Mesmers In TPvP: Let's Talk Nerfs
Agree with portals – they marginalize roamers and make it so you can effectively 5-man zerg a point and still make it back in time to defend home before it gets neutralized. Kinda over the top for conquest maps, or anything really.
Shatters are manageable imo.
shatter specialization in its own is ok. no problem. but combined with the spammable burst and stun of sword/pistol, it is not imo.
shatters, easily managable
postals when used right… much much stronger then utilities from other professions if used well (even in other maps then khylo.
my suggestion?
Make portals destroyable, even if they would have quite a bit of health.
shatter specialization in its own is ok. no problem. but combined with the spammable burst and stun of sword/pistol, it is not imo.
do have to say this slighty contributes to the amount of bunkers
Thief detected?
Portal is fine imo. Shatter is not, but there are two problems here:
1. Shatter burst is too high, but other mesmer builds are really very bad atm. They need to buff condition/phantasm mesmer (yet every patch phantasm nerf kittenol).
2. Other professions have far more ridiculous burst – mesmer full shatter combo (which is somewhat avoidable too) is around 10k damage. Hundred blades can instagib. Backstab is 30k damage….
Someone did the maths in a recent thread about assassin signet, go look it up if you are interested steal,cnd,backstab,hs,hs = 30k
30k looooooooooooool , where are u getting that number from backstab out of ur kitten maybe …
steal,cnd,backstab,hs,hs is not a single attack
show me a single attack of backstab doing more than 8k post nerf of the signet of course
Personally Mesmers are too over powered. All I see is in random PvP is 2 or 3 mesmer that stack conditions and burst you down.
Also the Tank specs traits combine with support to assist your team, are utter crap.
A single mesmer can counter and combine with a Thief, Warrior, or Guardian to dps you down, without using a glass cannon spec, is assisted with the Mesmer’s [Chaos Storm] and combine that with [Haste] buff.
A single Daze or stun will kill any player without having to burst spec because in theory if you have a Mesmer, two or three, that can stack [Haste] one after another combine with their own [Haste] ability to burn you down, you literally have no chance to react.
I have literally tried to find a spec to counter the [Chaos Storm] and [Haste] on my Engineer and to counter the Mesmer and Condition damage but to no avail . “Elixer C” is worthless. “Automatic Response” is worthless. Also you can Use the “Elixir Gun” – “Super Elixir” however once you are interrupted you are literally no help to anyone.
I found this annoying because I cant seem to find a common ground with my Engineer to be useful against Mesmer and too me, why bother playing any other class other than Mesmer.
Finally a legit thread. I don’t know why hyper carries should even exist when the Mesmer exists at its current state.
wait, you are saying chaos storm condition specs are viable? Have you ever met a necro?
Finally a legit thread. I don’t know why hyper carries should even exist when the Mesmer exists at its current state.
What is a hyper carry?
Put it this way. A hyper carry basically is.. if you focus that class you’re a moron. If you DON’T focus that class you’re also a moron. In reality you’re not a moron, just the fact that the class is legit broken and some sad kids are denying it.
A hypercarry is a MOBA term that isn’t really relevant to the MMO genre.
It refers to a champion that scales excessively with a certain stat (hyperscaling) to the point that, towards the end of a match, they become nearly unstoppable killing machines.
In other words, champions that can almost single-handedly win games if allowed to farm.
Same concept. Its like saying trolling as in “messing around” and not “attacking people on the web on purpose for ones own amusement.”
Basically, Mesmer is no different from these “hyper carries.” Simply because you’re getting carried by AI’s and Boons and Invisibility and Stun Breaks 24/7. You simply CAN NOT go wrong with a Mesmer in competitive play. I’d like to see someone prove me wrong though if you think I am. Chances are I’m not.
Personally Mesmers are too over powered. All I see is in random PvP is 2 or 3 mesmer that stack conditions and burst you down.
Also the Tank specs traits combine with support to assist your team, are utter crap.
A single mesmer can counter and combine with a Thief, Warrior, or Guardian to dps you down, without using a glass cannon spec, is assisted with the Mesmer’s [Chaos Storm] and combine that with [Haste] buff.A single Daze or stun will kill any player without having to burst spec because in theory if you have a Mesmer, two or three, that can stack [Haste] one after another combine with their own [Haste] ability to burn you down, you literally have no chance to react.
I have literally tried to find a spec to counter the [Chaos Storm] and [Haste] on my Engineer and to counter the Mesmer and Condition damage but to no avail .
I think I’m playing the wrong mesmer as what I read is pretty sci fi. If a mesmer specces into power and crits for shatters then it doesn’t have more of anything else, i.e toughness and condition damage. You either go glass canon with power build, or go tank with condition damage.
A 10k shatter is in fact a 8k shatter if everything crits AND if the mesmer is near you + 2k blurred frenzy. If you’re a glass cannon, yes you’re probably dead. Othewise, you get some damage and that’s it, the mesmer needs to wait a bit more until the next burst and I supose you won’t stand in one place doing nothing.
Combo fields are cool, that’s why anet put them in the game. I don’t think Time Warp stacks but a single stun or daze won’t kill anyone unless you have 50HP left.
You can’t counter Chaos Storm directly, you can move outside though and that’s what everybody does.
I find that fighting Engi is VERY ANNOYING because of the net turret and those bombs that keep throwing me away. And a Flame thrower engi put I think around 9s of burning on me which means around 7k condi specced. So as an engi you can destroy a mesmer very easily with aoe, knock downs and conditions. We don’t have an iWin skill that will do 15k damage to 2800 armour.
And if you ask about Moa, I escape 9/10 times just running away. You might get unlucky then stunned/rooted and burst down but it’s not a rule. Sword 3 (the skill that can root you) works only 50% of times so…
Engi, Mesmer, all the same really. Except Engi is actually visible while Mesmer has to get carried by pathetic stealth + boons + AI’s to do anything. Thief is fine because once you catch them they can get punished. Mesmer? Please.
Thief detected?
Portal is fine imo. Shatter is not, but there are two problems here:
1. Shatter burst is too high, but other mesmer builds are really very bad atm. They need to buff condition/phantasm mesmer (yet every patch phantasm nerf kittenol).
2. Other professions have far more ridiculous burst – mesmer full shatter combo (which is somewhat avoidable too) is around 10k damage. Hundred blades can instagib. Backstab is 30k damage….
Is this some kind of backwards troll post?
In what universe is phantasm build bad? It’s probably the strongest 1vs1 build in the game, it can 1vs2 easier then any other build. As the player you don’t need to do anything apart from summon them, then just LoS as much as you can….
You say hundreds blades is instagib, which it’s not, unless you’re running pure glass cannon on a low HP class, and it’s far easier to avoid then shatter considering most shatter specs are ran with swords, which have immobilise.
Backstab is nowhere near as strong as it was, but the damage is still extremely high and I’d like to see another nerf, hopefully that gives steal a 1/4sec cast time, so you can’t cancel the cast of other spells, because atm it’s a ridiculous mechanic, whether intended or not.
Learn to play. No really. If You ever played Mesmer you would know that portals are broken and fail half of the time, so are some other skills, which ain’t fixing, because they are too busy putting pumpkins in the game. Also the burst is not enough to take down any somewhat defensive class with 1 mind-wrack, it takes way more than that. Only baddie glass-cannon thieves die with one rotation to you because they respond at turtle speeds, and just have no idea what they or the Mesmer are doing. If you played shatter Mesmer you would know that you wont get a point of an Engineer, and defend your trebuchet of an Elementalist. You would know that stomp guardian will always win you in 1v1 and you will get 2 hit by good thieves.
You don’t see 5 Mesmers running and winning every tourney, you don’t even see 2 in the same team. And you know why that is? because they are not as OP as you think. Setup is way more important.
They really need to fix the broken skills which give an advantage or disadvantage to some classes, but Christmas is around the corner so I guess they are really busy developing and putting snowmen in the game.
Stealth, Moa, Portals, etc…
Yeah, they’re a must have in tPvP.
Tbh I dont understand why people still complain about mesmers, they got several nerfs without tweaking for other options and especially for weapons. There are way worse out there, you all should know it. Avoiding shatters is all there is to do, and there are several options in how to do that. I bet it’s not the bunkers out there begging for nerfs, and if you go glasscannon, then you are a glasscannon and should adapt your playstyle to that. A glasscannon cant take heavy damage, that’s why they are called it.
So honestly I dont understand what the fuzz is all about. Portal is good, but there are similarities for thief trap, necro snake. Sure not entire team can use their abilities, but I would personally be happy if entire enemy team went to one base… that means two bases for us =) Also mesmers dont have much speed in movement to rush stations, portal makes up for that but it still is on timer and on cd if you dont use it in time. And on trebucher… well, my honest opinion is that they should either do a heavy nerf to the trebucher but best case scenario is just removing the trebucher all together. Would make the map so much more interesting and fun to play, and add proper guardian fix to that and it’s all good.
@ MikeSw.3041
I don’t think you read what I posted. The new tactic I am seeing is not Burst Damage with glass cannon specs, its [Haste] combined with “Condition”.
The idea is this, everyone knows that a player has the ability to remove condition damage. If you remove condition damage to early, you are bad.
So you are suppose to let them stack condition damage and the pop your ability to remove, convert to boons, or give it to others.
So Mesmers found a new way that, they expect you to remove the stacks so in theory, the new way now is to reapply those same stacks, just as fast, two or three times within the 15 second window, before the player’s CD is up.
Now condition damage is one thing, [Haste] is the other “bread and butter”, you can stack haste one after another with multiple Mesmers, also depending which class is helping you, those classes have their own [Haste] once the Mesmer’s [Haste] is gone.
By doing this combo, in theory which has proven to be working, you are stacking up small damage, and quickly with [Haste] that it doesn’t matter if a player has a Tank/Support spec and it really doesn’t matter if you avoid damage for 3 seconds because another Mesmer will just cast the same spells as the previous Mesmer.
Now as for the bubble thing, [Chaos Storm] is an AoE bubble, however when you team up with another player for example Thief with snares, Guardian with bindings, and a Warrior with Knockdown abilities with [Bull charge], 2 Handed Hammer, or even with Mace and Shield with stuns; you are dead.
A single Daze or Stun, regardless of counter abilities to get you out of stun, inside [Chaos Storm] (s); you are dead.
[Time Warp] is a threat.
Now for your issues with Turrets, a single [Chaos Storm] with or without Clones to shatter, will kill any turret.
I am sorry to say this but if you are having trouble against an engineer, I am afraid you don’t know how to PvP us.
The main problem with Mesmers is very simple.
A class with so much diversion tactics still gets stealth…
Tbh I dont understand why people still complain about mesmers (…)
People complain because most changes barely scratched the most prevalent mesmer builds in PvP while they kind of stabbed PvE mesmers in the back. Why you still don’t drop bundles when going through a portal is beyond me. Also comparing your portal to Flesh Wurm and Shadowstep is kinda cynical.
€: I think portal is a great utility with a lot of potential in conquest and game modes to come alike, but on Kyloh it is just silly at times.
(edited by Nuhj.8372)
You don’t tell people to learn to play against a Mesmer because sure you might be a good Mesmer but you’re probably a garbage Thief, Warrior, Ranger, or Necro (In which those classes do take more skill [less forgiving, less rewarding] than face-roll Mesmer) who can’t prove that Mesmers aren’t broken for sPvP/tPvP’s standards right now.
They simply deserve to get nerfed further and anyone who disagrees with that statement is clearly in denial. Seriously that’s just how it is. Mesmers are too forgiving in which if you get too attached to the class then you will probably fail with any other class.
I play a Mesmer myself and I am sick of using the Portal.
They should remove it for pvp all together.
Condition Mesmers ROFL. See you around.
Backstab thieves although just as cheese load up their whole bar for that burst and usually have no other option but to retreat if they miss their opener ever 45s.
Shatter Mesmer combos can be used every 12s, 16s if you’re including iDuelist. They still pack all the best utilities for a Mesmer in a tournament setting even with this build.
You also can’t CC the mesmer during Blurred Frenzy, the distortion effect grants them complete invulnerability. If you don’t have a stun break/condition removal up (swap immobilize), then you can’t peel from the Mesmer.
Mesmers also can still maintain presence and pressure even behind the safety of LoS, I send illusions out and shatter while pillar humping when I needing healing CDs. They can’t really get close without risking more damage while I wait to reset for another burst combo.
Phantasm and condition mesmers will have their output somewhat stalled if you pop their illusions. Shatter builds get some of the phantasm’s damage in but are shattering them as their source of damage, it’s much harder to stop their output.
in my opinion, mesmers (along with certain bunker builds, which can actually be manageable) are ruining tpvp. it’s two things and you know exactly what im gonna say:
1. portals: for these control maps especially treb repair in Khylo, this is hugely OP. portals should either be an ult, or go on a huge CD after one use. this would fix it for WvW as well.
2. sword/pistol/staff/shatter: this playstyle effectively renders every other mesmer build obsolete. not only is this particular weapon combination and its typical shatter build the best 1v1 build in the game, but mind wrack is some of the best AOE burst in the game as well. this mesmer is not a one trick pony because you can literally do the stun/shatter/blurred frenzy burst combo over and over again. 15k+ burst on demand with a huge tank to boot. take that thieves.
1. Portals while you are carrying objectives gives you an advantage towards to other. Thats true.
But keep in your mind. The Mesmer is one of the classes with the biggest lack of mobility. Mesmer only can buff Swiftness with Focus #4 and random with Chaosstorm(3sec)
In this case the Portal is a must have for the Mesmer. Otherwise Mesmer would have a disadvantage Vs other classes.
Besides the mesmer still have to walk to the Repairkit. And mostly shattermesmer using the Trebuchet. You can snipe him on his way with an GIBThief e.g.
And you portal went on CD if u died.
2. The CD of Portal ist 60 seconds. This is a very huge CD in comparison to other utilitys. And we have one utility less in a fight. Dont forget it. (yeah you can change it i know)
And the Portal is just 15seconds open. It’s REALLY short. The only nerf you may could take is to limit the number of uses.
3. yeah the Mesmershatter is a very high spikedmg. BUT u can evade it. Play by yourself a mesmer and try to burst ppl. Then you realize how you could handle it.
4. And people could you post your own specc plx. Then we could may help you better. Me for myself playing a Deffmesmer as pointholder and Shattermesmer burst hits me with 2k crit in 4 hits Mindwrack then still 22k hp left
And gibthiefs cant burst me too. But i’ve problems against Condition classes. You cant have the perfect specc.
uhmmm that was the word for sunday.
gl hf all
Jealous Much [JM]
I think that from a general perspective, Mesmers are too good in all aspects of the game.
Their portal has been talked about enough. It opens up far more options than any other ability in game. Nothing comes close to providing such utility, opening up completely new tactical options.
Their group raid support, not just group utility is unrivaled. Where Guardians may have excellent group support, Mesmers can use theirs to buff the whole zerg.
Their Phantasms and Illusions make them the lowest target priority since in the heat of battle, it’s hard to figure out the original. These minions also spawn in all sorts of locations, attacking people on walls etc. They can even draw boss aggro in PvE which can be useful at times.
They are by far the best 1v1 profession. I doubt anything comes close.
TL;DR Mesmers are too good at too many things compared to other professions. Their tool-set is just miles ahead of anyone else’s.
Best ultimates, best utilities and easy and bursty combos. The other professions must learn from mesmers.
Other builds need a buff for shatter build to take a nerf. I will say this, and I do a good bit of pvp and consider myself pretty skilled:
Mesmers aren’t half the problem thieves are. I’d put mesmers on par with hb warriors. Chances are, a lot of the people complaining need to l2p.
Other builds need a buff for shatter build to take a nerf. I will say this, and I do a good bit of pvp and consider myself pretty skilled:
Mesmers aren’t half the problem thieves are. I’d put mesmers on par with hb warriors. Chances are, a lot of the people complaining need to l2p.
I think the one who need to l2p is you if you compare mesmers to warriors, leave the safe zone of the OP mesmer and go play warrior let’s see if you remain as “skilled” as apparently now
I am uneasy about calling for nerfs, I play ranger and usually get around 300ish in casual games and there are probably on average two rangers per casual pvp game maybe. I think Warrior blade spam is the most faceroll tactic there is, having played a thief and Mesmer they do have combos but you do have to have some competency to do them. However I think If they FIX the broken mechanics of Necromancer, fix some things about ranger, and address the issues like the invisibility bug things will balance themselves out, THEN after they address the bugs and skills/traits that do not work then they can address any nerfs they may need. I would hate for nerfs to reduce the number of viable builds for any class if anything they need to increase viable builds for other classes.
Even reducing other profession bugs, mesmers are over the top in pvp, and half of their attacks are controlled by A.I. When I play my mesmer I can control much more the environment cause my pets are doing the job.
Portal in teamplay is insane. No other skill comes close to the OPness when a team uses it well.
Even reducing other profession bugs, mesmers are over the top in pvp, and half of their attacks are controlled by A.I. When I play my mesmer I can control much more the environment cause my pets are doing the job.
Well consider this my pet AI is not .. ahem cough as good as I would like it to be, the pathing is GOD AWFUL, if you are stainding on a wall shooting down your pet will stand there like a moron half the time and not attack unless you A. jump down and give up your position or B. it was already attacking said target, Mesmers to put it lightly do not have this problem. Necromancer AI is even worse, actually Necro AI is beyond bad. So buffing some things to be even in par with Mesmer pets is a step in the right direction, I have no idea why there is such a disparity in AI effectiveness. Also necros get screwed on the capricorn map since their summoned minions DIE whenever they hit the water, where as a Mesmer has them available on recast nearly instantly and Necros Rangers still have cooldown timers from before they died when they respawn, so another problem is Mesmers have no CD what so ever, losing a clone/illusion is nothing to them, I also do not think illusions should even touch the damage of a real pet or minion or player considering the casting time disparity, so yes those are problems but should not be addressed until they FIX the broken mechanics of other classes. so not to create the opposite problem down the road. They just need to HURRY UP about it.
(edited by Rhydian.5412)
That’s funny too. Every pet seem stupid but mesmer phantasms are deadly. And If I shatter them, they chase my enemy. Even if he dodges, they change their path and hit most of the times. But it’s even better when I have three clones, I shatter them and before they hit I can summon three more and shatter them too.
6 suicide clones at the same time applying damage and confusion.
In mine opinion, some ppl in this thread should cry less and learn to play. Also, friendly advice: toughness will help you here and there.
3 – 3 – 2 – F1 – Mirror Images – F2
It’s a 2,5 sec mouse macro to do between 6-12K + 9 stacks of confusion.
Yup, clearly a l2P issue.
I just want portal removed from the game, thats all I ask for.
the only problem i have is the 100%boon remove chance of shatters
this single mechanic enables the shatter built to be much much more effective than it should be (imo)
well that and the usual stealth rendering bullkitten ANet hasn’t even acknowledged
You don’t tell people to learn to play against a Mesmer because sure you might be a good Mesmer but you’re probably a garbage Thief, Warrior, Ranger, or Necro (In which those classes do take more skill [less forgiving, less rewarding] than face-roll Mesmer) who can’t prove that Mesmers aren’t broken for sPvP/tPvP’s standards right now.
They simply deserve to get nerfed further and anyone who disagrees with that statement is clearly in denial. Seriously that’s just how it is. Mesmers are too forgiving in which if you get too attached to the class then you will probably fail with any other class.
1- Although I play Mesmer as my main, I also play Ele, warrior, thief, guardian as well. So you have a very flawed statement. If you think otherwise just go to my channel and check out the video. It speaks for itself
- One of the main reason’s why people are having trouble dealing with Mesmers, and many other classes is a combination of the following,
1- Not being able to play your class effectively.
2- Not understanding the class you are fighting, this is fixed by playing the class yourself to get some kind of insight and judgement of said class and how to counter it. This also may take time as there being tons of viable specs for each profession.
3- Not being the right spec. Just because you were facerolled by one class possibly suggest’s one of the following statement’s above combined with them being a counter spec & OR profession to what you are currently running. Alout of people like to assume that everyone runs the same spec with each profession and its easy to get in that mindset that everyone is the same thing, without asking that particular person first. In which leads to forum posts, and so on.
I’m curious to what class you are particularly running. Regardless of what your answer may be I’m assuming that you have not played a Mesmer in detail and then decide in your own head that it should be punished for your lack of understanding.
TLDR- there is no short version of this, just read the kitten thing.
1. Ability to teleport a whole team in sPvP is just too much, so is treb repair, both are broken.
2. Superior survivability due to being able to stun break into invis, create an army of clones and while you’re busy figuring which is the real, he’s bashing ur head.
3. Ability to melt ur face by chain shatters, while removing boons, applying confusion and stunning at the same time.
4. A HUGE 10 sec HASTE field.
5. Mass Invis if needed.
6. But it get’s better, he can turn you into a furry bird, and no, you can’t dodge a moa cast from stealth, nor a hasted one.
Pretty much on the same scale as thieves, broken. No class should be able to bring so much to the board while sacrificing so little. Amazing burst, amazing survivability, amazing utility skills, amazing support, yea sure…And look at other classes.
To any mesmer who’s ready to “dodge” my face, get on a ranger, play it for a day, then try to argue, or any other class short of a thief for that matter.
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.
That’s funny too. Every pet seem stupid but mesmer phantasms are deadly. And If I shatter them, they chase my enemy. Even if he dodges, they change their path and hit most of the times. But it’s even better when I have three clones, I shatter them and before they hit I can summon three more and shatter them too.
6 suicide clones at the same time applying damage and confusion.
Tell those idiots to roll into the shatter so they explode while you’re immune. I know it’s a difficult concept requiring someone to think, but it does wonders. Shatter build is fairly strong. At the same time it’s telegraphed so much than only bads get hit with a majority of the damage. If you can’t dodge a mind wrack every 10.5 seconds, or the big burst (cry + mind wrack) every 21 seconds you should probably give up fighting other builds that have more consistent weaker bursts. Portal needs a change, but honestly I can’t even respond to all the misinformation in this thread like the all powerful condition mesmer, or the mesmers buffing entire zergs. Go play the class, then come back… at least do that before you spout nonsense.
That’s funny too. Every pet seem stupid but mesmer phantasms are deadly. And If I shatter them, they chase my enemy. Even if he dodges, they change their path and hit most of the times. But it’s even better when I have three clones, I shatter them and before they hit I can summon three more and shatter them too.
6 suicide clones at the same time applying damage and confusion.Tell those idiots to roll into the shatter so they explode while you’re immune. I know it’s a difficult concept requiring someone to think, but it does wonders. Shatter build is fairly strong. At the same time it’s telegraphed so much than only bads get hit with a majority of the damage. If you can’t dodge a mind wrack every 10.5 seconds, or the big burst (cry + mind wrack) every 21 seconds you should probably give up fighting other builds that have more consistent weaker bursts. Portal needs a change, but honestly I can’t even respond to all the misinformation in this thread like the all powerful condition mesmer, or the mesmers buffing entire zergs. Go play the class, then come back… at least do that before you spout nonsense.
Kinda makes you wonder why you don’t see good teams without a mesmer, doesn’t it?
See what I did there?
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.
Mesmer shatters are ok… well maybe boon removal is a bit too much, Portal became 100% needed utility for all mesmers since its the best teamplay ability ingame. One time we fought 2 mesmers who had their portals in diffrent sides so 3-4 ppl emerage in one side, kill fast, tp back, They could hold 2 points with 3-4 ppl in each place, thanks to portals. In my opinion portals should get HP, so it can be destryed by aoes and random attacks.
The problem with portal is it persist inactivated for 60 seconds, this is far to long. It allows it to become a safety net for back points that is always there rather than teams actively having to keep track of the other teams position. The problems with portal repair only make this worse. 20-30 second time to activate is more than enough and you shouldn’t be able to portal repair.
The problem with shatter is that it requires no utilities to run, it the effectiveness comes all from traits and that leaves utilities open for things like portal or pure defensive utils whereas mantra or even phantasm mesmers have to dedicate utils meaning that cant take multiple things like portal, illusion of life, blink, thievery.
Play a mesmer for once lol
Portal is 60 seconds, you know why ? so you can run somewhere, do something and port back .. whats the point of 30 sec portal… I put portal I run to next control point and oh wait nvm I port back before reaching destination.
The point of the mesmer portal is to being able to port back its not a fast travel skill, since you actually have to run by foot before porting back.
Using portal with repair kit shouldnt be allowed. Everyone agrees on that.
Shatter, phantasm .. whatever I always use the exact same utilities, and all defensive (stunbreak …) cause they are your only defense as a mesmer.
Like almost all other classes, once u played the class for a while there is only a very few utilities really worth it. So once you get your sweet 3 utilities you never change them…Beside occasional and situational battle setup.
^ the guy aboves right, but 1 thing with shatter mesmer is burst is too easily achievable w/o help of utility or anything else meaning a rly powerfully hight dps mesmer has kittenload of survival even beeing glass cannon same as thief, just in a more confusing way as you get illiusions added.
shatter mesmer is one of the best 1v1 class, thats make him a bit on top. If you have 2 shatter mesmers you do have nice burst + AOE.
But its somehow also managable.
More and more mesmers (including myselfs) are now switching staff for greatsword. More = even more pew pew.
What i see as a problem for mesmer is the class mechanic. Mesmer can literally just spam illusions and clones to do the work for us. Mind Wrack them from time to time but in fact.. its not the mesmer killing.. its the illusions. I find this a problem to be honest. I would be much more OK if illusions / clones only work as distraction and mesmers themselfs need to do damage.