Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: TJeezey.2518


Wtf is this tjeezy guy on about. OP obviously had d/p equipped so he could stealth with BP and leap FYI till opponent’s Sr was over. Do you even thief?

OP had kitten utilities and a kitten reaction time with no clue on how thief works mechanically so he only has himself to blame for being instagibbed. You must be one of those people who need to l2p instead of crying op.

BAHAHA This thread is full of the eliteist of the elite! Less than a half a second of reaction time to someone you cant see and is behind you. Man i have to team up with you guys…

BTW yes i theifed from beta so nice try. Dear Lord. I love how people say “oh yeah I’ve would have done this”. Monday quarterback for sure!

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: ReaperJr.5967


Wtf is this tjeezy guy on about. OP obviously had d/p equipped so he could stealth with BP and leap FYI till opponent’s Sr was over. Do you even thief?

OP had kitten utilities and a kitten reaction time with no clue on how thief works mechanically so he only has himself to blame for being instagibbed. You must be one of those people who need to l2p instead of crying op.

BAHAHA This thread is full of the eliteist of the elite! Less than a half a second of reaction time to someone you cant see and is behind you. Man i have to team up with you guys…

BTW yes i theifed from beta so nice try. Dear Lord. I love how people say “oh yeah I’ve would have done this”. Monday quarterback for sure!

You need to l2p. I cbf to argue with trolls. Get good then come back and say that thief is OP. Average human reaction time is 0.25s btw. Moreover he was expecting a burst from stealth, which makes reacting easier.

In the first place, he shouldn’t even have strolled around like that with no attempt at counterplay whatsoever. If he had stealthed and relocated, this wouldn’t even have happened. Once again, you need to l2p. Kthxbai.

Lord Ninth \\ Champion Magus
- Primordial Legend

(edited by ReaperJr.5967)

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


1. you use a useless build, dont you ever complain if you yerself play some trollbuild

2. you KNOW there is a thief around and you simply just walk in circels , rly ? you are screaming “pls kill me” dude

3. when you KNOW ther is a thief around , go in kittening stealth yourself , dont stand around like an idiot, go in stealth , wait for him to get outside stealth, and burst him down first

4. and the last thing….you played in why do i even bother explaining things to someone with a troll build getting killed by another trollbuild in hotjoin..

edit: because i am a nice guy, i recommend you to go to , get the meta d/p buils , read the description and watch the videos so you can learn how to play thief

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


I think the thief needs buffs. The only thing I saw there was the thief getting downed….

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Lynxer.9374


No I don’t buy it…a thief out of stealth gets blown up by a crit thief who appears to have possibly already been buffed from the fight on point. That’s discounting the fact that the video was very vague with no indication of anyone’s stats in that scenario.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Distaste.4801


People in this thread are missing the point entirely. This sort of damage should not be possible, PERIOD. It doesn’t matter if he had time to react or knew the attack was coming. This high damage is poison to PvP as it severely limits tactics, skill level, and simply isn’t fun for the majority. This goes for all the skills in the game that can hit/crit for a classes base health. No class should be critting for even a 1/4 of another classes base health. Fights should take 30s+, not 1-5s.

Now I know you’re thinking that the thief would be crippled if it couldn’t kill people quickly, that’s why it needs changed and rebalanced. Of course if all damage in the game is actually rebalanced it might not be that huge of an issue. I’ve played thief since beta, I’ve avoided the insta-gib builds like the plague as it only hurts the class when they inevitably get nerfed, but since ArenaNet has no clue how to balance the end up hurting everything else about the class.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: ReaperJr.5967


To be able to spike huge damage in an instant is the nature of the thief class itself. Thief would be what I call a high risk high reward class because they themselves are highly vulnerable outside of stealth. If you were to nerf it so that no class can do burst damage then it’d be a very boring pvp scene indeed.

And no it doesn’t limit tactics or skill level. Quite the contrary.

Lord Ninth \\ Champion Magus
- Primordial Legend

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


People in this thread are missing the point entirely. This sort of damage should not be possible, PERIOD. It doesn’t matter if he had time to react or knew the attack was coming. This high damage is poison to PvP as it severely limits tactics, skill level, and simply isn’t fun for the majority. This goes for all the skills in the game that can hit/crit for a classes base health. No class should be critting for even a 1/4 of another classes base health. Fights should take 30s+, not 1-5s.

This has been an argument since Zerker was Meta… which was the start of the game.

As much as you hate Zerker – glass cannon classes – it’s a play style that’s going to stay in the game. And judging by the speed that Anet wants PvP to be, it’s only going to get worse (by your standards) and will not dissipate anytime soon.

To be honest, the game needed it. Several players enjoy the new playstyle of TPvP and watching Cele vs Cele go at it for 30 minutes isn’t exactly appealing. The only thing that needs to change is the degree of instant dying, or quite simply, add some counter play. Currently, classes like Mesmers are lacking the High Risk aspect of the build.

We’re seeing Cele w/ Zerker builds. Even Bunkers are coming back into meta. Diversity is stronger than ever, IMHO.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Singularity.1486


So… quoting uploader comment on youtube “Actually I’m the one who killed him. I had my friend record it so I could laugh at you guys trolling him for sucking while thinking your dissing me. Don’t be too jealous. It will get nerfed.”

I am biased towards the fact that the video is staged?

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


All of the OP’s videos are mostly just setups or whacking a golem. From what it looks like he’s just one of those that sits in a dueling hot join room. That must be why he wants to get builds hidden on it.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


People in this thread are missing the point entirely. This sort of damage should not be possible, PERIOD. It doesn’t matter if he had time to react or knew the attack was coming. This high damage is poison to PvP as it severely limits tactics, skill level, and simply isn’t fun for the majority. This goes for all the skills in the game that can hit/crit for a classes base health. No class should be critting for even a 1/4 of another classes base health. Fights should take 30s+, not 1-5s.

Now I know you’re thinking that the thief would be crippled if it couldn’t kill people quickly, that’s why it needs changed and rebalanced. Of course if all damage in the game is actually rebalanced it might not be that huge of an issue. I’ve played thief since beta, I’ve avoided the insta-gib builds like the plague as it only hurts the class when they inevitably get nerfed, but since ArenaNet has no clue how to balance the end up hurting everything else about the class.

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


No I don’t buy it…a thief out of stealth gets blown up by a crit thief who appears to have possibly already been buffed from the fight on point. That’s discounting the fact that the video was very vague with no indication of anyone’s stats in that scenario.

Actually, let me clarify how it works because it is hard to see me when I burst. (all of my builds are no secret) Basically, you have 20 seconds to kill your enemy from stealth or run away while you use your venoms and signets for might stacking and refuge. If you refuge far enough away they can’t see it coming or pre-target you. Then you run up to the unsuspecting player and make a quick choice. If his reaction time is slow you can sneak attack while stunning/steal/ shadow shot and they die from a certain range. If they have a fast reaction time and you wan’t them to be unable to dodge, run behind them like it is a backstab and do the same thing as if you were further away. When it hits, it will deal 1.5 seconds of stun 19k damage tested vs a zerker warrior. (Only tanks and passive traited characters are safe)

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

(edited by Zelulose.8695)

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Lettuce.2945


No I don’t buy it…a thief out of stealth gets blown up by a crit thief who appears to have possibly already been buffed from the fight on point. That’s discounting the fact that the video was very vague with no indication of anyone’s stats in that scenario.

Actually, let me clarify how it works because it is hard to see me when I burst. (all of my builds are no secret) Basically, you have 20 seconds to kill your enemy from stealth or run away while you use your venoms and signets for might stacking and refuge. If you refuge far enough away they can’t see it coming or pre-target you. Then you run up to the unsuspecting player and make a quick choice. If his reaction time is slow you can sneak attack while stunning/steal/ shadow shot and they die from a certain range. If they have a fast reaction time and you wan’t them to be unable to dodge, run behind them like it is a backstab and do the same thing as if you were further away. When it hits, it will deal 1.5 seconds of stun 19k damage tested vs a zerker warrior. (Only tanks and passive traited characters are safe)

I suggest you retract your post because as I mentioned to you in game, I took a screenshot of you admitting that your post wasn’t serious and it was intended as a “joke” to deflect from the real issue at hand…Which are mesmers and eles.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


No I don’t buy it…a thief out of stealth gets blown up by a crit thief who appears to have possibly already been buffed from the fight on point. That’s discounting the fact that the video was very vague with no indication of anyone’s stats in that scenario.

Actually, let me clarify how it works because it is hard to see me when I burst. (all of my builds are no secret) Basically, you have 20 seconds to kill your enemy from stealth or run away while you use your venoms and signets for might stacking and refuge. If you refuge far enough away they can’t see it coming or pre-target you. Then you run up to the unsuspecting player and make a quick choice. If his reaction time is slow you can sneak attack while stunning/steal/ shadow shot and they die from a certain range. If they have a fast reaction time and you wan’t them to be unable to dodge, run behind them like it is a backstab and do the same thing as if you were further away. When it hits, it will deal 1.5 seconds of stun 19k damage tested vs a zerker warrior. (Only tanks and passive traited characters are safe)

I suggest you retract your post because as I mentioned to you in game, I took a screenshot of you admitting that your post wasn’t serious and it was intended as a “joke” to deflect from the real issue at hand…Which are mesmers and eles.

It is not a joke it is satire. People ask for things to get nerfed on other classes when there will be plenty to nerf on each class. This is an example of that. You wan’t elemental sustain nerfed? Maybe then they will nerf this next. Then they will nerf another class. If nerfing things doesn’t stop an op class from rising up. Then why nerf at all. (Still they will nerf thief and ele and mesmer regardless) This video is made so that more classes get a fair hit so that say elementalist’s sustain alone is not nerfed while a thief can practically one shot them. (Thief can instagib a cele elementalist).

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

(edited by Zelulose.8695)

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: ReaperJr.5967


No I don’t buy it…a thief out of stealth gets blown up by a crit thief who appears to have possibly already been buffed from the fight on point. That’s discounting the fact that the video was very vague with no indication of anyone’s stats in that scenario.

Actually, let me clarify how it works because it is hard to see me when I burst. (all of my builds are no secret) Basically, you have 20 seconds to kill your enemy from stealth or run away while you use your venoms and signets for might stacking and refuge. If you refuge far enough away they can’t see it coming or pre-target you. Then you run up to the unsuspecting player and make a quick choice. If his reaction time is slow you can sneak attack while stunning/steal/ shadow shot and they die from a certain range. If they have a fast reaction time and you wan’t them to be unable to dodge, run behind them like it is a backstab and do the same thing as if you were further away. When it hits, it will deal 1.5 seconds of stun 19k damage tested vs a zerker warrior. (Only tanks and passive traited characters are safe)

I suggest you retract your post because as I mentioned to you in game, I took a screenshot of you admitting that your post wasn’t serious and it was intended as a “joke” to deflect from the real issue at hand…Which are mesmers and eles.

It is not a joke it is satire. People ask for things to get nerfed on other classes when there will be plenty to nerf on each class. This is an example of that. You wan’t elemental sustain nerfed? Maybe then they will nerf this next. Then they will nerf another class. If nerfing things doesn’t stop an op class from rising up. Then why nerf at all. (Still they will nerf thief and ele and mesmer regardless) This video is made so that more classes get a fair hit so that say elementalist’s sustain alone is not nerfed while a thief can practically one shot them. (Thief can instagib a cele elementalist).

Lol thief can instagib cele ele. The amount of ignorance in this statement is unreal. Sure it can, if the ele doesn’t move till he’s down.

You should l2p instead of crying for nerfs, thanks.

Lord Ninth \\ Champion Magus
- Primordial Legend

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Even I am not sure if this is a joke or serious but check out this link to find out for yourself.

They want Ele nerfed and mesmer nerfed, but I say, why not nerf this.

Thieves have never been OP and have only ever received nerfs. Nothing to see here.

~Signed every Thief ever.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Even I am not sure if this is a joke or serious but check out this link to find out for yourself.

They want Ele nerfed and mesmer nerfed, but I say, why not nerf this.

Thieves have never been OP and have only ever received nerfs. Nothing to see here.

~Signed every Thief ever.

Lol Then you must be newer than most Earlier on, they could stealth, attack, and re-stealth without getting revealed. This meant they were invisible the whole time just backstabbing away because the reveal debuff didn’t exist. (Hehe just wanted to shoot you down on that ridiculous comment)

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: apocom.3172


Maybe OP has an idea what he is talking about.

Thief can instagib a cele elementalist.

Oh wait, no.

Seriously, a glasscannon can instagib anoter glasscannon surprise. But yeah, lets balance the game around some hotjoin heroes circling around with no mapawareness, who didn’t even mind to run a stunbreaker. This is the spirit.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Vieteriukko.6075


That damage want’t even close instant. You need to anticipate and then you have all the time to shadowstep/stunbreak/dodge.

I play glass thief in www and in pvp on casual level and I’ve got instagibbed 2 times to death and both were mesmers.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Even I am not sure if this is a joke or serious but check out this link to find out for yourself.

They want Ele nerfed and mesmer nerfed, but I say, why not nerf this.

Thieves have never been OP and have only ever received nerfs. Nothing to see here.

~Signed every Thief ever.

Lol Then you must be newer than most Earlier on, they could stealth, attack, and re-stealth without getting revealed. This meant they were invisible the whole time just backstabbing away because the reveal debuff didn’t exist. (Hehe just wanted to shoot you down on that ridiculous comment)

Pshhh, thief was at its most balanced then. It’s been downhill ever since.

Bring back stealth contesting in WvW.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Seems balanced, thief kills one shot – thief dies one shot.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: JaeleCt.3967


Wtf is this tjeezy guy on about. OP obviously had d/p equipped so he could stealth with BP and leap FYI till opponent’s Sr was over. Do you even thief?

OP had kitten utilities and a kitten reaction time with no clue on how thief works mechanically so he only has himself to blame for being instagibbed. You must be one of those people who need to l2p instead of crying op.

BAHAHA This thread is full of the eliteist of the elite! Less than a half a second of reaction time to someone you cant see and is behind you. Man i have to team up with you guys…

BTW yes i theifed from beta so nice try. Dear Lord. I love how people say “oh yeah I’ve would have done this”. Monday quarterback for sure!

half a second of reaction time? my first thought as soon as i saw the first damage number popup was “wtf is OP just standing there for?” you had like 3 seconds to do something, you been playing with nightmare runes for too long or something??

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


(all of my builds are no secret)

Says the guy who was petitioning to get bars hidden from spectators so they couldn’t steal his build and when asked about his build said he wouldn’t show it because he didn’t want people stealing it. You’re obviously a liar.

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Lettuce.2945


Guys. Just ignore the OP. He lost to my guildie on his “amazing” thief while he was playing soldiers SA against marauders SA (guildie) and got rekt pretty badly. Then he got back on mesmer, and after 3 minutes of realizing he did no pressure at all (since he played badly), he called the fight. And I was on my ranger laughing at him and so was kronos. He told me to duel him (marauders ranger), so I did. Note that he said “I’ll kill your ranger easily”.

Ended up forcing him to perma stealth as a PU rabid mesmer and he, again, called the fight after 3 minutes after getting to 20% hp several times while I felt no pressure hovering above 80% hp the whole time.

This is enough to show that OP has no credibility and is pretty bad. He’s clearly trolling as he already said it himself.