Matchmaking is BROKEN.
So true. Matchmaking is severely broken, last season was horrible, and this season looks to be about the same. I have also picture proof of my team being put against 4 necros on the other team, how does this class stacking even happen? It not like they couldn’t find any other players, my queue was only 2 mins long.
I became frustrated with season 1 and actually quit season 2 because of matchmaking. This season doesn’t feel so bad. If you ended on a low note last season that seems to carry over with the experience. All but 2 of my 60 games felt winnable. For almost all my losses, I could point out things I did wrong or my teammates did wrong that cost us the game. This is a huge difference form season 2 and why I think it is better.
What is a bigger problem this season is the fact that you can have a full team of a single class. Class stacking is a bigger problem now than MM, in my opinion.
The fact is. A team of rubies shouldn’t be put against a team with 3 diamonds. And most of us rubies were in T2 Ruby. Its not like we were T5 or T6……………
Yep the pip search range is way too wide considering it’s like less than a week into the leagues there should be plenty of players to pool from.
In sapphire I was getting ambers-rubies and my friends in Ruby get diamonds yet they are T2-3 ruby.
Of course it’s true that leagues aren’t that decisive of skill but at the same time if you’re going to seed diamond/legend players into sapphires you don’t suddenly decide to give them some emeralds (people who couldn’t even get diamond last season) because of #reasons.
Joke system.
I think it’s apparent that I’m not a pro PvPer, but being I been on and off sPvP and mostly a WvW solo roamer for 3 years, I think I could at least have better match ups then this…
And what’s with being paired with all emeralds and the other team has 2 sapphires in the mix? I’m not far enough into the pip range to be teamed against 2 sapphires, only T4 Amber and it’s just getting painful with these blow out matches.
Ether MM is broken, or the game thinks my MMR is through the roof to be carrying a team like this against stacked odds…
My team went Mid, wiped, then ran around like chickens getting zerged. I was the ONLY one who would go and try to decap a point… The others fought off point and didn’t even bother trying to take home back or anything. It ended up my team gave up and they killed our lord and ended the game.
It’s within 15 pips range. They might be low diamond and your team mate are high ruby. Just because the icon is different doesn’t mean they are one whole league above your team, it might just be 1 or 2 pips difference.
Amber to saph is at least 21 pips difference. He said T4 so that’s at least 24 pips difference.
Sure in theory you can have a spread of 30 pips but at some point you have to question what the system is doing if they have to go to the extreme maximum to find a matchup and it still ends up being totally bad.
Also the OP said he is T2 Ruby not T5-6 so that argument holds no weight. We’ve got 3 seasons of experience now and we know that you can fight other divisions as you move up close to next but this isn’t what people are talking about.
Contrary to what ArenaNet is saying, it is pretty broken. They, of course, will never admit it, but worse than all is slow or will never fix it at all. I’ve seen this happen many times, and also more than frequently 4-mans being put against complete pugs.
Also, slightly off topic, but … I reached legendary in the past two seasons and already have my wings, so I thought I would play Ranked for fun, right? Nope… in a single day I have seen people quit playing in the first 10 seconds of the game, I’ve seen people rush lord intentionally over and over again, ADMITTING to throwing a game because they didn’t care (I’ve literally lost a whole tier in Ruby because of that one same person INTENTIONALLY throwing a game, as much as I wanted to avoid him by not queuing right away), and same people over and over just “DC’ing”… where’s the fun in that… I think Season 3 is more toxic than ever. I am glad I have my wings, time to take a break.
(edited by Dariya.9380)
Contrary to what ArenaNet is saying, it is pretty broken. They, of course, will never admit it, but worse than all is slow or will never fix it at all. I’ve seen this happen many times, and also more than frequently 4-mans being put against complete pugs.
Also, slightly off topic, but … I reached legendary in the past two seasons and already have my wings, so I thought I would play Ranked for fun, right? Nope… in a single day I have seen people quit playing in the first 10 seconds of the game, I’ve seen people rush lord intentionally over and over again, ADMITTING to throwing a game because they didn’t care (I’ve literally lost a whole tier in Ruby because of that one same person INTENTIONALLY throwing a game, as much as I wanted to avoid him by not queuing right away), and same people over and over just “DC’ing”… where’s the fun in that… I think Season 3 is more toxic than ever. I am glad I have my wings, time to take a break.
Yep its the premade issue (mixed with the new premade rules) that puts me off from playing more matches this season. Im just gonna boycott this season because that alone has turned this season into the worst season of all seasons pvp ever had and i simply cant stand it. At least in season 1 (when i also got thrown into alot of premades btw) i at least had a chance to win because it had different premade rules. Now its just impossible to win when you get a premade with amber, emerald, sapphire, ruby vs full ruby because the system thinks theyre all rubys when they clearly arent. I litterally had to res one scrub 3 frikkin times until i let him die when we were 2vs1 a rev, because he was a frikkin amber player. HE DIED 2VS1 3 times! hear me anet? he died in 1 second bc he was teamed up with a ruby player thus system counted that scrub as a ruby. And no we werent meant to 2vs1 but i saw him dying from middle so i had to go save him. Worst…premade rules, everrrrrrrrrrr. Im just done.
My condolences goes out to all soloq players that has to put up with the new premade system and get thrown into those premades and litterally because of this has to experience blowout matches. Besides that, the 50%-50% system works as intended when same division vs division get a match vs eachother, i have no bad comments on that but the premade system can ferk off.
With that said…have fun peeps, and may you all get your wings and glory <3
(edited by sanctuary.1068)
Just had a game vs Zoose who is diamond and I’m ruby T2. If e-harmony had this type of matchmaking they’d be out of business.
I played the last day of last season. I was looking forward to this pvp season. However, the matchmaking has ruined the experience for me. I’m in sapphire (started in amber) and being teamed with ambers by the matchmaking system.
I was really hoping to be teamed with and against people of my approx. skill level (unlike unranked). I’ve dueled black diamonds and diamonds from my guild and I’m not at their level. I have however dueled and consistently beaten the rubies in my guild. The pvp league was not what I expected and is extremely disappointing. I just do my 3 a day for the achievement now.
I’ve had a very similar experience where a group of strangers with me was just matched against a higher tier Guild group who were obviously on Team Speak, no idea how that is a good balance or fair matchmaking.
So true. Matchmaking is severely broken, last season was horrible, and this season looks to be about the same. I have also picture proof of my team being put against 4 necros on the other team, how does this class stacking even happen? It not like they couldn’t find any other players, my queue was only 2 mins long.
Same happened for me yesterday 3 rangers and 2 reapers… Nothing to do against em, cos they were condi spamming and on the other hand kittenting us with insane dmg(10k per ranger…). They basically took down 1 after 1, won mid and then were camping our spawn to not let us go( we had 3 warriors, 1 engi, 1 ranger)… Ohhh I forgot to mention that we had only emeralds and enemy saphire/ ruby
(edited by Kasteros.9847)
The fact is. A team of rubies shouldn’t be put against a team with 3 diamonds. And most of us rubies were in T2 Ruby. Its not like we were T5 or T6……………
What’s the difference between a player who’s in the last tier of Ruby, and one who’s just crossed the last tier of Ruby over to into the first of Diamond?
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
How much did Anet pay you to say this?
Nothing. See for yourself. Here is a link as proof:
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
I think you are confused, I wasn’t talking about profession matchmaking (class stacking, etc.) I am talking about division matching.
Though I do agree, this is prob one the more balanced meta’s we’ve had in the past 6 -8 months. Most all classes are viable in competitive play.
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
And all this meta builds are from HoT, cos every single HoT build is op now, it is not about balance it is about every single elite spec being good, while vanilla once are kitten So yeah it is balanced with anet being racist to vanilla owners
Also metabattle are just builds… If you look into game all you can see are: Reapers, Scrappers, Tempests, Rangers, and DHs ^^ Almost every game you must have necro and dh. TBh I didn’t see a game without them for 6 months now and not a single vanilla player… All with op elite specs ><
(edited by Kasteros.9847)
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
And all this meta builds are from HoT, cos every single HoT build is op now, it is not about balance it is about every single elite spec being good, while vanilla once are kitten
So yeah it is balanced with anet being racist to vanilla owners
That’s just called buying the game. In other games new expansion brings higher level cap and gear level, in gw2 you can still have a fighting chance.
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
I think you are confused, I wasn’t talking about profession matchmaking (class stacking, etc.) I am talking about division matching.
Though I do agree, this is prob one the more balanced meta’s we’ve had in the past 6 -8 months. Most all classes are viable in competitive play.
“Most all classes”? I see only 8 as meta, while 9 is not there… You miss something m8
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
And all this meta builds are from HoT, cos every single HoT build is op now, it is not about balance it is about every single elite spec being good, while vanilla once are kitten
So yeah it is balanced with anet being racist to vanilla owners
That’s just called buying the game. In other games new expansion brings higher level cap and gear level, in gw2 you can still have a fighting chance.
In such case it is just called P2W ^^
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
And all this meta builds are from HoT, cos every single HoT build is op now, it is not about balance it is about every single elite spec being good, while vanilla once are kitten
So yeah it is balanced with anet being racist to vanilla owners
That’s just called buying the game. In other games new expansion brings higher level cap and gear level, in gw2 you can still have a fighting chance.
In such case it is just called P2W ^^
You are so right, because everybody knows WoW, FF14 and pretty much all mmorpg expansion are p2w am I right? /s
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
And all this meta builds are from HoT, cos every single HoT build is op now, it is not about balance it is about every single elite spec being good, while vanilla once are kitten
So yeah it is balanced with anet being racist to vanilla owners
That’s just called buying the game. In other games new expansion brings higher level cap and gear level, in gw2 you can still have a fighting chance.
In such case it is just called P2W ^^
You are so right, because everybody knows WoW, FF14 and pretty much all mmorpg expansion are p2w am I right? /s
WoW P2W? You still play against lvl 90 players with your lvl 90 account… ANd here? You play with vanilla build against OP elite specs that are just kittenty OP and nothng else to add here If you don’t believe me go play wow and check out how it is working there, then come here, pick vanilla class and play some rankeds against hot builds, you will feel the diffrence
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
And all this meta builds are from HoT, cos every single HoT build is op now, it is not about balance it is about every single elite spec being good, while vanilla once are kitten
So yeah it is balanced with anet being racist to vanilla owners
That’s just called buying the game. In other games new expansion brings higher level cap and gear level, in gw2 you can still have a fighting chance.
In such case it is just called P2W ^^
You are so right, because everybody knows WoW, FF14 and pretty much all mmorpg expansion are p2w am I right? /s
WoW P2W? You still play against lvl 90 players with your lvl 90 account… ANd here? You play with vanilla build against OP elite specs that are just kittenty OP and nothng else to add here
If you don’t believe me go play wow and check out how it is working there, then come here, pick vanilla class and play some rankeds against hot builds, you will feel the diffrence
Oh. yeah? wow don’t even have ranked, if I met a enemy player who is 10 level above me will I be able to have a chance at beating him? In gw2 it’s possible, is it in wow?
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
I think you are confused, I wasn’t talking about profession matchmaking (class stacking, etc.) I am talking about division matching.
Though I do agree, this is prob one the more balanced meta’s we’ve had in the past 6 -8 months. Most all classes are viable in competitive play.
“Most all classes”? I see only 8 as meta, while 9 is not there… You miss something m8
Lol thanks for the laugh
This matchmaker feels so much like a bully.
That ruby player it’s the cherry on top of the trio-q. At least his badge color has a metaphorical meaning.
Matchmaking is not broken. The game is just very balanced. Metabattle shows 8/9 professions in meta. Game is finally balanced.
I think you are confused, I wasn’t talking about profession matchmaking (class stacking, etc.) I am talking about division matching.
Though I do agree, this is prob one the more balanced meta’s we’ve had in the past 6 -8 months. Most all classes are viable in competitive play.
“Most all classes”? I see only 8 as meta, while 9 is not there… You miss something m8
Hence I said “Most all”…. I didn’t say all classes are in meta. Please read thoroughly
matchmaking at its best once again. #WorkingAsIntended. . . . . . . Yes we won the game, but I should never be put with people behind or ahead of my division. Ever.
(edited by ima kong fu ninja.3052)
MM is catastrophic right now.
matchmaking at its best once again. #WorkingAIntended. . . . . . . Yes we won the game, but I should never be put with people behind or ahead of my divion. Ever.
First put aside your incessant whining.
If you know how MMR works then this shouldn’t be an issue.
- MMR operates to pair you against players on a 15 PIP DIFFERENCE, meaning you will get paired with ruby players who are t4-t5 or 1 pip away from diamond EVEN if you are in diamond.
- DIVISION DOES NOT EQUATE TO SKILL your screenshot proves it, you won with a group of ruby people so I do not get the point of your rant.
- IT IS A CLOSE MATCH if you didn’t get the lord, it would be around 500-420. I say Matchmaking is working as intended in this match, so what’s the whining about?
If e-harmony had this type of matchmaking they’d be out of business.
lmao, +1
matchmaking at its best once again. #WorkingAsIntended. . . . . . . Yes we won the game, but I should never be put with people behind or ahead of my division. Ever.
First put aside your incessant whining.
If you know how MMR works then this shouldn’t be an issue.
- MMR operates to pair you against players on a 15 PIP DIFFERENCE, meaning you will get paired with ruby players who are t4-t5 or 1 pip away from diamond EVEN if you are in diamond.
- DIVISION DOES NOT EQUATE TO SKILL your screenshot proves it, you won with a group of ruby people so I do not get the point of your rant.
- IT IS A CLOSE MATCH if you didn’t get the lord, it would be around 500-420. I say Matchmaking is working as intended in this match, so what’s the whining about?
Right, totally balanced to have a team of full pugs (4 ruby, 1 diamond) vs 3 diamonds and 2 rubies (2 diamonds were in a duo queue likely in teamspeak.).
Also, I don’t whine, I don’t come to the forums to whine, I came here to post these screenshots of matches I thought I’d bring to ANets attention.
matchmaking at its best once again. #WorkingAsIntended. . . . . . . Yes we won the game, but I should never be put with people behind or ahead of my division. Ever.
First put aside your incessant whining.
If you know how MMR works then this shouldn’t be an issue.
- MMR operates to pair you against players on a 15 PIP DIFFERENCE, meaning you will get paired with ruby players who are t4-t5 or 1 pip away from diamond EVEN if you are in diamond.
- DIVISION DOES NOT EQUATE TO SKILL your screenshot proves it, you won with a group of ruby people so I do not get the point of your rant.
- IT IS A CLOSE MATCH if you didn’t get the lord, it would be around 500-420. I say Matchmaking is working as intended in this match, so what’s the whining about?
Right, totally balanced to have a team of full pugs (4 ruby, 1 diamond) vs 3 diamonds and 2 rubies (2 diamonds were in a duo queue likely in teamspeak.).
Also, I don’t whine, I don’t come to the forums to whine, I came here to post these screenshots of matches I thought I’d bring to ANets attention.
It is balanced what are you talking about? the divisions do not mean anything, they do not tell how skilled a person is.
The abjured can make new accounts all in ambers and i bet you they will still wax your full diamond team.
It’s whining, you are bringing something completely uneccesary to Anet’s attention, for what?
I’ll tell you this again, Matchmaking operates within a 15 PIP DIFFERENCE so you WILL GET RUBY PLAYERS who are in T5 EVEN YOU ARE IN DIAMOND.
This is such a no brainer.
I get legendary people on my team last season who play like noobs.
Must be more than 15 pip difference, I had div 1 and 2 and 3 in the same match.
Must be more than 15 pip difference, I had div 1 and 2 and 3 in the same match.
If you are in a premade, the matchmaker takes the highest division in your party as a consideration too.
Anyway, but still the point still stands, what is the problem? he won?
From what i understood it is 30 pips ranger actually. Take 1 guy, he can face people within -+15 pips thus people in +15 pips range face people in -15 pips range.
I think when i was in second half of diamond i was still facing rubies.
[Teef] guild :>
Must be more than 15 pip difference, I had div 1 and 2 and 3 in the same match.
If you are in a premade, the matchmaker takes the highest division in your party as a consideration too.
Anyway, but still the point still stands, what is the problem? he won?
The argument was that match making was broken. If it’s intended to enforce a strict 15 pip spread policy amongst all players, then it would be if non-premade teams could span divisions 1 through 3. I was stating nothing regarding his winning or losing, simply offering a validation that if certain criteria were expected to be strictly enforced, then I could verify it was broken and not working as designed. I suspect they don’t enforce 15 pips total range however. Which would then be relevant in arguing that it was not in fact broken as designed.
Winning has nothing to do with whether it is broken or not.
From what i understood it is 30 pips ranger actually. Take 1 guy, he can face people within -+15 pips thus people in +15 pips range face people in -15 pips range.
I think when i was in second half of diamond i was still facing rubies.
You can put +100 pips here it wouldn’t even matter. If you are skilled, you will always be no matter what division you are.
The leagues design is broken, it should have been " Only People with 3k+ games can enter the leagues"
There should have been an initiation factor to filter out the pve heroes, and oblivious pvp players who think they are more skilled than they actually are.
It’s called leagues after all.
Must be more than 15 pip difference, I had div 1 and 2 and 3 in the same match.
If you are in a premade, the matchmaker takes the highest division in your party as a consideration too.
Anyway, but still the point still stands, what is the problem? he won?
I am not talking about the fact that I won. Ignore the score.
Look at the divisions. 3 diamonds, 2 ruby Versus 4 ruby, 1 diamond. They instantly had an advantage that game because they had a duo queue, we did not. My point is, if I solo queue, I shouldn’t be placed against people who are in duo or trio queue, unless I am in a party of 2 or more….
Not sure how else I can say this.
Must be more than 15 pip difference, I had div 1 and 2 and 3 in the same match.
If you are in a premade, the matchmaker takes the highest division in your party as a consideration too.
Anyway, but still the point still stands, what is the problem? he won?
The argument was that match making was broken. If it’s intended to enforce a strict 15 pip spread policy amongst all players, then it would be if non-premade teams could span divisions 1 through 3. I was stating nothing regarding his winning or losing, simply offering a validation that if certain criteria were expected to be strictly enforced, then I could verify it was broken and not working as designed. I suspect they don’t enforce 15 pips total range however. Which would then be relevant in arguing that it was not in fact broken as designed.
Winning has nothing to do with whether it is broken or not.
Of course they don’t. If the pvp population is low at that time, the matchmaker will have to expand its criteria. Simple as a that.
It’s a no brainer. OR you want to wait 1 hr ques? I don’t think so.
I’ll use my quote from cynz.
If you are skilled, no matter division you are at, you will still be, DIVISIONS ARE COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT
It could be +100 pips difference, if you suck, you suck, that’s basically it.
You and all the other people here go into too much worrying into detail, I could be an amber and still play as skilled as I can.
The DIVISIONS DO NOT MATTER. you guys should be complaining about pugs vs full 5 man premades not this trivial matter that everyone is making a big deal about.
I think you should’ve had division loss from the beginning of season 1. The MM system in season 1 was good imo. If Anet had separated soloq and teamq, I think matchmaking wouldn’t been affected. Anet should’ve definitely brought out division loss for leagues, this is crucial for any fair competitive game.
I mean, look at this. HOW MANY THREADS are there complaining about bad players in emerald, in sapphire, ruby, diamond, legend? Tons! This is because those players shouldn’t be there in the first place, they need to drop. In any competitive ladder, you lose positions. Why not here?
matchmaking at its best once again. #WorkingAIntended. . . . . . . Yes we won the game, but I should never be put with people behind or ahead of my divion. Ever.
First put aside your incessant whining.
If you know how MMR works then this shouldn’t be an issue.
- MMR operates to pair you against players on a 15 PIP DIFFERENCE, meaning you will get paired with ruby players who are t4-t5 or 1 pip away from diamond EVEN if you are in diamond.
- DIVISION DOES NOT EQUATE TO SKILL your screenshot proves it, you won with a group of ruby people so I do not get the point of your rant.
- IT IS A CLOSE MATCH if you didn’t get the lord, it would be around 500-420. I say Matchmaking is working as intended in this match, so what’s the whining about?
15 pip difference Stickers? I had this match yesterday while in tier 5 sapphire, yet two emeralds on my team. The maths doesn’t parse out XD
Right before that match I got an infamous 2-man + 3-man vs 5 solo’s XD
matchmaking at its best once again. #WorkingAIntended. . . . . . . Yes we won the game, but I should never be put with people behind or ahead of my divion. Ever.
First put aside your incessant whining.
If you know how MMR works then this shouldn’t be an issue.
- MMR operates to pair you against players on a 15 PIP DIFFERENCE, meaning you will get paired with ruby players who are t4-t5 or 1 pip away from diamond EVEN if you are in diamond.
- DIVISION DOES NOT EQUATE TO SKILL your screenshot proves it, you won with a group of ruby people so I do not get the point of your rant.
- IT IS A CLOSE MATCH if you didn’t get the lord, it would be around 500-420. I say Matchmaking is working as intended in this match, so what’s the whining about?
15 pip difference Stickers? I had this match yesterday while in tier 5 sapphire, yet two emeralds on my team. The maths doesn’t parse out XD
Right before that match I got an infamous 2-man + 3-man vs 5 solo’s XD
I told the other guy that if the pvp population specific to your match making criteria is low, then the matchmaker would have to expands its options hence making the pip difference 20+ pips.
Meh I am not really a critic of premades unless they are 4+-5, you stil had the games very close considering you guys are pugs. Some people just suck whatever the situation is.
2 man premades will not carry 3 other people who are oblivious to pvp.
Must be more than 15 pip difference, I had div 1 and 2 and 3 in the same match.
If you are in a premade, the matchmaker takes the highest division in your party as a consideration too.
Anyway, but still the point still stands, what is the problem? he won?
I am not talking about the fact that I won. Ignore the score.
Look at the divisions. 3 diamonds, 2 ruby Versus 4 ruby, 1 diamond. They instantly had an advantage that game because they had a duo queue, we did not. My point is, if I solo queue, I shouldn’t be placed against people who are in duo or trio queue, unless I am in a party of 2 or more….
Not sure how else I can say this.
A duo que will not carry 3 other people if they are oblivious to pvp.
Level with me here, the pvp population is really small and there are peak times to this too, you only see an inflated number of people in pvp because of the shinies.
So what you are saying if I wanted to play with a friend, you want all those duo quers to wait long minutes?
This wouldn’t be a problem if the pvp community is big enough to support it, After the disappointment that is season 2, I think separating solo q will be close to impossible because a lot of players left.
4 man and 5 premades is not fine, that I understand. But a duo? I do not think so.
Also i think 3 man premades should only be allowed if your team has a 3 man too.
The problem isn’t pip range. That’s a symptom. Because of the matchmaking PvP population is low. Therefore, the matchmaker is scraping to put together matches and going to extreme ranges.
As more people realize that they have no hope of winning the wings, population will decrease still further and the problem will intensify. This will cause a further drop in population, a vicious cycle.
The problem isn’t pip range. That’s a symptom. Because of the matchmaking PvP population is low. Therefore, the matchmaker is scraping to put together matches and going to extreme ranges.
As more people realize that they have no hope of winning the wings, population will decrease still further and the problem will intensify. This will cause a further drop in population, a vicious cycle.
I do not believe in intentional. Like you guys I had a 20 match losing streak last season, I consider myself really skilled too. Then I tried to adjust in teamfights, counter comping enemy comps because I can multiclass, I also duo qued till diamond with Shovel Face (the other forum poster who posted to get good), and wa-la i managed to get out of ruby, it wasn’t easy, i had my fair share of oblivious people in pvp.
Despite all of those I mentioned, I still strove to get better at the game and other classes outside of my main.
Teaming up with people is the best solution I can tell you guys. But I think some people do not even wanna do that.
The problem isn’t pip range. That’s a symptom. Because of the matchmaking PvP population is low. Therefore, the matchmaker is scraping to put together matches and going to extreme ranges.
As more people realize that they have no hope of winning the wings, population will decrease still further and the problem will intensify. This will cause a further drop in population, a vicious cycle.
I do not believe in intentional. Like you guys I had a 20 match losing streak last season, I consider myself really skilled too. Then I tried to adjust in teamfights, counter comping enemy comps because I can multiclass, I also duo qued till diamond with Shovel Face (the other forum poster who posted to get good), and wa-la i managed to get out of ruby, it wasn’t easy, i had my fair share of oblivious people in pvp.
Despite all of those I mentioned, I still strove to get better at the game and other classes outside of my main.
Teaming up with people is the best solution I can tell you guys. But I think some people do not even wanna do that.
Hit T5 Sapphire, in the last 13 matches 10 have been losses XD
Playing through it, waiting for it to turn around.
The strings of bad comps and awful teammates can’t last forever in my disfavor
Normally I would assume you are crazy, but I have been put an a team with the same toxic player 8 games in a row (9 he just akitten at the start of this game). Even if we assume we are the same rank/mmr (which we are, same league). Shouldn’t I be against him just once (I really, really oh so much want to kill him). What’s up with that? If we assume full randomness that is less that .2% chance.
Just to make it extra salty for me, I’m on the cusp of ruby, and keep getting knocked down because of it.
Game before this was another blowout, not quite as bad, but still 380pt difference. Game before that was a blowout in our favor, again almost 380pt difference. If this is the quality of the games, why bother?