My MMR officially too low
Sorry to hear that man. I’d still take a good warrior over a bad player on a “meta” class anyday. I find it weird that you see a lot of bad chat in team chat. 90% of my games is like playing with NPC’s, there is no chat at all, not even a reply to “Hi” when I zone in.
Meta classes work in a meta team by meta players IMO. It doesn’t work at my tier ?low tier, emerald) by people copy pasting the builds but still doing the same dumb things in a game like you said, double capping nodes, capping mid then bomb bursting all over the map, fighting off node against an Ele who is just there to distract the 4 brainless people on my team who chase him all over the map lol.
, fighting off node against an Ele who is just there to distract the 4 brainless people on my team who chase him all over the map lol.
as a side note, that is however a very good strategy to carry if the other team is also bad enough to fall for it ;P
It’s not entirely because people don’t like seeing warriors that they rage at them, but because most still playing warrior have tunnel vision, and insta die outside of the few seconds of endure pain. So people associate this level with any warrior they see. People also don’t like to accept or recognise their own mistakes. They’d rather blame someone else. Usually this is the thief or warrior, and not because of this meta - it has been like this for a long time.
Getting clueless team mates happens to everyone. I’ve seen elementalists provide no support at all on a point, and think they are good because elementalists are a good class, and they have the right build. It doesn’t occur to them that such a build should be played to support others. I had a match earlier where the ele stood on point watching a DH res a reaper I’d downed, twice in a row. The point was already ours, but even if he was in the process of capping it, securing the kill was more important. I couldn’t stomp - I barely even had enough health to survive the downedstate attacks while cleaving, which was mostly dodging for bound or I’d have died - and between the DH ressing, the reaper’s leech auto attack, and my inability to go full offensive, there wasn’t enough damage to prevent a res. We needed the ele to stomp. After the reaper was ressed, I managed to down him a second time, only to have the same process repeat itself, and he got revived. The point was then lost. The ele firmly believed we lost the point, not because he didn’t come and stomp, but because I didn’t use choking gas. Nevermind the poison on my auto attacks, no. We lost, because I didn’t use choking gas on the downed. He firmly believed it, and pestered me about it after the match in whisper, telling me to learn to play, after blaming the loss on me and the reaper I was partied with.
It doesn’t get better, and it won’t get better. If detailed explanations can’t help them see the real problem when it is so obvious, then such people are beyond hope. The only time you get truly balanced matches is when you get 4 other people on your level to queue with. This is what I strongly suggest doing for there to be any enjoyment come from PvP for you. I doubt I’d still be solo queuing if I didn’t have a full group to run with 2-3 evenings each week; I’d probably have quit a year ago (I did briefly, actually, but the combat system in the game I went to just didn’t compare to thief in GW2).
OP, this is a very good example of a not at all helpful post.
You are writing a wall of text about players being bad and not knowing tactics without providing any real advice on how or what to improve.
AFAIK there is no comprehensive PvP guide that would explain the current “meta” (currently best builds) or the best tactics (in a given map). Experienced players generally expect new players to l2p (learn to play) the hard way. More or less by figuring out the stuff by themselves and by watching others.
Bad matchmaking does the rest. You really don’t learn much when destroying or being destroyed in a match. What we need is close matches, to get feedback on our actions and learn from failure and success.
There are a few (very few) experienced PvP players that provide useful information. We need more of that and less “l2p” flame against newbies (like myself).
In the end — at least i hope — newbies and pros (and anet) share a common interest.
Have as many close matches as possible by maximizing the average skill and minimizing the deviation.
OP, this is a very good example of a not at all helpful post.
You are writing a wall of text about players being bad and not knowing tactics without providing any real advice on how or what to improve.AFAIK there is no comprehensive PvP guide that would explain the current “meta” (currently best builds) or the best tactics (in a given map). Experienced players generally expect new players to l2p (learn to play) the hard way. More or less by figuring out the stuff by themselves and by watching others.
Bad matchmaking does the rest. You really don’t learn much when destroying or being destroyed in a match. What we need is close matches, to get feedback on our actions and learn from failure and success.
There are a few (very few) experienced PvP players that provide useful information. We need more of that and less “l2p” flame against newbies (like myself).
In the end — at least i hope — newbies and pros (and anet) share a common interest.
Have as many close matches as possible by maximizing the average skill and minimizing the deviation.
There are so many existing thread on the subject matter, I do not feel as though I need to reiterate every time I make a thread.
Here is an example of a well bullet pointed post with instructions and tips.
Teaching people mid match is difficult. Most people take offense.
For example, in Team chat I am typing, “leave, I can 1v1 this.” But my teammate stays for the plus 1. We owned the node, so maybe he was trying to protect it. Then our team wipes at mid and I can’t help but think if you left me here, we would have not wiped. So when you write that, you usually get some flagrant response back.
Another example, on Foefire, we did a 1-3-1 split with a mesmer pushing far. We secured home and I rotated to mid. We were winning mid and had killed 2 guys at different times. Our mesmer dies at far finally and they cap, with that person rotating to mid. The enemy wins mid, mesmer goes far and dies again without a decap. I write in team chat, “Mesmer, we are going to need your help mid”. He comes mid and we get our two cap back, but the enemy changes strat. Long story short, we lose after blowing a lead and mesmer starts flaming my about thats why he was pushing far. I replied, but you went and died twice there without decaps, at which point he proceeded to flame me.
We stopped their lord rush but they had a two cap and like 420 points. Mind you we killed 4 of them in our base. I say guys we have 350, lets reverse all the caps, since mid was neuted. Mesmer called for a lord rush, with no doors down, no portal, and we have no caps. Again, we are in our base, where the time to travel is at least 30 secs (I was on necro), plus we need to break a door. And 4 of them coming off timer. Needless to say, I thought it was a bad idea. We lost, then he flamed about not listening to him, noobs, etc etc.
People do not listen to constructive criticism mid match because the average person is just flaming. Again, no one is wrong, this is the internet and they know everything.
Here are a few constructive criticisms you can enjoy at your leisure.
1) Double capping does not cap the point faster.
2) when you wipe the enemy at mid and push far, the enemy spawns at far. Unless you push the same numbers, you are walking right into an outnumbered fight.
Unless you get the decap, a retreat needs to be made.
3) The biggest problem of them all I have noticed recently. once you wipe an enemy and you control the two cap, just sit there and wait for the enemy to come back. Trust me, they are going to attack either mid or your home. They have to or the lose mathematically. There is no reason to move from your spots.
Simply position your team in a way such that you can support either node they may assault.
4) Second biggest issue. Matching numbers is not the same as matching classes. Our bunker rotates to a enemy controlled node to fight the enemy bunker 1v1. This does nothing for your team but take away its support. You do not do enough damage to decap, and all your dps is fighting other places dying because we do not have support. Sure it is a 4v4 but without support, we will have a faster time to kill.
5) Pulling out of a fight vs suiciding in. If a node is owned or contested, it is worth protecting. This could include dying on it. The old D/D ele used to do this all the time.
However, if the node is enemy controlled, you are hurting your team.
You can use a dps to stall an enemy bunker.
6) Every fight does not need a +1 or +2. Some classes can stall out the 1v1. If you own the node and you can stall it out, do not let your team plus 1 unless you own the two cap. That would be wasting resources.
7) Fight on the nodes. More importantly, fight on the nodes you control. Protect your resources.
Countless times I have seen 100 point leads thrown away going for the 3 cap. It is not necessary. You do not need to show your dominance by winning by 300. Win by 100 and make less mistakes.
I space out my text as to alleviate the wall syndrome.
I know if your post is 1 line, people complain you are not contributing. If your post is multiple lines, people complain it is a wall of texts.
Hopefully these points are helpful to you and you can share them with your friends. That way I am not writing another “useless post” in your eyes.
K pop, I can comp to have a Warrior like you with the people I play each night. (going frenzy on burns…?)
Not sure it would be optimal, or not sure it would be for winning like a crazy machine.
But what I am sure about, is that you will be able to carry your rotations through TS.
That way, we will carry your MMR back to what you where used to get.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
I enjoyed reading the wall of text and can relate.
We all know a puppy dies every time a teammate with bad mobility runs far, fails to decap and leave us outnumbered
I’d rather have a veteran warrior than a noob expact elite
I enjoyed reading the wall of text and can relate.
We all know a puppy dies every time a teammate with bad mobility runs far, fails to decap and leave us outnumbered
I’d rather have a veteran warrior than a noob expact elite
Ugh, this is what I tell people when they yell at me for not going far on my Necro.
I enjoyed reading the wall of text and can relate.
We all know a puppy dies every time a teammate with bad mobility runs far, fails to decap and leave us outnumbered
I’d rather have a veteran warrior than a noob expact elite
Ugh, this is what I tell people when they yell at me for not going far on my Necro.
Yeah, for me I cringe when a teammate volunteers to go far. Most of the time they’ve already made their decision. The 1-3-1 split is very risky to do in a solo pug team
You only go far if you have the mobility to get there before they capture it. It’s not necessarily 3 capping but contesting/preventing them for scoring.
I remember your healing necro.
I enjoyed reading the wall of text and can relate.
We all know a puppy dies every time a teammate with bad mobility runs far, fails to decap and leave us outnumbered
I’d rather have a veteran warrior than a noob expact elite
Ugh, this is what I tell people when they yell at me for not going far on my Necro.
Yea I think that is why my necro win rate is still low. Because I cannot make the mobility plays I can with war.
Much harder to disengage.
Good news is I had a nice conversation with a dev playing a tev. We did some 1v1s and agreed on warriors state. I am no slouch either. So I have a good feeling January we will see some changes.
My vote is for deep wound mechanic, but better heals would be great
(edited by Interpret Interrupt.3824)
Well, I listen and I found the second wall of text much more helpful.
Thanks for that.
, fighting off node against an Ele who is just there to distract the 4 brainless people on my team who chase him all over the map lol.
as a side note, that is however a very good strategy to carry if the other team is also bad enough to fall for it ;P
Oh I do that sometimes… but the sad part is when i keep 2-3 guys busy on the other side of the world and nothing happens on our side. Lucky I didn’t get blamed for fighting off point. But yeah, kittening off your ennemies at the start of the match can make them lose focus for the rest.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
, fighting off node against an Ele who is just there to distract the 4 brainless people on my team who chase him all over the map lol.
as a side note, that is however a very good strategy to carry if the other team is also bad enough to fall for it ;P
Oh I do that sometimes… but the sad part is when i keep 2-3 guys busy on the other side of the world and nothing happens on our side. Lucky I didn’t get blamed for fighting off point. But yeah, kittening off your ennemies at the start of the match can make them lose focus for the rest.
I find that people blame the big 4 (mesmer, ele, rev, engi) less for their mistakes than the other classes because it is considered meta. META can make mistakes apparently.
Mesmer pro tip. If you are using mesmer heal skill well, cast it so it benefits your team as well. They get the heal.
Ele pro tip. Just because your health bar is full does not mean that you should ignore water attunement. Use it to heal your teammates. Similarly using magnetic aura to protect your team. Ele is the least selfish class in the game that is often played the most aelfishly.
Engi pro tip. Stop using stralth gyro on your capped node. Save it for teammate downs for perfect rezzing. You are decapping yourself.
Rev pro tip. You have the best kill pursuit in the game. Our necro should not be chasing that guy, you should teleport to him.
Warriror pro tip. Sometimes its better to HB on a downed teammate instead of rezzing. It has certainly won me some 2v2s.
Necro pro tip. Save that fear matk for the cheesy rev blocks. Instant ride turner.
Thief pro tip. Time the elite so that the first two strikes hit before the downing. Then it is an instant finisher.
Guard pro tip. Drop longbow 5 when people cluster for downs. You will thank me later.
Ranger pro tip. Unfortunately I cannot think of something constructive. I feel like celestial form use in team fights should happen more. But that could be a class issue and not a player issue.
I enjoyed reading the wall of text and can relate.
We all know a puppy dies every time a teammate with bad mobility runs far, fails to decap and leave us outnumbered
I’d rather have a veteran warrior than a noob expact elite
Ugh, this is what I tell people when they yell at me for not going far on my Necro.
Yeah, for me I cringe when a teammate volunteers to go far. Most of the time they’ve already made their decision. The 1-3-1 split is very risky to do in a solo pug team
You only go far if you have the mobility to get there before they capture it. It’s not necessarily 3 capping but contesting/preventing them for scoring.
I remember your healing necro.
I’m being recognized! It’s really not a bad build if people are communicating, up to 9k healing to 5 teammates, 7-11k heals from Consume Conditions, up to 10k heals from Signet of Locust, and decent Condi pressure. It just happens to be that SoloQ’ers don’t communicate well enough to make it beneficial.