PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Frost.5017


It’s amazing really. You can get just pounded over and over and their is no safe word to stop the punishment. So good. Hurts so good. Queue me again papa!

I’m having some deju vu to a while back where there was a large gap between Anet and the players on several game issues and Anet refused to speak to its players. This go around is much more disheartening as Anet has sent a clear message that they do not care about these forums: ‘we are going to outsource the forums to volunteers’ translates to we couldnt be bothered to read or communicate with our player base.

PvP is right there with regards to soloQ. Thread after thread and post after post of poor matchups due to the difficulty in setting the valuation of the advantage premade teams or groups, most likely in comms, have when facing soloq players.

So just so we are clear here Anet, your game is leans waaaayyyyy way casual on all content with the exception that I need to find and make a premade group to have a chance to enjoy your PvP mode? Well played sir, well played indeed.


(edited by Frost.5017)

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Frost.5017


Yes, omg yes. Beat me harder. Don’t stop.

Loss: didn’t record
Loss: 255 – 500
Loss: 306 – 500
Loss: 25 – 500 (tdm)
Loss: 431 – 500
Loss: 216 – 500

I’ve got to ice this down, but thanks for the beating Anet <3. Please punish me harder, I’ve been a naughty soloQ’er.

The 431-500 game I swapped toons and we pulled a 200+ point comeback to still lose. Thanks for the not even close matches tonight. Same time tomorrow then?

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Frost.5017


PS – Highlight of the night was watching an obviously new player trying repeatedly to res someone from full dead. He rolls up to the already stomped out body tries to interact, can’t, repositions, can’t res still, repositions again… Good stuff guys. Thanks again

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: CooloutAC.3451


ya you have to be real sadistic. I mean wow is it brutal.

It would be ok if I just sucked horribly, but when you lead your teams most of the time in kills objective points and general score, and still lose every match? something is very very wrong. Even if I score over 300 points in a match, which I’ve done a couple times now. Its a loss lol.

The only fix is to not have premades in qeues, for a better matchmaking. But then cheating sync droppers would just undermine it anyways, and anet knows there is nothing they can do to stop them. Its just the gaming culture of these communities nowadays. During the .com boom era, computer nerds were the minority, not the majority. Even online games on consoles now are losing playerbases in droves because of unsportlike players.

Maybe RIOT has the secret because LoL is pretty popular, but I dunno what could be done.

(edited by CooloutAC.3451)

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I started playing pvp with the April 2014 update, and yes, soloq queue has been a masochistic experience since then. How can it be different? When you’re winning everything’s fine, but when you lose then suddenly everyone on your team is a scrub while everyone on the opposite team is rolling cheese mode easy builds (and as a premade, good sir!). GW2 is known to have a better community than most other games, and yet: afkers, rage quitters, salty nerds and sore losers are part of the everyday experience, due to the unreal aggressiveness that overwhelms us when we’re behind a computer screen.

Overall, playing with your friends in a dedicated team, without fearing that your team mates will be bad/salty/sore losers is a more enjoyable experience. But many of us like the gameplay and mechanics of this game so much, that we’re ready to suffer a little, just to get our daily dose. My final advice: don’t take soloq too seriously, you’ll just get angry.

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Loboling.5293


Lobobot 2.0 Agrees that solo queue is an effort in humility. A true solo queue could alleviate that pain. Until then, I will continue to run into the grinder and ping the minimap.

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Solo queue player here. Separate queues would be awesome. I tell myself I love the pain but it’s a lie I tell myself before I go to sleep at night.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: met.9653


2 days ago I solo q and win 500 to 0 on courtyard, enemy team must be mad like hell ;D
But i agree, solo q is total random mess, my win ratio is below 50% in unrankeds. I don’t even bother to go ranked without team.

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


Don’t know what you expect. System allows people to queue in party. So it’s quite obvious that they may do it. Your team is random. System will try it’s best to give you the best matchup out of current pool of players queued. There’s no thing like solo queue anymore.

I learned to overcome my emotions, trust in developers’ best intentions and accept above facts.

When I stop having fun, I simply don’t play a game.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Maybe RIOT has the secret because LoL is pretty popular, but I dunno what could be done.

There is no secret MOBAs are currently popular. LoL is a moba and free and it came out before the copycats. It is just like WoW in 2004, it came out at the right time with enough spices to attract people who liked mobas.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I have a 60% winrate over 110 games or so from solo queuing on the current leaderboard. Even my losses aren’t complete blow outs for the most part. Wouldn’t say I’m a masochist.

Think it is time for OP and others to stop and take an honest look at what they’re doing in game or how they’re contributing to their teams, and your builds and classes (some classes just don’t carry well). Maybe record videos to get feedback. There are supposedly elite players who I have seen do the most dogkitten things in games and lose a lot of games when they don’t need to.

ps the majority of premades are beatable.

(edited by SobeSoul.6910)

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


I have a 60% winrate over 110 games or so from solo queuing on the current leaderboard. Even my losses aren’t complete blow outs for the most part. Wouldn’t say I’m a masochist.

Think it is time for OP and others to stop and take an honest look at what they’re doing in game or how they’re contributing to their teams, and your builds and classes (some classes just don’t carry well). Maybe record videos to get feedback. There are supposedly elite players who I have seen do the most dogkitten things in games and lose a lot of games when they don’t need to.

ps the majority of premades are beatable.

agree. but then theres those games where its obvious you have won too many in a row so anet is about to punish you. I think this is what OP is talking about. Why does anet punish you for getting better? shouldnt teams be even and then if you get better you play with better players? i just dont like the way its setup right now, the better i get, the more anet spanks me, guess thats what i want?? … thats a masochist to me

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I have a 60% winrate over 110 games or so from solo queuing on the current leaderboard. Even my losses aren’t complete blow outs for the most part. Wouldn’t say I’m a masochist.

Think it is time for OP and others to stop and take an honest look at what they’re doing in game or how they’re contributing to their teams, and your builds and classes (some classes just don’t carry well). Maybe record videos to get feedback. There are supposedly elite players who I have seen do the most dogkitten things in games and lose a lot of games when they don’t need to.

ps the majority of premades are beatable.

agree. but then theres those games where its obvious you have won too many in a row so anet is about to punish you. I think this is what OP is talking about. Why does anet punish you for getting better? shouldnt teams be even and then if you get better you play with better players? i just dont like the way its setup right now, the better i get, the more anet spanks me, guess thats what i want?? … thats a masochist to me

Exactly this! I’m usually in the upper 50’s to near 80% win rate per day. Then I log in and get those days where the game say’s “GO DIE IN A FIRE!” and my win rate is 31-33%. Which is funny because it happens every 4 or 5 days on a cycle. It’s too odd and specific to not be something. On Wednesday it started again and I just played thru it, as any good Masochists should, just to break even for the night. After 300 matches on the current leader board, I think it’s enough to notice “odd” matches.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Overall, playing with your friends in a dedicated team, without fearing that your team mates will be bad/salty/sore losers is a more enjoyable experience. But many of us like the gameplay and mechanics of this game so much, that we’re ready to suffer a little, just to get our daily dose. My final advice: don’t take soloq too seriously, you’ll just get angry.

I agree 100% with this part.

Necromancer Main

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: CooloutAC.3451


Maybe RIOT has the secret because LoL is pretty popular, but I dunno what could be done.

There is no secret MOBAs are currently popular. LoL is a moba and free and it came out before the copycats. It is just like WoW in 2004, it came out at the right time with enough spices to attract people who liked mobas.

Wow only got e-sport viable in 2008 when it had the servers you insta leveld on.

But I think LoL is more popular, because it bans quitters, bans smurfers, and is impossible to sync drop on, and has a community that considers all three cheating.