Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
+1 for seperate queue, seems like a no brainer.
The reason they probably don’t want to do it is because then nobody will play conquest and anet screw over normal players just to give their 40 esports buddys some people to play against (see removing solo queue). Fun for us players is secondary to their pet project of shoving “esports” down our throats.
Yes a separate queue, but please include build templates for pvp with this new map. So players can switch between different builds.
I quote myself from the other topic
Speaking about UI change, the only change they need to make to the interface is when people click on Practice/Unranked/Ranked there are boxes where you can choose the game mode. After that everything continues like we have now. Because we have for now only 1 map for DM and stronghold, there is no map selection for DM and stronghold, so the process is faster.
And for Practice, there are A LOT of servers really empty or close to be empty, simply convert any of them in Stronghold and DM.
This costs extra work? Yes Indeed but the expansion is not free, we’ll pay money for it.
And we want a good final product. Not an early alpha access.
+1 for separate queue.
I doubt they want to split of the potential population as that will have an additional negative effect on matchmaking as low queue times are need to keep people playing while bad matches lead to unsatisfied players and for the countless new or pve primary players they want to entice into the mode will quickly decide to not come back.
I doubt they want to split of the potential population as that will have an additional negative effect on matchmaking as low queue times are need to keep people playing while bad matches lead to unsatisfied players and for the countless new or pve primary players they want to entice into the mode will quickly decide to not come back.
Chances are participation will spike from returning players. They need to retain those players. Forcing them through RNG to play the new map will not do that, 100%. They need to work on increasing their population and getting people to PVP. They’re making short term decision out of lack of faith.
It’s been said before, they might want to look into having a free PVP style for people who can still purchase gems and stuff (so it’s profitable) to really get people playing PVP in this game. It’d almost definitely increase their profits as it’d lure people in, some people might buy a full game as a result, others will take part in the gem store. It might be worth looking into…
I doubt they want to split of the potential population as that will have an additional negative effect on matchmaking as low queue times are need to keep people playing while bad matches lead to unsatisfied players and for the countless new or pve primary players they want to entice into the mode will quickly decide to not come back.
There will be a massive number of new players in the expansion, queues are not a problem
Just adding myself as another in the community in want of a separate que.
Please, please make a separate queue. If you don’t, it’s just a matter of time until the divide between people who want to do stronghold and people that want to do conquest causes serious drama that forces you to divide the queues later…
…and by that time, there’ll be a terrible taste left in the mouths of people who were open minded about trying Stronghold.
Merging stronghold with the other maps is just stupid, so stupid I didn’t even thought about that possibility. And if anyone is wondering I am very kittened with this decision. I’ve never been so kittened by an Anet decision, never once; I disagreed sometimes but this is pure laziness from the developers. Unbelivable. Not to mention the actual gameplay of Stronghold but that’s a topic for another thread.
First of all is already stupid to have Courtyard in the rotation, Death match should be already separate from Conquest in order to avoid players to go for the usual “jack-of-all-trades builds” we are seeing right now. If we want to see some changes to the builds and team compositions and have the variety Anet claims to want (LOL) we simply must have a separate queue system for the new game mode, that must happen, period.
Yes a separate queue, but please include build templates for pvp with this new map. So players can switch between different builds.
This would simply be amazingly handy; just having the opportunity to jump into a game, take a quick look at the other team composition and modify your build by a simple click of the mouse. I would pay money just for that. It is so annoying to have to adjust your build or change it entirely every time before the match starts (with only 1 min to do that).
+1 for seperate queue, seems like a no brainer.
The reason they probably don’t want to do it is because then nobody will play conquest and anet screw over normal players just to give their 40 esports buddys some people to play against (see removing solo queue). Fun for us players is secondary to their pet project of shoving “esports” down our throats.
Why people will stop playing conquest? I’m looking forward to play Stronghold as well but I will not stop to play Conquest. If nobody will play conquest it’s not the players fault. It’s up to Anet to find a way to stimulate us to paly it and forcing players to play something they don’t want in order to maybe have the chance to do Stronghold is definetely not the way (Courtyard in the rotation? Ring a bell?).
There will be a massive number of new players in the expansion, queues are not a problem
Maybe there will be may there won’t be, but will there be enough to support (low-queue) good matches between two very different focused mode.
Dear Anet:
Separate game modes need separate queues (this includes the Courtyard as well as Stronghold).
Thank you
Stronghold and Conquest are different enough that there will always be a group of people who will only want to play one or the other.
Please don’t force us to do things we don’t want to do.
I am much more interested in Stronghold than Conquest, and I don’t want to have to dodge queues in order to play it exclusively.
Thanks for your time.
I am much more interested in Stronghold than Conquest, and I don’t want to have to dodge queues in order to play it exclusively.
Thanks for your time.
I’ll throw my name in the request for separate ques. Stronghold looks fun enough that I don’t want to rely on RNG after RNG to actually play it when I want to.
Especially if the plans are to add more maps to it in the future.
I am much more interested in Stronghold than Conquest, and I don’t want to have to dodge queues in order to play it exclusively.
Thanks for your time.
Separate queue or riot!
Wait, what? Stronghold in the same queue as Conquest? Is this a joke?! Why would they do this, it’s a horrible ideea! I missed the last pvp news, did they announce this and it’s set in stone?
+1 for seperate queue. There isnt a single post in this thread yet that thinks having combined queue is a good idea. lets get this done anet.
Split playerbase.
There will be a lot of uninformed players (HoT? what’s this?) and they should play the mode too (more people interested == better). So if you bring in yet another queue you will not see them that much in Stronghold because they will continue to press that matchmaking button they pressed for the last months.
In order to let them participate you need to rub it in their eyes so you want it in map selection of the most played game mode.
Also, taking some numbers from LoL league distribution : Around 90% of your playerbase are “filthy casuls” so you seriously need to guide them to the fun.
So following all of this i would like the option to let stronghold have a guaranteed map slot on selection (2 of 3 maps rng, 3rd is always stronghold). Especially when it is new, people will vote for it like crazy. So you and i will always get the map.
Also if someone trolls or wants something else and his 10% chance/veto works, then let him have his fun. His opinion is worth as much as yours and mine and 90% of the time you’ll get stronghold anyways.
Edit: As a direct result of having 90% of your playerbase in the same queue: reduced waiting times.
(edited by Bellamy.9860)
@Bellamy – Stronghold and Conquest are very different from each other though. Different enough that a significant number of people will probably want to play one or the other exclusively. LoL doesn’t randomly mix their main mode with TDM or anything else. You know what you’re queuing for.
Forcing people to play things they don’t like isn’t the right way to solve split playerbase issues.
(edited by Liberis.9573)
As if unranked isn’t clustered enough with troll maps like Skyhammer, and a random deathmatch map. I can see the problem that there might be horrible waiting times if the matches were separated into different queues.
There’s also the limitations/problems of the system. None of these mechanics are properly explained to players. Having 3 game modes in 1 queue will surely confuse everyone, veterans and beginners alike. I’m sure most people isn’t against playing other game modes. It’s the uncertainty of new environments/experiences that make people uneasy. Imagine the chaos if Skyhammer was added into the competitive map rotations, it’ll certainly be more entertaining than watching Forest of Niflhel.
A simple solution is introducing build templates. Having build templates means a character can quickly swap between builds for different maps and certainly takes away (some) frustration against getting an unfavourable map.
Could we take the opportunity to take out Courtyard from the unranked map pool as well?
Things I’d appreciate:
Thanks in advanced!
Agree, +1, signed, etc
PvP Forum Specialist here.
I want to test the waters on this issue a bit. Here’s a few scenarios. Keep in mind, I have no idea what they’re actually working on. I only tell them what you’re saying:
If you agree but have nothing to add, feel free to quote any posts you feel express exactly what you are thinking. The more feedback I can give them the better.
(edited by The Gates Assassin.9827)
PvP Forum Specialist here.
I want to test the waters on this issue a bit. Here’s a few scenarios. Keep in mind, I have no idea what they’re actually working on. I only tell them what you’re saying:
- Is the issue that it’s too hard to change a team comp for this map? If that’s the case, would it be enough to implement build templates to solve this issue?
- Is the issue that you truly only want to play this mode?
- Let’s say they did put a separate queue (In that you’d select unranked/ranked and it would ask do you want to play Conquest or Stronghold). Would you want Stronghold to be in both unranked and ranked queue based on what you’ve heard?
- Would you be okay with TDM maps being in this separate queue? I’ve always found that certain builds in Conquest simply don’t work well in TDM so I have to quickly change my build to something else. Stronghold, as it has no points, seems like it would fit better.
- Here’s the tough question. Let’s say that if there was a a separate queue, queue times would increase for both (after the initial hype of stronghold). Right now, I get matches about every 2 minutes on good days and 4-6 minutes on bad days. If this change would increase queue times or make you face worse players in order to maintain the same queue times, would you still be for this change?
- This question in particular I’m looking for the most feedback on.
If you agree but have nothing to add, feel free to quote any posts you feel express exactly what you are thinking. The more feedback I can give them the better.
1. This is EXACTLY one of the core issues. It takes me more than a minute and a half to change builds to an appropriate TDM build. This is one of the issues with skyhammer/spirit watch in that you can’t just slightly “tweak” your build in order to be successful. Implementing build templates is a huge quality of life change that would be fantastic.
2. I think Stronghold should only be unranked for now. Not that anyone takes the LB seriously… but still for the sake of appearances.
3. In a perfect world, there should be 3 separate queues. Because there simply aren’t enough maps to warrant such a change, I wouldn’t be too let down by a “non-conquest” queue. Maybe in 5 years, we’ll have extra maps of each type and a larger player base that enjoys all game types.
4. I’d rather have longer queue times than be forced to ever play skyhammer again if I so choose… Long term, I think it’s better for the community to have this quality of life change.
PvP Forum Specialist here.
- Is the issue that it’s too hard to change a team comp for this map? If that’s the case, would it be enough to implement build templates to solve this issue?
The issue is to force people to play what they don’t want to play for many reasons (because they don’t like the game mode, they don’t have the setup for a specific game mode etc. )
A build template can’t solve the issue, it can help the entire game but the issue is another.
- Is the issue that you truly only want to play this mode?
As I said, people need to be free to choose their favourite game mode
- Let’s say they did put a separate queue (In that you’d select unranked/ranked and it would ask do you want to play Conquest or Stronghold). Would you want Stronghold to be in both unranked and ranked queue based on what you’ve heard?
Yes, indeed. Simply reorganizing the UI, when a player clicks on Unranked/Ranked, they can choose the game mode. The remaining is the same. Of course no map selection for TDM and Stronghold because (for now) there is only 1 map. And for Practice too, the majority of conquest servers are empty o with really few people, so simply convert any of them in Stronghold and TDM
- Would you be okay with TDM maps being in this separate queue? I’ve always found that certain builds in Conquest simply don’t work well in TDM so I have to quickly change my build to something else. Stronghold, as it has no points, seems like it would fit better.
Yes, every game mode deserves their queue. Conquest, Stronghold and TDM.
- Here’s the tough question. Let’s say that if there was a a separate queue, queue times would increase for both (after the initial hype of stronghold). Right now, I get matches about every 2 minutes on good days and 4-6 minutes on bad days. If this change would increase queue times or make you face worse players in order to maintain the same queue times, would you still be for this change?
HoT is an expansion, it’s the perfect time to do this move because a lot of people will come back and a lot of new players will buy the expansion and the game. It’s time to not make the same mistake anet did 3 years ago, basically launching the spvp side with a really poor structure.
Now the game is more mature, better rewards, better structure and finally 3 game modes. It’s the right time to let this game to grow. With separate queues anet will have better data to understand favourite players game mode, and release more different maps (not only conquest) if people like the game mode.
And btw if in any scenario Stronghold (not only in a short time but also in a long time) will be the more succesfull game mode, i don’t really see many problems in this.
Let people decide
And at the same time, Anet needs to unlock the Mist, People need to do something while they are in queue (better mist with more stuff and/or at least practice and custom arenas)
(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)
HoT is an expansion, it’s the perfect time to do this move because a lot of people will come back and a lot of new players will buy the expansion and the game. It’s time to not make the same mistake anet did 3 years ago, basically launching the spvp side with a really poor structure.
Now the game is more mature, better rewards, better structure and finally 3 game modes. It’s the right time to let this game to grow. With separate queues anet will have better data to understand favourite players game mode, and release more different maps (not only conquest) if people like the game mode.
Let’s say it doesn’t though. The hype train from an expansion will only exist for so long and as we’ve seen, there have been periods of little change where numbers might be dropping off. If this does cause slower queue times, do you think it’s still worth it?
There is plenty of land in the Mists which hasn’t been developed, please give us our own zone to queue for Stronghold.
HoT is an expansion, it’s the perfect time to do this move because a lot of people will come back and a lot of new players will buy the expansion and the game. It’s time to not make the same mistake anet did 3 years ago, basically launching the spvp side with a really poor structure.
Now the game is more mature, better rewards, better structure and finally 3 game modes. It’s the right time to let this game to grow. With separate queues anet will have better data to understand favourite players game mode, and release more different maps (not only conquest) if people like the game mode.Let’s say it doesn’t though. The hype train from an expansion will only exist for so long and as we’ve seen, there have been periods of little change where numbers might be dropping off. If this does cause slower queue times, do you think it’s still worth it?
Yes, of course. Mainly because the alternative to force people to play what They dont’t want to play is worst.
Why people should’t play a particular game mode?
Think about tdm, courtyard is not really a great map but having it in a separate queue could give good feedbacks to Anet and improve the map or add different tdm maps (like for example with more open space and secondary mechanic like buff quake arena style) if They see people like to play tdm (They will have better data to see how many people like a game mode) Or for example, adapting the roster size for 1vs1, 2vs2 and 3vs3 for tdm only.
And you can do the same thing with every game mode.
If you have a long queue on a game mode you have the option to change the queue. With an unique queue behind a rng sysyem, you don’t have this option.
And as i said, if anet improves the Mist and give the chance to do something else while queuing, is not a big issue in every case.
both Qs will be pretty dead if they seperate these two.
Is the issue that it’s too hard to change a team comp for this map? No, the issue is that most players are bored of conquest. Many potential players also avoid this game because of conquest.
Is the issue that you truly only want to play this mode? No, even though we are bored of conquest most of us want to play both modes. But we want to choose when. We dont want an algorythm to choose which modes can be voted.
Would you want Stronghold to be in both unranked and ranked queue based on what you’ve heard? We should have
1) Conquest ranked (Only conquest)
2) Stronghold ranked (Only stronghold)
3) Unranked arena (Conquest+Stronghold+Courtyard)
If this change would increase queue times or make you face worse players in order to maintain the same queue times, would you still be for this change? If that happens, they should mix the queues. BUT only if that happens. Mixing queues from the beginning shows a lack of confidence on the new expansion and future of the game.
This new game mode is an opportunity for GW2 to grow. And before releasing the expansion they are already telling us that most players will leave. Is the new gamemode that bad?
If they mix the queues, the MMR will not be accurate and matches will have worse quality.
Good players in one game mode can be bad at the other one. Imagine all the new players coming in HoT just to play stronghold. Some of them may be really good at stronghold, but I’m sure they won’t be able to compete against 3 years of conquest experience. In the end, they will be ranked way lower that they deserve.
I believe mixing queues will be a huge entry barrier to PvP, and that won’t help our tiny community grow.
The same will happen to current WvW players interested in Stronghold. Many of them never come to sPvP because of conquest. If stronghold is just a map in the old rotation, nothing will change.
There are even more reasons
I assume there will be a bunch of stronghold tournaments. How are the teams supposed to practice if they are forced to queue into a random game mode? (even if they vote it’s still 50%)
Gathering 5 guys every day is really hard. And now we have to waste half of our time in a gamemode that we don’t even need to practice?
(edited by Marcos.3690)
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