My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: tronjeremy.5820


Many people have asked about my current build so I made this video and posted the build on MetaBattle if anyone is interested in checking it out.

Best Teef NA –
S/D Condi Build Video –
Stronkhold Beta Gameplay –

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Drennon.7190


wow the dmg output of this build is stupidly high


My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


I don’t understand what I just watched. But that was definitely impressive.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


First I thought you are trolling. Then I’ve seen your outfit in the video and still wasn’t sure. Then I’ve watched the rest and also read the description. And then I checked the build at metabattle. This could actually work, lol (and might be very fun to play). At least until you are facing coordinated teams… I can see things getting difficult then.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: tronjeremy.5820


Yeah it totally changes the play style and is alot of fun. If you try the build please rate it on metabattle. It will get trashed if it doesn’t get at least a 3 average.

Best Teef NA –
S/D Condi Build Video –
Stronkhold Beta Gameplay –

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Drennon.7190


It looks like a couple people rated it based on bias and not on actually trying it. I’ve been playing it today and it’s impressive to say the least. It wrecks pugs. Not sure about team play though.


My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i dont like it when condi builds are good =(

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


just out of interest, why s/d over d/d or p/d? death blossom plus caltrops and geomancy seems like it would be pretty amazing. regardless, cool build dude.

EDIT: ah, just found out about the unicorn. seems to be basically the same thing, perhaps not as effective?

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Elxdark.9702


I sometimes use a similar build but with double shortbow and quick pockets, I use it vs turret engis.

Getting those 25 bleed stacks.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: tronjeremy.5820


just out of interest, why s/d over d/d or p/d? death blossom plus caltrops and geomancy seems like it would be pretty amazing. regardless, cool build dude.

Well I hate the mobility of p/d and d/d. Infiltrators strike and flanking strike are like all I need. It’s great for getting in and out, condi removal, boon stripping, and evade. So I use the weapon set more for it’s utility. Also it hits more turrets when I swing. Since you cant crit turrets this has decent power to take em out.

Best Teef NA –
S/D Condi Build Video –
Stronkhold Beta Gameplay –

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: jbondo.9817


tronjeremy for president

Dusty Dawg

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


I just tried your build but I used Sleight of Hand instead of Bewildering Ambush because I can’t afford to purchase it (stupid system).

All in all though. It is a very strong build.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Just like condi guard it’s great to troll engis but not amazing otherwise. Zerker builds that work have a fair tradeoff between the dps you put out(as in burst) and the sustain/range you have.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Pollution.8703


Cool build man. Now I have to watch out for this and the standard build when I see a s/d thief. Also it was kinda disgusting how easily you killed the lord and guards.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


It’s….definitely more effective than you think it would be at first glance. I did remarkably well with it considering it’s a new playstyle, but it was in hot join of course so take from that what you will.

Part of me feels like some of it’s effectiveness is the shock factor though – people see S/D and don’t expect to be dealing with conditions/Caltrops, so they’re half dead before they know it. If the build gains popularity, people will learn how to fight it (by not eating caltrops, mainly) and it’ll probably lose effectiveness.

I have no idea if it’ll become “meta” or not, but it’s at least a different, (possibly) effective new way to play thief for a bit – D/P burst and S/D spin dancer get old as your only choices after a while.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


I sometimes use a similar build but with double shortbow and quick pockets, I use it vs turret engis.

Getting those 25 bleed stacks.

Was testing Condi s/d last week with quick pockets.

10/0/0/30/30 worked best for me, however running venoms gave much more pressure in team fights so testing some other Condi s/d builds now…

Phaatonn, London UK

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: tronjeremy.5820


10/0/0/30/30 worked best for me, however running venoms gave much more pressure in team fights so testing some other Condi s/d builds now…

Only thing tho is that improv trait is so OP when you get double caltrops on a point.

Best Teef NA –
S/D Condi Build Video –
Stronkhold Beta Gameplay –

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


10/0/0/30/30 worked best for me, however running venoms gave much more pressure in team fights so testing some other Condi s/d builds now…

Only thing tho is that improv trait is so OP when you get double caltrops on a point.

Metabattle canned the build? Why? I thought it was pretty effective when I played it.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: tronjeremy.5820


They asked to trash it 2 days after it went to test mode and it seemed people rallied to downvote it. I don’t much care. People asked me about the build so I thought I would share. I’m not gonna fight for it. I’m just going to keep using it in game.

If you have the link it’s still available it just wont be seen from the main page.

Best Teef NA –
S/D Condi Build Video –
Stronkhold Beta Gameplay –

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


They asked to trash it 2 days after it went to test mode and it seemed people rallied to downvote it. I don’t much care. People asked me about the build so I thought I would share. I’m not gonna fight for it. I’m just going to keep using it in game.

If you have the link it’s still available it just wont be seen from the main page.

This is a success story! You helped the community, your build is still uncommon, people won’t be blindly stealing it then either complaining about it or (on the other spectrum) defend it without a clue on how to use it anyways.

This is all around good. Grats on your build friend!

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


I have been playing with it since I first read this thread 2 days ago and its funny to see ppls reaction to it they get totaly confused xD I love it.

Also, today, with the same spec and sigils I changed to P/D staking bleeds alot faster maintaining mobility and I tried using the mad king runes and man…. Ppl just melt down in seconds… I went for pain response instead of hard to catch the rest is the same. It’s insane xD

Eles and necros are the hardest to take down but totally doable, S/D thieves are hard to kill to but the D/P panic strike thieves have little chances

Edit: How do I rate it in metabuild? I have no idea…

(edited by Volrath.1473)

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Anyone can tailor a build to their liking for solo queue, the real way to get on the board is to actually do well in a tournament with it, get a team and show it off if its really that good. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: witcher.3197


Metabattle canned the build? Why? I thought it was pretty effective when I played it.

It had a 2.78 overall rating after 9 votes, builds below 3.75 don’t qualify for the fronpage categories. You found it to be “pretty effective”, but compared to what? It has less boon sharing (and thus less party utility) than any other thief build under the Conquest category, longer CD on steal doesn’t help this. Steal doesn’t daze targets with this build, so there goes your instant interrupt as well. These are just some of the issues.

I think arguements can be made for every rating range from 1 to 4 for this build, but I feel it’s around 3 so the votes aren’t off. Here’s the definition of a “3 star build”:

3 – Mediocre: A build that does its role reasonably well but is outclassed by other builds. Has good ideas but in practice doesn’t bring many advantages to warrant it’s use.

TL;DR 3 is the “good, but not good enough” rating.

Edit: How do I rate it in metabuild? I have no idea…

You can click any category tab on the fronpage, dungeons, conquest etc and at the bottom of the list you’ll find builds labeled as “Test” – you can vote for those. After a build passed testing, it’ll either move to great, good or trash based on its rating and the voting is closed. If a balance patch or anything significantly affects the build’s effectiveness, then builds might be moved back to testing, or moved down / up (for instance from great to good).

Also keep in mind that builds are rated based on their effectiveness in a competitive environment, not hotjoin or low-rating soloque/pug stomping. (I’m not saying anyone in this thread plays on that level, but we all know the current matchmaking and farmboards I guess, so it’s not uncommon that good players get to play against newbies which might give false feedback regarding a build’s effectiveness)

Anyone can tailor a build to their liking for solo queue, the real way to get on the board is to actually do well in a tournament with it, get a team and show it off if its really that good.

That is correct. If someone proves that this build can be a valuable asset to a team and there is any kind of adventage for taking this build over a D/P or (power) S/D thief at a weekly/monthly cup then that surely helps the build’s cause.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


Many people have asked about my current build so I made this video and posted the build on MetaBattle if anyone is interested in checking it out.

I see you are having a lot of fun in the video especially with your very cool syle: game-play, clothes and music

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


wow the dmg output of this build is stupidly high

I agree! But It is not thief class fault: Arena net create their class this way for them.

Example; Hennessey Venom F5(Thief Class)-fastest car in the world.

Arena net create a Hennessey Venom F5: the fastest car in the world for Thief Class: would you blame thief class for being fault for driving the fastest car in the world? or you you blame Arena net for create the world fastest car for them?

Arena net create the thief class to be the Most-Over-Powerful class in the game: that is why thief class will never be challenge and fun class unless Arena net re-design the class from scratch.

No Exception!

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Anyone can tailor a build to their liking for solo queue, the real way to get on the board is to actually do well in a tournament with it, get a team and show it off if its really that good.

Have you even read the “good” section on there? Guaranteed this has more practical use than several of those builds.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Thiefz.3695


Not sure how this became a hit against meta battle. The build is good, the video is great. Compliments all around. In the absence of a link on metabattle, the video does a good breakdown of the build so no worries there.

I would also say that a link to the would be a good idea just to get a quick review even if it doesn’t stay on Metabattle. I enjoyed the lament of lag at the end. Priceless.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


nice vid and u killed their lord in a minute time was awesome and i dunno why your video received 50% dislikes. but in my opinion your build won’t be effective in current meta build consist of d/d cele eles and shoutbow warr or cele meta engies with lots of condi removals. and the double caltrops (improvisation trait) is i think too OP

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


nice vid and u killed their lord in a minute time was awesome and i dunno why your video received 50% dislikes. but in my opinion your build won’t be effective in current meta build consist of d/d cele eles and shoutbow warr or cele meta engies with lots of condi removals. and the double caltrops (improvisation trait) is i think too OP

People hate conditions in general, so I wouldn’t doubt that there may be some initial bias involved.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Elxdark.9702


nice vid and u killed their lord in a minute time was awesome and i dunno why your video received 50% dislikes. but in my opinion your build won’t be effective in current meta build consist of d/d cele eles and shoutbow warr or cele meta engies with lots of condi removals. and the double caltrops (improvisation trait) is i think too OP

That’s not 100% true, I dueled a few eles and I can kill them quickly in a point, they do have a lot of condi cleanse but the pressure of the bleeds is so strong they can’t stand it in a point.

The thing is average/mid tier eles can be taken down, good eles probably not.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


nice vid and u killed their lord in a minute time was awesome and i dunno why your video received 50% dislikes. but in my opinion your build won’t be effective in current meta build consist of d/d cele eles and shoutbow warr or cele meta engies with lots of condi removals. and the double caltrops (improvisation trait) is i think too OP

That’s not 100% true, I dueled a few eles and I can kill them quickly in a point, they do have a lot of condi cleanse but the pressure of the bleeds is so strong they can’t stand it in a point.

The thing is average/mid tier eles can be taken down, good eles probably not.

im talking about high tier vs high tier level of gameplay

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Many people have asked about my current build so I made this video and posted the build on MetaBattle if anyone is interested in checking it out.

The build had a lot of variance over time, but it’s never about the build — your play style is simply exceptional. +1 ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Many people have asked about my current build so I made this video and posted the build on MetaBattle if anyone is interested in checking it out.

The build had a lot of variance over time, but it’s never about the build — your play style is simply exceptional. +1

Guys its never about the build so I guess I’ll start running my blood magic necro that’s OP. Maybe minionmaster? How about turret engi? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Nyx.7342


Arena net create the thief class to be the Most-Over-Powerful class in the game: that is why thief class will never be challenge and fun class unless Arena net re-design the class from scratch.

No Exception!

yeah thief is not a challenge and is definitely the most boring class and most over powered one in this meta

On another note this build is super fun. First when i saw this i thought, look at this cheesy kitten. Now i still think its a bitt cheesy, but that may just be because Anet hasnt really balanced condis on thief.

Otherwise its a really fun build. Most people arent prepared for it when you come at them so it works really well. In Stronghold it has really good potential for taking out npcs and other players.

Other thoughts – It didn’t seem extremely OP, more just OP in certain situations. I met a teef running this build when i was on war and it wasnt that hard to kill him (maybe he was bad :P). However i would hate to fight this if i was using my normal crit strikes.

(edited by Nyx.7342)

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Many people have asked about my current build so I made this video and posted the build on MetaBattle if anyone is interested in checking it out.

The build had a lot of variance over time, but it’s never about the build — your play style is simply exceptional. +1

Guys its never about the build so I guess I’ll start running my blood magic necro that’s OP. Maybe minionmaster? How about turret engi?

If you’re an exceptional player like him, then knock yourself out. You might even change the mind of those who are skeptic about minionmaster and bloob necro. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.