[PSA] Use Glory->Gold by Wintersday Gifts
Sell Price: 2 s 20 c
Buy Price: 1 s 94 c
Last updated: 41 minutes ago
Supply: 115524
Demand: 164610
supply rose up from 80k to 115k
please list at sell price and do not undercut to maintain 2s.
for the sake of everyone.
I wonder who now has the most amount of glory stocked up to take advantage of this moment and get buttloads of gold to shock the economy. Hm..
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Ridiculos how mindless anet is. implenting something like with the knowledge of guys having 5mio glory due to birthday gift bug / skyhammer farm… punishing ppl who decided not to bugabuse/exploit once more. gg
Price is still holding steady above 2s, very cool.
Now that you have posted this on the forums, the price will rapidly drop. Anet may even decide to NERF it. GG, next time keep quiet about things like this.
And the glory exploiters just made a fortune while the honest players get screwed over. Well I know what I’ll be doing next time.
Now that you have posted this on the forums, the price will rapidly drop. Anet may even decide to NERF it. GG, next time keep quiet about things like this.
Price has been holding steady for 24hrs and it takes all of about 30 minutes to dump all of your glory
Obviously the extra supply is plenty to keep up with demand
And the glory exploiters just made a fortune while the honest players get screwed over. Well I know what I’ll be doing next time.
I concur.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
And the glory exploiters just made a fortune while the honest players get screwed over. Well I know what I’ll be doing next time.
I concur.
And the glory exploiters just made a fortune while the honest players get screwed over. Well I know what I’ll be doing next time.
I concur.
And the glory exploiters just made a fortune while the honest players get screwed over. Well I know what I’ll be doing next time.
Not playing GW2? =P
I started around 1.4 million glory. I’m down to about 350k glory and I’ve made about 750-800 gold. Lost count because I got 1 asuran t3 cultural armor and 2 of the Nightmare armor sets.
why would you post this?? kitten
I started around 1.4 million glory. I’m down to about 350k glory and I’ve made about 750-800 gold. Lost count because I got 1 asuran t3 cultural armor and 2 of the Nightmare armor sets.
ban this skyham farmer
why would you post this?? kitten
Cuz the OP has the scheme of over saturating the market hence lowering the price for gift so he/she can horde it all to resell next year for mega profitz =]
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I’m going to laugh next month (or whenever) when they put in different rewards for glory and everyone spent theirs converting it to gold, as I’m sure there will be no way to convert it back.
I had like 750,000 glory. Leveled every single class to 80, bought an extra char slot, and made 300g.
I used this method. Thanks arenanet.
I’m going to laugh next month (or whenever) when they put in different rewards for glory and everyone spent theirs converting it to gold, as I’m sure there will be no way to convert it back.
They’re deleting glory as a currency next pvp patch.
Well I figured there might be other uses for it between now and then, to allow people other ideas for how to use it.
I’ve only got 38k myself as I only started PvP a few weeks ago.
Also; PSA if you were smart enough to buy out the toxic boxes the pristine leaves were up to 4 silver each last time I checked.. Ive got a couple stacks holding on to em for now though..
Still a terrible money per hour reward compared to PvE. 500k glory take many 100 hours. 500 gold in PVE takes maybe 60 hours.
50k Glory per hour? tell me your magic.. Most people probably average a tenth of that..
Even less maybe, 300-500 per game – 10 games
500k glory = 1,000 hours. overestimate.
I’ve heard of 5 gold per hour easily in pve champ farms..
Can we get double the reward, same cap of 15 ? nothing much would change except you could actually concievably win 25 matches per day.
A big thanks for letting poeple know of this method, id otherwise just skip the pve merchants like always
I somehow have 199 glory left, anyone knows how to get 1 point for my OCD ?
i threw all my glory there too..now im afraid a better way and more efficient glory to gold ratio will appear in the future patches..kitten you anet!
I doubt. they said they remove glory, so we might see something then, but this was actualy a good move by Anet.
If they gave us straight glory to gold, this would basicaly just add gold to game, increasing inflation. Instead, what they made with the gifts was, pvp poeple trading existing gold with pve.
So any upcoming method will probably be worse, the only thing im not sure about is crafting pvp legendaries.