Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


Mesmers: easily replaced in PvE, portal/veil-bots in WvW, not needed in high-tier PvP. Bugged, nerfed in PvE based on PvP, ignored during encounter design.

The only thing that mesmers can efficiently do is annoy newbies who know nothing about mesmers – until those learn how to either run away or focus and melt the meta shatter.

But according to PvP profession dailies (designed to pull people into playing classes they do not play) in which mesmer appeared once (saying hi to necro), there are too many mesmers in PvP. And not enough turret engies, celestial engies and omnipresent guardians.

So, if we’re sticking to the current profession daily system (while I still think that profession dailies should be randomized per account), can we at least have RNG manually evened out?

20 level 80s and counting.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


3 more days without mesmer dailies.

…and apparently no mesmers on the forum to be unhappy about it.

20 level 80s and counting.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

3 more days without mesmer dailies.

…and apparently no mesmers on the forum to be unhappy about it.

Daily rewards are so crap now I’m not sure why anyone would bother to get them. The only reason before was the laurel. You get those for logging in.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: skullmount.1758


3 more days without mesmer dailies.

…and apparently no mesmers on the forum to be unhappy about it.

As a person who hates playing as mesmer, I’m glad mesmer pvp daily has only come up a few times. Mesmer and thieve dailies I skip.

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Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Well… How do I put this… It’s randomized! Randomized doesn’t mean well distributed, it means the output is random! If you keep tracking the representation of each profession and do stats in a year, the deviation will be smaller, but for know, there hasn’t been enough dailies to worry about this. But yeah, the rewards are not that good, so play mesmer if you want to.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I still think that profession dailies should be randomized per account

I agree with you on that!

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


Daily rewards are so crap now I’m not sure why anyone would bother to get them. The only reason before was the laurel. You get those for logging in.

Oh please don’t start the same daily discussion again – there’s a megathread for that. I’m using PvP for daily 10AP when everything else is worse, and I’m using it for a quick and dirty daily reward track boost to get the exclusive rewards (armor, rebreather etc.).

Well… How do I put this… It’s randomized! Randomized doesn’t mean well distributed, it means the output is random! If you keep tracking the representation of each profession and do stats in a year, the deviation will be smaller, but for know, there hasn’t been enough dailies to worry about this.

I found it very unlikely to have only 2 mesmer occurrences (counting the today’s one) in 30 days, having 8 classes and 2 of them each day. I’m not sure it’s pure RNG, looks like a rotation with a predefined low weight.

As a person who hates playing as mesmer, I’m glad mesmer pvp daily has only come up a few times. Mesmer and thieve dailies I skip.

As a person who plays only mesmer (and occasionally ranger) in PvP and hates everything else, I’m displeased mesmer dailies are so rare.

20 level 80s and counting.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: spectral.5298


Yeah I also think it’s shame mesmer gets no attention at all.

When it comes to daily I thought of good altarnative (only PvP daily):

- PvP daily is generated per account (everyone get diffrent set of possible achis) to prevent one profession floods (those 4 man thief teams) as well as objective farming (5 people standing on point waiting for enemy to stomp to get defender – because as every PvP player knows – people do not go practice for daily but straight arena – which is supposed to be competitive). see Lishtenbird.2814 first post
- Profession pool generated from account slots, so you actually get profession you want to play and have certain degree of experience with. (Optional)

What do you guys think?

(edited by spectral.5298)

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Maybe Anet knows everyone hates playing against mesmers? Well maybe except thieves.

One – Piken Square

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Maybe Anet knows everyone hates playing against mesmers? Well maybe except thieves.

Let me correct those typos for you:

Maybe Anet knows everyone hates playing against mesmers? Well maybe except against teams without thieves

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


This really really needs to be randomized by account or changed altogether. I was hoping this would have been changed in yesterday’s patch.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I suggest the OP looks into statistics at some point.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


I suggest the OP looks into statistics at some point.

I studied statistics and I found 1 occurrence in a month with 2/8 success probability every day to be worth checking.

I do not think they’re RNG. I think they’re on a fixed rotation or semi-RNG, just like dailies used to be before the update.

20 level 80s and counting.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: mulzi.8273


If they make mesmer dailies more often, i hope they fix matchmaking first. I was just in a match with 7 mesmers, 2 thieves and a necro. Between all the clones, phantasms, minions and thieves guild, it was just a pile of bodies. Not fun in the least..

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

I suggest the OP looks into statistics at some point.

Input: .25, 30, 1.

Chances of there being more than 1 occurrence in a month in a pure RNG system: 99.8%.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Micronumerosity issues.

It would be interesting to see the actual mathematics behind class dailies.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


The less Mesmers the better.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


Whoever was saying that profession dailies were pure RNG – come and say it again:

  • The profession winner achievements are somewhat odd, introducing a real profession bias.
  • Most liked professions are Guardian, Thief, and Engineer (11 times a month)
  • Least liked are Mesmer and Necromancer (only 4 times each)

Professions – Frequency
Mesmer – 4
Necromancer – 4
Ranger – 6
Warrior – 7
Thief – 9
Elementalist – 9
Engineer – 10
Guardian – 11

So, definitely not enough guardians, engies and eles in PvP… Right?

20 level 80s and counting.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


20 level 80s and counting.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I’m just gonna quote myself here:

According to wiki-research, there’s two PvP class-winner slots. Slot 1 is shared between Guardian, Mesmer, Ranger and Thief; and slot 2 between Elementalist, Engineer, Necromancer and Warrior. So, from december 12th to february 20th, we’ve had the following professions chosen:

Slot 1:
Guardian: 24
Thief: 20
Ranger: 11
Mesmer: 9

Slot 2:
Engineer: 21
Elementalist: 20
Warrior: 15
Necromancer: 8

Looks like RNG is kinda biased here. Although of course it MIGHT equal out in the next year or two or so, but still…

But yeah, it’s still possible to get those results with randomness. But currently, RNG seems to dislike Mesmers and Necros, and really love Guardians, Thieves and Engineers with a passion. ^^

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


My point is that your sample is no proof of bad randomness.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: zapv.8051


They should randomize only over 4 days. In other words, every 4 days all 8 professions should show up. First day you random from all 8 professions, second from the 6 remaining, third from the 4 remaining, and fourth are the last two. That way you get a more consistent distribution.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


My point is that your sample is no proof of bad randomness.

Because, indeed, it is not randomness, it is deliberately pre-picked to favour certain profession and punish others:

I assume that information on the wiki is based on data that was previously gathered – i.e. there is some pattern to it

Yes, we monitored the daily achievements since their introduction, and essentially, the dailies run on a fixed cycle where each day of the month maps to a fixed set of dailies, repeating every month. It’s actually how the dailies have been working for years.

But yeah, it’s still possible to get those results with randomness. But currently, RNG seems to dislike Mesmers and Necros, and really love Guardians, Thieves and Engineers with a passion. ^^

There’s like… an infinitely close to zero chance that over several months the exact dailies appeared on the exact days of the month. As if they were, you know… predefined.

20 level 80s and counting.

(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)

Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Don’t be sad Mesmers, at least you aren’t Necros.

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Mesmer PvP Dailies Incredibly Rare

in PvP

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


As someone who plays mesmer, I’m thankful that there haven’t been more mesmer dailies. Too many mesmers hurts a team, and I still see our class represented fairly often in matches. I’d rather miss out on the daily reward than have a day of broken team comps.

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