New Meta Is Coming
I know right, it is almost like this was a festival release which means nothing literally changed, designed as a hold over while they wait to syncing the game with china.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
are their tooltip info still hardcoded?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
indeed, some awesome tooltip buffs!
well worth the wait as always!
Anet are the bestest!
A dream come true.
Beating people cause my tooltips say so!
I didn’t realise Anet had said they were doing another balance patch! Can someone link this?
Ye just because feature patch cause some obvious balance issues doesnt mean they should be fixed with simple changes. We need 5 months at least to get used to imbalances before they can be resolved.
I didn’t realise Anet had said they were doing another balance patch! Can someone link this?
Idk how you missed the sarcasm
I didn’t realise Anet had said they were doing another balance patch! Can someone link this?
Idk how you missed the sarcasm
idk how you missed my sarcasm. This is a festival patch primarily, not a balance patch. It has some small balances in it, but that is not it’s main function.
Seriously, why do people wonder why Anet go silent then proceed to create pointless QQ threads after every release of information?
Because people want their bugs to be fixed on the go, before the imbalance becometh ze meta.
apart from that..
I didn’t realise Anet had said they were doing another balance patch! Can someone link this?
Idk how you missed the sarcasm
idk how you missed my sarcasm. This is a festival patch primarily, not a balance patch. It has some small balances in it, but that is not it’s main function.
Seriously, why do people wonder why Anet go silent then proceed to create pointless QQ threads after every release of information?
Please stop with the apologist attitude. Anet hasn’t gone silent over people making threads complaining about the game. They go silent, because they don’t have many employees to post.
Now, back to the topic at hand and your response. Were you not here the last time they posted such large clarifications? They said, straight faced, that the reason following those changes for a lack of balance changes was that they needed to let the meta adjust to the changes the tool tips provided…