Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


odd thread – smallest character models have always been best in PvP environments in all games… nothing new.

I actually have the converse of this complaint too – I have the biggest fattest Mesmer you can possibly have and fill your screen with fatness. Anyone on my team is basically invisible after that.


Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Everyone has the option of running an Asura, it’s your choice not to.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


If this went through, (which it won’t) then afterwards Norn and Charr players could argue that Sylvari and Human players were potentially too small and it was not as easy for you to see their animations. BANNED. Then Norns would feel that the Charr were slightly smaller than them, and they were harder to click then other Norn players. BANNED. Now it would be just Norn Wars 2 and the game would be left in a terrible state where everyone playing will have run out of things to complain about, forcing them to actually get good at the game. It would be terrible. Catastrophic. ANARCHY.

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Krilce.7864


Everyone has the option of running an Asura, it’s your choice not to.

This is honestly the worst argument ever posted.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Everyone has the option of running an Asura, it’s your choice not to.

This is honestly the worst argument ever posted.

Let’s explore that a bit. You want them to be forced to have to change their character size, even though you already have the choice to do it?

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: guza.6170


Everyone has the option of running an Asura, it’s your choice not to.

This is honestly the worst argument ever posted.

Let’s explore that a bit. You want them to be forced to have to change their character size, even though you already have the choice to do it?

Te difference is if asuras get bigger everyone is on equal footing, like it is now if u want a bit of an edge u have to make a tiny asura and sPvP is then filled with tiny characters who dont display animations properly which hurts the quality of pvp….

aka Subl

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Everyone has the option of running an Asura, it’s your choice not to.

This is honestly the worst argument ever posted.

Let’s explore that a bit. You want them to be forced to have to change their character size, even though you already have the choice to do it?

Te difference is if asuras get bigger everyone is on equal footing, like it is now if u want a bit of an edge u have to make a tiny asura and sPvP is then filled with tiny characters who dont display animations properly which hurts the quality of pvp….

What’s the difference if everyone gets smaller or everyone gets larger? The only one is of choice. Being forced to do one thing vs not choosing to is completely different.

I play Norn, everyone should be as large as my character model to make it easier to see animations.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Krilce.7864


Everyone has the option of running an Asura, it’s your choice not to.

This is honestly the worst argument ever posted.

Let’s explore that a bit. You want them to be forced to have to change their character size, even though you already have the choice to do it?

How about this. I never suggested to make them bigger, only to include cast bars, which would definitely solve the problem, even if it’s contrary to what ANet initially had in mind. Everybody would still be playing their favorite race, and all things would be visible in overused particle effects chaos, so there would be no advantage of asuras over other races anymore.

The thing you suggested is basically the same as banning asuras, which is bad for game design. What’s different in all players that are prefering sylvari for example, playing asuras, even if they don’t want to, and all players that are currently using asura, transfered to sylvari, though they do not want to? None.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Everyone has the option of running an Asura, it’s your choice not to.

This is honestly the worst argument ever posted.

Let’s explore that a bit. You want them to be forced to have to change their character size, even though you already have the choice to do it?

How about this. I never suggested to make them bigger, only to include cast bars, which would definitely solve the problem, even if it’s contrary to what ANet initially had in mind. Everybody would still be playing their favorite race, and all things would be visible in overused particle effects chaos, so there would be no advantage of asuras over other races anymore.

The thing you suggested is basically the same as banning asuras, which is bad for game design. What’s different in all players that are prefering sylvari for example, playing asuras, even if they don’t want to, and all players that are currently using asura, transfered to sylvari, though they do not want to? None.

No, the thing I was suggesting was sarcasm…

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Increase the scaling of all sizes by some percentage..also increase the weapons size by a lot and make the animation more exaggerated.
As a guy that plays asura for the sake of playing the race i find banning them a very bad idea.On the other hand id love if my cool dagger would actually be visible on my char

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: guza.6170


What’s the difference if everyone gets smaller or everyone gets larger?

As i said the difference is quality of pvp. I can see animations much beter on humans, sylvaris…. Also its easier too see what weapons they have and u can distiunguish faster which one is the mesmer which one is the thief….. Im not saying they should delete the race or make everyone play norn but if they tweaked asuras a bit for pvp it would benefit the game.

Im sure some ppl choose asuras because they like the race but alot of them do it for other reasons.

Cast bars wouldnt fix the problem either.

aka Subl

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


It’s not really that big a deal. Hitboxes are the same size. All heals can be identifed by a bright blue glow when they are cast. Also most of the big skills that need to be reacted to the asura animation is usually more over-the-top than the larger races (i.e. blurred frenzy).

Yes it is an advantage in some cases, but not all. I have an asura mesmer, but I’d argue the largest norn or charr model is the most effective in pvp due to large clones cluttering up the screen. I would be all for normalizing the size of character models in pvp a little bit more however on both sides of the spectrum since I think the size difference between the smallest and largest character models is IMO a bit too much.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: xiv.7136


The Mists are kind of a weird place outside the world…

Could it not just be that for tournament matches only, all characters are turned into human avatars of the same height (only gender and facial features change)

Something to do with the asuran gates that send the chars to the tournament maps

would even things up where it counts (tPVP only) in a way that is lore-appropriate

I like pizza

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Mehlkee.6804


Most people pick Asura because the animations are smaller, and is it no a coincidence that a lot of people do say the Asura has a slight advantage in this department. Also the smallest size? Why would you make it the smallest size possible if you aren’t trying to gain an unfair advantage. Oh right because if there isn’t an advantage gained(there is), people will still cut corners especially for their E.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


I actually agree with this post. It’s far harder for me to spot and daze the heals of my opponent when they’re asuran when compared to let’s say human. Animations are far harder to spot and it’s easier for things to become a mess.

All I can say is; good luck dazing heals (or doing any other form of reactionary forms of skilled play) on temple of the silent storm gate in a teamfight with all the opponents being asuras. It’s a complete mess and makes it more worthwhile to spam your interupts when your opponent is relatively low instead of trying to react quickly to what they do.

castbars! castbars! castbars!

would fix this and would help newbs cause its easier to learn a icon then xxxx different animations for different races and different classes. the “skill” dont comes from knowing the animation. it comes from knowing what to do.

as to clarify there a some inbalances between feedback to the player.

thing | feedback as animation | feedback to interface | example
condition | + | + | burning
boons | + | + | stability
effects | + | + | quickness
skills with no effect | + | – | firegrab
some skills that lead to effects | – | + | endure pain
some instant skills | – | – | shadow signet, steal

in my opinion it should always yes always be both types of feedback! it would eliminate a lot of qq because ppl can understand now what happens.

(edited by hooma.9642)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.6392


Agreed with the OP.

Either ban them, make them bigger, or increase the hitbox on them.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


I do not know again how this bad of a design could find its way into the game.

I know that for some people it is a non-issue since they do their dmg in aoe manner or generally do not care if they are hitting from the back, front or side.

However, if you have to consistently land backstabs on something that looks like a little speck and is moving and you have no idea which way it is facing and you cannot even see when it is dodge rolling… really makes it much much much harder than playing against other models.

Players should not be getting huge advantage relative to others just due to the model choice.

So your backstab lands for 3.5k instead of 7k? Poor you. Sorry that’s just a ridiculous thing to ask for. And there are several asura thieves running around for just that reason. :P

I find it pretty pathetic that someone could turn this thread into a QQ about thieves – OP raises a valid point – asura models are advantageous in pvp – has nothing to do with thieves he just used that as an example. Another perfectly valid example is trying to call target on an asura mesmer — more difficult than for a charr mesmer.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


…. But most animations are really obvious in game (ele churning earth, any Mesmer phantasm summon and a thief prepping basilisk venom!) the size here does not matter because even on the tiny so tiny asuras you can still see the animation. And if you can’t then you need glasses!!!!

i give him right. u are maybe a good player. but ur opinion is just wrong.. the “most” and obvious is somehow wrong in the sentence. u should know that combostarter are more important and not obvious in the most cases like CnD. some animations are also wrong on asuras like radius on churning earth. u can still see the animation but the animation on asura blurred on the other effects, animations and terrain.
i has seen asura that are smaller then some weeds.. so i should play on low graphic because that?

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


What’s the difference if everyone gets smaller or everyone gets larger?

As i said the difference is quality of pvp. I can see animations much beter on humans, sylvaris…. Also its easier too see what weapons they have and u can distiunguish faster which one is the mesmer which one is the thief….. Im not saying they should delete the race or make everyone play norn but if they tweaked asuras a bit for pvp it would benefit the game.

Im sure some ppl choose asuras because they like the race but alot of them do it for other reasons.

Cast bars wouldnt fix the problem either.

You can see animations EVEN BETTER on Norns and Chars…

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

Well anyone with an ounce of sense can immediately understand why asura give an advantage, but it seems like this is just the course of the game, and the boat sailed a long time ago on the issue.

The only fix is making asura larger in pvp, which is aesthetically unpleasing to most, as asura, especially giant asura, are ugly as kitten.

And since aesthetics > pvp mechanics, asura will never be big.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Most people pick Asura because the animations are smaller, and is it no a coincidence that a lot of people do say the Asura has a slight advantage in this department. Also the smallest size? Why would you make it the smallest size possible if you aren’t trying to gain an unfair advantage. Oh right because if there isn’t an advantage gained(there is), people will still cut corners especially for their E.

How is it “unfair” when you have the option of selecting the same race?

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


They wont add cast bars, its against the No UI display philosophy of the game.

I think a small size boost to asuras in spvp would be a reasonable fix.

No UI display? What?

Castbars makes much more sense than altering the already released player models.

esp cause so many things are already in ui display.. like boons, effects, conditions….

dont know some of the haters of castbars played gw1? there was both. castbars and animations. castbars covers some animations issues like skills with no animations and other stuff like that with asura size but on the other hand they dont changed they high end play cause that was based on animations, positioning and some stuff u could not see from a castbar. there was also still enough place for different “skill” gaps.

(edited by hooma.9642)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: urinfamousr.7631


I do not know again how this bad of a design could find its way into the game.

I know that for some people it is a non-issue since they do their dmg in aoe manner or generally do not care if they are hitting from the back, front or side.

However, if you have to consistently land backstabs on something that looks like a little speck and is moving and you have no idea which way it is facing and you cannot even see when it is dodge rolling… really makes it much much much harder than playing against other models.

Players should not be getting huge advantage relative to others just due to the model choice.

i think having a class that can go invis is unfair , doing spike dmg while no one can see u is unfair, being able to land bleeds while invul and invis is beyond unfair. ur post is just silly. i think thieves should be banned from spvp

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

Most people pick Asura because the animations are smaller, and is it no a coincidence that a lot of people do say the Asura has a slight advantage in this department. Also the smallest size? Why would you make it the smallest size possible if you aren’t trying to gain an unfair advantage. Oh right because if there isn’t an advantage gained(there is), people will still cut corners especially for their E.

How is it “unfair” when you have the option of selecting the same race?

Because not everyone wants to play an asura and they shouldnt be penalized for their preference.

Example: A new ability, lets say giant kitten form complete with svanir claws and 100b, is granted to players who “like” the game on facebook. Not everyone uses facebook (which is a free service) and dont want to go through the hassle of signing up just to be on the same level as other players.

How is it unfair when you have the option of signing up on facebook and receiving this new super cool ability?

Because people shouldnt be penalized for not using facebook.

People dont want to look like a little dumpy kitten gremlin that looks like it was designed by an overactive 6 year old.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

Even better example. GW2 signs a promotional contract with my little pony, and as a result you can have a pony as a playable race. The thing is all of the ponies actions are accompanied by a big explosion of hearts, sparkles, and rainbows, which inadvertently hide the pony in the lag-cloud and as a result, you cant tell what the ponies animations are, and you cant react to its attacks.

How is it unfair when you have the option of selecting a pony too?

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Most people pick Asura because the animations are smaller, and is it no a coincidence that a lot of people do say the Asura has a slight advantage in this department. Also the smallest size? Why would you make it the smallest size possible if you aren’t trying to gain an unfair advantage. Oh right because if there isn’t an advantage gained(there is), people will still cut corners especially for their E.

How is it “unfair” when you have the option of selecting the same race?

Because not everyone wants to play an asura and they shouldnt be penalized for their preference.

Example: A new ability, lets say giant kitten form complete with svanir claws and 100b, is granted to players who “like” the game on facebook. Not everyone uses facebook (which is a free service) and dont want to go through the hassle of signing up just to be on the same level as other players.

How is it unfair when you have the option of signing up on facebook and receiving this new super cool ability?

Because people shouldnt be penalized for not using facebook.

People dont want to look like a little dumpy kitten gremlin that looks like it was designed by an overactive 6 year old.

That’s not unfair, that’s people choosing NOT to sign up on facebook. Unfair would be when one group is not given access to something that another group is. For example, NA players are allowed to play Asuras in tournaments against EU players but the people on EU couldn’t. That would be unfair.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Even better example. GW2 signs a promotional contract with my little pony, and as a result you can have a pony as a playable race. The thing is all of the ponies actions are accompanied by a big explosion of hearts, sparkles, and rainbows, which inadvertently hide the pony in the lag-cloud and as a result, you cant tell what the ponies animations are, and you cant react to its attacks.

How is it unfair when you have the option of selecting a pony too?

That’s not unfair, because I could just select the pony…you answered your own question in the question.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


Most people pick Asura because the animations are smaller, and is it no a coincidence that a lot of people do say the Asura has a slight advantage in this department. Also the smallest size? Why would you make it the smallest size possible if you aren’t trying to gain an unfair advantage. Oh right because if there isn’t an advantage gained(there is), people will still cut corners especially for their E.

How is it “unfair” when you have the option of selecting the same race?

Because not everyone wants to play an asura and they shouldnt be penalized for their preference.

Example: A new ability, lets say giant kitten form complete with svanir claws and 100b, is granted to players who “like” the game on facebook. Not everyone uses facebook (which is a free service) and dont want to go through the hassle of signing up just to be on the same level as other players.

How is it unfair when you have the option of signing up on facebook and receiving this new super cool ability?

Because people shouldnt be penalized for not using facebook.

People dont want to look like a little dumpy kitten gremlin that looks like it was designed by an overactive 6 year old.

Some people like the appearance of running faster (even though movement speed is the same between all races) and the totally awesome backflip dodge, should I be penalized for my aesthetic taste by playing a race I don’t like the look of? Somehow the game has managed to be just fine for all these months without this distinct advantage we’ve had. Someone said the hitboxes are the same, so if that’s true, sorry, not that big a deal. I swear, people will find the stupidest things to complain about. Make the only playable race human, the only playable profession Elementalists, the only usable weapons D/D and no choices for builds, just static skills, utilities, traits. Every problem in the forums solved!

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

Even better example. GW2 signs a promotional contract with my little pony, and as a result you can have a pony as a playable race. The thing is all of the ponies actions are accompanied by a big explosion of hearts, sparkles, and rainbows, which inadvertently hide the pony in the lag-cloud and as a result, you cant tell what the ponies animations are, and you cant react to its attacks.

How is it unfair when you have the option of selecting a pony too?

That’s not unfair, because I could just select the pony…you answered your own question in the question.

You are missing the point. It may be technically “fair” for players who all have access to the asura, but it is not fair for the races, and inevitably leads to less variety and pigeonholing.

If you give one race a clear and significant advantage over the others, you are essentially forcing everyone (who wants to be competitive) into that race.

Its not like “character size vs perceived advantage” is inversely proportional, once you reach a certain size that advantage goes away. The main problem is the asura animations are different and the character models smaller by a significant magnitude, and when you combine that with the spastic and sporadic explosions of colors and effects that accompany almost every action, the persons visual system (ability to interpret visual information) becomes the limiting factor.

This is heightened by the fact that most players play zoomed out away from their character to get a better view of the battlefield. Sure you may be able to tell which direction the asura is facing, or what animation he is doing if you are playing zoomed in, but that is not an effective way to play.

In the end it comes down to the fact that the race is overpowered, and for the same reason that “if the ele is so OP, why not just play one? everyone can play one so its not OP or unfair” doesnt fly.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

Some people like the appearance of running faster (even though movement speed is the same between all races) and the totally awesome backflip dodge, should I be penalized for my aesthetic taste by playing a race I don’t like the look of? Somehow the game has managed to be just fine for all these months without this distinct advantage we’ve had. Someone said the hitboxes are the same, so if that’s true, sorry, not that big a deal. I swear, people will find the stupidest things to complain about. Make the only playable race human, the only playable profession Elementalists, the only usable weapons D/D and no choices for builds, just static skills, utilities, traits. Every problem in the forums solved!

Its funny because the only reason the other characters run so slow is because of the asura. If you sped up the character run speeds from their slow motion jog to a realistic pace, the asura would turn into roadrunners/sonic the hedgehog. The hitboxes are indeed the same, but this leads to another problem, as ive noted before. The asura can strike from a deceptively far distance. Here is a screenshot i took a while ago:

You dont seem to understand the concept of balance, so i wont talk any further about it, but it is suffice to say that variety and viability are not mutually exclusive, due in large to proper balancing.

(edited by Sand Beagle.9867)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Even better example. GW2 signs a promotional contract with my little pony, and as a result you can have a pony as a playable race. The thing is all of the ponies actions are accompanied by a big explosion of hearts, sparkles, and rainbows, which inadvertently hide the pony in the lag-cloud and as a result, you cant tell what the ponies animations are, and you cant react to its attacks.

How is it unfair when you have the option of selecting a pony too?

That’s not unfair, because I could just select the pony…you answered your own question in the question.

You are missing the point. It may be technically “fair” for players who all have access to the asura, but it is not fair for the races, and inevitably leads to less variety and pigeonholing.

If you give one race a clear and significant advantage over the others, you are essentially forcing everyone (who wants to be competitive) into that race.

Its not like “character size vs perceived advantage” is inversely proportional, once you reach a certain size that advantage goes away. The main problem is the asura animations are different and the character models smaller by a significant magnitude, and when you combine that with the spastic and sporadic explosions of colors and effects that accompany almost every action, the persons visual system (ability to interpret visual information) becomes the limiting factor.

This is heightened by the fact that most players play zoomed out away from their character to get a better view of the battlefield. Sure you may be able to tell which direction the asura is facing, or what animation he is doing if you are playing zoomed in, but that is not an effective way to play.

In the end it comes down to the fact that the race is overpowered, and for the same reason that “if the ele is so OP, why not just play one? everyone can play one so its not OP or unfair” doesnt fly.

Saying something is unfair is a far cry from saying something is OP. Telling everyone who plays an Asura that they need to be the same size as a human is no different than someone playing an Asura telling everyone to be as small as them. Or a Norn telling everyone smaller than them that they need to be as large as them.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


Some people like the appearance of running faster (even though movement speed is the same between all races) and the totally awesome backflip dodge, should I be penalized for my aesthetic taste by playing a race I don’t like the look of? Somehow the game has managed to be just fine for all these months without this distinct advantage we’ve had. Someone said the hitboxes are the same, so if that’s true, sorry, not that big a deal. I swear, people will find the stupidest things to complain about. Make the only playable race human, the only playable profession Elementalists, the only usable weapons D/D and no choices for builds, just static skills, utilities, traits. Every problem in the forums solved!

Its funny because the only reason the other characters run so slow is because of the asura. If you sped up the character run speeds from their slow motion jog to a realistic pace, the asura would turn into roadrunners/sonic the hedgehog. The hitboxes are indeed the same, but this leads to another problem, as ive noted before. The asura can strike from a deceptively far distance. Here is a screenshot i took a while ago:

You dont seem to understand the concept of balance, so i wont talk any further about it, but it is suffice to say that variety and viability are not mutually exclusive, due in large to proper balancing.

I understand the concept balance, I’m just apparently the only one that thinks it’s amusing that we’ve fallen so far as a community that we’ve gotten to a point where in a game that there are no racial abilities in PvP, a race is OP.

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Choops.3710)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Some people like the appearance of running faster (even though movement speed is the same between all races) and the totally awesome backflip dodge, should I be penalized for my aesthetic taste by playing a race I don’t like the look of? Somehow the game has managed to be just fine for all these months without this distinct advantage we’ve had. Someone said the hitboxes are the same, so if that’s true, sorry, not that big a deal. I swear, people will find the stupidest things to complain about. Make the only playable race human, the only playable profession Elementalists, the only usable weapons D/D and no choices for builds, just static skills, utilities, traits. Every problem in the forums solved!

Its funny because the only reason the other characters run so slow is because of the asura. If you sped up the character run speeds from their slow motion jog to a realistic pace, the asura would turn into roadrunners/sonic the hedgehog. The hitboxes are indeed the same, but this leads to another problem, as ive noted before. The asura can strike from a deceptively far distance. Here is a screenshot i took a while ago:

You dont seem to understand the concept of balance, so i wont talk any further about it, but it is suffice to say that variety and viability are not mutually exclusive, due in large to proper balancing.

All that image proves is that they can also be hit from the same visual distance.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

Saying something is unfair is a far cry from saying something is OP. Telling everyone who plays an Asura that they need to be the same size as a human is no different than someone playing an Asura telling everyone to be as small as them. Or a Norn telling everyone smaller than them that they need to be as large as them.

OP = over powered
over powered = above the expected norm

Norn is not a problem, it is a norn’s choice to play with his disadvantage. He chooses to make himself easier to read and react to, thats his choice. And there is a difference, as i said in my previous post, asura infringe on the limitations of our visual acuity. They are harder to perceive, and therefore give the person playing one a competitive advantage over those who are not.

Example: There is a difference between visual acuity when watching different sized TV’s at the same distance, so people gaming on different tvs will have an advantage/disadvantage corresponding to the size of their TV vs the distance they sit from it.

My solution: Adjust the distance based on the screen size, so larger screens are further away, and smaller screens are closer.
Your solution: Make everyone get the same sized screen and sit at the same distance.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

All that image proves is that they can also be hit from the same visual distance.

Physical distance, visual distance is perceptive and subjective, but i get what you are trying to say. The point was the distance is deceptive, with the asura hitting the target many lengths away from the blade, possibly causing situations where you are getting hit and you arent sure where from, or you dont think you can be hit from that far away.

There are always a lot of problems when the hitbox doesnt match the character model and this is a very extreme case.

This isnt even mentioning how hard it is to tell when an asura is reviving someone or is down in the midst of the chaos, or the fact that they can easily hide inside bodies.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Saying something is unfair is a far cry from saying something is OP. Telling everyone who plays an Asura that they need to be the same size as a human is no different than someone playing an Asura telling everyone to be as small as them. Or a Norn telling everyone smaller than them that they need to be as large as them.

OP = over powered
over powered = above the expected norm

Norn is not a problem, it is a norn’s choice to play with his disadvantage. He chooses to make himself easier to read and react to, thats his choice. And there is a difference, as i said in my previous post, asura infringe on the limitations of our visual acuity. They are harder to perceive, and therefore give the person playing one a competitive advantage over those who are not.

Example: There is a difference between visual acuity when watching different sized TV’s at the same distance, so people gaming on different tvs will have an advantage/disadvantage corresponding to the size of their TV vs the distance they sit from it.

My solution: Adjust the distance based on the screen size, so larger screens are further away, and smaller screens are closer.
Your solution: Make everyone get the same sized screen and sit at the same distance.’s unfair that I have to play at this disadvantage of playing a Norn…

Your response, it’s your CHOICE to play as a Norn…

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


All that image proves is that they can also be hit from the same visual distance.

Physical distance, visual distance is perceptive and subjective, but i get what you are trying to say. The point was the distance is deceptive, with the asura hitting the target many lengths away from the blade, possibly causing situations where you are getting hit and you arent sure where from, or you dont think you can be hit from that far away.

There are always a lot of problems when the hitbox doesnt match the character model and this is a very extreme case.

This isnt even mentioning how hard it is to tell when an asura is reviving someone or is down in the midst of the chaos, or the fact that they can easily hide inside bodies.

There is no physical distance, it’s a video game. You can only judge it by the visual perception.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867’s unfair that I have to play at this disadvantage of playing a Norn…

Your response, it’s your CHOICE to play as a Norn…

Thats right, norns have larger animations etc, that’s your choice if you want to play one competitively (i do). The difference is playing a norn puts everyone but yourself at a advantage, where as playing an asura puts everyone but yourself at a guaranteed disadvantage. Being in a position to put yourself at a disadvantage by choice is not a problem, as it only affects your ability to perform, but the opposite is obviously not fair.

Also, asura, being one of the extremes, should not be the standard for character model size and balance.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


I’ll say this – there’s no difference in hitbox sizes between races. All this whining about that is a serious proof that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

However, talking about their animations being harder to recognize is semi-valid, although for quarter-second or half-second abilities, that’s hardly a valid complaint. Asuras still raise their fist high in the air and “AWAHHHH” before popping their heal skill, just like any other race.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


I’m going to agree with the idea of of setting a minimum size for the Asura in PVP only. I say upscale all the Asura to at least the medium height for Asura models. The tiniest Asura are too small to see properly.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917

Pyrial.2917’s unfair that I have to play at this disadvantage of playing a Norn…

Your response, it’s your CHOICE to play as a Norn…

Thats right, norns have larger animations etc, that’s your choice if you want to play one competitively (i do). The difference is playing a norn puts everyone but yourself at a advantage, where as playing an asura puts everyone but yourself at a guaranteed disadvantage. Being in a position to put yourself at a disadvantage by choice is not a problem, as it only affects your ability to perform, but the opposite is obviously not fair.

Also, asura, being one of the extremes, should not be the standard for character model size and balance.

What are the animations you are having trouble seeing?

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Pandaman.4623


I agree with this… Size should not make it different or harder for attacks…

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Wicked.9261


I went from charr thief to an asura, the difference is huge. The size difference + culling when I get out of stealth is a significant advantage in pvp, people can’t see me as often as I was on my bigger character.

Razac Wickedbane

World Guardians [WvW] SFR Romanian Guild

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


Sand Beagle there isnt any point in arguing with them bro they don’t want to loose their advantage.

Asura could be made as tall as shoulder length of medium sized human for spvp only. That way the playing field will be even unless the ppl who play asura and don’t wana give up their giant kitten advantage.

Also it isnt just thieves who suffer against asura like ppl have said. Those lil kittens are hard to read on what they will do because they are so tiny.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


What animations are you guys having trouble reading due to the asura’s size?

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I have no idea how could a game with such a great potential make so many wrong turns. This topic perfectly illustrates one of it – creating all the races in a quite similar size would have made this game not only easier for the players to notice animations, but also for the spectator or the viewer to understand what is happening, that is quite important for a game that SAID to aim towards being an esport. But as we see that one races has a big advantage since they are 50% size from the medium sized models (humans and sylvari) and even smaller in comparison to the large models (norns).

Do not give that bullsh.. about the hitboxes being the same size – it is not the issue, this game is not counter-strike, you do not need to aim to the hitbox heads, but you do need to see what the enemy is doing to be able to counter it so the harder it is to spot your animations the bigger advantage you have. Because of this there is always a benefit to choose the smallest class for pvp in an mmorpg – in wow there were gnomes, here there are asuras. The only difference is that wow was not aimed towards being an esport pvp mmorpg so they can get away with many things in pvp, while it should not be so in gw2.

My solution to this problem is going quake 3 route: there were also models that were harder to spot in this game (for example Bones – brown skeleton model that merges a lot better in some maps with wall textures) so in tournaments, and later in public servers all the enemies looked like one model – Tank Jr. green if I am not mistaken. I have no idea if coding it would be even possible in this game, but force enemy model to become human from your point of view would be a win-win situation.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


What animations are you guys having trouble reading due to the asura’s size?

are you really asking that question after all the things ppl have put up in this thread /facepalm

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


What animations are you guys having trouble reading due to the asura’s size?

are you really asking that question after all the things ppl have put up in this thread /facepalm

They can’t see the OP 100nades coming! Even though the huge explosion happening around you isn’t evidence enough! Kinda like the can’t see me when I summon my illusionary duelist that takes 1.5 seconds to summon! The only animation I could honestly say any would may have trouble with is CnD from thieves.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


The only problem with asking them to change size/ban Asuras is that people might actually have to play with some slight skill instead of relaying on passive choices made regarding race/build. You should know by now that the majority of sPvPers don’t’ play to showcase skill but to cheese other people. The backlash from all the unskilled Mesmers/Thiefs/Guardian Asuras would be huge. Granted they still have their Op classes to fall back on, but they would still cry.

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


The only problem with asking them to change size/ban Asuras is that people might actually have to play with some slight skill instead of relaying on passive choices made regarding race/build. You should know by now that the majority of sPvPers don’t’ play to showcase skill but to cheese other people. The backlash from all the unskilled Mesmers/Thiefs/Guardian Asuras would be huge. Granted they still have their Op classes to fall back on, but they would still cry.

I, for one, know that I would lose my ability to play my Engineer if it was a human. I hate this thread for how stupid it is to assume that everyone picked Asura entirely for PvP benefit, I hate this thread for the excuse it gives people to hide behind a person’s choice of race for the reason that they’re getting beaten, but most of all, I hate this thread for making me agree with jportell lol

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood