Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i don’t mind being a tester.

i’m here all the way to see gw2 grow and evolve.

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: Zethyrius.8692


i don’t mind being a tester.

i’m here all the way to see gw2 grow and evolve.

And to personally grow within the game… which is possible even with blowouts, bugs, frustration, not that everyone gets those.

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: daedalus.9814


One of my issues is afkers sitting in queue. 9/10 loading up several times in a row.
Do they continue to sit in the queue or are they removed?
I DotA2 if you fail to accept you are given a time penalty which grows with each subsequent decline.

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I went for PvP the first time today since the patch hit. I wanted to avoid the bandwagon and any potential quirks that still need to be worked out the system. Guess I need to wait longer…

I am not a goddess of pvp, and I cannot carry these rookies. My win/loss was 50/50 – now it’s 1 win every 4-5 matches. This is hurting me. It’s nice to have games fill up in seconds, but I would rather wait 2-3 mins for a well balanced team, then get thrown in the mix with people who don’t know the basics of pvp teamwork.

We have a practice and unranked games, right? What if a ‘ladder’ was implemented, where you needed to win x amount of games in unranked before ascending to ranked? Lose too many in ranked, drop back down to unrank?

Being able to hotjoin into ranked matches make it seem pointless. There’s no goal to work toward – no needed effort to better yourself. IT feels like players just keep throwing themselves into matches for the pvp rewards, and when they start losing, they just give up and do as they please.

I don’t want to ‘get good’ by learning how to carry rookies. No, I wanna get good by watching other good players. I don’t want to facepalm when someone asks, “where’s the treb?” I want to pick up useful know-hows on other’s gameplay, learn clever tricks from allies and the enemy, and figure out how to adapt to builds that counter mine.

(edited by Arikyali.5804)

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: KingMango.9785


Some quality feedback:
Played games yesterday: 11
Prime time.
All ranked arena. All solo q’d.
From the 22 parties matchmaking did:
1 triple
3 double
Fine for me.
Unbalanced games because of players around 50 %. Good games that made fun about the other 50 %.
4 v 5. None.
Possible abuse of system. 50 times. The last one to push the ready button doesn’t push it. If it’s abuse it will stop as soon as dishonered is switched on. If it’s a bug, you should look at it. My bet – abuse.
DCs – none
It feels a bit like the old solo Q.
Did around 20 matches on my thief, the profession mmr seems to join me more often to balanced games.
Over all, I’m very happy you did that changes even when it’s hard at the beginning.
Thank you for doing that!

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


it shouldn’t be wrong to ragequit with a 200 or 300 score difference. please make dishonor not affect those.

or can we have a “surrender” option for the team to vote for? it will really save our time.

just think about it. how many are complaining about courtyard being boring kitten? due to when knowing that it’s impossible to win you still have to play till 500.


Sorry but that is just bad sportsmanship and maybe you should go to PvE where you can leave the dungeon at anytime you getting rekt.

Or maybe give your team a quick pep talk and new strategy and make a comeback of the sentry like real players?

I was in courtyard and we were 200-475. I was in Q with only 1 friend, random who usually just WvW but came to check it out and 2 players with less than 2 week experience (they admited it and were under lvl 55). Quick pep talk and some strategies to the new players and we came out 475-500. I was mid air stomp on someone too when they got it first.

As crappy as the matchmaking system is right now. If you don’t go in with a full team you are going to have to work with the new players. Sux but why just throw the game away when you could still have a shot. That new player could actually be a real smart person and follow orders well and do a complete 180 in game with just a little direction s to what he is suppose to do.

It is frustrating but at the same time, never give up! (Or just Q with a PvP team).

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


GhOst, I think it can be un-sportsmanlike to expect a very weak team to line up and bend over for you. In boxing, they stop matches when one guy is clearly beaten.

What some seem to want is for the weak, unskilled players to run up and spam their 1 button, or whatever they do, for a little longer and let you leap and cleave them 100 to 0 in 4 secs. Is that fun?

Now, a surrender system COULD be abused by people who bail whenever they are losing. Therefore, it should not be an option until the winning team is more than 250 points ahead, after 5 minutes or something reasonable.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

(edited by Laserbolt.6731)

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


I have played with people who, due to their experience with other competitive games, were absolute beasts in pvp only 2 weeks after buying the game. I’ve also played with people who’ve been pvping since launch and they’re still dead weight. You never know. That rank 1 noob could be a future champion, but if you rage at them in chat, throw your toys out of the pram, and go afk, you’ll just drive them away from the game (or they’ll put you on their blocklist and never want to team up with you).

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


I have played with people who, due to their experience with other competitive games, were absolute beasts in pvp only 2 weeks after buying the game. I’ve also played with people who’ve been pvping since launch and they’re still dead weight. You never know. That rank 1 noob could be a future champion, but if you rage at them in chat, throw your toys out of the pram, and go afk, you’ll just drive them away from the game (or they’ll put you on their blocklist and never want to team up with you).

Absolutely. Each player is different. I didn’t say I wanted newbs to bend over for me. They just need a little direction and not be yelled at. Have I yelled at players? Absolutely….and so has everyone else. When tying to help the unhelpable and they continue to free lance the roads…Get’s your blood pressure up. Most of the time they apologize for their lack of knowledge and thank you for the help and pointers. It will be a frustrating start to all this but a surrender option should never be there. You don’t get better at PvP by steam rolling newbs…you get better by getting steam rolled. You learn what went wrong, how you can counter it and move forward working at it until you get better. Yes, some players will never get better but that’s just life.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


Evan and I got together and took another look at the data and have decided on some matchmaking changes.

We’re upping the minimum potentials filter setting from ‘1’ to ‘20’. This means the queue will have you wait when customizing a match for you until we have 20 or more potential player matches. We had this previously set to 1 to have matches start as quickly as possible.

We’re increasing the penalty for roster (read: party) size distance from ‘-100’ to ‘-500’. This means parties of different sizes are less likely to be matched.

We’re decreasing the penalty for ratings distance from ‘-25’ to ‘-5’. We found matches were already really close together and felt this penalty was too strict.

We’re increasing the penalty for duplicate professions from ‘-200’ to ‘-500’, and increasing the bonus for playing a unique (read: only one on team) from ‘100’ to ‘500’. Hopefully this will reduce the number of duplicate professions seen.

As always, let me know how this plays and if you can feel a difference.


As for the original post, I still see flaws. Maybe they are not always flaws though but I have definitely caught some for sure. 2 Thieves Q’ed up together (Already bad) and then the system threw in a Yolo Q’er Thief with them as well. This also happened with 3 rangers on my team in the exact same situation. This was last night. I do understand that the system does, in the end, have to fill the spots. Due to this it will not be 100% perfect all the time, but right now there is a ton of people Q’ing and it shouldn’t be happening. Maybe the numbers need to be better adjusted a little more.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: Meri.7512


I don’t know if i am super unlucky but.. arena is the new hotjoin. Doesnt matter if i play ranked or unranked. It’s terrible. No fun games at all. Either my team steamrolles them or my team getting rolled, existing from ppl double capping, zerging, not rotating, not knowing what pvp is at all..

I had decent matches before the update. I prefer any 4vs5 with DECENT players over the hotjoin zerging i am getting now. And besides, i am STILL getting 4vs5 – even before the pre-2-mins are done. Why do I have to start a 4v5? I had fun doing pvp before – not anymore. I might be not the best, but at least i had close matches before. And now .. meh. Sadly that update sucked out the fun for me.

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


I have played with people who, due to their experience with other competitive games, were absolute beasts in pvp only 2 weeks after buying the game. I’ve also played with people who’ve been pvping since launch and they’re still dead weight. You never know. That rank 1 noob could be a future champion, but if you rage at them in chat, throw your toys out of the pram, and go afk, you’ll just drive them away from the game (or they’ll put you on their blocklist and never want to team up with you).

Absolutely. Each player is different. I didn’t say I wanted newbs to bend over for me. They just need a little direction and not be yelled at. Have I yelled at players? Absolutely….and so has everyone else. When tying to help the unhelpable and they continue to free lance the roads…Get’s your blood pressure up. Most of the time they apologize for their lack of knowledge and thank you for the help and pointers. It will be a frustrating start to all this but a surrender option should never be there. You don’t get better at PvP by steam rolling newbs…you get better by getting steam rolled. You learn what went wrong, how you can counter it and move forward working at it until you get better. Yes, some players will never get better but that’s just life.

Sorry. I edited my last comment. I can see you aren’t asking for continued submission by weak players, just better players. But some really do want to “own noobs” for as long as possible, and I was directing my comments at them.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”