(edited by Sylvari.6083)
Meta Builds Website (sPvP/tPvP)
This is a very cool thing i missed such a site since launch. I always loved the GW1 build website.
because it didnt exist i kept a list of the current metabuilds on my stream. I always keep them updated since months so maybe it helps and you can add one of the builds;
This is a very cool thing
i missed such a site since launch. I always loved the GW1 build website.
because it didnt exist i kept a list of the current metabuilds on my stream. I always keep them updated since months so maybe it helps and you can add one of the builds;
That’s great! I will make sure to look through your list tomorrow and see if I can add something that is missing. It’s getting late here where I live atm
Wow o:
Thank you dude! I’ll put it in my signature. It’s such an awesome resource I’ve been looking for months and months!
Stylus Sunstrider - 80 Charr Warrior[alt]
Bombista - 80 Human Engineer[alt]
Woah, mad props!
This looks absolutely slick and clean! Easy to navigate, and of course, the right things at the right place!
The only thing that seems a bit missing are guides imho… That would be the perfect finishing touch
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
Well done.
Much Props.
Many Thanks.
awsome, I miss using PvX wiki from gw1 its allways nice to have something like this if you haven’t played in a while and just wanna see what builds people are using
thanks for this :P
Why is Skullcracker not on your War builds list >:^(.
Just messing with ya, I’m glad we finally have a site like this because we did in GW1 but not so much for 2.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Sword MH on med guard isn’t at all meta though, might want to switch that one up.
Phaatonn, London UK
(edited by Phaeton.9582)
Ouch, I forgot to say: I put this in my signature to spread the word.
Want your name in my sign? (It will start being so big xD)
Stylus Sunstrider - 80 Charr Warrior[alt]
Bombista - 80 Human Engineer[alt]
I think the main advantage of the old gw1’s pvx wiki was that there was a pretty rigorous system for rating builds based on their significance in the meta. Just listing builds is a start, but I think it is important to give people a means to sort through what builds are used most often and for what reasons. It is also a bit confusing when there is a different entry for each minor variation on a build (looks like some of that is going on in the Engineer PvP section).
This is pretty solid, but I suggest you check out gwpvx which was the guild wars 1 build resource. It was incredibly solid and I’m still surprised we don’t have a similar if not near replica of gwpvx for guild wars 2.
Bad Boy Teenager Club [BBTC]
really good work here
Just a note so I can help out for the Necromancer builds: what exactly are you looking for when you say “meta” builds? I see you have two MM builds for example, when there are potentially a few variants (clerics and soldier, 4/0/6/4/0, 4/0/4/6/0, 2/0/6/6/0), are you looking for just the most popular version of the spec, or are you looking to have the most popular variants for each of the meta builds?
it’s pretty easy to follow the “meta” builds and which are good.
Builds are almost always tweakable to some degree. GW1 had less options to change a working build. In gw2 you have so many factors which almost make no difference (in gw1 it was the runes maybe)
I can say I have a pretty big knowledge about builds and which are good for each class (been doing my list -now also on my stream- since the game started and multiclassed alot.)
So if you need help I would offer it.
Also something pretty nice for PvP would be if you could do a part on the website called “Tournament builds”. And then list the teambuilds of the finalists (or even go deeper) of each ESL weekly. (I would also offer to help there)
ESL weekly is probably the best source for metabuilds for each class anyways.
That WvW Greatsword/Hammer Roaming build is oddly similar, in fact pretty much the exact same build I run all the way down to the infusions xD
It is actually lol, anyways I would change the Strength runes to Hoelbrak runes, they seem to be the better choice nowadays. Also switch out the sigil of fire on the greatsword for sigil of hydromancy.
but yeah this site is definitely nice.
(edited by killahmayne.9518)
Thank you for creating that site. It was really annoying to search for builds.
I vote this subject for sticky. Such websites need to be promoted.
yea, this should be sticked so that everyone can see it easily, and find some builds :P
As elementalist i prefer aura share
I can do everything with high efficacy.
Thanks for the good work!
this page has a mistake, small one. It says “Warior meta builds – Guildwars 2” instead of Thief
Thanks for the good work!
this page has a mistake, small one. It says “Warior meta builds – Guildwars 2” instead of Thief
Also, one of the sPvP/tPvP builds is listed as “Sword/Pisto” instead of “Sword/Pistol”.
We have updated the website to a wiki based website where you guys can help by editing and submitting new builds, check it out!
i liked the old one more – it was simple and everyone saw when site pops up how it works
now i clicked a bit in this wiki thinige and could bot find any build
you shoudl change it back to the old one – it was perfect and maby make a button somewhere for “Add builds” to go on this wiki thing
and best on old one was it show only the best builds^^ not like all this other build websites where all clowns can post builds and noone find ever the right thing
i liked the old one more – it was simple and everyone saw when site pops up how it works
now i clicked a bit in this wiki thinige and could bot find any build
you shoudl change it back to the old one – it was perfect and maby make a button somewhere for “Add builds” to go on this wiki thing
and best on old one was it show only the best builds^^ not like all this other build websites where all clowns can post builds and noone find ever the right thing
Most of the builds are in the “Trial” section, this is where they are being discussed. They will later be moved to the “Testing” section where people can rate the build and thereafter it will be moved to Meta/Great/Good based on it’s rating. Clawn builds will most likely get a bad rating and won’t be shown on the website after the testing phase.
i liked the old one more – it was simple and everyone saw when site pops up how it works
now i clicked a bit in this wiki thinige and could bot find any build
you shoudl change it back to the old one – it was perfect and maby make a button somewhere for “Add builds” to go on this wiki thing
and best on old one was it show only the best builds^^ not like all this other build websites where all clowns can post builds and noone find ever the right thing
Most of the builds are in the “Trial” section, this is where they are being discussed. They will later be moved to the “Testing” section where people can rate the build and thereafter it will be moved to Meta/Great/Good based on it’s rating. Clawn builds will most likely get a bad rating and won’t be shown on the website after the testing phase.
most users dont care to discuss all the random build that will be posted and it will be spammed by every random joe who wanna post his build^^
you should do both
the old site should be main site and your discuss wiki thing you shoud have acces to with a button on top
maby with registered users only and thumbs up or down on builds and this builds go on mainsite^^
anyway – for me old site was perfect – new i dont have any use
(edited by Romek.4201)
Great job on your website, and nice transfer to wiki. A build resource like this has been missing from Gw2 all along. I think it would do well if exposed to the PvE/WvW communities too.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
One very small note you should switch the two DPS guards in TPVP, the first one listed is more of a “variant” than the second one listed
Oh the things i would do to you Sylvari. I won’t discuss them, the risk of being banned is too high
Bumping: Maybe sticky?
I’d like to ask how builds are decided to be trashed. I posted my killshot build and it was put in the trash section without any voting. Killshot isn’t optimal and I understand that, but I didn’t think the site was for optimal builds only. If it wasn’t at least a “Good” build, so to speak, then I don’t think I’d have gotten top 8 in the first ToL with it.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Omg this is just like the pvx wiki from gw1 ty so much
I have been working on a Guild Wars 2 based website for a while now. It’s basically list of all meta builds for the game, collected from different sources. I haven’t managed to collect all the build since I don’t play ever profession but I am expanding the lists everyday. Feel free to report any issues/suggestions so that I can improve the website and make it more user friendly so that everyone can take advantages of it
Website: http://www.metabattle.com/
Reference list: http://www.metabattle.com/disclaimer.php
Maybe someday. Currently too many mistakes / errors / wrong information.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
I’d like to ask how builds are decided to be trashed. I posted my killshot build and it was put in the trash section without any voting. Killshot isn’t optimal and I understand that, but I didn’t think the site was for optimal builds only. If it wasn’t at least a “Good” build, so to speak, then I don’t think I’d have gotten top 8 in the first ToL with it.
Your killshot Warrior was under a 10 day rating period, where it received the rating stars 1.2 out of 5. You did not join your own builds discussion page, when we commented and marked it for deletion. We thought you’ve abandoned your build.
And yes, this site is for working builds and killshot isn’t. Your opponents couldn’t dodge a 3seconds time skill and did not focus you, but only bad opponents. Making it unusable.
Ninov Ftw
(edited by Quincy.2198)
I have been working on a Guild Wars 2 based website for a while now. It’s basically list of all meta builds for the game, collected from different sources. I haven’t managed to collect all the build since I don’t play ever profession but I am expanding the lists everyday. Feel free to report any issues/suggestions so that I can improve the website and make it more user friendly so that everyone can take advantages of it
Website: http://www.metabattle.com/
Reference list: http://www.metabattle.com/disclaimer.php
Maybe someday. Currently too many mistakes / errors / wrong information.
This site is made by the community, for the community. If you see any mistakes (which I doubt you will find in the PvP section ) feel free to log in and propose changes on the discussion page.
Ninov Ftw
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Kill Shot is the #1 Warrior build NA! Just look at how thuper it is! Maybe Olrun’s version is a little poop because he runs Endure Pain! That’s for noobs! Real Kill Shot builds use Healing Surge, Signet of Fury, Frenzy, Bull Charge, Signet of Rage!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
EDIT: Vee Wee just submitted a build! Wahoo!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis <-It’s back!
(edited by ArrDee.2573)
Olrun your Kill Shot build sat in testing for quite a while. After 5 votes it had a score of 1.2 and since no one wanted to contribute in the discussion page to improve it. It was trashed.
(edited by Enzo.2784)
Great page! The set up is nice especially the part about voting on builds. thanks
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
I uploaded the #1 Engi build NA and it’s gone! Meanwhile the “meta” condi build for Engi is still there! Earth Sigil! LOL! I found out that someone who doesn’t even play an Engi made that “meta” build! Tho thilly! This site needs some work!
PS I even linked to the site on my Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis #1 HD stream NA! That is going to change! Pronto!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
(edited by ellesee.8297)
@Quincy Looking at the edit history of the build, it looks like the build was placed in Testing in Revision as of 15:11, 4 August 2014. It was then placed in Trash in Revision as of 18:31, 7 August 2014. That is in no way 10 days. That is three. And in regards to me not defending my build, I was on my way to Florida, where I am now on vacation. In regards to your opinion on all players who eat a killshot, there are two things you’re neglecting. First: you’re moving back and forth between points frequently. Nobody can keep track of every time you come into a fight. There’s a reason why top players eat so many killshots. Second: I’ve proven that it can work on good players, so the fact that you THINK it won’t is irrelevant.
@Enzo Three days is not “quite a while.”
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
This site needs a lot of work! On the builds themselves and the owners’ attitudes! Vee Wee submitted a build called Vee Wee’s P/P Condi, it gets deleted the next day because “you can’t claim ownership of a build!” Meanwhile there is a build called Koroshi’s WvW Build and it’s been up for over a week with like 10 different votes and like 2000+ views! Obvious bias towards Vee Wee, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Furthermore the Engi “meta build” is so awful! 4 points in Tools! Sigil of Earth! Not taking Backpack Regenerator! And it wasn’t even created by an Engi player! Laughable! If you are looking for builds, I suggest you check out the PvP twitch streams thread! Link to that thread will be at the bottom! Many professional Guild Warts 2 players’ streams are listed there and they usually have their builds in the description!.
If only Vee Wee had known the owners of the site were big doo doo heads and absolutely clueless about builds, Vee Wee would never have posted Vee Wee’s build on that site! When Vee Wee tried to remove the build, they kept putting it back up! Gosh! metabattle is officially the worst site! It does not have Vee Wee’s seal of approval!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis <-It’s back!
(edited by ArrDee.2573)
@Vee Wee/ArrDee, Some of your suggestions were valid, most of them weren’t. You participated in acts of vandalism, spam and harassment on various build pages after we reverted a change made by you that put your own build straight into meta without voting. And the meta builds are 95% accurate, but we agree some builds can really change depending on player preference – that does not mean other versions are bad and we are trying to cover every viable one under the Variant sections.
(edited by Enzo.2784)
This site is made by the community, for the community. If you see any mistakes (which I doubt you will find in the PvP section ) feel free to log in and propose changes on the discussion page.
not really….
… you do not have permission to create this page.
A few of the mistakes I found at the first! look at the meta tpvp section:
1.) Mesmer Shatter TPvP Meta Build: Helseth is defining this meta, take a look at his build. This means in Illusions number VII and not VIII,
2.) Guardian TPvP Altruistic Healing Build: From Tage in Valor Number V over VII
3.) ROMs Hambow includes Sigil of Doom.
4.) Meta-Build Axe-Sword/Longbow Variation with 2-0-6-0-6 missing.
5.) The build from Hibify (Cheese Mode) is missing (he was using it in the TolQ4) http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fdAQFAUlUUpkrtbxELseNCbBNyx8GRuxq85IEgkC-TJRHwAFuAAAeAAk2f4YZAA
6.) One of the current ranger build variations: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fNAQNAV8YjMq0savKusQ0aADhq9JEslAzAodd+DDxIiC-TpBFwABuAAKOCA12fYxBBAaZAAPAAA (used from Azron, Team Cheesemode at the TolQ4)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Most of your “meta” builds are awful! “95% accurate!” Jokes! How can you expect us to go to a site for builds when all those builds are incorrect! I still can’t get over Earth Sigil! Thuper funny! Not taking Backpack Regenerator! Do you even play Engi! You are telling me my suggestions aren’t valid when you don’t even play Engi! Worst! Also Rabid Amulet Necro! lolz
And all I wanted is to take down my build! After finding out who runs the site, Vee Wee does not want to be associated with this website, and yet you keep putting it back up even though you said we are free to remove it! It says so right in the disclaimer! Vee Wee does not care that Vee Wee’s #1 Engi build NA was taken out of meta! Vee Wee didn’t even know how to change it! Vee Wee just copied the template of the awful Engi “meta” build!
This is truly the worst site of them all! Like I said frands! If you want builds, head to the PvP streamers thread! Professional Guild Warts 2 players of every class have links to their actual builds! Not joke ones like on metabattle! We need a change in management or someone knowledgeable like Vee Wee, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80, to admin the builds! Vee Wee cannot stand to see Vee Wee’s fellow Engineers look up a super build only to find out it’s a piece of poo!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis <-It’s back!
(edited by ArrDee.2573)
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Most of your “meta” builds are awful! “95% accurate!” Jokes! How can you expect us to go to a site for builds when all those builds are incorrect! I still can’t get over Earth Sigil! Thuper funny! Not taking Backpack Regenerator! Do you even play Engi! You are telling me my suggestions aren’t valid when you don’t even play Engi! Worst! Also Rabid Amulet Necro! lolz
And all I wanted is to take down my build! After finding out who runs the site, Vee Wee does not want to be associated with this website, and yet you keep putting it back up even though you said we are free to remove it! It says so right in the disclaimer! Vee Wee does not care that Vee Wee’s #1 Engi build NA was taken out of meta! Vee Wee didn’t even know how to change it! Vee Wee just copied the template of the awful Engi “meta” build!
This is truly the worst site of them all! Like I said frands! If you want builds, head to the PvP streamers thread! Professional Guild Warts 2 players of every class have links to their actual builds! Not joke ones like on metabattle! We need a change in management or someone knowledgeable like Vee Wee, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80, to admin the builds! Vee Wee cannot stand to see Vee Wee’s fellow Engineers look up a super build only to find out it’s a piece of poo!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
You’ve participated in acts of vandalism, spam and harassment multiple times under 1 day, so you’ve got yourself banned. No need to be mad about it and spread false info, be mad at yourself instead.
Ninov Ftw
This site is made by the community, for the community. If you see any mistakes (which I doubt you will find in the PvP section ) feel free to log in and propose changes on the discussion page.
not really….
… you do not have permission to create this page.
A few of the mistakes I found at the first! look at the meta tpvp section:
1.) Mesmer Shatter TPvP Meta Build: Helseth is defining this meta, take a look at his build. This means in Illusions number VII and not VIII,
2.) Guardian TPvP Altruistic Healing Build: From Tage in Valor Number V over VII
3.) ROMs Hambow includes Sigil of Doom.
4.) Meta-Build Axe-Sword/Longbow Variation with 2-0-6-0-6 missing.
5.) The build from Hibify (Cheese Mode) is missing (he was using it in the TolQ4) http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fdAQFAUlUUpkrtbxELseNCbBNyx8GRuxq85IEgkC-TJRHwAFuAAAeAAk2f4YZAA
6.) One of the current ranger build variations: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fNAQNAV8YjMq0savKusQ0aADhq9JEslAzAodd+DDxIiC-TpBFwABuAAKOCA12fYxBBAaZAAPAAA (used from Azron, Team Cheesemode at the TolQ4)
As we’ve said it multiple times, it’s a community project. Found a mistake? Take 20 seconds to correct it. The one in the shatter build was a typo, thanks for noticing. The ROM build sigil was fixed way before your post, for your information. The rest you are saying is on the wiki list as variants.
Ninov Ftw
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
If you could just point out the “false info” Vee Wee has been spreading that’s great! The real false info is on your website! Yippee!
Please remove Vee Wee’s build from the site! It’s Vee Wee’s personal build that Vee Wee has been using for almost a year and does not want to share with the website anymore! Then all the animosity will be gone! Vee Wee does not want to associate with your website of false builds!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis <-It’s back!
(edited by ArrDee.2573)
As we’ve said it multiple times, it’s a community project. Found a mistake? Take 20 seconds to correct it. The one in the shatter build was a typo, thanks for noticing. The ROM build sigil was fixed way before your post, for your information. The rest you are saying is on the wiki list as variants.
Does not work to change it myself. I posted the error message for you.
And no, it was not fixed “way before”, I checked again during writing the post.
Maybe you really need to change your attitude?
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
The edit at 10:17 on 11 August 2014 added the Doom sigil as a variant, which was several days before your post. However, only an idiot would bring Doom over Energy. You replace the Paralyzation sigil with it, since that only affects Earthshaker. Knockdowns and Knockbacks aren’t affected by that sigil.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief