(edited by Toxsa.2701)
"Long Range Shot"- is this a joke?
Menzies its largely hte fact that its a one trick pony. Thus alot of the skill involved is in the ranger making sure hes in a position to use that one trick. Its why theres a noticeable difference between the pew pew to win rangers and those that actually play the class.
The pew pew to win rangers die the second they get focused or rely super heavily on SoTS to survive. The good ones youl see using there weapon skill evades to teh fullest. Or using that last secon stealth to barely dodge an attack just so he can get behind you to line up a path of scars.
Ironically. The biggest sign of skill with the build is when they can’t actually use the weapon everyone seems to be focused on. And how well they can get themselves back into that spot where there one true strength is useable again.
Longbow by itself is too focused a weapon to not be good at what it does (see anything pre read the wind).
Ranger shoots at me from 2300 range due to a bug. I look around, it’s from across the map.
It then takes me longer to get in range than to actually kill the stupid thing. Oh but wait, I also have to deal with all the CC it throws at me when I actually do get in range because shooting from somewhere in Australia apparently isn’t enough to make a build viable, it also needs CC and mobility.
Oh and if I were to try and escape… Well too bad that kittener snipes me from so far away I can actually revive myself before he comes in range for a stomp.
And did I mention RF yet? Oh no it’s not hard to dodge, but if you were to not see the Ranger position itself 2300 range away or used up your dodge rolls GG.
OP? Maybe not. kittening frustrating, toxic and anti-fun? Hell yeah. That’s reason enough to nerf the build into the ground.
@ Spirigo
If we did a test where you were on power ranger and I played every meta class against you, I would bet I would win every time. If I played power ranger and you got to play every meta class than I guarantee I would win at least 6/8, depending on your skill level 8/8. To me, that would suggest it isn’t power ranger that is strong nor that I’m a good player, but that you lack the ability to stand behind a wall, in a game mode where you can place yourself between the ranger, the wall, and the objective the ranger is trying to get to. That would mean, therefore, that it is a learn to play issue. I heavily encourage you to do so as many people don’t have problems with this class that you complain so much about. You also mention not seeing the ranger. This is again indicative of a learn to play issue, if you do not have the awareness to see a high dps class coming to kill you, then you deserve to die in this dog eat dog world of PvP that we have.
I also find your reasons to nerf ranger unsettling, “I’m bad, I die to ranger yet most people don’t, it makes the game unfun for me, please nerf it because I can’t learn to play”. Thought processes like this are what makes the community become toxic. Take some responsibility and learn to play, please.
Am I good?… I’m good.
(edited by Eurantien.4632)
Do you even read lol?
Easy to kill or not, power Rangers are not fun to play against. They can also cheese kills and objectives extremely well. Toxic, easy and shockingly useless. This build is as much of an annoyance to enemy as it is a detriment to its own team.
Nobody likes playing against power Rangers. In fact nobody takes GW2 PvP seriously because it’s anti-fun skill spam. Just look at the stream viewers or player counts compared to Dota2 and LoL. The numbers speak for themselves.
(edited by Spirigo.2897)
The extend range isn’t a bug it is how projectiles function there was a post about this at one time. To simple focus on one profession is bias and poor argument as well if you get you desired effect then you will go on to target another aspect of the profession you do not like until it is as good as gone from the game.
Ranger shoots at me from 2300 range due to a bug. I look around, it’s from across the map.
It then takes me longer to get in range than to actually kill the stupid thing. Oh but wait, I also have to deal with all the CC it throws at me when I actually do get in range because shooting from somewhere in Australia apparently isn’t enough to make a build viable, it also needs CC and mobility.
Oh and if I were to try and escape… Well too bad that kittener snipes me from so far away I can actually revive myself before he comes in range for a stomp.
And did I mention RF yet? Oh no it’s not hard to dodge, but if you were to not see the Ranger position itself 2300 range away or used up your dodge rolls GG.
OP? Maybe not. kittening frustrating, toxic and anti-fun? Hell yeah. That’s reason enough to nerf the build into the ground.
If he’s across the map then he isn’t contesting a point. A smart person would just LoS them.
A good post explaining how projectiles work in this game for all the qq’ers
1500 = 225 extra range x by y by the velocity higher ground increases the range and velocity pushes the drop off point further way that also increases the end range effect past its 1500yards+225 for 15% buffer totals 1725yards to the power of projectile speeds / by the height = the extra range induced.
if the arrow travels at 100yards per 0.15secs (abouts) it’ll take 1.5secs per 1000yards to reach its target now apply read the wind to improved that 0.15sec flught time per 100 yards to 0.075 = 0.75secs at 1000yards , 2000yards would take around the same amount of flight time totaling 1.5secs 100% more velocity speed than the base Lb projectile increasing its drop off range by 1000yards totaling 2000yards.
the damage between 1000 and 2000 is the same just the flight speed gets the damage dealt quicker but not per attack so quickness is needed to gain any effect of improved dps to quicken the cast time, the Range means nothing when working out its Effective damage.
from the top of a WvW tower i can effectively shoot at a downwards angle and reach 2400-2600yards when traited with eagle eye and RTW, on a ground level this will only reach 1725yards because of no elevation .
the huge flaw with that image people post about LB range is that the fact, the person testing it is standing on a rock that is 300-350 yards higher than the golem at the end of the Range allowing the arrow with its increased velocity to shoot for a extra 150-200 depending on the drop off point.
1725yards(with velocity eagle eye + RTW) 225 (buffer)150-200(Elevation) = 2100yards based on 150 height Elevation.
also just because somthing is projectile doesn’t mean it’ll equal the same range but it is still governed by the same laws of physics.
the best weapon to test this methord out on is Warroir LB with the Range Traited, though do take note that the warroirs LB does not have velocity so please do count , its base Range+trait 1500 + 15% of that base range + 150 height Drop/range = around the 1725yard-1920 yards if you’d test from the same location.
None of the above changes the fact that it’s broken when coupled with easy of play, damage and escape tools.
A build doesn’t have to be good in competetive play or win 1v1 against comp meta to be toxic. Power Rangers abuse lack of organization in soloq too well, at minimal risk and requiring minimal skill.
But you are right saying that in some aspect, every build is toxic and annoying in some way or another, which is one of the reasons why GW2 never took of as esports.
Funny to see Ranger mains trying to prove their easy mode button is alright.
(edited by Spirigo.2897)
None of the above changes the fact that it’s broken when coupled with easy of play, damage and escape tools.
A build doesn’t have to be good in competetive play or win 1v1 against comp meta to be toxic. Power Rangers abuse lack of organization in soloq too well, at minimal risk and requiring minimal skill.
But you are right saying that in some aspect, every build is toxic and annoying in some way or another, which is one of the reasons why GW2 never took of as esports.
Funny to see Ranger mains trying to prove their easy mode button is alright.
GW2 never make it to E-sport because many people will QQ about a weak build and leave the 10 times stronger one alone. Also please start queing up already as power ranger in rank que and see how “easy and no skill” it is to be successful. When you lose as a power ranger, I hope you don’t start blaming your teammates for being useless, because you’re probably the reason for the lost because you’re playing a power ranger.
None of the above changes the fact that it’s broken when coupled with easy of play, damage and escape tools.
A build doesn’t have to be good in competetive play or win 1v1 against comp meta to be toxic. Power Rangers abuse lack of organization in soloq too well, at minimal risk and requiring minimal skill.
But you are right saying that in some aspect, every build is toxic and annoying in some way or another, which is one of the reasons why GW2 never took of as esports.
Funny to see Ranger mains trying to prove their easy mode button is alright.
^says ranger’s are easy to kill, still calls rangers easy mode….
Sounds to me like you are getting your kitten handed to you by rangers but you are to embarrassed to admit it.
Because that weak build is annoying as hell to play against, and is not the only such build that sees the light of day frequently. Coupled with the fact that Conquest is a kitten game mode and that some maps like Suckhammer make it even more kitten leads to people leaving. The PvP community that surged into this game at the start expecting greatness left with the words “It’s imbalanced skillspam” for the greener pastures as a result.
It’s not uncommon to see balance patches applied to characters in LoL or Dota2 that make no sense when applied solely to competetive play, but have to be done because the said character can abuse certain pub nuances.
And for the record, yes a power Ranger pewpewing from high ground with no regard for objectives or team mates is also extremely annoying to have on your team. I don’t see how it redeems that build in any way.
None of the above changes the fact that it’s broken when coupled with easy of play, damage and escape tools.
A build doesn’t have to be good in competetive play or win 1v1 against comp meta to be toxic. Power Rangers abuse lack of organization in soloq too well, at minimal risk and requiring minimal skill.
But you are right saying that in some aspect, every build is toxic and annoying in some way or another, which is one of the reasons why GW2 never took of as esports.
Funny to see Ranger mains trying to prove their easy mode button is alright.
^says ranger’s are easy to kill, still calls rangers easy mode….
Sounds to me like you are getting your kitten handed to you by rangers but you are to embarrassed to admit it.
I can get more out of spamming two buttons than any other class so in that sense of course it’s easy mode. If you dont know what to do against one or get caught out, it’s annoying. If you do know what to do and don’t get caught out, it’s a matter of them delaying the inevitable in the most annoying ways possible.
(edited by Spirigo.2897)
None of the above changes the fact that it’s broken when coupled with easy of play, damage and escape tools.
A build doesn’t have to be good in competetive play or win 1v1 against comp meta to be toxic. Power Rangers abuse lack of organization in soloq too well, at minimal risk and requiring minimal skill.
But you are right saying that in some aspect, every build is toxic and annoying in some way or another, which is one of the reasons why GW2 never took of as esports.
Funny to see Ranger mains trying to prove their easy mode button is alright.
Going it solo is always a Risk , at some point in the balance of Solo vs group support and damage .
if 0/5 of your team brings no range defence you’ll suffer if your ever placed against any Ranged user because of listed below.
1. no team support against Ranged CC / Damage or pressure
2. all alone with a build not designed for far or home support will suffer vs any Ranged user with decent CC abilities.
3. even if 2/5 of your team take one skill that adds group anti range , guardian block, warroir shield 5 with reflects using this to body block, or thief with Port + mesmer port tactics quick Stop any Ranged user from postioning up to deal a deadly blow putting his CC> damage chain on a full roational cooldown where there after he will have access to Auto and later Rf 12secs then a further 12secs till barrage is ready.
i really think 12-24secs of a open window of light pressure is more than enough time to create a counter attack with only 2 team members have some sort of anti ranged defence.
HENCE why HoT is adding more core anti ranged defences because currently Anti ranged is too build defining ether taking up 1-3 traits or 1-2 utilities or weapons, though playing against a ranged user is still possible currently it requires Team work and awareness to shut down a ranger for good .
that in Solo going solo and not talking to your team makes that situation even worse giving you nearly no chances to counter attack because
“your team has not tried to create any openings” and that is the advantage of using Ranged pressure to create opening for your team to execute a push/retreat or wipe the field.
most rangers can see a flaw in a opposing team right away if there isn’t any anti ranged defences and makes it easy pickings rather than Easy to play! its because those players make it easy!.
Because that weak build is annoying as hell to play against, and is not the only such build that sees the light of day frequently. Coupled with the fact that Conquest is a kitten game mode and that some maps like Suckhammer make it even more kitten leads to people leaving. The PvP community that surged into this game at the start expecting greatness left with the words “It’s imbalanced skillspam” for the greener pastures as a result.
It’s not uncommon to see balance patches applied to characters in LoL or Dota2 that make no sense when applied solely to competetive play, but have to be done because the said character can abuse certain pub nuances.
And for the record, yes a power Ranger pewpewing from high ground with no regard for objectives or team mates is also extremely annoying to have on your team. I don’t see how it redeems that build in any way.
None of the above changes the fact that it’s broken when coupled with easy of play, damage and escape tools.
A build doesn’t have to be good in competetive play or win 1v1 against comp meta to be toxic. Power Rangers abuse lack of organization in soloq too well, at minimal risk and requiring minimal skill.
But you are right saying that in some aspect, every build is toxic and annoying in some way or another, which is one of the reasons why GW2 never took of as esports.
Funny to see Ranger mains trying to prove their easy mode button is alright.
^says ranger’s are easy to kill, still calls rangers easy mode….
Sounds to me like you are getting your kitten handed to you by rangers but you are to embarrassed to admit it.
I can get more out of spamming two buttons than any other class so in that sense of course it’s easy mode. If you dont know what to do against one or get caught out, it’s annoying. If you do know what to do and don’t get caught out, it’s a matter of them delaying the inevitable in the most annoying ways possible.
Yeah, everyone can click 2 bottoms, just like playing a Warrior, Guardian, thief and so on. But clicking 2 bottoms doesn’t make you successful, and same goes with power ranger. Clicking more bottom also doesn’t make a class “difficult to play”, for example, engineer is one of the easiest classes to play in PVP. It clicks alot of bottoms but it doesn’t make it any more difficult to be successful. Clicking 2 bottoms are just one perspective of the game-play, because you completely ignore how people try using CC, good positioning, accurate dodges to survive all attacks, so that they can stay on field to dish this “2 bottoms” damage.
Stop making excuses and start queing up already. Show us a video of you doing well in rank que as power ranger then we’ll believe you.
(edited by Toxsa.2701)
Compare how easy it is to play pewpew Ranger and how effective it is at what it does to any other build. Just do it.
Without range defense or gapclosers you are basically kittened. You need to close the gap and pressure them out of their escapes.
Compare how easy it is to play pewpew Ranger and how effective it is at what it does to any other build. Just do it.
Without range defense or gapclosers you are basically kittened. You need to close the gap and pressure them out of their escapes.
Again, start queing up already and make a video about it and we’ll believe you. Using Hot-Join as an example is poor excuse. I can 100% guaranteed shout-bow War and Engineer, are way easier to play to be effective, even to a relatively new people.
Do you even read lol?
Easy to kill or not, power Rangers are not fun to play against. They can also cheese kills and objectives extremely well. Toxic, easy and shockingly useless. This build is as much of an annoyance to enemy as it is a detriment to its own team.
You contradict yourself. You say ranger kill things easily yet are useless…
If they are useless we should buff them.
If they kill things easy shouldn’t we just teach people how to play? Create a better infrastructure? Dota 2 has tutorials, Guild Wars does not. That is a contributing factor to its popularity.
I feel sorry for you that you have such a hard time with this game. Maybe you should play something simpler or ask someone to teach you what to do? There is so much emotion in your text that I feel you’re beyond the realm of reason.
You keep saying ranger is “easy mode” only using “1 or 2 buttons”. What would it do to your argument if you lost to a power ranger that didn’t even use his lb in the fight? There is nothing more to say beyond, “learn to play”.
Am I good?… I’m good.
(edited by Eurantien.4632)
Degrading the discussion to hurr durr <insert random negative assumption about the other poster here>. Looks really stupid you know.
In response to the argument that pro play defines all, yes they are useless in a sense that they don’t appear in tournaments and don’t meet the same requirements as the current meta builds. Though it’s really more of a matter of them being countered by high levels of organization which aren’t present at most levels of soloq, if at all given the matchmaking.
The main problem is that the build is toxic and annoying to face, more so than the meta which is saying a lot. It’s the same case as with the old Warrior; far too good at what it does for how easy to play it is, but with certain weaknesses that keep it out of the pro play.
As I said, there are champions in LoL that never appear in pro play but see occasional nerfs to keep them in check because said champions are built around mechanics that can be easily abused to great effect in pubs, often kittening off a lot of people. Dota2 has seen its fair share of pub centric nerfs for the same reason.
Dota2 has tutorials, and a lot of other essential things that GW2 doesn’t. Part of the problem is that the conquest maps are unintuitive, with a lot of easily abused mechanics or vital strategies that are unclear. It no longer a question of complexity but rather a question of poor design.
Compare how easy it is to play pewpew Ranger and how effective it is at what it does to any other build. Just do it.
Without range defense or gapclosers you are basically kittened. You need to close the gap and pressure them out of their escapes.
Again, start queing up already and make a video about it and we’ll believe you. Using Hot-Join as an example is poor excuse. I can 100% guaranteed shout-bow War and Engineer, are way easier to play to be effective, even to a relatively new people.
First of all speak for yourself. That “we” makes you insecure and makes me right. There is a power Ranger in every ranked match I play. The build is incredibly popular for a reason.
Sure, shout-bow is easy as well but isn’t straight up infuriating to play against.
Your argument is that an annoying, toxic build should be left untouched because there are other broken and toxic builds around. Well rise and shine, the entirety of PvP is built around a toxic, anti-fun game mode that failed to stick in a number of other esports games in the past. Obviously the meta for that game mode is going to suck regardless of how comperatively balanced the classes are among themselves.
(edited by Spirigo.2897)
Looks really Though it’s really more of a matter of them being countered by high levels of organization which aren’t present at most levels of soloq, if at all given the matchmaking.
They are still very effective in pvp if there’s no coordination to counter them.
@ Spirigo
If we did a test where you were on power ranger and I played every meta class against you, I would bet I would win every time. If I played power ranger and you got to play every meta class than I guarantee I would win at least 6/8, depending on your skill level 8/8. To me, that would suggest it isn’t power ranger that is strong nor that I’m a good player, but that you lack the ability to stand behind a wall, in a game mode where you can place yourself between the ranger, the wall, and the objective the ranger is trying to get to. That would mean, therefore, that it is a learn to play issue. I heavily encourage you to do so as many people don’t have problems with this class that you complain so much about. You also mention not seeing the ranger. This is again indicative of a learn to play issue, if you do not have the awareness to see a high dps class coming to kill you, then you deserve to die in this dog eat dog world of PvP that we have.
I also find your reasons to nerf ranger unsettling, “I’m bad, I die to ranger yet most people don’t, it makes the game unfun for me, please nerf it because I can’t learn to play”. Thought processes like this are what makes the community become toxic. Take some responsibility and learn to play, please.
You’re talking about dueling…. whats out of control is in conquest mode how much damage they do from so far away so easy. Other zerk classes have a much higher risk for the same reward/effectiveness.
The skill level it takes to play zerk shatter mesmer is much much much much greater then a zerk ranger… rewards are the same.
I agree with OP here, this skill should be doing more damage and also have a trait that provides an untelegraphed proc to it as well. I’m thinking something fun with zero counter play; something like Chill of Death.
TBH power ranger needs to be in pvp as its too difficult for new players to do this type of damage in melee range where its dangerous. No sense getting in close to land that backstab when you can do it safely from orbit. Keep pew pew my friends.
I agree with OP here, this skill should be doing more damage and also have a trait that provides an untelegraphed proc to it as well. I’m thinking something fun with zero counter play; something like Chill of Death.
TBH power ranger needs to be in pvp as its too difficult for new players to do this type of damage in melee range where its dangerous. No sense getting in close to land that backstab when you can do it safely from orbit. Keep pew pew my friends.
That’s exactly why newcomers often ruin the match, because all they do is use range off node point, dragging the fight forever while foes contesting the node lol…
They provide AoE cripple, lots of damage and knock backs from hard to reach locations while more resilient members of their team prevent the point from being taken by the enemy.
Necros can do that too but slower and from a shorter range. Lack of mobility and stealth means they will fall to pressure rather easily and Engineers are better off in the thick of things tbh.
With ranger, just stand back, pewpew and win. If you can’t do that… Well, it’s a l2p™ issue lol.
why do people think builds should be nerfed if they are ‘not fun to fight’? it’s a subjective opinion, and anyone can say it about any build. i like playing builds that make my opponants sad, like my warrior that can eat rapid fire for less than 1/5 of his hp.
if you are getting killed by rangers you need to focus them down in teamfights. it helps to tell your team in chat to kill the ranger first, so everyone can work together. call targets, pay attention to your surroundings, and don’t scrub out.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
They provide AoE cripple, lots of damage and knock backs from hard to reach locations while more resilient members of their team prevent the point from being taken by the enemy.
Necros can do that too but slower and from a shorter range. Lack of mobility and stealth means they will fall to pressure rather easily and Engineers are better off in the thick of things tbh.
With ranger, just stand back, pewpew and win. If you can’t do that… Well, it’s a l2p™ issue lol.
Good that you’re comparing to a least played profession in tournament. Yeah ranger is not the worst, but not in top 5 either. Donnu why Ele, Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, Thief are off your list of “to nerf” even though they’re more popular and defines the meta. Even with all the “OP stuffs” you mentioned, ranger still doesn’t come close to any of the 5 meta professions. So I seriously don’t know what’s so OP about ranger when there’re 5 more OP professions ahead of it. If all professions are OP, then no professions are OP.
Guess people seriously hold grudge for ranger and expect it to be trash tier. They only want 6 professions to exist, while other 2 (ranger and necro) should just go into toilet and be useless.
(edited by Toxsa.2701)
^ Whataboutism intensifies.
Because I can take ranger and destroy decently skilled people playing meta builds by pressing 2 buttons or just from auto.
Yes I’d rather have no Rangers than 2300 range botting simulator that we have now. In fact, I’d just remove the current conquest crap with its idiotic meta from the game and replace it with something similar to GvG or HA from the old game.
^ Whataboutism intensifies.
Because I can take ranger and destroy decently skilled people playing meta builds by pressing 2 buttons or just from auto.
Yes I’d rather have no Rangers than 2300 range botting simulator that we have now. In fact, I’d just remove the current conquest crap with its idiotic meta from the game and replace it with something similar to GvG or HA from the old game.
No point arguing with the likes of you. You basically discredit everything that you mentioned, with full of lies and exaggeration about rangers, even though you don’t really play PVP at all.
Are you mad because you main a pewpew Ranger or something? Deal with it, it’s a toxic build.
Can’t deny that it’s too much, either the damage needs to be toned down, or the range needs to be reduced to 1200. 1500 via the trait is more than most classes can deal with.
Even engineers are having their range reduced on grenades, albeit they were kittene at that range anyway.
^ Perfect example of why it’s so easy to argue against people calling for a nerf to rangers. His argument boils down to “it’s too much because I say so”
Looking forward to seeing y’all post examples of longbow ranger’s dominating higher tier PvP, and how they are the reason certain teams are pulling out wins.
ok, I’ll reiterate.
It is too much because it kittens out 3k+ damage, with potential sigil procs from a range of 1500 every second.
Something doesn’t need to be dominating “higher tier pvp” for it to be stupidly strong.
Rampage elite is godmode for 20 seconds and a free kill, that’s OP, not used in “high tier pvp” because warbanner is preferred.
Power rangers are simply in PvP because it’s a build any complete moron can play, it’s a crutch build for new players because of how simplistic it is to play, equip a longbow, go berserker, push 1. Yes, rangers as a whole aren’t in a good spot, but that should be fixed, not like this.
If you want your damage, work for it, any build that is able to push out damage like a longbow ranger with absolutely no effort while doing it from a range most classes can’t deal with, it should NOT be in pvp or in the game at all.
I already know for a fact that you would be angry at me if i were to repeatedly kill you from a range of 1500 while spamming you with 3.5k hits as soon as you leave spawn.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
(edited by JoshuaRAWR.4653)
Poor Spirigo, he never knew who is Eurantien.
You should learn how to use the map in your favor Spirigo =/
Rangers are always first target, and 90% of them are noobs.
You took 7000 TOTAL damage from LRShot, that means 2 3500ish hits. Which is ok if you are both glass and he scored 2 critical hits. I see no problems here
You took 7000 TOTAL damage from LRShot, that means 2 3500ish hits. Which is ok if you are both glass and he scored 2 critical hits. I see no problems here
my feline buffed to 25 might and the target on 25 vun the pet alone hit and critted a auto for 8.2k the other day that poor thief and all i did was Muddy terrain him , his payment for ignoring the pet.
I just flipped a coin , catched it and walked away why should i waste a Arrow if he can’t even avoid a Melee attack.
if you are losing to ranger players who are ‘morons’ then maybe you’re not as good as you think you are. i’ve yet to encounter a build (in pvp that is, dire thieves are op) that was OP enough to let a ‘moron’ level player kill me on one of my mains.
calling the people who beat you scrubs and morons only makes you look bad. if you lose to scrubs, then you must be worse than them.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
OK, sure LB power ranger is really easy to play and packs one hell of a punch, but it really isn’t that hard to outplay. You dodge roll once to negate over half of their lb2, stay outside of their barrage and give them a sweet ole hug to cut their auto’s damage in half. Save your condi cleanse for entangle and you’re practically a shoe in for the win. Practically every class and almost every build has a way to ruin ranger. The only people I can agree with are the necro mains. Rest of you people should sit down and shut up.
@ Spirigo
If we did a test where you were on power ranger and I played every meta class against you, I would bet I would win every time. If I played power ranger and you got to play every meta class than I guarantee I would win at least 6/8, depending on your skill level 8/8. To me, that would suggest it isn’t power ranger that is strong nor that I’m a good player, but that you lack the ability to stand behind a wall, in a game mode where you can place yourself between the ranger, the wall, and the objective the ranger is trying to get to. That would mean, therefore, that it is a learn to play issue. I heavily encourage you to do so as many people don’t have problems with this class that you complain so much about. You also mention not seeing the ranger. This is again indicative of a learn to play issue, if you do not have the awareness to see a high dps class coming to kill you, then you deserve to die in this dog eat dog world of PvP that we have.
I also find your reasons to nerf ranger unsettling, “I’m bad, I die to ranger yet most people don’t, it makes the game unfun for me, please nerf it because I can’t learn to play”. Thought processes like this are what makes the community become toxic. Take some responsibility and learn to play, please.
You’re talking about dueling…. whats out of control is in conquest mode how much damage they do from so far away so easy. Other zerk classes have a much higher risk for the same reward/effectiveness.
The skill level it takes to play zerk shatter mesmer is much much much much greater then a zerk ranger… rewards are the same.
Yet 0 rangers on top teams? Every team has a thief, and often a mesmer… If ranger is easier and just as effective, why are there no rangers?
Am I good?… I’m good.
Because pewpew Rangers are countered by highly organized play that never happens in pubs. At the same time they can destroy pubs by dishing out the same damage as zerk mediguards from across the narrow sea.
Also, they are boring/annoying to play against. The familiar pewpewpewpew from a random rooftop is GW2’s hoho haha.
Also, lol @ top teams. There are like, 2 or 4.
I already know for a fact that you would be angry at me if i were to repeatedly kill you from a range of 1500 while spamming you with 3.5k hits as soon as you leave spawn.
The thing is you wouldn’t kill me. I can’t remember the last time I died to a longbow ranger 1v1. Sure I’ve been killed if they hop into a fight where I’m outnumbered but even that is rare because their damage is so easy to avoid.
The only map they have a real advantage is foefire where they can help +1 mid and home. They can be annoying on temple but only if you solo queue and don’t get a thief, mesmer or medi guard, which is almost never.
They provide AoE cripple, lots of damage and knock backs from hard to reach locations while more resilient members of their team prevent the point from being taken by the enemy.
I thought they only pressed 1 & 2…
Ranger mains getting worked up lol.
They provide AoE cripple, lots of damage and knock backs from hard to reach locations while more resilient members of their team prevent the point from being taken by the enemy.
I thought they only pressed 1 & 2…
Don’t bother talking to him. He’s just some random thief who got owned by rapid fire and come here to cry how brainless and powerful power ranger is., yet he refuses to use this “so OP and easy spec” because he knows it’s not good, yet he wants his thief to have some easy time against rangers.
Ranger mains getting worked up lol.
^Baddies qq’ing about rangers been worked up
They provide AoE cripple, lots of damage and knock backs from hard to reach locations while more resilient members of their team prevent the point from being taken by the enemy.
I thought they only pressed 1 & 2…
Don’t bother talking to him. He’s just some random thief who got owned by rapid fire and come here to cry how brainless and powerful power ranger is., yet he refuses to use this “so OP and easy specs” because he knows it’s not good, yet he wants his thief to have some easy time against rangers.
Yup, he’s the same type of player that starts raging in chat when I stomp them. “Pew pew some more with your cheese longbow nub”
Nevermind the fact I was running main hand axe and sword…..
@ Spirigo
You have often brought up the comparison of Dota 2 and LoL, two games that balance around the top players. You’ve said that these games are popular and Guild Wars 2 is not as much, suggesting that you think that Anet should take some notes out of the books of the developers of these other games. One major note, is balancing around top tier. If power ranger isn’t good at top tier (which you have said) then it should be buffed?
Guess you have been on our side all along!
Am I good?… I’m good.
I play a necro and I admit that I hate rangers in Wvw, because I can simply do nothing against a well played power necro, when I cannot close the distance, especially if I have low life force. That said, who saw a lot of rangers on winning teams in the tournament? no? why is that? please tell me…
likely its the same thing for necros, we simply are not viable at high ranks of play, because its target the necro/ranger and watch them die.
I play a necro and I admit that I hate rangers in Wvw, because I can simply do nothing against a well played power necro, when I cannot close the distance, especially if I have low life force. That said, who saw a lot of rangers on winning teams in the tournament? no? why is that? please tell me…
likely its the same thing for necros, we simply are not viable at high ranks of play, because its target the necro/ranger and watch them die.
Just get around a corner so they have to close in for the stomp and then hit them with that crazy downed state lol. I wiped 4 people one time by dropping my wells right before going down, still one of my favorite PvP memories.
@ Spirigo
You have often brought up the comparison of Dota 2 and LoL, two games that balance around the top players. You’ve said that these games are popular and Guild Wars 2 is not as much, suggesting that you think that Anet should take some notes out of the books of the developers of these other games. One major note, is balancing around top tier. If power ranger isn’t good at top tier (which you have said) then it should be buffed?
Guess you have been on our side all along!
I mentioned on multiple occasions that balancing isn’t done only based on the highest tier. Mechanics that can be abused against pubs are also kept in check. Do you, like, read?
Ranger mains getting worked up lol.
^Baddies qq’ing about rangers been worked up
Making random assumptions because you know I’m right.
I play a necro and I admit that I hate rangers in Wvw, because I can simply do nothing against a well played power necro, when I cannot close the distance, especially if I have low life force. That said, who saw a lot of rangers on winning teams in the tournament? no? why is that? please tell me…
likely its the same thing for necros, we simply are not viable at high ranks of play, because its target the necro/ranger and watch them die.
Well, at least in group fight, you do insane AOE damages that a ranger can NEVER EVER IMAGINE, like 25~35k damage per seconds (5 targets). Don’t always look at the down side, necro is pretty good in WvW.
Also your condition dire spec is one of the strongest duelers out there (with full death shroud), that even 2 of the strongest roaming classes (condition engi and condition thief) fears to fight you up front. My power ranger really really fear condition necro in WvW because just if I fail to dodge one combo, I’m a goner, yet you guys are so tanky that it takes quite abit of time to chip down that death shroud. The only down side of condition necro is that it’s very vulnerable against outnumber fights, and don’t have many ways to escape. (like stealth, movement skill), that’s why not many people like to roam with necro. It’s either “I win 1 v 1” or “I can’t escape 2+ v 1”
(edited by Toxsa.2701)
I play a necro and I admit that I hate rangers in Wvw, because I can simply do nothing against a well played power necro, when I cannot close the distance, especially if I have low life force. That said, who saw a lot of rangers on winning teams in the tournament? no? why is that? please tell me…
likely its the same thing for necros, we simply are not viable at high ranks of play, because its target the necro/ranger and watch them die.
Well, at least in group fight, you do insane AOE damages that a ranger can NEVER EVER IMAGINE, like 25~35k damage per seconds (5 targets). Don’t always look at the down side, necro is pretty good in WvW.
Also your condition dire spec is one of the strongest duelers out there (with full death shroud), that even 2 of the strongest roaming classes (condition engi and condition thief) fears to fight you up front. My power ranger really really fear condition necro in WvW because just if I fail to dodge one combo, I’m a goner, yet you guys are so tanky that it takes quite abit of time to chip down that death shroud.
I feel you man, I play a condi dire necro, because i got bored of being a power necro in the zerg. its boring, so i went back to condi roaming. That said, i am a decent condi necro, and pretty tough in a 1 v 1. that said, there are some power rangers that just owen me if they get the drop on me, i don’t have full life force, or i miss my dodges as you said. I have never had anything against rangers, as they are good at what they do in wvw. I was saying that in pvp, they are limited because like the necro, they don’t have that get out of dodge free card which is the block, invuln, stealth, combo that most of the meta high level pvp classes bring to the game. our classes don’t have that, so we don’t see it in high level pvp play.
I play a necro and I admit that I hate rangers in Wvw, because I can simply do nothing against a well played power necro, when I cannot close the distance, especially if I have low life force. That said, who saw a lot of rangers on winning teams in the tournament? no? why is that? please tell me…
likely its the same thing for necros, we simply are not viable at high ranks of play, because its target the necro/ranger and watch them die.
Well, at least in group fight, you do insane AOE damages that a ranger can NEVER EVER IMAGINE, like 25~35k damage per seconds (5 targets). Don’t always look at the down side, necro is pretty good in WvW.
Also your condition dire spec is one of the strongest duelers out there (with full death shroud), that even 2 of the strongest roaming classes (condition engi and condition thief) fears to fight you up front. My power ranger really really fear condition necro in WvW because just if I fail to dodge one combo, I’m a goner, yet you guys are so tanky that it takes quite abit of time to chip down that death shroud.
I feel you man, I play a condi dire necro, because i got bored of being a power necro in the zerg. its boring, so i went back to condi roaming. That said, i am a decent condi necro, and pretty tough in a 1 v 1. that said, there are some power rangers that just owen me if they get the drop on me, i don’t have full life force, or i miss my dodges as you said. I have never had anything against rangers, as they are good at what they do in wvw. I was saying that in pvp, they are limited because like the necro, they don’t have that get out of dodge free card which is the block, invuln, stealth, combo that most of the meta high level pvp classes bring to the game. our classes don’t have that, so we don’t see it in high level pvp play.
All the escapes are there. Granted a medi guard is going to kitten you regardless but you can still delay the inevitable long enough for your team to come and help. I think the main reason why people would try to focus you is because pewpew ranger has a kind of global aggro due to how annoying it is.
I play a necro and I admit that I hate rangers in Wvw, because I can simply do nothing against a well played power necro, when I cannot close the distance, especially if I have low life force. That said, who saw a lot of rangers on winning teams in the tournament? no? why is that? please tell me…
likely its the same thing for necros, we simply are not viable at high ranks of play, because its target the necro/ranger and watch them die.
Well, at least in group fight, you do insane AOE damages that a ranger can NEVER EVER IMAGINE, like 25~35k damage per seconds (5 targets). Don’t always look at the down side, necro is pretty good in WvW.
Also your condition dire spec is one of the strongest duelers out there (with full death shroud), that even 2 of the strongest roaming classes (condition engi and condition thief) fears to fight you up front. My power ranger really really fear condition necro in WvW because just if I fail to dodge one combo, I’m a goner, yet you guys are so tanky that it takes quite abit of time to chip down that death shroud.
I feel you man, I play a condi dire necro, because i got bored of being a power necro in the zerg. its boring, so i went back to condi roaming. That said, i am a decent condi necro, and pretty tough in a 1 v 1. that said, there are some power rangers that just owen me if they get the drop on me, i don’t have full life force, or i miss my dodges as you said. I have never had anything against rangers, as they are good at what they do in wvw. I was saying that in pvp, they are limited because like the necro, they don’t have that get out of dodge free card which is the block, invuln, stealth, combo that most of the meta high level pvp classes bring to the game. our classes don’t have that, so we don’t see it in high level pvp play.
I kinda edited my earlier posts abit so it makes more sense XD. Necro lacks the “oh kitten” bottom like stealth or invulnerable or movement skills, so they either have to win the fight or face the consequence XD.