Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


I still believe spirit rangers come out on top of warriors or i have had just some horrible body blocking luck. Seriously the spirits slow motion jump infront of my attacks.
Jon hammer is good but it is extremely easy to dodge even more so then mace shield.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


The real reason why thief wins against a warrior is not the lack of a CD stun break; using Shadow Return often is costly and wastes a lot of time that you could and should be spending attacking. The reason is that thieves steal some incredibly important boons off of warriors and can evade the major attacks.

A smart warrior won’t pop SoR and will try pretty hard not to use stability against a thief. While the evade spam does make it very difficult, the stunbreak is what sets it over the top if you ask me, it means that even if you do manage to time your CC around the thiefs primary attack being an evade 50% of the time AND basically infinite dodges you still don’t get to capitalize on it.


I still believe spirit rangers come out on top of warriors or i have had just some horrible body blocking luck. Seriously the spirits slow motion jump infront of my attacks.
Jon hammer is good but it is extremely easy to dodge even more so then mace shield.

Mace f1 is impossible to dodge intentionally. People bring hammer for a few reasons, one being higher damage, the second it being infinitely more useful in a teamfight. The difference is that you actually have to time your f1 very well.

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I still believe spirit rangers come out on top of warriors or i have had just some horrible body blocking luck. Seriously the spirits slow motion jump infront of my attacks.
Jon hammer is good but it is extremely easy to dodge even more so then mace shield.

So, after I got some rest I did some TPvP, I played against some fairy high ranked Rangers and while some did put up a good fight I did feel like things were always in my favor.

Here’s what I was using:

It’s similar in style to the Skull Cracker build however it avoids all body blocking issues and even if Earthshaker misses the spirits will take a big hit. Simply time the big CCs to the end of an evade/dodge and with one Eathshaker – Fierce Blow – Backbreaker – Staggering Blow combo they should be dead or near dead. Make sure to use Shield Stance first to get rid of that free resist they get.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Conan.8046


Did someone just say warriors hard counter spirit rangers…….

There are very few hard counters in the game. Warrior isn’t a hard counter to spirit ranger but a good warrior using a great sword and mobile strikes…yes he is indeed a big threat…fact that every hit could potentially cleave all of your spirits.

Honestly i can’t think of a harder fight for a spirit ranger. I play a ranger…not spirit…so boring! and my friend plays a warrior…ive never seen a spirit ranger beat him. He uses Longbow and GS.

Edit – On thinking on this…his aoe/cleave must decimate the rangers spirits very quickly..they aren’t really that tough (the spirits that is).

(edited by Conan.8046)

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Did someone just say warriors hard counter spirit rangers…….

There are very few hard counters in the game. Warrior isn’t a hard counter to spirit ranger but a good warrior using a great sword and mobile strikes…yes he is indeed a big threat…fact that every hit could potentially cleave all of your spirits.

Honestly i can’t think of a harder fight for a spirit ranger.

Don’t even need Mobile Strikes because Whirlwind attack will kill the roots almost instantly.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Kavia.8249



Does a hammer/bow build use a similar trait set up as I have down for the mace+shield/greatsword build? How about amulet? Also, if you have the chance could you compare the build with the m+s/gs build in terms of the matchups – any where hammer/bow is superior or is is just for teamfight utility?


Thanks for posting that build! I think the essential features of the new meta warrior are berserker’s stance, healing signet, cleansing ire, and unsuspecting foe. There are probably many permutations with the backbone of 0/10/20/0/20 + 20 points. It is hard to pick one as the “meta build” but I imagine all stack up similarly in terms of the matchups.

I would love to hear your comments on how weaponset, amulet, or the allocation of those extra 20 points affect individual matchups. I.e. if taking hammer improves your ability to fight spirit rangers but weakens your ability to fight thieves; that is the stuff I want to know and put in the chart!

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571



Does a hammer/bow build use a similar trait set up as I have down for the mace+shield/greatsword build? How about amulet? Also, if you have the chance could you compare the build with the m+s/gs build in terms of the matchups – any where hammer/bow is superior or is is just for teamfight utility?


Thanks for posting that build! I think the essential features of the new meta warrior are berserker’s stance, healing signet, cleansing ire, and unsuspecting foe. There are probably many permutations with the backbone of 0/10/20/0/20 + 20 points. It is hard to pick one as the “meta build” but I imagine all stack up similarly in terms of the matchups.

I would love to hear your comments on how weaponset, amulet, or the allocation of those extra 20 points affect individual matchups. I.e. if taking hammer improves your ability to fight spirit rangers but weakens your ability to fight thieves; that is the stuff I want to know and put in the chart!

The problem you run into with Mace vs Spirit Rangers is the same problem you get with Mesmers, the body blocks can make you blow all your adren on the wrong target. With Hammer, even if you miss you’ll hit the Spirits at which point you can just kill them which is a big setback for the Ranger. If you do hit them (only after you get rid of that first resist) They are pretty much dead because one hammer combo followed by Final Thrust is basically guaranteed death.

Hammers actually can make me do fairly well vs blind thieves because after you get rid of the initial blind you can Earthshaker just outside of their smoke field and hit them for a good 3k. This makes them miss using HS to get stealth and if you do it consistently they’ll find themselves much more exposed than they like. You can sometimes even take them out really quickly by using Zerker Stance to charge into the blind field and use Backbreaker, which will make them TP, which you can then follow them with Eathshaker – Fierce Blow – Staggering Blow which will probably kill them.

Mesmers aren’t exactly popular now but Hammer is even better vs them for the same reason as Spirit Rangers, even if you miss you just killed their main source of damage. You’ll still never lock them down totally like with Necros but the individual hits can do 3k+ damage and while it can still go either way (and if the Mes plays passively or sits in stealth while waiting for heals well then there’s not much to do) but it still gives you a better shot.

Of course the one obvious flaw with Hammer is that it is MUCH, MUCH harder to use than Mace/Shield. I still think learning to use it well is worthwhile. It’s a little like Guardian’s GS in that it has a very clear combo with longer cooldowns but it’s harder to land. I actually spend a lot of time using Sword and just switching to Hammer to Earthshaker and don’t try to use my other skills until I KNOW they are out of stun breaks, missing a Backbreaker really hurts.

I personally prefer Soldiers gear over most other sets. I know Anas Tarcis likes Zerker still with Mel runes but with my build Soldier gives me higher base stats in power and toughness and Unsuspecting Foe makes up a bit for the lower crit chance. Of course he’s considered one of the best warriors around so I’m sure people will take him much more serious than me, that being said I like to be in the thick of the fight and I’m assuming he may play differently that justifies his gear choices.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Kavia.8249


Thanks for the detailed response!

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Warriors hard counter rangers, PERIOD.

Rangers do not have any stun breaks.

Jasher is a rank 400 Spirit Ranger.

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Did someone just say warriors hard counter spirit rangers…….

Yes, because they are.

Please for the love of god be joking. If your not may the gods have mercy on your senseless mind <3

Whatever happened to this guy who kept calling me stupid when I said that Warriors countered Spirit Rangers? lol


(edited by Jasher.6580)

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Kavia.8249


I would be happy to update this chart with the new meta. I would need matchups for these builds:

D/P thief (prelim matchups here
Sw+Sw/Bow condition warrior
Revised necro build? Power necro?
Power ranger?
Hammer/Bow warrior probably replaces mace+shield/greatsword warrior on chart

I could probably expand it to max 2 builds per profession, but would definately need help on matchups at that point

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I would be happy to update this chart with the new meta. I would need matchups for these builds:

D/P thief (prelim matchups here
Sw+Sw/Bow condition warrior
Revised necro build? Power necro?
Power ranger?
Hammer/Bow warrior probably replaces mace+shield/greatsword warrior on chart

I could probably expand it to max 2 builds per profession, but would definately need help on matchups at that point

I feel like an updated list will require a TON more builds, because not only does Warrior have a good amount of viable builds now, each one of those has one or multiple counters, which you only really see really good teams in TPvP running atm. In SoloQ and Hotjoin you still generally still see your standard condition Necros and Spirit Rangers, which I believe is why you see so many Warriors now. Why wouldn’t you switch to the class that has a hard counter to two of the other popular builds? If you ask me it’s their fault for not even attempting to adapt to Warriors.

If you have the time, I would find a group of decent players of each class that are willing to run multiple 1v1s so you have the most accurate list possible.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


Jasher he probably got tired and didnt want to go to matchup details. For the record. I do play tourneys

I play a spirt ranger and win or stalemate 80% of my 1v1 against warrior. Usually though its a stalemate though if the have hammer and mace shield.

My spirit build is not the typical spirit build. It uses runes of forge sun and earth spirit and sig of renewal as my stun breaker And anti condition utility. I use the melee spirit tourney build. Not the bow ones. I feel I have access to more on demand evades. Which I will use to wear you down. I will probably have to disengage often just to let conditions tick for a bit

If i do get caught, My blind from sun spirit easily disrupts the warrior chain of cc and if he gets past that I have a stun breaker and wolf. I feel that if any ranger is using well timed evades the warrior ranger matchup would be more of a stalemate. A good ranger saves his sun spirit blind in this matchup for when its needed. Killing my sun spirit with your cleave will blind you resulting in an escape opportunity for me.

I can also use pet f2 to disrupt your timing as it is available even when I am stunned. Not to mention pet swap to another dog for single target knockdown cc.

Better leave greatsword at home and bring both hammer and mace. That’s your best shot and the only time I have any real trouble. Cause hammer can stun my spirits preventing their actives. I forced to use stunbreak early. i have evades on weapons and can draw these warriors out at least 60. Before they finally catch me.

If you try to cc me and pop stance so my counter cc doesn’t go through. Blind might but it also wear off too quick. Ill notice though and pop stun break.

Rangers who run 3 spirits with no stun break these days are crazy mofos

Side note
I play warrior to btw though I prefer sword sword

(edited by rpfohr.7048)

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Ryld.1340


It’s exciting to see all the things that ele wins against.

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


1) Why is Ele even in that chart? Any respectable 5-man team will AVOID bringing an Ele.

2) Lets assume an Ele got brought anyway. How is he able to have an “even chance” (two-sided arrow) against anything 1v1 with Valk and 20 air / 20 water / 30 arcana? I’m also assuming it’s a full-Cantrip build? Damage and pressure is going to be absolutely miserable, nobody should ever be dying to that. A Warrior, Thief or Mesmer should have no trouble killing ANY Ele build.

3) Basically you should never send an Ele to cap a point alone if an enemy is there. You shouldn’t even have that class on your team if you’re serious about winning.

(edited by Wintel.4873)