EDIT: It should be noted that this post was made before the Mantra fix and that there are also incoming nerfs to PU. The only parts that are still relevant now are my dislike for CS’s and BD’s designs. It’s not even about being OP, it’s that I feel that traits like that make the class easier to play and can help poor players survive and deal damage much easier than they should.
I am not an amazing Mesmer player and I can now do very well with not a ton of effort. Even with the upcoming PU nerf it’ll still be a great trait for peeling.
I’m sometimes baffled when I read patch notes. Pre-patch I had started to really fall in love with the class, it was as good as you were. The only major issue was its weakness to Thieves, which was an obstacle that you could overcome if you played well enough. I played just one long session of Mes post patch with a PU Mantra Shatter…and had to shelf the class until further notice because I didn’t feel skillful when I did well, just cheap. I hoped that the few issues would be smoothed out and I could go back to playing the class; only to watch them totally sidestep the real issues and nerf things like Mirror Blade and fixing a bug that might have been a really nice feature with some CD changes to Mantras.
There were generally 2-3 main issues people had with the Mesmer buffs:
1. Confounding Suggestions: Combined with Mantra of Distractions it could feel like you’re constantly being stunned. However, the issue wasn’t the Mantra, it was this trait. There’s no real skill involved with it, and even post Mantra fix you still see it used to set up easy Shatters from stealth.
A acceptable solution would have been making dazes stun on interrupt. Considering interrupts are supposed to be a big part of Mes in the first place this not only fits but also makes the trait much weaker for ambush spikes and it becomes more skill based. If that was still too light of change a slight increase to the ICD could be added.
2. Prismatic Understanding: Really? Why would you ever buff what was already one of the most hated traits in the game? It’s not only cheap to anyone facing it, but it allows you to stack stealth out of sight of an enemy and do a massive burst before they even know you’re there.
This trait also totally throws off any sort of prediction you could once do. If a Mes had Decoy and a Torch, when they stealthed you knew the burst would probably come within the next 3 seconds. Now, you have to blindly guess if it’s going to come in 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 seconds.
In the past the way Mesmer did stealth was a much more reasonable way than Thief. They’re stealth lasted just the right amount of time to catch your breath or set up your spike, but not so long that they could basically reset the fight.
Now, the line between Mesmer and Thief have been blurred as both can effectively camp in stealth. In fact, countering Mes stealth is more difficult that Thief now.
3. Blinding Dissipation: Again, another trait that blends the line between Mesmer and Thief. While they cant use it as much as Thieves, it was also added in the same patch that Ele received Blinding Ashes. This means that now Thief, Mesmer, Ele, and Guardian all have reliable access to blinds. Guard Blinds are generally obviously telegraphed, only 1 is difficult to avoid and you have to trait for it and it has a decent CD.
In my opinion blind was never something Mesmer needed. Also, because of how many (Engi, Necro, Warrior, Ranger) classes are designed it is now painfully easy to get a free stomp on them almost on demand without having to spend Distortion on it.
If these three things, heck even just the first 2, were what ANet focused on, we would have had a perfectly viable Mesmer class that was both strong and still generally skill based. Skills that give instant stun on a low ICD that can be used in stealth AND a skill that allows you to camp stealth was not what the class needed. Mantras could have been viable if the CD mechanic had not been fixed and the CDs of Mantras were increased.
I want to play Mesmer again, but atm the class still feels carried by traits and not the player.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)