I was thinking we always talk about wanting new games mode but rarely do i see people talking about more than just saying Capture the flag or Team Death match, which really doesn’t give much detail.
Why not make a thread detailing a game mode or two you’d actually like to see in GW2 (all thought out and stuff)
Well i think it helps to mention that one of the best ways to create something new and amazing is to look at other successes to build a foundation and improve on.
So in the MMO section
First up WoW I mean you don’t get to be that monster without a few good ideas. And PvP is one of them
-Warsong Gulch/Twin Peaks – Pretty much 2 base CtF. But with a pretty decent size and your classes abilities to be of use along with the amount of team work needed because you have to run right though the enemy team, it was pretty much TDM where you had an objective forcing you all into one spot. And left room for strats like turtling, leaving a person behind to slow them down, or even just having someone running full tank or speed rouge running the flag.
-Arathi Basin – Its the mode we already have CtF, just on bigger maps with 5 points instead of 3 (which also left for some nice coordination, and a big ability for people to have 1v1s without being rolled by an entire teaming running to help) which with the movement skill capabilities we have it might be an option to explore
ALTERAC FREAKING VALLEY! The cream of the crop of this thread. It was pretty much Mini WvW. 40 v 40. The goal was to see who could run the other teams out of supplies or kill their lord faster (So Legacy of the Foefire in reverse) But the map was HUGE. There were many difference objectives and possibilities that went into the game. From killing their lieutenant (so they would lose their buff and supply) to getting mercs on your side who would destroy other people, to getting certain points so you gained back supply to gathering different things from dead enemies or missions to summon powerful friends. This might be an idea for WvW but my god this is what made PvP fun and i think with the innate amount of teamwork in GW2 it would be perfect.
-Eye of the storm, Strand of the ancients,Isle of conquest – Not my favorites so they won’t be listed by me >.>
lastly Silvershard Mines and Temple of Kotmogu Great new directions in pvp worth the check out. (not for me to mention)
-Huttball – While i think they had some decent pvp maps Huttball is the real one that stands out. Its PvP with environmental hazards, CtF, and a innate need for teamwork at its core. Its fun and very replayable.
FlyFF I know crazy right
-Dual Arena Not impressive PvP to say the least but they did have this interesting idea of a giant circle. That once you stepped in you could be targeted and killed. And the killer would get a stacking buff and a little loot from you. Its a terrible PvP map idea but might actually bring a little fun to the heart of the mist. Add a daily for staying in for so long (not in stealth of course) or kill so many people at once inside of it. And you’ve instantly made Heart of the mist a fun place to be
Rest to be continued in the next post