I posted the essence of this on another thread but I’ll get right to the point.
When will ,you, the Anet pvp dev’s grow some dang balls? (yourself excluded Allie)
By this I mean when will you shake up the current “meta”?
I’m not talking about slight changes to observable metrics. I speak of a complete overhaul. Give us something fresh! Obviously new game modes are out the window or at the very least on the distant horizon. IE. Mars….
So my true question would be this:
Can you effectively disrupt any current “meta” on a monthly basis?
If you dared to do such a thing you would cure GW2 of the current stagnation that we are all experiencing barring new game modes.
For better or worse if you could shake up the “meta” on a monthly basis; encouraging me to play unfamiliar classes or unused trait lines (builds) to be optimally effective then you have my attention. Perhaps you might come close to that gamer utopia that we call “balance”.
Or do we as pvp’rs not garner such consideration from Anet?
edit – oh wait this is a meet and greet BS session. I apologize. So my question would be this Allie….
Boxers or briefs?