Hi to all my sPvP brethren,
I hope everyone had a stellar Christmas and a Happy New Year! I have been contemplating making this post for a while and I will admit, I was hesitant. I’ve since decided to just go ahead with it.
What this post isn’t: QQ, trolling, eletism or anything of that nature. So as a bit of a disclaimer, if that’s your thing, there are hundreds of other posts to get your swag on and have a good trolling time.
What this post is: I am looking not only to get some more community cohesion, but to gauge the GW2 sPvP playerbase and see if we can band together a lil’ bit and have a bit of fun.
I am putting myself out there. I am currently rank 22, with the vast majority of my glory coming from Free Tournaments (around 250 matches, 45% or so win ratio). I pug them, solo or duo, alot. More then I want to truth be told.
I’m putting this offer out to anyone else who is in the same boat. Add me to friends (Valkyriez.6578) and I WILL run a tournament group with you in it. I am an oceanic player (Australian) so the vast majority of you will be sleeping when I am playing, but there are players out there that are night owls, shift workers, solo insomniacs and of course, my oceanic brethren.
I currently play with a guild called Deliriium [Dlrm] and we are based on the Sea of Sorrows server [SoS]. I am not the most pro team leader going around, but I can talk, communicate, run strats and am open to suggestions and of course feedback (conctructive of course).
I have set up a secondary guild, Bravo Zulu [BZ] for like minded players. I will only invite players to BZ if I have done a Free tournament with you. If you are in BZ, you will know that everyone else in there is interested in tPvP (Paids are not on the agenda right now). I have a Teamspeak server that is open to use during said tournament runs, Skype, and I can also set up a vent server if needed (prefer TS tho tbh).
I also have just started streaming all my PvP. As mentioned above, I am not a “Pro” player, so please dont expect to see the highest level gameplay when viewing. I started streaming to help out the GW2 sPvP community, not to be mocked by it. I have noticed GW2 stream viewers are now generally under 200, and I would like to help out in any way I can by doing what I already do, play the game.
Once again, YOU are invited to add me to friends if you either need a player to round out your team, want someone to que with or are interested in finding other likeminded PvP indaviduals to play with. I rarely Hot-Join, but will play that during Free que times (which are getting longer and longer). My stream link is down the bottom, chat with me on there, follow me or contact me in game.
If you are a team LF another consistent and reliable player during my timezones, send me a PM. Trial me, give me a go and I’ll show you that I can be a team player who can be relied on to do his job, whatever that is.
I personally play a DPS Guardian (I can bunker if needed), an offensive roaming Warrior and I have started to get my feet wet with a Legion Mesmer (Taugrim / Countless build) and of course, Shatter spec.
Hope to hear from prospective team mates and potential guildies.