My opinion on OP skills

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Hotdogs.8934


They should make something that’s similar to ranked solo/duo queue LoL. A single non-tournament 5v5 game where you are automatched based on elo. Get rid of the stupid waiting time; everyone has to press ready at the start or the match won’t go ahead.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


And, after the 100b warr charges in and blows you up, he gets his glass cannon face ripped off by your allies because the one trick pony’s trick is now on CD? If you’ve already used up your dodges and defensives, then it wasn’t just the 100b warr that killed you; it was everyone that caused you to use up your defenses as well.

GW2 lets you get too far to the extremes of the damage/defense tradeoffs, leading to things that are frustrating on the individual level (getting insta-gibbed by quickness burst is pretty frustrating), so I feel your pain there, but it’s a bit ridiculous to tell just the one side of the group fight story where you die, but conveniently leave out the part where the glass cannon trades his life for yours or downplay the part where it was because of the whole opposing team that you went down and not the singular warrior.

Burst is definitely on the high side for my taste, so yes, please tone it down, but it’s hardly “unplayable” or unbearable.

Not quit.

more then often the warrior still has enough survivability to get away with it because he is still a heavy armor class. Also ,using a speed buff and charge hardly makes him anything glass whereas i as a ele simply do not survive just that single skill and they always charge from way out of camera view , rarely do i catch them do it until it is too late. I get killed in 3 seconds by just one skill but for me to kill that warrior even if he has that skill on CD requires a lot more effort then just pressing 2 buttons i can assure you that it requires a lot more effort for me on my ele which is supposed to be a burst dmg class to kill that so called ‘glass canon’.

I am not just talking out of my * i took the trouble to make a warrior and also a thief to see how the work and i have mentioned it before on these forums. I leveld the war to level 3 took it into the mist and even without any practise and knowledge of its skill went into a match, i ended up top player in my first couple of rounds and i did not know a thing about its skills. I remember it well as i was on skype with my gf and she was in the match with me and i was laughing my ** of for not having a clue what i was doing but was still killing players left and right without much effort of any kind, i just popped skills whenever i saw fit.

Roll a ele or a necro a ranger or a thief (i cant talk about the guardian i havent made one) and you will be very very hard pressed to get away with button smashing. From that experience i can only say that its a shame to see if only 1 class in there that allows that sort of play.

BUT, i did figure since we basically always see at least 1 such class in every mmo that that is not by accident. I suppose that developers always want a easy class in there to cater to players that would otherwise not perform that well in pvp. I think we all know people who say they dont like pvp and it is for one reason alone ,they just are not good at it.

It is so easy to play i dont even touch it anymore other then use it to see the PvE charr areas since that’s what its race is.

That is not to say that there are no skilled players that have a warrior im sure there are but im also certain that any skilled and experienced pvp’er will get bored quickly enough unless easy kills is the idea of ‘fun’.

I say if your not good at pvp roll a warrior and you wont be feeling so bad.

(Edit : i have no idea why that part got bolded)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


The OP doesn’t understand the irony of a mesmer complaining about OP abilities of other classes.

Or the irony of a mesmer starting a thread called “PVP nearly unplayable”. If you go and play another class and get into games with 8 or so mesmers running around you will appreciate what I mean.

(edited by Yasha.5963)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Gawmbles.5308


The whole casual point system has so many problems first of all

1. While points show that you’re participating, it hardly determines skill.

—You could be defending a long time with no action (no points!)

—You could be playing extremely well and down 12 people in uneven fights and get 0 points shown for it because downing means nothing if you cant finish them off.

—you can run off a cap when you know its secure and get less points than the allies sitting there waiting for it to fully cap.

2. There should be a multitude of stats on the scoreboard, and you should be able to see everyone’s stats as well.

—the best scoreboard a pvp game has ever had was bloodline champions. If you did well, nobody could tell you otherwise. It was pretty much apparent on your scoreboard screen. This is how sPVP should be.

—If people win games and do badly with no statistics to show that they are playing poorly, they will naturally think they will be good. (This just happened to me. I started a ranger and I blow at them, but I won the first two tournament rounds and I thought I was playing great, just to get destroyed in the third. I had a lot of points, but in all effectiveness I was probably more of a negative factor to our team).

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Drivelikebrazil.3279


“I get killed in 3 seconds by just one skill but for me to kill that warrior even if he has that skill on CD requires a lot more effort then just pressing 2 buttons i can assure you that it requires a lot more effort for me on my ele which is supposed to be a burst dmg class to kill that so called ‘glass canon’.”

Meh, stupid quote button is gone…

I think your problem here lies in your class. I don’t play one, but from what I’ve read on the forums, Elementalists take much more effort to give out the same beating that others do. That needs to be fixed so as to make the output worth the effort.

And again, I’m in agreement that it’s OP. It’s definitely too much burst, especially for a high base armor/hit points class, and it needs to be toned down. It’s just not so bad that the game is unplayable or even near unplayable, even considering the other OP stuff.

(Side Note: Putting asterisks around your text makes it bold lol)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Merciless.5349


Has anybody else experienced an Engineer that uses Knockdown as a main form of CC? I swear I was getting knocked down every 3-5 seconds in the fight, and already it takes forever to get up from a knockdown.

On a side note, I’m still making that video and editing and everything, but if I post it up on Youtube, will Arenanet take it down? I don’t want it to seem like I’m bashing the game. I love this game, and I’ll keep playing it, but some things are just ridiculous currently.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Arcane.4950


They should make something that’s similar to ranked solo/duo queue LoL. A single non-tournament 5v5 game where you are automatched based on elo. Get rid of the stupid waiting time; everyone has to press ready at the start or the match won’t go ahead.

PvP is not unplayable what a huge and dumb overstatement.

Also you want unlimited timer at the start?

How about no, waiting 5 mins for idiots to ready up is bad enough.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493

Lewis Burnell.2493

What I find amusing here is that people continue to believe that:

A) Their profession should be able to fight against every other profession perfectly
B) Their build should be perfect against every profession

In addition, it’s also interesting to see people point the finger at skills being OP that are so easily overcome. All the skills listed in the original post have so many work arounds it’s absolutely staggering this issue is even being discussed.

In relation to the Mesmer skills:

Moa – Huge cast time, easily interupted, very limited range, enormous cool down. Moa’s can still move and dodge. When Moa’d don’t use your skills and simply run as soon as possible.

Teleport – A good skill but one with a 1 minute cooldown, it also only lasts for 12 seconds when activated. This is obviously a good window of opportunity for trebuchet repair and movement across the map but most mesmers who take Teleport as a skill sacrifice themselves in other areas (they either won’t take Blink, Nullfield, Decoy or Mirror Images).

I freely admit that I play Mesmer but have played it since closed Beta. It’s been interesting to watch the profession grow from a chorus of “It’s underpowered” to many now saying its overpowered, when very little has changed.

What has changed is people finally seeing the potential in the profession. I’ve always said it is incredibly strong, but it has singificant limitations.

I run a glass cannon build and count on various skills (Blink/Decoy) as well as Distortion to survive for long periods (coupled with Chaos Armor). If I don’t have one of my stun removals ready, it’s highly likely I’ll die if I encounter a Warrior, Ranger or Thief.

I don’t mind that however as that’s the risk I take with my build. You can’t expect to be good against every profession setup.

(edited by Lewis Burnell.2493)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: phaeris.7604


There we go, that’s the problem. Put a mesmer in the hands of a good player and it’s a joke.

25k hps and yet he can pump out that sort of damage at range???

The mesmer is a caster, has ranged damage, with ranged abilities, yet can have the same hps as a class who has to stand toe to toe to do any damage.

The damage from phantasms needs toning down. There’s no risk in using them and so easy to get off. That’s why I see 3+ mesmers on each side in every game I play.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493

Lewis Burnell.2493

There we go, that’s the problem. Put a mesmer in the hands of a good player and it’s a joke.

25k hps and yet he can pump out that sort of damage at range???

The mesmer is a caster, has ranged damage, with ranged abilities, yet can have the same hps as a class who has to stand toe to toe to do any damage.

The damage from phantasms needs toning down. There’s no risk in using them and so easy to get off. That’s why I see 3+ mesmers on each side in every game I play.

I have 26k HP, 50% crit chance and 2000 Power on my Mesmer. I achieve this by having absolutely zero defence.

Yes Mesmer’s can play from range, but our ranged attacks are far worse than that of a Ranger or Elementalist. In relation to Phantasm’s, what skills have “risks” when using them?

I’d actually say our “risk” using a Phantasm is worse than anyone elses in the game. What other professions have skills with 15+ second cooldowns that fail the moment they are cast?

I’ve lost count at the amount of times my Phantasms haven’t caused a single amount of damage having been instantly AOE’d or attacked the moment they spaun.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


“I get killed in 3 seconds by just one skill but for me to kill that warrior even if he has that skill on CD requires a lot more effort then just pressing 2 buttons i can assure you that it requires a lot more effort for me on my ele which is supposed to be a burst dmg class to kill that so called ‘glass canon’.”

Meh, stupid quote button is gone…

I think your problem here lies in your class. I don’t play one, but from what I’ve read on the forums, Elementalists take much more effort to give out the same beating that others do. That needs to be fixed so as to make the output worth the effort.

And again, I’m in agreement that it’s OP. It’s definitely too much burst, especially for a high base armor/hit points class, and it needs to be toned down. It’s just not so bad that the game is unplayable or even near unplayable, even considering the other OP stuff.

(Side Note: Putting asterisks around your text makes it bold lol)

yeah your right it is the asterixes

I agree though it is not as if it is unplayable i am totally enjoying sPvP and the game as a whole but it becomes so very very very irritating when you are i a row of matches with one of those warriors that does nothing but charge and 100B. I can live with a bit of that but there are quite a few of those , a lot even. Every single time i see them i see them popping charge and 100b then smahs around for a bit and get out running around until their i-win button is of of cooldown and then to make matters worse use chat to say /m noob after each iwin kills. grumps

Warriors should not have a skill that ensures a kill like that , it is a one shot kill really. That is basically the same you get i gear based pvp you see in most other mmo’s , you get outgeared ? then all it takes is 1 or 2 buttons. This was not supposed to be in GW2 as far as i can remember.

(edited by Smackjack.5071)

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493

Lewis Burnell.2493

“I get killed in 3 seconds by just one skill but for me to kill that warrior even if he has that skill on CD requires a lot more effort then just pressing 2 buttons i can assure you that it requires a lot more effort for me on my ele which is supposed to be a burst dmg class to kill that so called ‘glass canon’.”

Meh, stupid quote button is gone…

I think your problem here lies in your class. I don’t play one, but from what I’ve read on the forums, Elementalists take much more effort to give out the same beating that others do. That needs to be fixed so as to make the output worth the effort.

And again, I’m in agreement that it’s OP. It’s definitely too much burst, especially for a high base armor/hit points class, and it needs to be toned down. It’s just not so bad that the game is unplayable or even near unplayable, even considering the other OP stuff.

(Side Note: Putting asterisks around your text makes it bold lol)

yeah your right it is the asterixes

I agree though it is not as if it is unplayable i am totally enjoying sPvP and the game as a whole but it becomes so very very very irritating when you are i a row of matches with one of those warriors that does nothing but charge and 100B. I can live with a bit of that but there are quite a few of those , a lot even. Every single time i see them i see them popping charge and 100b then smahs around for a bit and get out running around until their i-win button is of of cooldown and then to make matters worse use chat to say /m noob after each iwin kills. grumps

Warriors should not have a skill that ensures a kill like that , it is a one shot kill really. That is basically the same you get i gear based pvp you see in most other mmo’s , you get outgeared ? then all it takes is 1 or 2 buttons. This was not supposed to be in GW2 as far as i can remember.

There are several options against the Bullscharge + 100B combo:

1. Have a stun removal ready, the moment you are charged use it and dodge away.
2. Dodge just before the BC to avoid the combo all together.

Unfortunately this does take a lot of practice, but if you crack it you’ll never have a problem again.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


I don’t mind that however as that’s the risk I take with my build. You can’t expect to be good against every profession setup.

That is exactly the point, the warrior is just that. No one is complaining about not being as effective against every class but the warrior IS effective against every class. It might not one shot a guardian like it would a ele ,necro ,thief or a engi but he will its HP down fast and force him to use his heal. Even if this were not the case then it would have been effective to 7 ou tof 8 classes which still does not change much

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Wow, you’re really reaching there. Every class has the same defence at those stats. You have to sacrifice a stat somewhere. Infact you have more defence due to blink/boon removal moa bird and escape abilities.

So what’s this zero defence you mention?

Ranger? you’re bringing up a ranger? Do you know how easy it i to drop rangers compared to mesmers?. I’ll pretend you didn’t say that. Elementalists? who run with 6k less hps. That explains why the boards are flooded with complaints about elementalists….( :/ )

What skills have risks….let’s see..Is it more risky to stand away from a fight, where aoe is going off constantly and fire inwards? Or more risky to actually have to stand in the middle of that fight to use your point blank range skill.?

Which one could it be?

Really? Using a phantasm is more risky than say….using my 1ft range shield stun, which is negated by stability/dodge/block/aegis and I can only use if i’m in melee range of every other class?

I’m failing to follow your line of thought.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

“I get killed in 3 seconds by just one skill but for me to kill that warrior even if he has that skill on CD requires a lot more effort then just pressing 2 buttons i can assure you that it requires a lot more effort for me on my ele which is supposed to be a burst dmg class to kill that so called ‘glass canon’.”

Meh, stupid quote button is gone…

I think your problem here lies in your class. I don’t play one, but from what I’ve read on the forums, Elementalists take much more effort to give out the same beating that others do. That needs to be fixed so as to make the output worth the effort.

And again, I’m in agreement that it’s OP. It’s definitely too much burst, especially for a high base armor/hit points class, and it needs to be toned down. It’s just not so bad that the game is unplayable or even near unplayable, even considering the other OP stuff.

(Side Note: Putting asterisks around your text makes it bold lol)

yeah your right it is the asterixes

I agree though it is not as if it is unplayable i am totally enjoying sPvP and the game as a whole but it becomes so very very very irritating when you are i a row of matches with one of those warriors that does nothing but charge and 100B. I can live with a bit of that but there are quite a few of those , a lot even. Every single time i see them i see them popping charge and 100b then smahs around for a bit and get out running around until their i-win button is of of cooldown and then to make matters worse use chat to say /m noob after each iwin kills. grumps

Warriors should not have a skill that ensures a kill like that , it is a one shot kill really. That is basically the same you get i gear based pvp you see in most other mmo’s , you get outgeared ? then all it takes is 1 or 2 buttons. This was not supposed to be in GW2 as far as i can remember.

There are several options against the Bullscharge + 100B combo:

1. Have a stun removal ready, the moment you are charged use it and dodge away.
2. Dodge just before the BC to avoid the combo all together.

Unfortunately this does take a lot of practice, but if you crack it you’ll never have a problem again.

I am betting you never play tpvp. This is not a 1v1 game. There are lots of teams that run a quickness 100b warrior with another Prof, one that also had knockbacks and other forms of cc. So the 100b warrior just waits until one of the CC lands (and it will happen, unlike what you think, players don’t have unlimited dodges or CC removers) the warrior charges in and kills you.

So next time, please play some tpvp and learn what team play is.

And no i am not talking about 2v1.


My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


Any warrior worth anything will quickness—→100B you. Otherwise he won’t get more than 2 tics off the attack. Assuming the player has good shock reaction.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Redscope.6215


There are two main issues with PvP in this game.

  • Quickness. Quickness should not exist….period.
  • Making players invisible to increase performance.

Thieves are erroneously gaining a few extra seconds of stealth every time they break it because of the ‘invisible player’ mechanic.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: WAD.6548


stealth and burst must be removed from the game
its plagues all pvp gameplay and make people disappointed
all interesting fights happens without one button builds and ruined after bugged stealther appears..

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


kind of surprised to see people still complaining about HB warriors. sure they were a bit of a nightmare when everyone was still getting used to the game but now they’re probably the most predictable and easily countered build in the game.

HS spam still drives me nuts though. Not because it can hit so hard but because it constantly brings them to the target forcing you to blow defensive CD after CD and ultimately for nothing since they’re still there beating on you only now you’re basically defenseless.

More than anything though I’d like to see ALL auto attacks and spammable abilities toned down significantly. Tired of seeing so many classes just stand around spamming one or two abilities or even just letting the auto attack do the work cough crossfire/spacial surge/trick shot/PW/etc cough. There needs to be a steep increase in required skill for a lot of classes/builds IMO.

of course there’s plenty of other things that could/should be addressed but the drastic variances in skill requirement for classes to have equivalent success seems to be a fundamental flaw for PvP.

TL;DR Some kittenes just need to be made to work harder

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


100 Blades + someone who causes knockdown or other interrupt skills.
it is impossible to win.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Yo Beezy.8395

Yo Beezy.8395

100 Blades + Quickness = OP

Pistol Whip + Quickness = OP

Heartseeker spam = OP (only because of the gap closer, even when I dodge, they still catch up)

Guardian full heal AOE = OP

Mesmer teleport to repair trebuchet = OP

Please remove Quickness out of the game. Melee classes that already have fast attacks become nearly impossible to dodge or break out of stun combos.

Please stop saying “Learn 2 dodge/Learn 2 play”. If you do, you’ve obviously either not come across this kind of stuff yet, or you are abusing it. And people seem to forget you only get 2 dodges before your Endurance has to recharge.

For some reason, when I go in to Stealth as a Mesmer (I don’t have Teleport on skill bar), the targeting does not break and other players are still able to see me and get off their combos. This is when I either use the #4 skill with Torch or the elite skill Mass Invisibility. I was under the assumption that Stealthing cut off targeting. If I am wrong, please let me know.

Most of these things seem to be easy fixes. It is a big issue when a class or a team has to rely on 1-2 skills or another class in order to gain an advantage over the other team (as in the example of Teleport to Trebuchet).

On a side note, I am trying to learn to counter Rangers. They whoop my butt every time.

The guardian heal is not OP if you had someone like me on your team i would interrupt it every time. nope stability aint gonna work i’m taking it off and stopping that heal or one of the amazing people i play with would. point is 5 sec cast time should never get off stability or not.

The other ability you listed could be too strong next to ability’s that are or ( should be like it) but do much less damage…but,

When you say ability’s like an AoE heal that can be stopped very easy is OP it makes me question your skill level and i know its elites but its kinda not at the same time. and that is if your not great at the game you have no real room to talk about whats too strong and not too strong.

Buff Warrior. I also don’t play a warrior because they are not my style. but they need a buff because they are like weaker versions of Thief’s and Guardians

i also don’t really jump for joy when i got them in my group its that class i just make work with our comp, but not look for

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: xloz.6280


100 Blades + someone who causes knockdown or other interrupt skills.
it is impossible to win.

I don’t think it’s impossible:
Ranger- so much dodge/evade it is almost impossible to lose to hb cc-
*warrior refect will counter that tho
Thief- so much invis and teleport utility it’s your fault if u get caught
Necro- chill spam and I hope u brought a worm
Mesmer- your fault if u get caught, this one is a given
Ele- mist/immune
I don’t think engi- guardian and warrior need examples- equal of not more cc

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


Treb port: watch paths, the path to their repair kit is easily visible from several points. The mesmer portal only lasts for a short duration before its gone. All you have to do is intercept the mesmer before he gets to the kit.
HB/BR: easily visible to dodge, easily countered through damage mitigation, stun breakers etc. After you get past HB, the warrior has blown his load; easy kill.
HS: damage mitigation, dodge, retaliation, blinds, all effective ways to let him waste initiative. Easy kill from there( unless the thief is decent then It may be a good fight).
There you go, now go play.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Chrysalis.5983


You missed Assassin’s Signet.

How the existence of that skill is justified is beyond me. Amplifying the already top of the line spike damage the Thief has is just a bit too much. It is really aggravating to see a full third of my bunker necro or engineer’s HP vanish just because hurp durp assassin signet backstab.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Redscope.6215


You missed Assassin’s Signet.

How the existence of that skill is justified is beyond me. Amplifying the already top of the line spike damage the Thief has is just a bit too much. It is really aggravating to see a full third of my bunker necro or engineer’s HP vanish just because hurp durp assassin signet backstab.


Sin Signet + Backstab = Anet Balance Fail.

That’s a pretty obvious tactic and the only real thing making Backstab’s damage way too high.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Merciless.5349


Can I please get a response from somebody about putting up a video of some of the things we’re talking about? I won’t bother if it’ll immediately be taken down. Again, I don’t want anybody to think I’m bashing the game or anything.

My opinion on OP skills

in PvP

Posted by: Dariya.9380


Merciless is OP. Please remove Merciless from game.