(edited by RustyEyeballs.8927)
Leagues Alone Create a Progression System
also we need a posibility to pause the game (e.g. because of a DC)
I agree on it. It is really the best and most fair system we could get (in my eyes). (Cause MMR is so widely taken for queues now too)
What matters is though if there are enough resources for it to happen (in the future).
I totally agree!
What matters is though if there are enough resources for it to happen (in the future).
That’s the beauty though, all they have to do is change a tiny graphic on an existing system, based on a persons leaderboard ranking and BAM. All the new players know where to look for advice and admire these better players. All the experienced players get instant respect. Every single sPvP’er get nice progression goals to work toward. Everyone gets something to work for.
If they would use it on the current system, it is not authentic due to the very weak decay on the boards. A lot of players just do not play SoloQ atm and keep their rating still high.
This would have worked at launch, when the game had a healthy pool of players. It’s too late today. The leagues would be way too small.
This would have worked at launch, when the game had a healthy pool of players. It’s too late today. The leagues would be way too small.
This is the truth of the matter.
Unless everyone was placed into the lowest leagues for an extended amount of time until more people started playing pvp.
If they would use it on the current system, it is not authentic due to the very weak decay on the boards.
Even if the current ladder is flawed, it is more important to give players a something to work toward. A tread mill. A hook to keep playing. A Skill based progression system.
This would have worked at launch, when the game had a healthy pool of players. It’s too late today. The leagues would be way too small.
Maybe. But look at what happened when catering to the current population. It doesn’t work. You want a infrastructure that scales.
That’s why I’d say they should go for leagues/seasons anyway. A decent competitive infrastructure that allows fun on casual level and competitiveness on top level would be the way to go.
Aim for the potential, build for the potential. If they keep making features (Looking at that first implementation of teamqueue) it’ll stay kitten.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
If they would use it on the current system, it is not authentic due to the very weak decay on the boards.
Even if the current ladder is flawed, it is more important to give players a something to work toward. A tread mill. A hook to keep playing. A Skill based progression system.
I see 5 players on the second page who haven’t played for at least around 2 weeks. Others play more often and have lower positions. That is not fair.
Especially since SoloQ is a bit of a gamble too. You can get lucky and get teamed up with good players for more than 1 match and earn some wins. You can also get bad matches, putting you against a few good players while your team holds unexperienced players.
This would have worked at launch, when the game had a healthy pool of players. It’s too late today. The leagues would be way too small.
It is definetly not too late. The system just need to clarify the 3 tiers in percents instead of some score. That way it will be easy to destinguish. And then they should match the whole EU PvP together to one server and same with NA. That way there would always be someone in each tier and if they put the PvP part into one massive server og servergroup, then there would always be someone to play with, which would give a living feel to the PvP community.
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It is definetly not too late. The system just need to clarify the 3 tiers in percents instead of some score.
The percents are completely variable as well. You want them to be spread out enough so that the short term progression goals are fairly obtainable, yet they contain enough players so that when you are matched against a variety of teams, there isn’t such a wide array of leagues in the team. I would imagine gw2 would start out with 3 or 4 and slowly add leagues while making the existing leagues tighter/smaller % wise.