Locked out of tournament - "Network Error"
yep occasionally. waited 6min. got into the map.
As an aside I did end up getting tournament rewards like 2 hours later when I logged on again, but yeah, this is still bullkitten.
This happened to me as well as another teammate.
1st round, all ok.
2nd round, network error when trying to go to the map. When the game was starting I was transported to the map – missing 10-20 of the first seconds of the match.
3rd round, me and another player are unable to get into the map at all, kept getting the network error messages up until it started, then nothing.
Just happened to me as well.
This also just happened to me. I was in a pug group and we won the first round, pop up for second round showed up, clicked go now, nothing happens for a few minutes then i get a network error message. About 10 seconds after the match had started, myself and one other teammate were ported to the map where we were promptly destroyed by a full team of 5 that had no trouble joining the match, I asked them in chat.
This happened to me yesterday, granted it wasn’t in a tourney it was on a server me and my buddies were on training. I left the server to swap toons, and couldn’t get back into the server kept getting the network error message. I tried right clinking their names in the party and hitting go to and nothing, I ended up not getting back in. Extremely frustrating. Then first round of the tourney I received the infinite loading bug. Annoying as hell.
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
Happened to me couple weeks ago 4/5 of our team got locked out of the match.
Its a nice bug that props up in the last map quite a bit. What seems to work is after you find that you have the “network issue” stop clicking go now, just leave it up. When the countdown ends it will port you inside, if you keep on clicking go now you will be locked out for the entire game. Also if you get booted from the game you will be unable to get back into it as well. As for the tournament rewards not showing up, they only appear on a map change. So after the full tournament is over a character swap or map change should give you the chest.
As said before, oftentimes waiting will get you sucked in.
If that doesn’t work join a hotjoin match quick to reset your loading and that should fix it.
Happened to me too, ended up getting in the last minute with one teammate only. Also, once I reached final stage to find only 1 player against us (all his teammates were unable to join)
i believe it can happend when there is patching going on.
you basically have two tournaments running – one in new instance under new patch, one still running at old version.
since both version use same database structure, they do get different meassuress and there we go.. error.. or empty instance or you can´t join.. whatever.
I think thats the main reason if issues like this.