several events run weekly. AspectGG and Academy Gaming run both EU and NA’s community driven scene and we’ve got WTS seasons with no down time in between. Plus there’s ESL Go4Cups and the occasional ToL’s.

2) You’ll need at least gems to incentivize players and you should drop the 25 gold thing. The point has already been raised in this thread but why would I pay 25 gold to play for gold when I can enter Academy Gaming/Aspect GG tournaments for free and win gems?

3) Don’t ban skills, amulets, traits, weapon sets, runes etc. Unless its a 2v2 tournament or something is terribly bugged and ESL/ArenaNet has come out and banned it first, youre only going to get the kinds of reactions you got already. (Thieves guild…? Never heard anyone complain about that skill. Ever.)

4) Gain more experience running tournaments from a admin side of things before trying this. I helped run events for the fighting game community for three years and then helped admin ToL1 for Mistpedia before ever being a head TO for any events myself. Even then, I started small with a Fight Night and a 2v2 tournament before running NA ToG. I made sure to learn from and always the heed advice of Blu, Grouch, Olrun, and Heurix as their insight is gold. You should also be listening to Five Gauge, Nos and a lot of the other top players, as many of them have a true sense of what a top level tournament should be. Maybe volunteer to help run a AG or Aspect tournament? The TO’s in this community (Olrun, Brix and Storm) are all cool guys with a need for enthusiastic admins. I think youd learn a lot working with one of these organizations first before branching out into something like this.

DPS Co-Owner and CEO
Digital Pro Sports
Bear Cavalry of Legend PVP 4life!

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


This is starting to look very much like the OP is trying to advertise an outside business on forums.

I’m reasonably sure that’s not appropriate.

Mesmerising Girl