Leveling and looking forward to pvp, but...
You do not need to level them to 80 to play PvP. Just in case you did not know.
Both builds will cause you to get a red target over your head and last on average less than 3 seconds in teamfights against semi-decent players.
Necromancer – glasscannon spec without fleshwurm gives you no escape route. You’ll just fall first. Oh and that GS. Just nope.
Guardian – no breakstun… no invulnerability. You are dropping the best survivability for nothing.
Very very very very very terribad.
As Exos said, Guardian is fairly glassy, all toughness aside. Having no breakstun or invulnerability in that CC rage wars is a suicide clean and simple.
Necro: Greatsword is just not viable in PvP, not in the current meta, moreover it’s a slow kitten. You’ll curse every single Anet dev each time you need to get on a point if you don’t have fleshwurm… even moreso under enemy’s fire.
Sorry, i am new here. In battle grounds (that pvp thing before WvW) everything seemed to work pretty normal. Sometime i kill someone, sometimes i get killed.
I really really new in this game and all i could gather by my self is that Mesmers and Ranger/Druids are OP. I am not sure what is good and what is needed.
So, for Necromancer/Reaper flesh wurm is a needed ability? 2 Pulls in his hit is not enough?
P.S. i like playing with pets. My favorite class in every game is summoner. Is there other classes/builds with viable pets?
(edited by Regon Phoenix.8215)
Eternal Battlegrounds ?
That’s a pvp format decided by numbers, not skill. Most people pvp there because they know they’ll face mostly scrubs that can’t handle spvp.
Since you’re completely new to the format I can only redirect you to qqmore.net, it’s very instructive for understanding the basics of spvp.
Sorry, i am new here. In battle grounds (that pvp thing before WvW) everything seemed to work pretty normal. Sometime i kill someone, sometimes i get killed.
I really really new in this game and all i could gather by my self is that Mesmers and Ranger/Druids are OP. I am not sure what is good and what is needed.
So, for Necromancer/Reaper flesh wurm is a needed ability? 2 Pulls in his hit is not enough?
P.S. i like playing with pets. My favorite class in every game is summoner. Is there other classes/builds with viable pets?
I wouldn’t consider any class OP, too strong, yes. but OP? that’s a common thing to say and accuse other classes in this forum, because some people don,t take the time to learn all classes’ strengths and weaknesses.
On another hand, if you’re looking for a “pet/summoneer” minionmancer maybe should be kept in mind…
However, you,re new to the game, you said it yourself. You haven,t got a clue of what’s going on, the mechanical intricacies, the builds, the strengths, the weaknesses, the synergy possible or just the current meta. Trying to make a build in those circumstances is bound to fail. Pick a build already made and vouched for by the community to make you learn the proper gameplay before trying to theorycraft, or else it won’t give anything viable.
Before pvp rank 10 (?) you can only join Stronghold/Unranked (not sure honestly)….
Possibly this is what the OP calls “battleground”.
Here is a quick guardian build for you… It’s fairly tanky (do not dream, it goes down really fast if focused but with Shelter/RF/F3 and the shield you have a fair chance to survive for 5-10 seconds)
I think this is a good learning build. If you face a loads of condition classes swap Unscathed Contender (Virtue first trait) for Master of Consecrations (Virtue 3th) and slot Purging Flames instead of Judge’s Intervention. Also consider Hunter’s Fortification.
Every time you get Aegis you heal… Not a lot but it counts.
You are an excellent resser/stomper due to Aegis/Shield/Fragment of Faith (DH trait).
With JI+traps+shield+f1 pull you can do some surprise damage even if somebody afar/above you.
Leeching is a very good choice due heal/damage at once.
Fire is good on LB.
Energy is a must have on mace.
Happy Guardin’!
Edit: Ring of Fire? What the hell I was thinking?
(edited by Aggrostemma.1703)
I’d sooner play that for Guardian. great sustain, great damage. simple stuff.
swap judges for contemplation of purity if you’re up against a lot of condi. sw/sh is a great set, but feel free to experiment with hammer and greatsword. procession of blades can be swapped for test of faith if you get good at pushing a pulling people through traps.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
I cannot argue since I run something like your build. My build was an example of a survivor gua build for complete beginners. I think mace = honor but this could be a personal preference.
Now we wait for a helpful necro to give some advice for the original poster
(edited by Aggrostemma.1703)
You like pets. Perhaps you should start as a very tanky minion master necro with soldier amulet. Look for the minion master on meta battle
(edited by Laserbolt.6731)
It’s been said, but it’s a bandwagon I have to jump on:
Just say no to Reaper GS unless you’re in for having your matches be 80-90% miserable with the once-in-a-blue-moon, “Oh hey, that was cool. I did something! Guys? Did you see that? I did something!”
Not the conventional minionmancer build, however it works and is very forgiving for a starter player. From there can start to tweak a bit on the sustain, changing things here and there as you learn the mechanics of both your profession and the others.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
(edited by azyume.6321)
Thanks. I will try them out.