New "classes" are too OP, R.I.P. core ones.
Memory lapses from 6 month ago.
Thank you,
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
Memory lapses from 6 month ago.
Thank you,
isnt any less true just because its old though
You are right but K pop climbed with his vanilla warriir .. I wouldn’t try it though.
Lexander, just because you are blinded to the obvious truth, doesn’t mean nobody can see it.
You are right in everything, but sadly we can’t change that. If ArenaNet was in ANY way serious about balancing, they would have nerfed all the elite specs the week HoT launched. They didn’t so we have to assume they made elite specs overpowered on purpose. And their purpose would be: force people to buy their expansion, because they didn’t sell enough copies of it.
I was trying with warrior too… Got to ruby and got owned by 3 reapers every game… It doesn’t matter how good you are with warri. You just can’t handle tons of condis ;/
Yup. That’s how I ended up in t2 ruby.. 3 reaper every game.. and the bezerker stance nerf doesn’t help either. But there is a condi warrior build out there which does pretty well against reaper or eng, but I like my power warrior way too much to give it a shot
+1 to OP. Nerf elite specs to bring them back in-line with core classes.
Yup. That’s how I ended up in t2 ruby.. 3 reaper every game.. and the bezerker stance nerf doesn’t help either. But there is a condi warrior build out there which does pretty well against reaper or eng, but I like my power warrior way too much to give it a shot
This surprised me after I read your post in the mesmer nerf thread:
Lol, he is playing a crappy build since it’s non meta. What a troll and he co.plains about losing a game:
Dude, here is an advice to win games you have to play a Metta build. Try metabattle and good luck.
(edited by Salamander.2504)
If you couldn’t tell that I was trolling him or being an kitten to him.; like he does to evryo ne else then dude you have a problem. The OP belittle everyone on this forum, so just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
He brings nothing to the conversation except his usual “hit gud” remarks or if you cant carry legendaries then you shouldn’t be in it, etc..
If you couldn’t tell that I was trolling him or being an kitten to him.; like he does to evryo ne else then dude you have a problem. The OP belittle everyone on this forum, so just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
He brings nothing to the conversation except his usual “hit gud” remarks or if you cant carry legendaries then you shouldn’t be in it, etc..
I couldn’t tell. I guess I have a problem.
If you couldn’t tell that I was trolling him or being an kitten to him.; like he does to evryo ne else then dude you have a problem. The OP belittle everyone on this forum, so just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
He brings nothing to the conversation except his usual “hit gud” remarks or if you cant carry legendaries then you shouldn’t be in it, etc..
I couldn’t tell. I guess I have a problem.
its ok i couldnt tell either
“I’m sorry Mr.Warrior I can’t hear you complaining about conditions with you have ~20sec of resistance at your with a stance and you heal.” Post from reddit. Can someone explain me which stance? Cos all I can see is BS that got nerfed with HoT and now gives 3 secs of resistance against 10 secs of poison… Maybe I’m blind? O_o
Specilizations are better than core classes, but you need money to pay for heart of thorns. Imagine that.
Bad Elementalist
“I’m sorry Mr.Warrior I can’t hear you complaining about conditions with you have ~20sec of resistance at your with a stance and you heal.” Post from reddit. Can someone explain me which stance? Cos all I can see is BS that got nerfed with HoT and now gives 3 secs of resistance against 10 secs of poison… Maybe I’m blind? O_o
Nope you are not the Poster is assuming that you are running HS (which provides 6 sec or resistance) and the beserker stance ( 9 or 10 sec of res) and both can be corrupted. ( especially when fighting three reaper). Melee power warrior has close to no chance, as it stand, against a reaper of equal Skill. They can inflict weakness ( RIP your dps) by corruption your might, and you have 0 defense giant them since they can always corrupt your resistance. Anet should revert the bezerker stance nerf.
AOE spaming classes. Thief and warrior use targetable spells with this primitive tab targeting, no target lock, no party interface or shortcuts, pets and other illusions interfere with it, you have to be really good at micromanaging to play or underperform heavily an aoe class and get trash talked also.
There’s a reson why Specializzations are better than the main class (not totally shure about the Berserker XD).
The reason is:
ANet is pallnig to make More Specializzations!!!!!!!
ANet simply want to sell HoT offering something better than the old game version and that “something” is the specializzation system. (more or less the only reason to buy HoT)
But ANet is not planning to leave us with only one specializzation!
They want to make new specializzations every X months (we don’t know how much time they need to make a specializzation) and with that increase the build and game diversity.
But to do that right they had to do a faster work, release at last another specializzation in that months. But they’re occupied to fix all the sea of problems of the specializzations and they’re unable to balance the classes they made. Also why the system they use to create that build make them so versatile that is easy to make them OP if compared in sPvP or PvE. (I want a reaper or two in team when do pvp, but I don’t want to have more than one when I do PvE, for example)
They’re simply late on work, are bad to balance and aren’t good to plan they’re priorities.
That is it. Nothing more to say.
Anyway I’m losing my hope to see another Specializzation for my Necro in that first half of the year. I’m hoping they will release another specializzation before the 4° anniversary
miss being able to play fresh air ele, terrormancer, not sure how medi guard does now.
Wellmancer is still troll.
Idea for next expansion: GW2 without HoT /Kappa
There’s a reson why Specializzations are better than the main class (not totally shure about the Berserker XD).
ANet simply want to sell HoT offering something better than the old game version and that “something” is the specializzation system. (more or less the only reason to buy HoT)
So… Gw2 has become P2W?! ^^ Cos atm. it looks like that. If u buy HoT u get access to OP specializations, otherwise u are kitten with core classes, cos they don’t stand a chance against new ones…
some certain classes are still good without hot specs.
For example, condi guardians and condi nekros are built without new specs.
Warrior, engineer and elem are the classes that need hot spec, this is true.
some certain classes are still good without hot specs.
For example, condi guardians and condi nekros are built without new specs.
Warrior, engineer and elem are the classes that need hot spec, this is true.
Yeah, got yelled yesterday by teammate for playing core engi while not scrapper ^^ lovely game and community :P
For me, reaper and druid are worst cancers at the moment. They are really easy to start playing, yet increadibly efficient – even you are quite new to those.
For me, reaper and druid are worst cancers at the moment. They are really easy to start playing, yet increadibly efficient – even you are quite new to those.
Amber thru Sapphire maybe. Ruby, and higher not so much. But then again skill in Ruby is all flavors of the rainbow so who knows.
There’s a reson why Specializzations are better than the main class (not totally shure about the Berserker XD).
ANet simply want to sell HoT offering something better than the old game version and that “something” is the specializzation system. (more or less the only reason to buy HoT)
So… Gw2 has become P2W?! ^^ Cos atm. it looks like that. If u buy HoT u get access to OP specializations, otherwise u are kitten with core classes, cos they don’t stand a chance against new ones…
It’s a Buy to Play, not a Pay to Win, it’s a little but deep difference.
Do you wanna TRY the game? Play it Free!
Do you wanna PLAY this game, with it’s Full Potential? Buy it!
If you play as a free player you’re not playing GW2, you’re playing a FREE VERSION of GW2, a version that Don’t allow you to play all the game and don’t allow you to play at best.
Is it a Pay to Win? NO, ABSOLUTLY NO!
You’re still able to use a large amount of builds for every classes that work very good (try to kill the old engi bunker witht he actual meta, if you can! I’ve a friend that play that build and hold the mid 1vs3 all the time without problems, it’s still a OP build in conquest arenas but no one look at it why is without the Scrapper).
It was PtW if you had not only to buy the game (why actually HoT is sold with the main game) but also to buy gems to purchase equipment and items to make you strongher, like equipments that grant you +30% damage or damage reduction in spvp/www, items to sell at double the cost of items, buy with real cash a large amount of things that without it you’re unable to play like all the other players, still after you buyed the game.
But if at the moment that you Buy the game you’re at the same level of All the other players and there’s Not a Single Way that they can be Stronger than you (expecially in spvp, where the equipment don’t count and you don’t even need an exotic/ascended equipment to play or not even to reach liv 80), that’s called BUY to PLAY.
If you’re a free user you’re playing a TEST version of the game, just to TRY it and then chose to Buy it or not.
If you Really want to play GW2, Buy it. If you don’t want to buy a BtP game, continue to play withhout specializzations and don’t make noise if core can’t be played why too weak. (still why there’s a large amount of really strong builds for main core classes)
Playing core warrior now and trying to drop to Sapphire. Doesn’t work. It can’t be that bad!
Piken Square EU, maybe soon on your server.
There’s a reson why Specializzations are better than the main class (not totally shure about the Berserker XD).
ANet simply want to sell HoT offering something better than the old game version and that “something” is the specializzation system. (more or less the only reason to buy HoT)
So… Gw2 has become P2W?! ^^ Cos atm. it looks like that. If u buy HoT u get access to OP specializations, otherwise u are kitten with core classes, cos they don’t stand a chance against new ones…
It’s a Buy to Play, not a Pay to Win, it’s a little but deep difference.
Do you wanna TRY the game? Play it Free!
Do you wanna PLAY this game, with it’s Full Potential? Buy it!If you play as a free player you’re not playing GW2, you’re playing a FREE VERSION of GW2, a version that Don’t allow you to play all the game and don’t allow you to play at best.
Is it a Pay to Win? NO, ABSOLUTLY NO!
You’re still able to use a large amount of builds for every classes that work very good (try to kill the old engi bunker witht he actual meta, if you can! I’ve a friend that play that build and hold the mid 1vs3 all the time without problems, it’s still a OP build in conquest arenas but no one look at it why is without the Scrapper).It was PtW if you had not only to buy the game (why actually HoT is sold with the main game) but also to buy gems to purchase equipment and items to make you strongher, like equipments that grant you +30% damage or damage reduction in spvp/www, items to sell at double the cost of items, buy with real cash a large amount of things that without it you’re unable to play like all the other players, still after you buyed the game.
But if at the moment that you Buy the game you’re at the same level of All the other players and there’s Not a Single Way that they can be Stronger than you (expecially in spvp, where the equipment don’t count and you don’t even need an exotic/ascended equipment to play or not even to reach liv 80), that’s called BUY to PLAY.If you’re a free user you’re playing a TEST version of the game, just to TRY it and then chose to Buy it or not.
If you Really want to play GW2, Buy it. If you don’t want to buy a BtP game, continue to play withhout specializzations and don’t make noise if core can’t be played why too weak. (still why there’s a large amount of really strong builds for main core classes)
1. of all I BOUGHT a game and I;m not a free player. I own core version of the game – otherwise I won’t be able to type at forum right?
The point is that u can’t overcome expansion’s classes with core ones so it is either buy kittenty expansion or be out of league.
The point of gw2 was that it won’t matter what expansion u will be able to buy CORE content will stay as best as possible and now this content from CORE game isn’t giving me this feeling.
Once again it is P2W since u have to buy HoT that gives u over powered classes. Back in days before leagues I was one of few dragons that I got by playing warrior. Geez man I was in top 100 of EU… and now? I can’t do a kitten cos of unbalance. There is no way for a warrior to stand a chance against reapers or condi builds. He doesn’t stand a chance against DH either, cos DH is just aoe spammer, but when it comes to defending a point… well.. You can;t do much without zerker stance that WAS NERFED!
P2W apply to stuff that can be obtained and is better via real money i.e. HoT expansion that gives u much better classes. Or Can u tell me how to counter Reaper as Core Warrior without sacrificing all skills to counter condi reaper with kittentons of minions and be kitten with dmg
. U know… balance means that u will be good at defence and good at attack, like any other class( for example Reaper – defence = DS, attack = condis and minions)
So to summarize. GW2 these days IS P2W as it sells better classes than core ones for real money. I would understand that if they would be balanced BUT THEY AREN’T! So in result IT IS P2W.
(edited by Kasteros.9847)
Playing core warrior now and trying to drop to Sapphire. Doesn’t work. It can’t be that bad!
Try to get with core warrior to legend… pretty hard when u have 99% players as reapers and DHs in diamond ><
It’s a Buy to Play, not a Pay to Win, it’s a little but deep difference.
Do you wanna TRY the game? Play it Free!
Do you wanna PLAY this game, with it’s Full Potential? Buy it!If you play as a free player you’re not playing GW2, you’re playing a FREE VERSION of GW2, a version that Don’t allow you to play all the game and don’t allow you to play at best.
Is it a Pay to Win? NO, ABSOLUTLY NO!
1. You just gave the very definition of P2W.
2. I bought the core game, so I’m not a ‘free player’, that is “trying” the game.
Thing is, some people classify having elite specs in PvP as “content” in an MMO hence buy to play(maybe those guys are PvElords here for the dank wings?). While alot of people view the elite specs as an advantage over the core player(since this is supposedly a “competitive” environment), hence pay to win.
Either way, game has become cancerous post-HoT \o/
There’s a reson why Specializzations are better than the main class (not totally shure about the Berserker XD).
ANet simply want to sell HoT offering something better than the old game version and that “something” is the specializzation system. (more or less the only reason to buy HoT)
So… Gw2 has become P2W?! ^^ Cos atm. it looks like that. If u buy HoT u get access to OP specializations, otherwise u are kitten with core classes, cos they don’t stand a chance against new ones…
It’s a Buy to Play, not a Pay to Win, it’s a little but deep difference.
Do you wanna TRY the game? Play it Free!
Do you wanna PLAY this game, with it’s Full Potential? Buy it!If you play as a free player you’re not playing GW2, you’re playing a FREE VERSION of GW2, a version that Don’t allow you to play all the game and don’t allow you to play at best.
Is it a Pay to Win? NO, ABSOLUTLY NO!
You’re still able to use a large amount of builds for every classes that work very good (try to kill the old engi bunker witht he actual meta, if you can! I’ve a friend that play that build and hold the mid 1vs3 all the time without problems, it’s still a OP build in conquest arenas but no one look at it why is without the Scrapper).It was PtW if you had not only to buy the game (why actually HoT is sold with the main game) but also to buy gems to purchase equipment and items to make you strongher, like equipments that grant you +30% damage or damage reduction in spvp/www, items to sell at double the cost of items, buy with real cash a large amount of things that without it you’re unable to play like all the other players, still after you buyed the game.
But if at the moment that you Buy the game you’re at the same level of All the other players and there’s Not a Single Way that they can be Stronger than you (expecially in spvp, where the equipment don’t count and you don’t even need an exotic/ascended equipment to play or not even to reach liv 80), that’s called BUY to PLAY.If you’re a free user you’re playing a TEST version of the game, just to TRY it and then chose to Buy it or not.
If you Really want to play GW2, Buy it. If you don’t want to buy a BtP game, continue to play withhout specializzations and don’t make noise if core can’t be played why too weak. (still why there’s a large amount of really strong builds for main core classes)
1. of all I BOUGHT a game and I;m not a free player. I own core version of the game – otherwise I won’t be able to type at forum right?
The point is that u can’t overcome expansion’s classes with core ones so it is either buy kittenty expansion or be out of league.
The point of gw2 was that it won’t matter what expansion u will be able to buy CORE content will stay as best as possible and now this content from CORE game isn’t giving me this feeling.
Once again it is P2W since u have to buy HoT that gives u over powered classes. Back in days before leagues I was one of few dragons that I got by playing warrior. Geez man I was in top 100 of EU… and now? I can’t do a kitten cos of unbalance. There is no way for a warrior to stand a chance against reapers or condi builds. He doesn’t stand a chance against DH either, cos DH is just aoe spammer, but when it comes to defending a point… well.. You can;t do much without zerker stance that WAS NERFED!
P2W apply to stuff that can be obtained and is better via real money i.e. HoT expansion that gives u much better classes. Or Can u tell me how to counter Reaper as Core Warrior without sacrificing all skills to counter condi reaper with kittentons of minions and be kitten with dmg
. U know… balance means that u will be good at defence and good at attack, like any other class( for example Reaper – defence = DS, attack = condis and minions)
So to summarize. GW2 these days IS P2W as it sells better classes than core ones for real money
. I would understand that if they would be balanced BUT THEY AREN’T! So in result IT IS P2W.
There’s a DEEP difference between buy items and equipment with real money or buy an Expansion.
In Every Single Game i played when a expansion came up everyone bought it why of it’s contents that grant them better things. It is always been and isn’t a incredible thing that happened only here in GW2.
OMG an Expansion!!1!1!1!!
P2W: Buy Items in game with real money that are not included in the Main Game.
BtP: Buy the game to unlock all the thing of the game, without spend other moneys to be at the same level of other players.
There’s a BIG difference, don’t you think?
-In the first case you have to eventually Buy the game (but frequently they’re PtW masked as FtP) and after continue to spend real money to keep your position, buy equipment, buy potions, and otain things that if you only play for free or play the core game you can’t obtain, and they’re things that if you want to go up in the game you Need or all the other players that pay with real money will kill you all the time without a chance.
-In the second case (GW2 situation), if you buy the game you have EVERYTHING.
At last if you’re an old player you have to buy the Expansion to play the main game like all the others, that’s true. But an expansion after 3 years of play don’t make that game a PtW!
I can gave you some reason if the Expansion was an Extra that you Actually have to buy After you purchased the game, but Actually the Main Game is HoT itself.
If you buy the game, you don’t buy only the old Gw2, you also buy HoT!
No, GW2 isn’t a P2W.
You just only have to buy an expansione one time and you’re ok for more or less 3 years (if they make another expansion with the same speed of that one).
I played from the release. I played for 3 years and spent 40€. Is exactly 0.9€/month.
Now I have to buy an expansion at 40€ (yes they had to sell it at a lower price to who owned the old version, but that’s businnes, buys!) and if they took the same time to make another (counting that they’re late still to what they wanted to do with that one, so late that they annunced a stop on the new Legendary Weapons release) I will play more or less the same time at the same cost: 0.9€/month.
Yeah, GW2 is sucking my soul away for how much I spent on it!
Seriously: a Expansion isn’t a PtW, only a BtP.
And anyway you can still overcome the Specializzation classes with a Core class, but it’s harder and not all the classes can do.
Try the engi bunker, the freshair ele, the mediguardian, the PUshatter mesmer, and more.
Anyway the warrior is really weak in that meta and you will still die easy with the Berserker specializzation, don’t make you wrong things thinking that with the Berserker you will kill everyone easy only why is a specializzation.
Silv… you’re embarassing yourself with your self-justifying reasoning.
If you PAY something and it makes it easier to WIN, that means you PAY to WIN. That is exactly what elite specs are.
1. You pay for them
2. You are stronger than people who bought the core game (B2P)
3. You can win easier
QED: Elite specialisations are P2W.
P2W: Buy Items in game with real money that are not included in the Main Game.
I’d love to see a core buff to warrior. I don’t like the idea of the berserker anyway. Warrior was one of my favorite classes but its the class that got the shortest stick in HoT. Berserker is so poorly thought out it feels like an afterthought compared to others. Animations are bad, the mechanics are uncreative, the offhand weapon is a joke.
Silv… you’re embarassing yourself with your self-justifying reasoning.
If you PAY something and it makes it easier to WIN, that means you PAY to WIN. That is exactly what elite specs are.
1. You pay for them
2. You are stronger than people who bought the core game (B2P)
3. You can win easierQED: Elite specialisations are P2W.
P2W: Buy Items in game with real money that are not included in the Main Game.
That’s right, exepting for a single thing that make it a BtP instead of a PtW:
Go to the shop and see by jourself:
There’s NO difference now between old game and HoT, it’s all a Single Game and if you Buy it you have ALL the game, Old and HoT at the same time with no extra payment.
i really wanna answer back and have some manner of a keyboard war, but it’s more fun to just watch. Eventhough silv is triggering me lol
Silv… you’re embarassing yourself with your self-justifying reasoning.
If you PAY something and it makes it easier to WIN, that means you PAY to WIN. That is exactly what elite specs are.
1. You pay for them
2. You are stronger than people who bought the core game (B2P)
3. You can win easierQED: Elite specialisations are P2W.
P2W: Buy Items in game with real money that are not included in the Main Game.
That’s right, exepting for a single thing that make it a BtP instead of a PtW:
Go to the shop and see by jourself:’s NO difference now between old game and HoT, it’s all a Single Game and if you Buy it you have ALL the game, Old and HoT at the same time with no extra payment.
NO, HoT isn’t core game now, IT IS EXPANSION. COre is gw2, not gw2:hot. Hot should bring stuff that won’ make u better than others, yet it is making u better! So it is P2W.
In otehr mmos like wow u buy expansion for new loot, new areas, higher lvl etc. BUT u can still play at 90. lvl cap with ppl at 90. lvl and u aren;t forced to face ppl with 100 lvl!
Same should be here core specs against core specs or at last core specs against BALANCED expansions specs! Otherwise it is P2W COS u BUY stuff THAT is better than CORE stuff.
P2W doesn’t apply to items only, but to content aswell. And when some calss is much bettert han other the it is P2W.
Yeah u can still win with core classes BUT NOT ALL core classes, cos expansion’s specs are OP.
For me it is extra payment as I bought Gw2 and was promised that I would be able to play this game at same level after 5 years and now? I can’t, cos new specs are over powered! I would understand expansion with new areas like in WOW, but not with new not balanced at all classes and nerfes for old specs!
Silv u are denying what is obvious… Are u such blind or just can’t think bad about this game? Well this might be also “after decision dissonance” that is what we call it in psychology and what does it mean? That after u bought something u make it look as good as possible, so the others won’t think bad about ur purchase and u would think better of it. After some time u will believe that it was great deal and that u should buy it earlier, even if it was bad purchase…
(edited by Kasteros.9847)
thanks for saying more or less what I think kasteros lol
Silv… you’re embarassing yourself with your self-justifying reasoning.
If you PAY something and it makes it easier to WIN, that means you PAY to WIN. That is exactly what elite specs are.
1. You pay for them
2. You are stronger than people who bought the core game (B2P)
3. You can win easierQED: Elite specialisations are P2W.
P2W: Buy Items in game with real money that are not included in the Main Game.
Buy it you have ALL the game, Old and HoT at the same time with no extra payment.
I’m bad at this quote formatting stuff; anyways, using this sentence as evidence, you only started post HoT so you have a vastly different opinion, alot of us here paid $50(or 10 in my case ) for the full game, then paid $50 again for the kittenfest that is HoT(I didn’t, though I’m still sour about how it kittened up GW2), pretty sure the second $50 is extra, meanwhile you paid 1 set of $50. I promised myself not to get into this -.-
There’s a reson why Specializzations are better than the main class (not totally shure about the Berserker XD).
ANet simply want to sell HoT offering something better than the old game version and that “something” is the specializzation system. (more or less the only reason to buy HoT)
So… Gw2 has become P2W?! ^^ Cos atm. it looks like that. If u buy HoT u get access to OP specializations, otherwise u are kitten with core classes, cos they don’t stand a chance against new ones…
That’s how I felt when I started playing again after 1.5 years. I liked GW2, because I paid once and didn’t feel pressured to play, like subscription, and it didn’t have OP shop items like freemiums. Also PvP was normalized. When I was losing I knew it was because of build / skill. But now… I feel pressured into buying HoT, because I don’t stand a chance in PvP with most pre-HoT builds. It has become P2W for me in this matter. Heck, I can’t even use shield generators in WvW. Sometimes it feels that whichever team has more elites wins.
I’d love for Anet to make a pre-HoT PvP room(s) and / or unranked.
1) You get fair ground if you’re on a F2P (or pre-exp GW2) account and just want to try it out without getting rolled over by opponents near to impossible to beat (HoT elite + you’re a newbie at this point)
2) Less “bad” builds in other rooms. People who don’t have HoT will flock to the pre-HoT rooms I believe.
3) Roll out your old builds! I recall PvP being more fun before, but I might just feel like that now, since I don’t have HoT.