Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


I can’t believe Mesmer got the fewest changes in the patch….I sure do hope they were big changes..

Also “Some Balance Changes” really worries me considering how much was needed.

Reference article.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: kagemitsu.3657


Well, those 30 bullet points in Engineer make me hopeful, as Engi is my main profession. :P I hope they fixed our bazillion bugs and broken mechanics.

(class stronger than mine) is OP. (my class) is underpowered. (classes I beat easily) are fine.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


Fewest in # =/= smallest implications.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Plague.5329


It’s generally expected/feared they will mainly be bug fixes, and they will otherwise not address the meta or even build viability in any way.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Im Too Godlike.5629

Im Too Godlike.5629

With at least 50 combat affecting bugs per profession they better be working their kitten off… For real. Look at the ele bug thread, lol

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


“Mesmers are getting the fewest changes.
We are nerfing them by 90%.
That is all.”

In all seriousness, I do see us Mesmers having an issue in sPvP due to how we excel in tight spaces in which our clones can take hits for us even if you don’t meant to hit a clone.
I think Portal is getting some kind of Nerf because of how it can be abused in WvW.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: uncop.5073


Mesmers might have so few bulletpoints because they just aren’t buggy compared to other profs. They have no balance-affecting bugs like Guardian does or anything. Clones are so simple that the only AI problems I know of is dodge clones attacking closest instead of target, and Phantasmal Warden following the enemy as though it was ranged instead of melee.

Regarding portal, I think anet just made a mistake giving that to the best 1v1 profession in the game. There wouldn’t be that many cries for nerfs if all mesmers regardless of exact build weren’t point-defender-lite. So, uh, I’d rather keep the bag of tricks and have fun playing a more specialized profession than lose all the cool skills because mesmers are too strong at generic damage+pointdefending.

Too bad about the few balance updates, i had the audacity to be waiting for buffs. I’d love to see torch and focus phantasms on a level that makes the weapons usable. I’d like offhand sword block to become something that can compete with Magic Bullet on any level (offhand sword and pistol are direct competitors due to having burst phantasms, see). I’d also love for mesmers to get an actually competitive condition spec so the burstly phantasms wouldn’t be such a huge selling point for a weaponset. I mean, confusion does kind of work, but the problem is that the best weaponsets for confusion are the same as the best sets for burst.

(edited by uncop.5073)

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Necro here.

I’m just gonna be over here, in my corner, all alone….

No, no, I’m fine… ~sniffle~

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Necro here.

I’m just gonna be over here, in my corner, all alone….

No, no, I’m fine… ~sniffle~

This made me laugh lol

Thanks all for the responses so far…I would love to hear more from the community.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: avalon.4102


you know, for all this article says, the patch won’t come up until 2 years.
they prefer to fix urgent pve problem in this “competitive pvp game” first.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: lejean.9615


Yes, mesmerz will have the fewest changes. To make mesmers WORSE, I bet. Next phantasm nerfs, portal nerf and other things to nerf. No boosts.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I think you should be careful what you wish for. I think Mesmers have more nerfs coming their way than buffs.

Jon Peters also implied they might be changing how the Portal works, your #1 most important ability.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


I think you should be careful what you wish for. I think Mesmers have more nerfs coming their way than buffs.

Jon Peters also implied they might be changing how the Portal works, your #1 most important ability.

Mesmers need a lot more than just a portal nerf to be honest.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Mesmers don’t need nerfs. Other classes are getting buffs indirectly nerfing the mesmer, if you also nerf mesmers directly you’re going to get a waffleclass.

Rangers and engis are strong classes with the right builds in the right hands in 5v5…
Hopefully this is mostly small Balance changes like the thief changes last patch; did they nerf theif damage? slightly, did they break the class? No.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Biomanz.9302


Mesmers are almost as bad as thieves. Just lucky they require more than 2 button presses but a competent one will slaughter any other class hands down – yes I played it. They are near “perfect” but we’ll see how the next patch plays out…

Taera Locke – staff ele
Red circles heal you. Just relax.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Plague.5329


Mesmers don’t need nerfs.

Oh, yes. Yes. They do. Remember they’re using the Warrior as their base line, as it’s been in development the longest. How threatening are Warriors? They aren’t. Guess what that means for you. Enjoy your nerfs. You’re currently overpowered. The only reason why you think it’s the other classes that are the problem is because you’re the one using it.

Same deal with Thief players. You see them counter-whining on the forums all the time because they’re enclosed to their own class. They don’t know how bad they are, or worse, they do, but they’re just trying to downplay it in the hopes the developers will actually believe it, and go easier on them.

They’re both going to get hit hard, and probably not as hard as they should be hit.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Sounds like you got outplayed by a mesmer and are mad :/

Mesmers need nerfs where exactly?.. Portal? Okay nerf portal, portal is an awesome concept but whatever let’s make this game Call of Duty. I personally hate portal as it makes my class a one trick pony.

What else is wrong with mesmers? are they killing your thief as fast as your thief can kill them? BOO HOO.

Warriors if you haven’t noticed are pretty frikken potent, 100b can and Will kill spikers almost instantly sometimes, so we have to nerf mesmers because what? they’re not warriors?…

I’m sure your class is the one that takes massive amounts of skill to play and you’re just underappreciated and not a bad player it’s your class that’s dragging you down.

How many teams actually run a mesmer full time? What’s that? Maybe 20% ?
This clearly Proves how OP mesmers are! How many Run a Guardian 100% of the time? What? 80% and up? Some Teams actually run Two guardians full time??

Mesmer DPS is fine, Mesmer surviveability is fine, Mesmer utility is Great.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Delofasht.4231


I main a Mesmer, and while I’m not the best in existence, I am getting pretty good. Truly thieves are the only thing that are difficult to play against if I’m playing well, do Mesmers need nerfs? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure, fixing bugs on other professions in essence buffs those professions. Fix the bugs on all the professions, they balance out a ton, close exploits they balance out a bit more. However, there are much better answers than directly nerfing or buffing a particular profession, overshadowing issues such as burst damage and bunker builds based around boon duration stacking. Solve those first and the rest gets much easier to balance.

So as I see it, no I don’t think Mesmers need nerfs, hit the burst damage aspect of the game, tone down survivability from protection duration (might be much better if it simply absorbed the next X incoming attacks or a specific damage threshold increased by stacking it), this yields a format where condition damage becomes stronger, cleanse effects become stronger, sustained damage becomes stronger, timing becomes more important since it’s not just a burst ’em down format, and lastly purges becomes stronger.

Purge = Boon stripping abilities
Cleanse = Condition removing abilities.
Bunker = Heavy survivability
Burst = TONS of damage

TL;DR: Balance is rarely solved by nerfing a profession, it’s by correcting the burst and damage reduction.

“I’m sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Ziddy.2583


You’re either joking or just really don’t know. Almost every high level team is running a mesmer. 20%? LOL

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


There is a 62.5% chance of any team running a certain profession, so I would say most teams will have both a Mesmer and Guardian.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


As someone who played mesmer and thief by far the most since beta.

They both needs nerfs. Survival/Dmg ratio is just completely fubar’d.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Yinn.6507


As Knote says, I fully agree.

Signed – Mesmer/Thief player

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


As someone who played mesmer and thief by far the most since beta.

They both needs nerfs. Survival/Dmg ratio is just completely fubar’d.

I 100% agree…

I played a Mesmer too and deleted him…it got to the point I felt dirty and cheap just playing it.

Same with Thief.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

ive played all classes. mesmer is the last one out of eight. i started two days ago. incredibly op class. so op that i don’t even have any ideas on how to balance them. it seems like everything they have is powerful than most other classses.


As someone who played mesmer and thief by far the most since beta.

They both needs nerfs. Survival/Dmg ratio is just completely fubar’d.

I 100% agree…

I played a Mesmer too and deleted him…it got to the point I felt dirty and cheap just playing it.

Same with Thief.

yeah it was something like this. like real. the reason i didn’t play one until now (my last class to play) is because i knew they’d feel this way.

Team Shanghai Alice

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

If I knew how kittening annoying Mesmers are before I bought the game…I wouldn’t be here right now. Just the kittening sound of spatial surge 24/7 every kittening team fight, and when it’s a little Asura screaming and yelling…just wtf. I pretty much stopped playing LoL because of Shaco on TT, and now this kitten?

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: ConterK.3972


as a warrior/ele/ranger/necro/engi/guardian player

i fully agree with nerfing all those classes too!
i play them a lot, i must know something right?!

If I knew how kittening annoying Mesmers are before I bought the game…I wouldn’t be here right now. Just the kittening sound of spatial surge 24/7 every kittening team fight, and when it’s a little Asura screaming and yelling…just wtf. I pretty much stopped playing LoL because of Shaco on TT, and now this kitten?

LOL! mute the game? shaco on TT? who plays 3v3 anyways? o.o

(edited by ConterK.3972)

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

LOL! mute the game? shaco on TT? who plays 3v3 anyways? o.o

Me, and…get this…two friends!

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: ConterK.3972


LOL! mute the game? shaco on TT? who plays 3v3 anyways? o.o

Me, and…get this…two friends!

yeah, but 3v3 is.. like… lame!
and i love shaco!

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: rich.3417


shocking, all the Mesmer players claim the class deserves to be nerfed?

/Sarcasm off

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The statement just make me think they are bringing the rest up to Mesmer.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: ScorpionX.6938


i don’t play a mesmer and i have been on the receiving end of a portal bomb before. personally i have no issue with them, they force you to spread out your attack which is a good thing.

i say keep them in. it makes the otherwise useless mesmers matter.

Northern Shiverpeaks

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


spread your attack where? there’s three points, you need two to win, and the portal can take your whole group back forth between the two…

and “otherwise useless mesmers”? lol seriously? maybe you should play one and think about that comment again

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Portal and time warp could use looking at, the rest is fine. Null field is pretty strong but if all three were nerfed you’d never see another mesmer.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


Portal and time warp could use looking at, the rest is fine. Null field is pretty strong but if all three were nerfed you’d never see another mesmer.

Woah, we are so conditioned to think that the word “nerf” means completely neutering a skill into complete uselessness that we are starting to claim nonsensical statements like the one above. This can be blamed in part due to a history of poor balance from other MMOs or how difficult it really is to do so (or you know, just collective consciousness nonsense).

Come on people, be realistic for once, several classes need serious adjustments in terms of balance, being it buffing (improving) Rangers or nerfing (toning down) Thieves, Mesmers, Guardians, etc. but that doesn’t mean neutering or overpowering.

Let us wait for the Patch, then we should judge how competent they are on balance.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Portal and time warp could use looking at, the rest is fine. Null field is pretty strong but if all three were nerfed you’d never see another mesmer.

Woah, we are so conditioned to think that the word “nerf” means completely neutering a skill into complete uselessness that we are starting to claim nonsensical statements like the one above. This can be blamed in part due to a history of poor balance from other MMOs or how difficult it really is to do so (or you know, just collective consciousness nonsense).

Come on people, be realistic for once, several classes need serious adjustments in terms of balance, being it buffing (improving) Rangers or nerfing (toning down) Thieves, Mesmers, Guardians, etc. but that doesn’t mean neutering or overpowering.

Let us wait for the Patch, then we should judge how competent they are on balance.

If you ‘slightly toned down’ time warp, null field, and portal, you’d never see another mesmer. Better?

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Those are Really STRONG abilities Time Warp, Null field Portal, but are they comparable to other classes?

Guardian’s elite haste is comparable to Timewarp, 6 seconds of haste AND fury during the 15 seconds the book is out, but most guardians run the Defensive book, 20k+ heal on a long cast time. Do we need to remove timewarp? or should we Make it last 6 seconds like the guardian elite? Guardians also have a choice between 4 other abilities with that same elite, If anything I think guardians get a better deal.

Guardians are able to Steal Conditions once and convert them to boons! Null field lasts for 7 seconds but also STRIPS boons, I think that’s pretty comparable

Necromancers also have a condition removal/boon mechanic, why can’t mesmers have one? especially if we have to give up our Damage(Clones) or Surviveability(Decoy) for it?

PORTAL, 60 second cooldown after a successful use, so Yes ___premeditated___ and quickly executed with TEAMWORK this is a very powerful tool, once every 60 seconds. A Mesmer successfully doing this is pretty rare in free tournaments, although I’ve seen a couple, maybe serious Mesmer teams in Paid do it, but I wouldn’t know.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Those are Really STRONG abilities Time Warp, Null field Portal, but are they comparable to other classes?

Guardian’s elite haste is comparable to Timewarp, 6 seconds of haste AND fury during the 15 seconds the book is out, but most guardians run the Defensive book, 20k+ heal on a long cast time. Do we need to remove timewarp? or should we Make it last 6 seconds like the guardian elite? Guardians also have a choice between 4 other abilities with that same elite, If anything I think guardians get a better deal.

Guardians are able to Steal Conditions once and convert them to boons! Null field lasts for 7 seconds but also STRIPS boons, I think that’s pretty comparable

Necromancers also have a condition removal/boon mechanic, why can’t mesmers have one? especially if we have to give up our Damage(Clones) or Surviveability(Decoy) for it?

PORTAL, 60 second cooldown after a successful use, so Yes ___premeditated___ and quickly executed with TEAMWORK this is a very powerful tool, once every 60 seconds. A Mesmer successfully doing this is pretty rare in free tournaments, although I’ve seen a couple, maybe serious Mesmer teams in Paid do it, but I wouldn’t know.

1. Nobody uses Tome of Wrath. Tome of Courage is impossible to get off versus a half decent team unless you have Hallowed Ground. Even then, a necromancer can still interrupt you. They are not comparable.

2. Null field is AoE.

3. Mesmers have a condition removal and boon stripping mechanic. I’ve never even played a mesmer, and off the top of my head I can name three different boon strips they have have.

4. “But I wouldn’t know”? Why are you talking about balance then? Mesmers are required for paid tournaments because of portal. Even if their only use was treb repair, most teams would still bring a mesmer just for that.

(edited by Larynx.2453)

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


4.“Why are you talking about balance then” Read through your QQ posts, Man you’ve got some issues, most of the QQ is centered around “MOA NEEDS A NERF” “MESMERS ARE OHPEE” if anyone is wondering Lol I bet you only run around in SPVP maybe you’re the one who shouldn’t talk about balance? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Larynx on a roster :/

3. and 2. ??? All good condition stripping is AOE.

You don’t have any idea about what you’re talking about do you?…

We have
Mantra of Resolve Mantra 3 4¼ 20 Meditate, charging a spell that will cure all of two conditions [sic].(Useless)
Phantasmal Disenchanter Phantasm 6 1½ 20 Sumon[sic] an illusion that removes boons from foes and cures conditions on allies.(LOL Useless)
Arcane Thievery Manipulation 3 45 Send conditions you have to your foe and steal their boons.
Null Field Glamour 1 ¼ 45 Create a field of energy that rips all boons from foes, and cures all conditions on allies.

Which 3 could you name exactly? Null field? And the other 3 no one ever uses?

Meanwhile, guardian has;
Purging Flames Consecration 3 ¾ 40 Create a ring of fire that burns foes and cures conditions on allies.
Contemplation of Purity Meditation 3 60 Convert the conditions you are suffering from into boons.
Smite Condition Meditation 1 ¼ 20 Cure a condition and damage nearby foes. More damage if a condition is cured.
“Save Yourselves!” Shout 3 60 Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself. Gain multiple boons for a short duration.
Bow of Truth Spirit weapon 3 1½ 60 Summon an arcane bow to cure conditions on you and your allies.
Purifying Ribbon ¾ 3 Release a ribbon of light that bounces to nearby allies, curing one condition on each ally hit and blinding each foe hit.

Necromancer’s condition Removal
Gathering Plague 30 Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself, and inflict weakness on yourself.
Putrid Mark Mark ¾ 25 Inscribe a mark that transfers conditions from allies to foes when they trigger it.
Deathly Swarm ¼ 18 Unleash an insect swarm, blinding multiple foes. Transfer three conditions to your target on a successful attack.
Consume Conditions 1 1¼ 25 Feast on your conditions, gaining health for each one consumed.
Corrupt Boon Corruption 3 40 Poison yourself. Transform all boons on your foe into negative conditions.
Plague Signet Signet 3 60 Passive: Transfers conditions from nearby allies to yourself.
Active: Send your conditions to a foe.
Well of Corruption Well 3 ¼ 45 Target area pulses, converting boons on foes into conditions
Well of Power Well 3 ¼ 60 Target area pulses, converting conditions on allies into boons.
Grim Specter 30 Send out a claw that explodes on impact, ripping boons off of foes and curing conditions on allies.

Not to mention Epidemic.

1.So you’re saying because no one runs it it’s not compareable? :/ So you’re saying no one runs it because they run something better? So Tome of Courage with Aoe Protection Aoe Condition Cure blind 3 second Daze isn’t compareable to 10 seconds of haste? but it’s better then 6 seconds of haste AND fury?

Mesmer SHOULD have one or two utility to cleanse conditions, and they should be strong abilities to compete with offensive abilities or escape abilities.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Kyton.3815


Necromancer’s condition Removal
Gathering Plague 30 Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself, and inflict weakness on yourself.
Putrid Mark Mark ¾ 25 Inscribe a mark that transfers conditions from allies to foes when they trigger it.
Deathly Swarm ¼ 18 Unleash an insect swarm, blinding multiple foes. Transfer three conditions to your target on a successful attack.
Consume Conditions 1 1¼ 25 Feast on your conditions, gaining health for each one consumed.
Corrupt Boon Corruption 3 40 Poison yourself. Transform all boons on your foe into negative conditions.
Plague Signet Signet 3 60 Passive: Transfers conditions from nearby allies to yourself.
Active: Send your conditions to a foe.
Well of Corruption Well 3 ¼ 45 Target area pulses, converting boons on foes into conditions
Well of Power Well 3 ¼ 60 Target area pulses, converting conditions on allies into boons.
Grim Specter 30 Send out a claw that explodes on impact, ripping boons off of foes and curing conditions on allies.

Not to mention Epidemic.

I see that you obviously don’t play Necro. Well of Corruption is not a condition removal. Nor is Epidemic or Corrupt Boon (they give the Necro a condition). Plague signet and gathering plague don’t wipe conditions, it just redistributes them which either hurts the Necro or has to then blow a utility/skill to actually try to get rid of them. Grim Specter is effectively on a 3 minute cooldown if you were planning on relying on it as condition removal (use an elite to remove conditions once with a super slow cast time??? Yay?)

So in reality the Necro is not much better off than other classes when it comes to removing conditions. One for underwater (also req death shroud), two tied to a weapon out of water, one heal skill, two utilities, and the elite. Granted, since the staff is almost mandatory to have and consume conditions is one of the better or best heal we typically run with two removals, but let’s not make it sound like Necros are loaded up with it.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


The only thing necro’s have over other classes as far as Condition Removal is having condition transfer baked into 2 weapon skills, and the healing skill. The former can be unreliable at times because of the delay. We do ok because of it, but it really limits our weapon choices.

And as a necro, I’d take Null Field over Condition/Boon wells anyday. =p

Only good thing about boon conversion is for stability and that’s what Corrupt Boon is for.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


This is how I view mesmers:
A friend of mine was trying out the game and he asked me what he should play. I told him a mesmer because I figured it’d fit his play style.

His first day, he pve’ed a bit and just did some questing in the starter zone to familiarize himself with the game. The second day he wanted to do some spvp, so I helped him get geared/specced and we started doing hotjoins.

After a couple hours, he was consistently winning fights and getting in the top 3 points in the game. He had no idea what effects were what, what combo fields were, what classes had which abilities, builds, map layouts/objectives, or anything else. All he was doing was spamming his abilities on everything he ran into, and he was killing virtually everyone except other mesmers and the occasional really good player on another class.

I told him, ‘ya, mesmers are kinda op right now’ His reply? ‘no kitten’

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Mange.8324


This is how I view mesmers:
A friend of mine was trying out the game and he asked me what he should play. I told him a mesmer because I figured it’d fit his play style.

His first day, he pve’ed a bit and just did some questing in the starter zone to familiarize himself with the game. The second day he wanted to do some spvp, so I helped him get geared/specced and we started doing hotjoins.

All he was doing was spamming his abilities on everything he ran into, and he was killing virtually everyone except other mesmers and the occasional really good player on another class.

Welcome to every other class in GW2, competitive level is just a matter of doing it with the right build and team.

Maybe if aiming abilities and movement was actually a factor, dodge rolling is the only thing that puts this game in the “skill based” area. That and no gear differences in Spvp.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


Mesmers will lead in the complaints department as soon as thieves are toned tone, and rightfully so.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


Necromancer’s condition Removal
Gathering Plague 30 Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself, and inflict weakness on yourself.
Putrid Mark Mark ¾ 25 Inscribe a mark that transfers conditions from allies to foes when they trigger it.
Deathly Swarm ¼ 18 Unleash an insect swarm, blinding multiple foes. Transfer three conditions to your target on a successful attack.
Consume Conditions 1 1¼ 25 Feast on your conditions, gaining health for each one consumed.
Corrupt Boon Corruption 3 40 Poison yourself. Transform all boons on your foe into negative conditions.
Plague Signet Signet 3 60 Passive: Transfers conditions from nearby allies to yourself.
Active: Send your conditions to a foe.
Well of Corruption Well 3 ¼ 45 Target area pulses, converting boons on foes into conditions
Well of Power Well 3 ¼ 60 Target area pulses, converting conditions on allies into boons.
Grim Specter 30 Send out a claw that explodes on impact, ripping boons off of foes and curing conditions on allies.

Not to mention Epidemic.

Epidemic removes conditions/boons now?

You shouldn’t preface a sentence with “You don’t have any idea about what you’re talking about do you?…” if you can’t be bothered to look up what skills actually do.

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493

Lewis Burnell.2493

This is how I view mesmers:
A friend of mine was trying out the game and he asked me what he should play. I told him a mesmer because I figured it’d fit his play style.

His first day, he pve’ed a bit and just did some questing in the starter zone to familiarize himself with the game. The second day he wanted to do some spvp, so I helped him get geared/specced and we started doing hotjoins.

After a couple hours, he was consistently winning fights and getting in the top 3 points in the game. He had no idea what effects were what, what combo fields were, what classes had which abilities, builds, map layouts/objectives, or anything else. All he was doing was spamming his abilities on everything he ran into, and he was killing virtually everyone except other mesmers and the occasional really good player on another class.

I told him, ‘ya, mesmers are kinda op right now’ His reply? ‘no kitten’

How on earth is that indicative of anything other than your “friend” playing against terrible individuals. Mesmers are incredibly difficult to play well but like any profession in GW2, killing those unskilled is really easy. I will add that I’ve played Mesmer since closed Beta and its changed very little in all that time. What has changed is that people are finally realising its potential, which has always been there.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Mesmer SHOULD have one or two utility to cleanse conditions, and they should be strong abilities to compete with offensive abilities or escape abilities.

Let me introduce you to Arcane Thievery and Null Field.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Arius.7031


Mesmers don’t need nerfs.

Oh, yes. Yes. They do. Remember they’re using the Warrior as their base line, as it’s been in development the longest. How threatening are Warriors? They aren’t. Guess what that means for you. Enjoy your nerfs. You’re currently overpowered. The only reason why you think it’s the other classes that are the problem is because you’re the one using it.

Same deal with Thief players. You see them counter-whining on the forums all the time because they’re enclosed to their own class. They don’t know how bad they are, or worse, they do, but they’re just trying to downplay it in the hopes the developers will actually believe it, and go easier on them.

They’re both going to get hit hard, and probably not as hard as they should be hit.

I main a Necro in SPvP, and I use a Mesmer primarily in PvE (kind of reverse huh?) The Mesmer only needs 2 nerfs:

1. Portal needs fixing, limit the number of people who can go through a portal (to 5 IMO). Make it so each one can only use it twice. Make it so nothing goes through portals except your character/buffs (no siege or anything like that).

2. Shatter build burst needs lowered, but needs to be more sustained (decrease cooldown and damage).

Other than that, Mesmer is relatively balanced.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Mesmers don’t need nerfs.

Oh, yes. Yes. They do. Remember they’re using the Warrior as their base line, as it’s been in development the longest. How threatening are Warriors? They aren’t. Guess what that means for you. Enjoy your nerfs. You’re currently overpowered. The only reason why you think it’s the other classes that are the problem is because you’re the one using it.

Same deal with Thief players. You see them counter-whining on the forums all the time because they’re enclosed to their own class. They don’t know how bad they are, or worse, they do, but they’re just trying to downplay it in the hopes the developers will actually believe it, and go easier on them.

They’re both going to get hit hard, and probably not as hard as they should be hit.

I main a Necro in SPvP, and I use a Mesmer primarily in PvE (kind of reverse huh?) The Mesmer only needs 2 nerfs:

1. Portal needs fixing, limit the number of people who can go through a portal (to 5 IMO). Make it so each one can only use it twice. Make it so nothing goes through portals except your character/buffs (no siege or anything like that).

2. Shatter build burst needs lowered, but needs to be more sustained (decrease cooldown and damage).

Other than that, Mesmer is relatively balanced.

Actually imo there is 1 more fix needed to mesmer.

Phantasms need to do reduced damage after their first time. So when Duelist unloads for the first time for like 4-5k his second unload should do 2-2,5k max. Then 3rd should do 1-2k max etc.

Oh and Duelist should have his 100% projectile finisher taken down to 20%. It’s crazy how he can do 8 projectile finishers and apply for exaple 8 confusion stacks :P

(edited by Killyox.3950)

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Sonnet.9840


Actually imo there is 1 more fix needed to mesmer.

Phantasms need to do reduced damage after their first time. So when Duelist unloads for the first time for like 4-5k his second unload should do 2-2,5k max. Then 3rd should do 1-2k max etc.

Oh and Duelist should have his 100% projectile finisher taken down to 20%. It’s crazy how he can do 8 projectile finishers and apply for exaple 8 confusion stacks :P

This sounds like a good suggestion. Although I think it’s time for Anet to do the same thing they did with GW1, split pvp and pve skills. Lowering phantasm damage in pve is not in any way necessary. This also applies to a lot of thief skills that have been adjusted, and probably to various other skills that have been toned down for multiple classes.

Nov 15 Patch Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Arius.7031


Mesmers don’t need nerfs.

Oh, yes. Yes. They do. Remember they’re using the Warrior as their base line, as it’s been in development the longest. How threatening are Warriors? They aren’t. Guess what that means for you. Enjoy your nerfs. You’re currently overpowered. The only reason why you think it’s the other classes that are the problem is because you’re the one using it.

Same deal with Thief players. You see them counter-whining on the forums all the time because they’re enclosed to their own class. They don’t know how bad they are, or worse, they do, but they’re just trying to downplay it in the hopes the developers will actually believe it, and go easier on them.

They’re both going to get hit hard, and probably not as hard as they should be hit.

I main a Necro in SPvP, and I use a Mesmer primarily in PvE (kind of reverse huh?) The Mesmer only needs 2 nerfs:

1. Portal needs fixing, limit the number of people who can go through a portal (to 5 IMO). Make it so each one can only use it twice. Make it so nothing goes through portals except your character/buffs (no siege or anything like that).

2. Shatter build burst needs lowered, but needs to be more sustained (decrease cooldown and damage).

Other than that, Mesmer is relatively balanced.

Actually imo there is 1 more fix needed to mesmer.

Phantasms need to do reduced damage after their first time. So when Duelist unloads for the first time for like 4-5k his second unload should do 2-2,5k max. Then 3rd should do 1-2k max etc.

Oh and Duelist should have his 100% projectile finisher taken down to 20%. It’s crazy how he can do 8 projectile finishers and apply for exaple 8 confusion stacks :P

An issue with nerfing Mesmer’s sustained damage is that it already suffers in PvE. The sustained damage of a Mesmer is on the low end compared to other classes. Nerfing phantasms further would only hurt this more—not to mention it’d pretty much kill any phantasm build. This would decrease build diversity.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]