Please Remove AI-Summon Runes from PvP
I never liked AI in pvp. Now I show my bird to every person who hits me. It’s nice having someone who can play better than me on my side. I only wish he could stomp other players. Hopefully next patch will fix it.
There is no point making more useless 25 stack sigil summons, because they are useless. If you nerf the rune sets you might as well just get rid of the pet summoning part altogether. Also while I’m not doubting it is probably true, I’d love to see someone show the math that proves they are actually better than other options. The rock dog, at first look, does maybe 400 DPS or so while he’s alive, with less than 8k HP and a 90s CD.
Everyone talks about how easily Necromancer minions die in teamfights, yet even untraited everything except Bone Minions have higher base tankiness than these summoned pets, and with traiting Bone Minions are equally as tanky. I think the real issue is with Pirate runes, the bird evades far too much, artificially making itself tanky, and has a lower CD and higher chance to summon than Rock Dog. The bird just needs a little bit of a nerf.
(edited by Bhawb.7408)
The birds are bloody annoying…
i think it can be balances reduce the hp of the summons, increase the cooldown of the effect and only start the cooldown after the summon is dead. Also add an uptime to these summon, there counter play.
How about remove ALL AI with the exception of ranger pets and mesmer clones???
But without my bird, I would only have 2 pets
Just remove the high-evade uptime the bird has. Its ok if you want the bird to get some nice dps in if there is no cleave or the bird isn’t focused.
However, the high evasion uptime of the bird also makes it a dangerous proposition to try and burst the bird b/c it will probably just evade it. Its like an even smaller asuran s/d thief with worse animations.
Eh, I think it has a place. The procs are interesting in themselves.
But a the bird on Pirate rune lasts…. is it 30 seconds? 60 ?
It would be more interesting if the procs duration were less, or the summons were very low HP. It would allow for counter with either dodges or killing said AI. Right now, the bird really only dies in team fights =l
How about remove ALL AI with the exception of ranger pets and mesmer clones???
Delete ranger, bring back ritualist.
How about remove ALL AI with the exception of ranger pets and mesmer clones???
Also agree.
Thief – Radderic
Mesmer – Smash Kablooey
How about remove ALL AI with the exception of ranger pets and mesmer clones???
Also agree.
Not going to happen many players actually like AI and GW2 promote all types of gameplay in pvp so from burst,condi… to healer,hybrid,AI every style is accessible for every classes.
Warrior being the exception so they build him up to be self-sufficient thus naturally stronger than the others even tough I can’t think of what AI war can possibly have.
Necro is not necro without death minions it breaks role.
The Dhuumfire thread
How about remove ALL AI with the exception of ranger pets and mesmer clones???
Also agree.
never seen a true healer in this game. can you show me one?
How about remove ALL AI with the exception of ranger pets and mesmer clones???
Also agree.
never seen a true healer in this game. can you show me one?
You can’t be full healer or tank in this game they don’t allow it you’ll always have some other stats. Your build can be full healer or tank but the sets says :“NO SIR”.
Assasin,zerk and rampager are the only one-purpose sets(damage) every other sets have at least another purpose.
The Dhuumfire thread
How about remove ALL AI with the exception of ranger pets and mesmer clones???
But a Necromancer that cannot summon undead minions doesnt feel like a necromancer…
How about remove ALL AI with the exception of ranger pets and mesmer clones???
Also agree.
never seen a true healer in this game. can you show me one?
heals for ~3k on attunement switch, 300 per tick on water attunement, 400 per regen tick, 200 per restoration tick, ~6k on cleansing wave, does absolutely no damage, is tanky as kitten and therefore can be called the only true healer in this game.
plus, it’s completely useless in pvp
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]
gonna try that one out :P