We played with your system for month, we worked hard to get a good placement, and all for nothing?
Yes, the system had problems, but still nothing we, the players, could change. We just played, we dealt with teammates going afk, insulting us, leading to a 4 vs 5 and a loose. What did we do? We just played more, worked more, carried our teams to the top… and all for nothing, while the toxic players who insulted us are still playing.
Our accomplishment gets wiped without any sign of the remaining effort, while the farmed rank on skyhammer stays untouched. It seems ArenaNet just does not care whats going on the game.
You can argue, that a lot of inactive players are on the top of the leaderboard, but have they done anything you can blame them for? With the leaderboard they played to get to the top, and they accomplished that. A month ago ArenaNet could have just made the announcement “play at least 100 games”, and they would have played their 100 games, but ArenaNet stayed calmed, deceiving us with their unnecessary CDI-topics, fooled us with statements like “I’ll take a look at it on Monday” while nothing happens. Yes! I can see the carrot in the stick you are waving in front of us, the future will bring everything we are waiting for, but in the meantime we are left out.
While you can argue a lot, what is wrong with the SoloQ, but what about the TeamQ? Even harder to withstand the top teams, and that was now also for nothing.
Why even take a look at the leaderboard after the reset? We get a much more accurate view on the best teams from the weekly esl tournaments (at least on eu), and the probably the leaderboard will get reset again once they implement their “plans”. And their will be the same discussion about how accurate the leaderboard is, just take a look at the new thread, where they claim it depends just on how often you get a 4vs5.
We don’t want a lot, we don’t want a legendary, we don’t want a special skin, or a special stomp animation, we just want to get the same treatment, as the qualification points farmer.
EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend