Locked in PvP Lobby.. A Step Backwards?

Locked in PvP Lobby.. A Step Backwards?

in PvP

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

We went from being able to visit the bank, PvE, Map completion, or even simple things like duel and/or hotjoin while waiting in queue to… Wandering around in the pvp lobby, locked in. If the ridiculous, spammy, (and often offensive) map chat wasn’t annoying enough. Now gold spammers are having a field day while we’re in the mist.

I could QQ some more but.. ya get the picture. Can someone explain to me why this change was implemented?

(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)

Locked in PvP Lobby.. A Step Backwards?

in PvP

Posted by: Domino.1359


I’d like to know as well.

The lobby is dead no matter the time I’m on. It’s actually pretty depressing. Granted, I only stay in the lobby in between matches, but it’s enough to miss the way it was before being locked into the lobby.

Why the change?