Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
Which do you think is some of the hardest professions to play or master in PvP combat?
Perhaps there’s some specific build you have in mind?
None, everything is difficult and takes skillz till it becomes viable then its just ez pz.
2 years ago warrs were kitten and everyone who played them were mad skilled now the same people are called nubs.
Engis were super difficult and required lots of skills, now they do exactly same thing as before only are more powerful at it so everyone just says its mindless condi spam.
And same with every class.
Play thief as they are not limited to cooldowns you can always improve your initiative management.
If you ask me, and you did, there are no builds/class in this game that are particularly difficult to play. Even Ele and Engi, who have the greatest number of skills aren’t that hard to learn especially if we compare them to other MMOs.
Some players LOVE to say that Warrior has the lowest skill level, but if you are going to say that Ele/Engi has the highest then the difference would be maybe an hour of learning. Mastering this game as for as PvP/WvW is concerned is all about positioning and teamwork rather than the challenge of paying a class.
i think there are some classes which are easier to begin with.
Like necros or warriors.
But if you wana play on a decent skilllvl there isnt a class which is easy peasy.
And to be honest not every class is made for every player
Elementalist are definitely the hardest to play efficiently. I’d then say Engineer.
After that, they’re all fairly easy to get the hang of. Mastering it takes time though.
You can look at it from multiple angles.
You can look at the number of skills you have to manage and use that as a basis. In that case Engineers and Elementalists seem “harder” because they have more skills to manage. But you can also argue that since they are all limited by cooldowns, all you’re rally doing is rotations.
You can argue that it’s about risk/reward. Playing a glass cannon well requires a lot of finesse and situational awareness since one mistake can undo you. In that case Thieves would seem most challenging since they lack any form of passive defense. But again you could argue that all they do is “spam 3” or “spam 2” because they don’t have cooldowns.
You could argue that playing a Bunker requires most skill since you’re the most important member of a team and have to keep track of both your enemies and your allies and assist accordingly. Your success probably has the biggest sway on the outcome of a match.
You could argue Mesmers and Engineers take most skill because they are the least popular and most non-intuitive classes. And that must obviously have to do with their higher skill requirements.
It’s all about how you want to twist your arguments.
Imo though playing any class “well” isn’t difficult in any case. Sure, grasping a Warrior might take slightly less time and practice than grapsing an Engineer or Elementalist, but both can be created and played at a competitive level within a day.
What really dictates your success in PvP is situational awareness and coordination with your team.
Thief, cuz most influential.
all prof’s are easy to learn. but some of them are hard to master. it’s called skill cap. i can’t say which one has high skill cap, but I can say which one hasnt it:
any bunker
any AI based
any condi spam
any prof. based on passive defense (or should I merge this point with “bunker” one?)
I am playing as full bers offense ele, but ele doesn’t look like hard prof for me. In other hand I can say which builds supposed to be high skill capped:
single target
balanced or offensive build (bers/valk/caval/cele)
active dmg mitigation i.e. dodge/cc/blind/interrupts
no AI
maybe forgot something to add, to qualify this list you can make build in any prof you like.
that was what i thought this would go only bersi eles + thiefs are pros and need ultimate skillcap ….
Depends on spec, some have higher skill caps than others.
For instance mesmer.
Phantasm spec is the easiest to play
Shatter is pretty straight forward, just get the rotations down.
PU requires a little more thought
Interrupt probably has the highest skill cap of any spec for any class in the game, as it requires you to know every single class and their animations to play it at 100%.
To answer you question OP, powerblock/interrupt mesmer is probably the hardest thing to play. You could probably get away with just mashing interrupts on cooldown, but the at top of the skill ceiling for that particular spec you can absolutely shut people down if you know what spec they are running and know the skills that absolutely need to be put on cd by powerblock, and being able to recognize the animations and when they are likely to use them.
Thief, Ele & Mesmer.
There are no ‘most difficult professions’, there are only ‘most difficult builds’.
There are no ‘most difficult professions’, there are only ‘most difficult builds’.
Then post a build! =)
Like others have said, its not about profession its about build. Also it depends a lot on you as a player, and what you find difficult. For some people ele/engineer is hard because there is a lot to learn, for others the memorization is relatively easy.
Depends on spec, some have higher skill caps than others.
For instance mesmer.
Phantasm spec is the easiest to play
Shatter is pretty straight forward, just get the rotations down.
PU requires a little more thought
Interrupt probably has the highest skill cap of any spec for any class in the game, as it requires you to know every single class and their animations to play it at 100%.
To answer you question OP, powerblock/interrupt mesmer is probably the hardest thing to play. You could probably get away with just mashing interrupts on cooldown, but the at top of the skill ceiling for that particular spec you can absolutely shut people down if you know what spec they are running and know the skills that absolutely need to be put on cd by powerblock, and being able to recognize the animations and when they are likely to use them.
Laughing too hard after seeing what you said about PU to continue reading
Any ranger build OTHER THAN SPIRIT RANGER is among the top 3 “hard to play” builds in the game.
Power builds are epic at dealing damage, you can simply destroy a single target from a safe distance, but once someone gets close, you will be wiped almost instantly.
Trapper are scary, but you need to move a lot, if CC’d, you die almost instantly.
BM Bunker (any form) is great until the enemy knows you run BM, then they will kill your pet and “shut you down”. Also pets does not like condies very much and unfortunately the way ranger is designed, you cannot do much about it.
I find them all very easy except ele. When I play an ele it feels like I’m squishy as heck and deal no damage whatsoever.
At the skill cap I would say the hardest builds to play effectively (IMO):
1. Interrupt Mesmer (6/2/6/0/0) (no crutch from DE or iPersona)
2. S/D Ele
3. Shatter Mesmer
4. Power Ranger
5. Power Necro (Non-MM, MM is trash and needs removed)
6. Static Discharge Engineer
7. D/P Thief
I say this because these classes are very high risk high reward specs. They are not (totally) dependent on AI with the exception of the shatter mesmer but even then the damage is the shatters and not the illusions…. and they all wear a zerker amulet.
Cheese builds which require little to no skill and can just be picked up and ran with are
1. Warrior… (anything but killshot 100bros builds which are just hilarious).
2. Spirit ranger
3. MM Necro
4. PU/Phantasm Mesmer
5. Decap/Turret engi…
At the skill cap I would say the hardest builds to play effectively (IMO):
1. Interrupt Mesmer (6/2/6/0/0) (no crutch from DE or iPersona)
2. S/D Ele
3. Shatter Mesmer
4. Power Ranger
5. Power Necro (Non-MM, MM is trash and needs removed)
6. Static Discharge Engineer
7. D/P ThiefI say this because these classes are very high risk high reward specs. They are not (totally) dependent on AI with the exception of the shatter mesmer but even then the damage is the shatters and not the illusions…. and they all wear a zerker amulet.
Cheese builds which require little to no skill and can just be picked up and ran with are
1. Warrior… (anything but killshot 100bros builds which are just hilarious).
2. Spirit ranger
3. MM Necro
4. PU/Phantasm Mesmer
5. Decap/Turret engi…
Lol, here’s betting you play interrupt mesmer
Cheese builds which require little to no skill and can just be picked up and ran with are
1. Warrior… (anything but killshot 100bros builds which are just hilarious).
2. Spirit ranger
3. MM Necro
4. PU/Phantasm Mesmer
5. Decap/Turret engi…
I always get a headache when i read something like this.
you wann tell us that every kittening idiot can be used to play the war / ranger in the topteams? like lets take a 80% ranger instead of níah and a 75% warri instead of róm?
thats bullkitten and you know it.
i can see u hate builds which screw you pew pew zerker classes.
this is GW2 not a shooter so deal with it.
nah man, the hardest build is zerker gs/lb gs/rifle bullcharge frenzy war, everything else is just cheese as eff.
nah man, the hardest build is zerker gs/lb gs/rifle bullcharge frenzy war, everything else is just cheese as eff.
Those are “hardest” only because more and more people actually learn to play sPvP and how to avoid being killed by noob-grinder builds. Once people learn to dodge and use stances those builds become “hard”.
(edited by holodoc.5748)
Kill a Rangers pet and they’re kitten from the get go after what seems like either a stealth nerf or a bug, pets die really fast now. Always target the pet, you won’t fail.
nah man, the hardest build is zerker gs/lb gs/rifle bullcharge frenzy war, everything else is just cheese as eff.
Those are “hardest” only because more and more people actually learn to play sPvP and how to avoid being killed by noob-grinder builds. Once people learn to dodge and use stances those builds become “hard”.
hardest amount hard is hardest, what
At the skill cap I would say the hardest builds to play effectively (IMO):
1. Interrupt Mesmer (6/2/6/0/0) (no crutch from DE or iPersona)
2. S/D Ele
3. Shatter Mesmer
4. Power Ranger
5. Power Necro (Non-MM, MM is trash and needs removed)
6. Static Discharge Engineer
7. D/P ThiefI say this because these classes are very high risk high reward specs. They are not (totally) dependent on AI with the exception of the shatter mesmer but even then the damage is the shatters and not the illusions…. and they all wear a zerker amulet.
Cheese builds which require little to no skill and can just be picked up and ran with are
1. Warrior… (anything but killshot 100bros builds which are just hilarious).
2. Spirit ranger
3. MM Necro
4. PU/Phantasm Mesmer
5. Decap/Turret engi…
Pretty accurate few things I’d change the positions of but yeah mostly this. Not sure if I’d say interrupt has the highest skill cap tho.
At the skill cap I would say the hardest builds to play effectively (IMO):
1. Interrupt Mesmer (6/2/6/0/0) (no crutch from DE or iPersona)
2. S/D Ele
3. Shatter Mesmer
4. Power Ranger
5. Power Necro (Non-MM, MM is trash and needs removed)
6. Static Discharge Engineer
7. D/P ThiefI say this because these classes are very high risk high reward specs. They are not (totally) dependent on AI with the exception of the shatter mesmer but even then the damage is the shatters and not the illusions…. and they all wear a zerker amulet.
Cheese builds which require little to no skill and can just be picked up and ran with are
1. Warrior… (anything but killshot 100bros builds which are just hilarious).
2. Spirit ranger
3. MM Necro
4. PU/Phantasm Mesmer
5. Decap/Turret engi…Lol, here’s betting you play interrupt mesmer
Actually I don’t but I do have 5/8 champ titles. And I have played interrupt mesmer as well kittenter and PU, I have also played HGH engi, decap engi, static discharge engi, bunker engi, I have played bunker guard/DPS guard. Terrormancer and power necro, d/d ele, s/d ele, d/p thief, hambow warrior, hammer/axe shield warrior.
I’m also rank 78 on nothing but tournament games because I despise hotjoin. If you look at my class pie chart it is a pretty even mix of classes with the least being on ranger (mainly because I find it sooooo boring to play.)
At the skill cap I would say the hardest builds to play effectively (IMO):
1. Interrupt Mesmer (6/2/6/0/0) (no crutch from DE or iPersona)
2. S/D Ele
3. Shatter Mesmer
4. Power Ranger
5. Power Necro (Non-MM, MM is trash and needs removed)
6. Static Discharge Engineer
7. D/P ThiefI say this because these classes are very high risk high reward specs. They are not (totally) dependent on AI with the exception of the shatter mesmer but even then the damage is the shatters and not the illusions…. and they all wear a zerker amulet.
Cheese builds which require little to no skill and can just be picked up and ran with are
1. Warrior… (anything but killshot 100bros builds which are just hilarious).
2. Spirit ranger
3. MM Necro
4. PU/Phantasm Mesmer
5. Decap/Turret engi…Pretty accurate few things I’d change the positions of but yeah mostly this. Not sure if I’d say interrupt has the highest skill cap tho.
It wasn’t in order from highest to lowest just a list but interrupt mes is still up there imo.
Cheese builds which require little to no skill and can just be picked up and ran with are
1. Warrior… (anything but killshot 100bros builds which are just hilarious).
2. Spirit ranger
3. MM Necro
4. PU/Phantasm Mesmer
5. Decap/Turret engi…I always get a headache when i read something like this.
you wann tell us that every kittening idiot can be used to play the war / ranger in the topteams? like lets take a 80% ranger instead of níah and a 75% warri instead of róm?
thats bullkitten and you know it.
i can see u hate builds which screw you pew pew zerker classes.
this is GW2 not a shooter so deal with it.
The top teams run these specs not because it speaks to the top teams skill as an individual player but because these are the most rewarding specs for the least amount of risk. In a game mode where you sit in a circle and beat on each other. And yes for the most part the any idiot can play hambow warr and spirit ranger.
Also, what is the alternative? Are there many? Are they strong enough? Some may play certain specs because there isn’t a viable alternative no matter how skilled they are.
you cant find any, because anet keep nerfing the skillful builds, and buffing the faceroll ones.
Then this is your opinion its okey.
It just shows me you have no idea about high ranking. Top Rangers and Warris will also be top with other speccs but these speccs would be less effective.
Telling me that a casual player would beat up a top gamer in 1vs1 situation with same spec / class is total BS sorry.
Berzerk thief ele and mesmer.
Then this is your opinion its okey.
It just shows me you have no idea about high ranking. Top Rangers and Warris will also be top with other speccs but these speccs would be less effective.
Telling me that a casual player would beat up a top gamer in 1vs1 situation with same spec / class is total BS sorry.
People don’t get that top teams aren’t top teams only because of the classes they play or individual “skill”. Top teams are in such a situation because they work the maps as a team and time their map rotations over the average player. They know when to push and when to play it safe.
So many people think that top teams playing certain builds makes that build hard to play or they have a great individual skill because they are “top” teams.
The individual skill of the top team players is most of the time higher then the average players skilllvl.
Best example is soloq where you dont have your rotations.
You wanna tell us only zerker stuff is skilled stuff, so u will fap on one-hiting thiefs in WvW i guess.
Pls make a video which will show us u can beat the cheesy professions in 1vs1 mirror vs the top players, cause u said there is not much individual skill.
The individual skill of the top team players is most of the time higher then the average players skilllvl.
Best example is soloq where you dont have your rotations.
You wanna tell us only zerker stuff is skilled stuff, so u will fap on one-hiting thiefs in WvW i guess.
Pls make a video which will show us u can beat the cheesy professions in 1vs1 mirror vs the top players, cause u said there is not much individual skill.
I almost never play wvw and usually only do solo or team que and never hotjoin. I’m not saying zerker only is more skilled than other builds but it is higher risk higher reward. Why are you so offended at what I (and the majority of players) view as cheese and easy to play? What’s even funnier is a lot of the “top” players play these easy mode specs because their preferred spec got nerfed into nothing or other classes got buffed so hard that they couldn’t keep up anymore. Shatter mesmers are a great example here take Sensotix, Sup Cutie, etc. They all went from mesmer to thief. Even helseth was for awhile but he played mes in ToL and wouldn’t you know it the team with the mesmers usually did worse in ToL.
Further more alot of top players that switched their classes because of the meta had named their characters as such like a hambow warrior named “was ele hate meta.”
It’s simple if you look at ToL their were still more hambows than any other spec, followed by spirit ranger, and bunker guardian. The only reason people aren’t screaming bloody murder about bunker guards is they still go down eventually and require harsh management of cds and heals.
The individual skill of the top team players is most of the time higher then the average players skilllvl.
Best example is soloq where you dont have your rotations.
You wanna tell us only zerker stuff is skilled stuff, so u will fap on one-hiting thiefs in WvW i guess.
Pls make a video which will show us u can beat the cheesy professions in 1vs1 mirror vs the top players, cause u said there is not much individual skill.I almost never play wvw and usually only do solo or team que and never hotjoin. I’m not saying zerker only is more skilled than other builds but it is higher risk higher reward. Why are you so offended at what I (and the majority of players) view as cheese and easy to play? What’s even funnier is a lot of the “top” players play these easy mode specs because their preferred spec got nerfed into nothing or other classes got buffed so hard that they couldn’t keep up anymore. Shatter mesmers are a great example here take Sensotix, Sup Cutie, etc. They all went from mesmer to thief. Even helseth was for awhile but he played mes in ToL and wouldn’t you know it the team with the mesmers usually did worse in ToL.
Further more alot of top players that switched their classes because of the meta had named their characters as such like a hambow warrior named “was ele hate meta.”
It’s simple if you look at ToL their were still more hambows than any other spec, followed by spirit ranger, and bunker guardian. The only reason people aren’t screaming bloody murder about bunker guards is they still go down eventually and require harsh management of cds and heals.
Err, I dunno what tournament you were watching, but I saw plenty of teams with no warrior. I saw two teams with mesmers in the final. I saw a team without a ranger win the tournament. Also, 55 HP monks was not running a spirit ranger either.
Cheese builds which require little to no skill and can just be picked up and ran with are
1. Warrior… (anything but killshot 100bros builds which are just hilarious).
2. Spirit ranger
3. MM Necro
4. PU/Phantasm Mesmer
5. Decap/Turret engi…I always get a headache when i read something like this.
you wann tell us that every kittening idiot can be used to play the war / ranger in the topteams? like lets take a 80% ranger instead of níah and a 75% warri instead of róm?
thats bullkitten and you know it.
i can see u hate builds which screw you pew pew zerker classes.
this is GW2 not a shooter so deal with it.
Zerker – Risk/Rewards builds take a lot more skill than the specs he listed which benefit greatly from passive mitigation/damage. Especially in team matches, the second someone finds out you have 12k hp 0 toughness you are going to be called and FF the second you pop up.
But naw hambow heal sig warriors are totally radical
Cause u wanna tell people they just have to reroll class xy and become progamers.
U tell them pew pew zerkers is skilled and the others are cheesy.
I guess u never had played ranger or warri before u just got screwed by them.
I hate it when people like you tell the people which class is faceroll and then they are kittening up completly in tpvp cause it isnt as faceroll as it should be.
The individual skill of the top team players is most of the time higher then the average players skilllvl.
Best example is soloq where you dont have your rotations.
You wanna tell us only zerker stuff is skilled stuff, so u will fap on one-hiting thiefs in WvW i guess.
Pls make a video which will show us u can beat the cheesy professions in 1vs1 mirror vs the top players, cause u said there is not much individual skill.I almost never play wvw and usually only do solo or team que and never hotjoin. I’m not saying zerker only is more skilled than other builds but it is higher risk higher reward. Why are you so offended at what I (and the majority of players) view as cheese and easy to play? What’s even funnier is a lot of the “top” players play these easy mode specs because their preferred spec got nerfed into nothing or other classes got buffed so hard that they couldn’t keep up anymore. Shatter mesmers are a great example here take Sensotix, Sup Cutie, etc. They all went from mesmer to thief. Even helseth was for awhile but he played mes in ToL and wouldn’t you know it the team with the mesmers usually did worse in ToL.
Further more alot of top players that switched their classes because of the meta had named their characters as such like a hambow warrior named “was ele hate meta.”
It’s simple if you look at ToL their were still more hambows than any other spec, followed by spirit ranger, and bunker guardian. The only reason people aren’t screaming bloody murder about bunker guards is they still go down eventually and require harsh management of cds and heals.
Err, I dunno what tournament you were watching, but I saw plenty of teams with no warrior. I saw two teams with mesmers in the final. I saw a team without a ranger win the tournament. Also, 55 HP monks was not running a spirit ranger either.
But several of the teams with warriors had 2. Im not basing it off of who won but just the class representation. Mesmer/ele were the least repped classes in the tournament.
Cause u wanna tell people they just have to reroll class xy and become progamers.
U tell them pew pew zerkers is skilled and the others are cheesy.
I guess u never had played ranger or warri before u just got screwed by them.
I hate it when people like you tell the people which class is faceroll and then they are kittening up completly in tpvp cause it isnt as faceroll as it should be.
I have played warrior several times. Whenever I want to halfway afk I play my hambow warrior.
I have played warrior several times. Whenever I want to halfway afk I play my hambow warrior.
It is useless to discuss. Pls show me your tag when u hit 1st place in any kind of tourney with a “cheesy” class.
I have seen enough of this trolol spec xy is faceroll idiots failing hard.
Cause u wanna tell people they just have to reroll class xy and become progamers.
U tell them pew pew zerkers is skilled and the others are cheesy.
I guess u never had played ranger or warri before u just got screwed by them.
I hate it when people like you tell the people which class is faceroll and then they are kittening up completly in tpvp cause it isnt as faceroll as it should be.I have played warrior several times. Whenever I want to halfway afk I play my hambow warrior.
hehe, hambow = all warriors now, i really like the thinking, because other specs especially zerkers won’t even make into people’s mind. the moment i saw your list i already went lol what, now i know why and i would love to see you go semi afk man against any non nooby random players, you must be so pro
(edited by Simon.3794)
Overall? The squishy burst professions; Ele, Mesmer, Thief.
Interrupt Mesmer would be right near the top of the list, in terms of specific builds.
Like I said… lol.
Engineer. Nothing works “as is” everything you do has to be apart of something else to work. I.e healing yourself, bursting, cc.
I retract my former statement about traps on ranger. After spending all day in trololololQ i realized that only an idiot can fail with traps. It is so ezmode, you can survive with only 3condicleanses (i ran sig of generosity, healing spring and sig of purity)
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