PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015

Josh Davis.6015


Hello fellow PvPers,

This is a friendly reminder that we’ll be resetting the leaderboard for Solo Arena and Team Arena with tomorrow’s updates.

We decided to reset the leaderboards because of the matchmaking changes we put in on November 12th. Those changes, along with the leaderboard reset, should allow for a much more competitive environment going forward. Because the matches will be more competitive, players should also be placed in their correct rating much more accurately. I’d like to make it very clear that this reset does not mark the end of an official ‘season’, and as such, we will not be rewarding players for leaderboard placement. I know that this may be a tough pill to swallow for our more hardcore players, but we hope you understand our reasoning behind this.

That said, we’re not opposed to giving players rewards based on ladder placement in the future. Next week we’ll be able to give more details on our plans for the leaderboards, rewards, and beyond.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


Inb4 QQ crew , its about time well done josh/team

[WM]give us in game ladder

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Nary Why Irk.8150

Nary Why Irk.8150

Thank´s a lot.
It is good to know that in future there will be rewards for leaderboard performance

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Zym.3570


I’m so sad for all guys who switched on NA to get rank1 and rewards

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


almost 1 year of playing and no rewards, thank you very much (-1)

and you couldnt announce it weeks or month ago?

or filter player out with less than 50 games in the last few month?

nothing else i expected from anet

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile:

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Ixl Super Ixl.7258

Ixl Super Ixl.7258

Poor symbolic he moved his main account to NA to get some nice reward, why did you do that to symbolic grouch

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Reesha.7901




PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Josh.3759


So ladder reset>then 4v5 in tourney or have we forgot about that too?

Good Fights GvG | WvW Team
| LvL 80 elementalist Call Meh God | Multi-Gaming no lifer

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Poor symbolic he moved his main account to NA to get some nice reward, why did you do that to symbolic grouch

i moved to na cause eu community sucks kitten and to get my main man evan lesh’s name on top yo. i knew there weren’t any rewards.

edit: nice to see u playing with zym recently anyways!


(edited by Oblivion.8307)

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Sampo.9678


Nice finally some information about the new rewards!
And of course what will happen to the skyhammer exploiters.

“Be brave, little rabbit. Take a chance.”

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291



So how does this help exploiting/4v5’s/temporary decay/afk’s?



Might want to fix the above THEN reset leaderboard as the post reset will be just as big of a joke as the old.

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


We played with your system for month, we worked hard to get a good placement, and all for nothing?

Yes, the system had problems, but still nothing we, the players, could change. We just played, we dealt with teammates going afk, insulting us, leading to a 4 vs 5 and a loose. What did we do? We just played more, worked more, carried our teams to the top… and all for nothing, while the toxic players who insulted us are still playing.

Our accomplishment gets wiped without any sign of the remaining effort, while the farmed rank on skyhammer stays untouched. It seems ArenaNet just does not care whats going on the game.

You can argue, that a lot of inactive players are on the top of the leaderboard, but have they done anything you can blame them for? With the leaderboard they played to get to the top, and they accomplished that. A month ago ArenaNet could have just made the announcement “play at least 100 games”, and they would have played their 100 games, but ArenaNet stayed calmed, deceiving us with their unnecessary CDI-topics, fooled us with statements like “I’ll take a look at it on Monday” while nothing happens. Yes! I can see the carrot in the stick you are waving in front of us, the future will bring everything we are waiting for, but in the meantime we are left out.

While you can argue a lot, what is wrong with the SoloQ, but what about the TeamQ? Even harder to withstand the top teams, and that was now also for nothing.

Why even take a look at the leaderboard after the reset? We get a much more accurate view on the best teams from the weekly esl tournaments (at least on eu), and the probably the leaderboard will get reset again once they implement their “plans”. And their will be the same discussion about how accurate the leaderboard is, just take a look at the new thread, where they claim it depends just on how often you get a 4vs5.

We don’t want a lot, we don’t want a legendary, we don’t want a special skin, or a special stomp animation, we just want to get the same treatment, as the qualification points farmer.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Oh neat I didn’t know there were going to be seasons This will be exciting!


PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Oraith.1732


We played with your system for month, we worked hard to get a good placement, and all for nothing?

Yes, the system had problems, but still nothing we, the players, could change. We just played, we dealt with teammates going afk, insulting us, leading to a 4 vs 5 and a loose. What did we do? We just played more, worked more, carried our teams to the top… and all for nothing, while the toxic players who insulted us are still playing.

Our accomplishment gets wiped without any sign of the remaining effort, while the farmed rank on skyhammer stays untouched. It seems ArenaNet just does not care whats going on the game.

You can argue, that a lot of inactive players are on the top of the leaderboard, but have they done anything you can blame them for? With the leaderboard they played to get to the top, and they accomplished that. A month ago ArenaNet could have just made the announcement “play at least 100 games”, and they would have played their 100 games, but ArenaNet stayed calmed, deceiving us with their unnecessary CDI-topics, fooled us with statements like “I’ll take a look at it on Monday” while nothing happens. Yes! I can see the carrot in the stick you are waving in front of us, the future will bring everything we are waiting for, but in the meantime we are left out.

While you can argue a lot, what is wrong with the SoloQ, but what about the TeamQ? Even harder to withstand the top teams, and that was now also for nothing.

Why even take a look at the leaderboard after the reset? We get a much more accurate view on the best teams from the weekly esl tournaments (at least on eu), and the probably the leaderboard will get reset again once they implement their “plans”. And their will be the same discussion about how accurate the leaderboard is, just take a look at the new thread, where they claim it depends just on how often you get a 4vs5.

We don’t want a lot, we don’t want a legendary, we don’t want a special skin, or a special stomp animation, we just want to get the same treatment, as the qualification points farmer.

Yup ur starting over now GG

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer

So how does this help exploiting/4v5’s/temporary decay/afk’s?

It doesn’t. Regarding decay, look for news next week.

Might want to fix the above THEN reset leaderboard as the post reset will be just as big of a joke as the old.

Evan and I are currently in the middle of a very significant restructuring of code. When this is ready, it will go a long way toward helping many of those issues, and allow us to make changes and react to issues quicker.

As I’ve mentioned in another thread, this reset is being done for two reasons.
1. The recent matchmaking changes were very significant and we can’t trust the MMR that resulted from previous matchmaking is an accurate measure of skill.
2. We want to see how ratings recover and are distributed over time, which will aid decision making regarding future resets, if any.

Reason #2 will make more sense next week.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Awesome! Thanks for getting the improved matchmaking in and resetting the boards. Looking forward to (hopefully) climbing a more meaningful leaderboard in the near future.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


This talk of reward changes and upcoming PvP features has me more excited than when I got my email saying I made it in the SWTOR beta. If this turns out to be as big of a letdown as that…

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Very very happy to hear this. I look forward to trying soloQ again.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I imagine that today they reached their final decision because before today they probably had a pretty active debate on whether or not to reward the LB before they reset it.

I mean ofc I wish they did reward the LB (I just hit r1 solo Q again XD, not that anyone cares about solo Q ladder) but I’m so glad to hear that they plan on doing it in the future. I agree w/ you though, it would have been nice to know sooner for the people who have been trying hard to climb the ladder, etc.


PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Zeon.8239


Why not reset it to the date when the change was made? (The 12th or something, iirc.) A lot of people, myself included, came back to tournaments more actively after hearing the leaderboard improvement was made a few weeks ago.


PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: eldris.8461


Hey guys play a long time , and i worked hard with my team to be in top 100 for any rewards …

I thank the members of my team, BBQ, eternyah, avril legends , blueberry.

I thank the guests like sqanki, markleon, and other good member who haved play with us.

I will not thank arenanet for my 1500 + teamq games and have wasted my time for nothing.

Bye and gl for the future. :/

You can’t blame arenanet for this. There were never any confirmed rewards. You made up in your head that there would be. You wasted your own time if all you wanted were rewards.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: leungctm.1362


I don’t know what to say… anet you really have upseted me QQ..

Top 50 NA Tpvp Guardian (Rizzylard)
Best Mercenary Guardian you can find to fill your last slot.
Keep Calm and PVP Hard.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


Skilled players who deserve their high placement will have no problem with this reset.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Surreal.5243


To reach let’s say top 50 honestly doesn’t take much time at all …

Read it Backwards [BooN]

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Levis.6137


It’s ok to reset the leaderboards because of the matchmaking changes.
But anyway . . . the biggest problem is, that there is currently nothing great to set ourselfs apart of PvE – and WvW-Players (they actually can! -> for example, Dungeon Master or Ultimate Dominator).
It is very hard to play and win against other good teams in the top 100 leaderboards. To do so, you need a lot of training, good skilled, tactical players and much communication with your teammates.

All we want is something special like titles or maybe special gear, you can only achieve if you’ve beaten one of those very good or high rated teams!
There were titles for the players who played well in the past (top 100 quali-points),
so why not now?!

Anyway im very excited about the rewards coming up…
But please A-Net i beg you… Don’t do anything cooperate with sPvP ranks or glory. Because after every dude farmed r60+ and millions of glory on Skyhammer that shows nothing in this game.

General Kayun
Riverside [DE]

(edited by Levis.6137)

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Surreal.5243


There were titles for the players who played well in the past (top 100 quali-points),
so why not now?!

But still they messed up things back then… Me and most of my former teammates were constantly top100 and suddenly they implemented 1 round tn without mmr and every noob was farming like hell.

I knew a bunch of scrubs that farmed like ~150-200 qp in this short period.

I still hope for seasons with titlerewards @ end of season like gladiator titles in WoW after they fixed all the issues…

Read it Backwards [BooN]

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Cool! But I gotta ask… 2 weeks away from the supposed “balance patch” of dec 10th why would you do this before when you know there is a vast sum of players that are not satisfied with the state of the game?

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Smiley.5376


Looking forward to it

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: DanyK.3842


“I lost 8k+ hours of uberleet competitive play with my triple warrior 2 spirit ranger dreamteam instead of farming ranks in Skyhammer or farming champions boo hoo”.
Wake up and realise that some of the best teams could never be matched with each other due to difference in rankings. If you spent most of your gaming time playing tournamens chances are you’ll get back on those leaderboards in hours unless you’re not as good as you think you are

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


I feel sad for the guys who are playing actively to get the best ranks on the leaderboards. But yeah, the ranking system is broken so it should be the good decision.

Why didn’t you said that before ? I noticed some people was playing a lot to get these ranks, they wasted their time.

Feel sad? let them waste their own time for all I care, if you’re that misinformed then you deserve what’s coming. Anyone who honestly believed they would be getting rewards from previous leaderboards because it happened with the QP system is clearly not thinking straight. However I’m happy that changes are being made. I will say that one of the things that will make patches more of a success in the future is a open PTR. It’s wishful thinking sure, but I’m not going to hold my breath. I’ve been burned too much in this game by being too optimistic.


PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: fodem.2713


I would like to congratulate A-Net for the wise and fair decision taken today !! Well done A-Net , you have put hope on pvpers hearths !!! You guys made the right choice and a big step into success !

Also I would like to ask if you plan to put seasoning in leaderboard ? If it’s a possibility please do it !!! You will close the year with the best improvements done !!! Gratz

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Zym.3570


I would like to congratulate A-Net for the wise and fair decision taken today !! Well done A-Net , you have put hope on pvpers hearths !!! You guys made the right choice and a big step into success !

Also I would like to ask if you plan to put seasoning in leaderboard ? If it’s a possibility please do it !!! You will close the year with the best improvements done !!! Gratz

Not sure if you are insanely good with sarcasm or if you’re really serious.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


I would like to congratulate A-Net for the wise and fair decision taken today !! Well done A-Net , you have put hope on pvpers hearths !!! You guys made the right choice and a big step into success !

Also I would like to ask if you plan to put seasoning in leaderboard ? If it’s a possibility please do it !!! You will close the year with the best improvements done !!! Gratz

I agree with all of this. No sarcasm.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Xar.1387


Its nice to hear, that there’s going to be better reward system in PvP. Would be really nice to see any PvP seasons, which would reward people who’s in top1000 in different ways. Including unique titles ;3

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Zym.3570


edit: nice to see u playing with zym recently anyways!

Thanks, my apply is so rude, but I know I can count on stalkers, I mean followers like you, wish me luck.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


i just like to see who’s still farming pugs at prime time


PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: toad.8652


nice new,+1 for reset this ladder

give us rewards and we will happy

Guard Team Champignon

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

1. The recent matchmaking changes were very significant and we can’t trust the MMR that resulted from previous matchmaking is an accurate measure of skill.

Honestly, this sounds like you never played your own game much. I did quite a lot of games and fighting the top100 guys have never been easy. So i would definetly say everyone in there had some kind of skill, even the 5-10 guys who only did 10 matches must have beaten some pretty good opponents. And im not even talking about tPvP…

Everything in this game gets rewarded, some people would have made like 500g spending their time in PvE instead of soloQ/teamQ. But we dont even get a silver, because the devs guess they made mistakes…

If you´re totally quite, i swear you can hear them laughing about us. :P

(edited by Mister Fluffkin.7358)

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


1. The recent matchmaking changes were very significant and we can’t trust the MMR that resulted from previous matchmaking is an accurate measure of skill.

Honestly, this sounds like you never played your own game much. I did quite a lot of games and fighting the top100 guys have never been easy. So i would definetly say everyone in there had some kind of skill, even the 5-10 guys who only did 10 matches must have beaten some pretty good opponents. And im not even talking about tPvP…

Everything in this game gets rewarded, some people would have made like 500g spending their time in PvE instead of soloQ/teamQ. But we dont even get a silver, because the devs guess they made mistakes…

If you´re totally quite, i swear you can hear them laughing about us. :P

The minor qq we’re hearing from the top players right now is nothing compared to what we’d be hearing if there had been special rewards for solo queue.

People got really upset about skyhammer farming because other players were getting stuff they didn’t “deserve.” It would have been the same for solo queue leaderboard.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

1. The recent matchmaking changes were very significant and we can’t trust the MMR that resulted from previous matchmaking is an accurate measure of skill.

Honestly, this sounds like you never played your own game much. I did quite a lot of games and fighting the top100 guys have never been easy. So i would definetly say everyone in there had some kind of skill, even the 5-10 guys who only did 10 matches must have beaten some pretty good opponents. And im not even talking about tPvP…

Everything in this game gets rewarded, some people would have made like 500g spending their time in PvE instead of soloQ/teamQ. But we dont even get a silver, because the devs guess they made mistakes…

If you´re totally quite, i swear you can hear them laughing about us. :P

The minor qq we’re hearing from the top players right now is nothing compared to what we’d be hearing if there had been special rewards for solo queue.

People got really upset about skyhammer farming because other players were getting stuff they didn’t “deserve.” It would have been the same for solo queue leaderboard.

So all players who put in hundreds of hours into soloQ/teamQ need to suffer to hold the crowd calm? If this is Anets philosophy, its even twice as bad…

Think about PvE players who farmed hundreds of hours for their legendary. But Anet removes them because of too good stats by mistake. Plus they do it without any replacement. Thats basically the same, i would like to hear the crowd over there.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


So all players who put in hundreds of hours into soloQ/teamQ need to suffer to hold the crowd calm? If this is Anets philosophy, its even twice as bad…

Think about PvE players who farmed hundreds of hours for their legendary. But Anet removes them because of too good stats by mistake. Plus they do it without any replacement. Thats basically the same, i would like to hear the crowd over there.

I don’t think being high on the leaderboard is really very much like crafting a legendary.

Look, I ended in the top 100 as well. I could have easily ended a lot higher than I did by not playing after the harder matchmaking hit. That’s essentially why there would have been qq if there had been special rewards.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


playing for having a virtuell place on some board and complaining about a reset without reward sounds like the ppl play a wrong game if its the only intention for playing. if the number on the board is the only reason to play, then its a never ending story and dont deserve a reward.. u know decay!?!

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

I see a lot of similaries in this. Each one put their effort/time into this. Why it shouldnt be rewarded? EVERYTHING in this game get rewarded, why not PvP?

Did anyone said hes playing just for the reward? Guess not. Your post brings exactly 0 value to the discussion.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I see a lot of similaries in this. Each one put their effort/time into this. Why it shouldnt be rewarded? EVERYTHING in this game get rewarded, why not PvP?

I don’t think this is a discussion about PvP rewards. Everyone knows they are lacking and that we’ll be seeing an entirely new system being rolled out over the next several months. I’m for improved rewards as much as you are, but I’d rather see them done well.

The point is that it would have been somewhat arbitrary to suddenly decide to give special rewards before this reset. People don’t like that.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


I see a lot of similaries in this. Each one put their effort/time into this. Why it shouldnt be rewarded? EVERYTHING in this game get rewarded, why not PvP?

Did anyone said hes playing just for the reward? Guess not. Your post brings exactly 0 value to the discussion.

no he said he played to be on leaderboard and wants a compensation for reset. so with decay that is a stupid basis as playreason.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

The point is that it would have been somewhat arbitrary to suddenly decide to give special rewards before this reset.

Maybe give us a reason why? I havent seen a good one so far.

Just give me 1 good reason why people who put hundreds of hours into this arent rewarded in any way, while people who suicide on skyhammer are getting 4 times the rewards.
I mean come on, i played like 500 hours of this and now some trolls tell me i havent deserved anything? Maybe at least give glory for the top300 or stuff like that. Its not that i want much, but ANYTHING would be appretiated…

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Just give me 1 good reason why people who put hundreds of hours into this arent rewarded in any way, while people who suicide on skyhammer are getting 4 times the rewards.
I mean come on, i played like 500 hours of this and now some trolls tell me i havent deserved anything? Maybe at least give glory for the top300 or stuff like that. Its not that i want much, but ANYTHING would be appretiated…

The same feeling you have right now—that someone who didn’t deserve it got more rewards than you—is the feeling everyone else would have had if Anet had given us special rewards for being in the top X solo leaderboard spots.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

Just give me 1 good reason why people who put hundreds of hours into this arent rewarded in any way, while people who suicide on skyhammer are getting 4 times the rewards.
I mean come on, i played like 500 hours of this and now some trolls tell me i havent deserved anything? Maybe at least give glory for the top300 or stuff like that. Its not that i want much, but ANYTHING would be appretiated…

The same feeling you have right now—that someone who didn’t deserve it got more rewards than you—is the feeling everyone else would have had if Anet had given us special rewards for being in the top X solo leaderboard spots.

You got some serious dark point of view on the mankind dude. xD

I dont think people are that jealous, that they begrudge rewards to people who actually played this game the way its meant to be for several hundreds of hours. Everyone who begrudges reward for those is just plain jealous, imbued by resentment or simply has a bad life.

Everyone else will agree that poeple who put so much effort into something should get any kind of reward.

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


Hello fellow PvPers,

This is a friendly reminder that we’ll be resetting the leaderboard for Solo Arena and Team Arena with tomorrow’s updates.

We decided to reset the leaderboards because of the matchmaking changes we put in on November 12th. Those changes, along with the leaderboard reset, should allow for a much more competitive environment going forward. Because the matches will be more competitive, players should also be placed in their correct rating much more accurately. I’d like to make it very clear that this reset does not mark the end of an official ‘season’, and as such, we will not be rewarding players for leaderboard placement. I know that this may be a tough pill to swallow for our more hardcore players, but we hope you understand our reasoning behind this.

That said, we’re not opposed to giving players rewards based on ladder placement in the future. Next week we’ll be able to give more details on our plans for the leaderboards, rewards, and beyond.

I am kind of sour that Anet has now seem to casually brush off not giving out ANY reward for top 10 or top 100. It seems like a big F-U to the dedicated players…and I don’t mean the ones that were top 10 from playing 30 games.

You guys decided to make a defective MMR system and now the players have to pay for it. What makes you say that the future leaderboards won’t be as much as a joke as it was before reset? I’m sure you guys didn’t think it was a joke when you first released it….but now it’s become apparent after months, the players get the short end of the stick.

I didn’t play team Qs everyday with my team for titles, but I would think it’s a decent thing to do for the players who have seriously dedicated months to playing team Q especially when we played through so much of this horrible meta in which MANY veterans left in. At least reward them with even a title like with QPs, for their dedication. (THEY ARE JUST WORDS, or is words too much to ask for from dedicated players?)

Whether you guys believe the system is defective or not, the ones with over a few hundred games in top 100 actually had to work for it – it was not handed to us by a few lucky wins. I don’t understand the reasoning for this at all, and I believe it is unfair to your dedicated players.

I’m definitely disappointed that Anet couldn’t even give something as simple as a title out…it costs you no resources, and it doesn’t shake the trading post. You want to give pvp players incentive, yet when we do work for certain things, we get nothing out of it. Really? What’s going to make me play now? I have to just HOPE that I will get something out of it besides bragging rights that don’t mean anything?

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

(edited by Amaterasu.6280)

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


The point is that it would have been somewhat arbitrary to suddenly decide to give special rewards before this reset.

Maybe give us a reason why? I havent seen a good one so far.

Just give me 1 good reason why people who put hundreds of hours into this arent rewarded in any way, while people who suicide on skyhammer are getting 4 times the rewards.
I mean come on, i played like 500 hours of this and now some trolls tell me i havent deserved anything? Maybe at least give glory for the top300 or stuff like that. Its not that i want much, but ANYTHING would be appretiated…

cause ur place wasnt put in stone from the start! it was only temporary. seems your brain has complications to understand that. that as basis tells you all u need. there was no timeline to reach a certain rank bound to reward published. it was a permanent modified rank with no goal! and the reset is nothing else then a hard decoy on every player.