There are ways to create a system where matching creates close matches, queue times are low, and pips represent your skill level. If developed well, the possibility of a separate 5 man team ranking game mode existing without disrupting Q time issues could become a reality.
The major problem is that Anet wanted to create a system where mouse clickers could climb ranks and earn their achievements. They then damaged that system by throwing newbs into these MMR hell things that didn’t give them the option anyways. As result, we have a system that was designed for them, trolled for them, and caused major damage to the parts of the community who value prestige and competitive gameplay. They literally gave the finger to every type of SoloQ player one way or another within each season. Damage is occurring continuously. I recommend that Anet attempt to repair these issues as soon as possible.
The Wings
One of the biggest issues for many on the bottom end is concern over how they are supposed to earn the achievements. Anet’s solution was pip safety barriers. All that was necessary was to reach Ruby each season, a fairly easy task with enough luck as the safety barriers were plentiful up to this point. These barriers however prevented players from losing ranks. While allowing them to complete achievements related to crossing divisions, it distorted the placement of players in the appropriate matching brackets, the result being a major decline in matching quality.
To resolve this issue, it would be best to replace the achievement calling for division crossing to something based on a large number of games won (or played). The effort required would be the same. The type of player who would have reached this achievement would have been the same. The change allows better placement for higher quality matching while simultaneously permitting progression towards their achievements on the side.
The other option is to give wings prestige and say screw those complainers. They don’t play well, therefore don’t deserve the wings. The consideration at that point is moral, but I do personally think that giving such an item the requirement of skill on top of dedication may be inappropriate, especially now that so many have achieved the wings without actual skill. There’s room for more prestigious rewards in the future. The black star next to the name being one of them would be more than enough to satisfy me, but there’s nothing to say that 2017 won’t provide a new back piece for players who actually achieve high ranking. For now, I think it’s nice that there’s a back piece that stands for the dedication and endurance of all the suffering caused by these ridiculous matching systems.
Ranking Barriers
The next major issue is that ranks don’t represent player skill. This is a major deterrent to competitive gamers. The ranked system deserves engaging gameplay and accurate prestige within the ranks, all of which has been sacrificed to provide wings to the majority. That sacrifice has cost the community a large chunk of population and support and it needs to be corrected. The longer Anet waits to admit mistake and fix the issue, the more will be sacrificed until it is done.
As mentioned before, the critical part that needs to go is the pip safety barrier. They exist at every pip for amber, every tier for emerald and sapphire, and at every division break beyond. Players need to be able to fall back so they can play among people at their skill level. If they can’t, the chances they will have complete kitten s on their team, or super elite rapists on the enemy team, is going to be much higher. With the barriers in place, MMR tanking will always be a thing, paying the enemy to forfeit will be sustainable, and the mathematical evaluation of player skill will drown in errors. This can all be fixed by removing the barriers.
Ranking Placement
Another critical point is the rate of which players reach a pip value that represents their current ability. This value needs to move fast enough to keep pace with balance passes, and fast enough to reflect short term progress. Maybe a player decides to stop using combat cam. They need to be able to see progress because of it within 10 games.
As it stands, I think the MMR system works fairly well and works at an appropriate pace. All we need is a system that moves pips along with the MMR standing so I propose we change the way pips are rewarded.
Since it isn’t reasonable to base pip rewards on personal score within a match, I instead propose we base it on personal MMR. That means, of the spread of players currently in a match, you will either have the highest MMR, the lowest, or be somewhere in the middle. If you have the highest and win, you get extra pips. If you have the lowest and lose, you lose extra pips. It’s that simple really. It will push you into a bracket where players have similar rating values. Players who are too high for their division will move down so they don’t frustrate players in higher divisions. The same works for league players who log in to their alt accounts. It will also cause the number of pips you have to represent your rating.
In order for these changes to work, there will be an additional change required: That there be no divisions beyond legendary. No X2 X3 etc… Without an upper barrier, division ranking would have no meaning. There would also be no cap to prevent pip matchmaking spreads to reach too far. Queue times would expand or reach a point where matching is no longer optional.
I’ve tried hard to consider in what possible ways these adjustments could lead to abuse. What happens if a pro league player duoQ’s with a vegetable? The best I can consider here is using a system that I believe is already in place. As a party, the MMR of the top player is considered to match the lower. Their party MMR is inflated as a result, causing the matching to put the better players on the enemy team. In that situation, the vegetable now has the lowest MMR, meaning a win results in the minimum rate of progression. The Pro-leaguer gets a large reward, placing him into more advanced brackets with his vegetable. I think the current system does well to disincentivize using vegetables for progression, or making a business out
of carrying vegetables to the iron throne.
Season 4
As we have it now, the player base is divided among 3 separate divisions, all of which each include the full spectrum of player skill levels and have little to no method of separation. People don’t want to play, populations are low, matching is now a mess and Q times are high because of it.