Please disable profession win dailies

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


The point is that there an inherent conflict between PvP Dailies and actually playing and enjoying PvP. PvP is not a walk in the park (i.e. open world PvE) where what you do won’t negatively impact other players’ experience of the game. The profession dailies are the worst example, but even the capture, defender, and player kill dailies encourage players to do things that don’t necessarily help their teams. A “Specialist” daily like the one you proposed would engender similar problems.

There’s really only one way that players want their teammates to play unranked/ranked PvP, and that is to win. How do you win? It depends on the match, and giving side quests like daily reviver or daily trebuchet operator takes away from that.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Shiyo.3578


And I’m sure WvW’rs feel the same about PVE/ PVP players going into wvw for a very quick and easy daily. Especially if you’re on a gold, silver or bronze server.

PvE’rs are probably tired of wvwr’s/ and pvp’rs asking kittened questions about boss timers every 2-3 minutes for a daily.

WvW wise, it doesn’t help your server to have pvp’rs/ pve’rs running with out the proper setup to steal a ruin or tower.

PVE wise, im sure no one wants snobby wvw’rs and pvp’rs eating up a slot on their map that they would rather have their friend or guildy be able to join them.

WVW isn’t comparable to spvp at all because it isn’t a 5vs5 match, and anything you do benefits your server in some way.

Also, no one wants capture because as stated like 5 times, it encourages bad behavior.

Kill X players(don’t need to stomp, just tag the person)

Complete part of a reward track

Gain rank points(don’t you gain these just for winning or something?)

Win X matches

Play X matches

That’s it, bland, easy and obtained by simply SPVPing with no negative gameplay behavior encouraged at all. You want to finish dailies in SPVP? You queue up and try to win the game.

(edited by Shiyo.3578)

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


The point is that there an inherent conflict between PvP Dailies and actually playing and enjoying PvP. PvP is not a walk in the park (i.e. open world PvE) where what you do won’t negatively impact other players’ experience of the game. The profession dailies are the worst example, but even the capture, defender, and player kill dailies encourage players to do things that don’t necessarily help their teams. A “Specialist” daily like the one you proposed would engender similar problems.

There’s really only one way that players want their teammates to play unranked/ranked PvP, and that is to win. How do you win? It depends on the match, and giving side quests like daily reviver or daily trebuchet operator takes away from that.

Thank You,
I agree with a lot of what you have said and appreciate the extra details you’ve given.
What four dailies would you suggest to replace the current ones?

WVW isn’t comparable to spvp at all because it isn’t a 5vs5 match, and anything you do benefits your server in some way.

There is some valid points made with that statement in regards to the size. But I would argue that anything you do does NOT always benefit your server. If i’m going to command and try to do a quick steal of a Garrison, I wouldn’t want people taking everything leading up to the garrison. It would be a giant red/green/blue arrow in which way the zerg is going.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Wolfey.3407)

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


I understand what you’re getting at (which is that no unique alternatives have been given), but I think you’re asking the wrong question and that you still missed my point.

I’m getting the sense from this thread that PvPers don’t especially care for dailies and would be fine with them being as generic as possible. It’s not only that these dailies are problematic, it’s that dailies as a concept aren’t actually constructive for a competitive game mode.

Dailies tied to specific actions will promote counter-productive behaviour in many instances. This means that the only dailies you can have are wholly neutral, but these don’t really give anything good or bad to PvP (apart from encouraging people to enter PvP).

A Map Variety daily might be neutral enough to be included in the list, although it could still be frustrating because of the RNG involved.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I understand what you’re getting at (which is that no unique alternatives have been given), but I think you’re asking the wrong question and that you still missed my point.

I’m getting the sense from this thread that PvPers don’t especially care for dailies and would be fine with them being as generic as possible. It’s not only that these dailies are problematic, it’s that dailies as a concept aren’t actually constructive for a competitive game mode.

Dailies tied to specific actions will promote counter-productive behaviour in many instances. This means that the only dailies you can have are wholly neutral, but these don’t really give anything good or bad to PvP (apart from encouraging people to enter PvP).

A Map Variety daily might be neutral enough to be included in the list, although it could still be frustrating because of the RNG involved.


Would a better question be:

Would you guys likes to see PvP daily’s removed or have them replaced with simplistic bland achievements.

If I’m still missing the mark I’ll quit posting and let gates take over.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Shiyo.3578


Simplistic is better for the game because it brings in more people queueing for SPVP and allows people who enjoy SPVP the most able to finish their daily there and not feel forced to do things they don’t want to.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Simplistic is better for the game because it brings in more people queueing for SPVP and allows people who enjoy SPVP the most able to finish their daily there and not feel forced to do things they don’t want to.

makes sense, thank you.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


the whole point of this discussion is that the matchmaker needs a revamp when it comes to prof distribution. one side should never have 2 guards while the other has zero. one side should never have 3 rangers while the other has none. and so on. this needs to be a major RULE the matchmaker follows. then, amulets. cant have 3 cele amulets on one side, none on the other.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Shiyo.3578


the whole point of this discussion is that the matchmaker needs a revamp when it comes to prof distribution. one side should never have 2 guards while the other has zero. one side should never have 3 rangers while the other has none. and so on. this needs to be a major RULE the matchmaker follows. then, amulets. cant have 3 cele amulets on one side, none on the other.

This is bad feedback please don’t give it to the devs

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


My two cents

1) pvp dailies (in general) are fine and potion reward is fine
2) Make them as general as possible. Don’t force behaviour or professions.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


the whole point of this discussion is that the matchmaker needs a revamp when it comes to prof distribution. one side should never have 2 guards while the other has zero. one side should never have 3 rangers while the other has none. and so on. this needs to be a major RULE the matchmaker follows. then, amulets. cant have 3 cele amulets on one side, none on the other.

The problem isn’t matchmaking system. When matchmaking is flooded by profession-X and profession-Y because people want phat lewts guess what will happen.

As far as amulets.. lol… Never gonna happen. And to be honest I don’t think I solo queue into teams with 3+ celes.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Gemini K.8529

Gemini K.8529

PvP Specialist here

Few questions about this:

  1. How often do you swap from your main class to the class daily to get the AP?
  2. Do you enjoy the encouragement to try another class?
  3. If you were to change this daily, what would you want it to be changed to instead?

1. Never. I pretty much ignore them by only pvping on my engi in the first place.

2. I do not since I don’t feel like I’m helping my team as much as I could be on my engi.

3. Interrupt x amount of skills, dodge x amount of attacks, pull off x amount of stomps, other ideas that might resemble this.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


The old PvP dailies and monthlies were just earned by playing the game, and I do think that those simplistic dailies were better. However, I do understand that the new daily system (across PvE, PvP, WvW) is meant to push players outside of their normal routine, which is also why there was some backlash.

As far as that angle goes: If you really want to encourage people to practice different professions, please don’t tell them, “Today everyone is going to play profession X or profession Y!” Instead, tell them, “Play two different professions today.” The rank point and reward dailies push people towards queue games because they earn more points. But as much as I’d like to encourage people to vote for different maps, it’d be boring to play the same map for a whole day. Combat dailies (dodges, interrupts, etc.) I feel would be disruptive in the same way as other PvP objective-focused dailies.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

(edited by Bertrand.3057)

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


The old PvP dailies and monthlies were just earned by playing the game, and I do think that those simplistic dailies were better. However, I do understand that the new daily system (across PvE, PvP, WvW) is meant to push players outside of their normal routine, which is also why there was some backlash.

As far as that angle goes: If you really want to encourage people to practice different professions, please don’t tell them, “Today everyone is going to play profession X or profession Y!” Instead, tell them, “Play two different professions today.” The rank point and reward dailies push people towards queue games because they earn more points. But as much as I’d like to encourage people to vote for different maps, it’d be boring to play the same map for a whole day. Combat dailies (dodges, interrupts, etc.) I feel would be disruptive in the same way as other PvP objective-focused dailies.

Very valid points and such a nice way of putting it

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Lets just say I never get the daily because I only play mesmer. so yeah… Dailies promote bad play and definitely promote lopsided matches.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


the whole point of this discussion is that the matchmaker needs a revamp when it comes to prof distribution. one side should never have 2 guards while the other has zero. one side should never have 3 rangers while the other has none. and so on. this needs to be a major RULE the matchmaker follows. then, amulets. cant have 3 cele amulets on one side, none on the other.

The problem isn’t matchmaking system. When matchmaking is flooded by profession-X and profession-Y because people want phat lewts guess what will happen.

As far as amulets.. lol… Never gonna happen. And to be honest I don’t think I solo queue into teams with 3+ celes.

doesn’t have to be 3+ celes. it can be as simple as 2 zerker guards against a team of 2 thieves and a necro. the thieves and the necro will get annihilated by the counterplay. also, something like 2 rangers and 2 necros on one team – they cant hold a point, they cant roam.

matchmaker needs to consider these things for conquest, otherwise it’s a joke.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


[ +1 ], please get rid of this Daily Structured criteria! I get annoyed at it every single day. I don’t even get to finish my Daily in sPvP most days, since Mesmer never comes up and that’s what I main. I have to resort to going into PvE (Home Instance) to gather nodes there. I mean, I do that anyways, it’s just annoying that I feel like I can’t finish a Daily in structured alone, without being forced on to a profession I don’t want to play and are rusty with. I’d rather be excellent at one profession, than mediocre at eight. That’s not to say I’m excellent, but you probably get the idea.

  1. How often do you swap from your main class to the class daily to get the AP?
    —Never. I don’t play a profession I don’t feel like playing at the time.
  2. Do you enjoy the encouragement to try another class?
    —It’s not encouraging me to swap over to one of my other alts. I have already played them enough to know how they work and how to counter them. I get annoyed at these Daily criteria more so than encouraged in any way.
  3. If you were to change this daily, what would you want it to be changed to instead?
    —Win 3 matches (any type and combination, Practice, Unranked or Ranked). Play one Unranked match. Finish (stomp) a player. Revive a player. Progress one bar of a Reward Track. Interrupt another player. Achieve a Top Stat during a match. Etc.

Anything but a Daily that encourage terrible team comps by “encouraging” players to play professions they hardly know how to play. It affects 4 other players if you step into a match without a clue of how to efficiently play a profession.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: wwwes.1398


Replacing profession dailies with generic, always the same, “Play two unranked matches” and “Play one ranked match” would be much better. There’s enough variety in the other mode dailies that things will still stay fresh, and having those as dailies will encourage people to both play pvp and try to play pvp well.

Frankly, PvP is barren enough that there’s no reason to try and push people out of their comfort zones in PvP. It needs more players trying it, not pushing the existing players into alts.

(edited by wwwes.1398)

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: laquito.5269


ANet should realize that these class dailies are responsible for the majority of bad matchups, rage threads and toxic atmosphere. Please remove them already.

Retired GW2 Player

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I didn’t actually get any comments to my previous idea, so I’m not sure if anyone has actually seen it. So, allow me to mention it again and elaborate on it:

My idea was/is, to make it “Gain 200 points personal score (with class xy).” You can tie this to a profession, or not. The reason why I think this might work better is:

1. You do have to actively play and thus contribute
2. The more you contribute, the faster you have your daily done
3. It’s not tied to win or loss, so it still helps your daily progress if you help in a match that might be lost (meaning players will not be encouraged to just go afk to make the match end faster)

What do you think?

Edit: And of course… please, if you tie it to a class, make all classes have an equal chance of being chosen. Put it on RNG at least.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

I didn’t actually get any comments to my previous idea, so I’m not sure if anyone has actually seen it. So, allow me to mention it again and elaborate on it:

My idea was/is, to make it “Gain 200 points personal score (with class xy).” You can tie this to a profession, or not. The reason why I think this might work better is:

1. You do have to actively play and thus contribute
2. The more you contribute, the faster you have your daily done
3. It’s not tied to win or loss, so it still helps your daily progress if you help in a match that might be lost (meaning players will not be encouraged to just go afk to make the match end faster)

What do you think?

Edit: And of course… please, if you tie it to a class, make all classes have an equal chance of being chosen. Put it on RNG at least.

The only issue I see with this is it encourages you do go for whatever grants you the most points, not helps you team the most. For example, the trebuchet grants a lot of points, as does getting lots of decaps. I could see players purposely standing on points together to cap it just so they get the personal points. This certainly happened when personal points gave you equal rank points. Going for the bosses on forest is 25 points, which is definitely not always the optimal thing to go for.

Let’s say the daily was literally this:

  1. Daily Match Winner (Win 2 Practice, Unranked or Ranked Matches).
  2. Daily Map Player (Play on two distinct maps)
  3. Daily Kills (Kill 20 players)

This means you could probably get your dailies done in two matches and the effect on the gameplay itself would be minimal. Would you be okay with this as the daily every day?

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

(edited by The Gates Assassin.9827)

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


The only issue I see with this is it encourages you do go for whatever grants you the most points, not helps you team the most. For example, the trebuchet grants a lot of points, as does getting lots of decaps. I could see players purposely standing on points together to cap it just so they get the personal points. This certainly happened when personal points gave you equal rank points. Going for the bosses on forest is 25 points, which is definitely not always the optimal thing to go for.

Well; (way too many) people already do that anyways. And it would still be better than just sitting at spawn (and possibly insulting the team and/or demanding to let the other team win quickly) because your team is 100 points behind (ignoring the fact that this very well can change).

Let’s say the daily was literally this:

  1. Daily Match Winner (Win 2 Practice, Unranked or Ranked Matches).
  2. Daily Map Player (Play on two distinct maps)
  3. Daily Kills (Kill 20 players)

This means you could probably get your dailies done in two matches and the effect on the gameplay itself would be minimal. Would you be okay with this as the daily every day?

Hmmm… doesn’t sound too bad I guess. Lacks a bit of the variation that’s kinda a main thing for the dailies, though.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


PvP Specialist here

Few questions about this:

  1. How often do you swap from your main class to the class daily to get the AP?
  2. Do you enjoy the encouragement to try another class?
  3. If you were to change this daily, what would you want it to be changed to instead?

1. Every day.
2. Tremendously. I used to be very single-minded and only played warrior. Once this carrot was presented to me and I tried the other classes to get the sweet rewards, I discovered I really enjoyed playing ranger and necro, but especially mesmer. Now Mesmer is my main PvP char, when I play to PvP and not just for dailies.
3. I would make it so it’s not attainable in ranked PvP. Hotjoin, custom and (maybe) unranked is the place to be, but there is no reason to make matched imbalanced in ranked, where (theoretically) matches truly matter.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Getting against teams with the same class x2-3 and being with the same class x2-3 isn’t very fun and greatly reduces either teams chance of winning. It’s a bad daily.

where do i have to sign?

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Just disable ALL pve stuff in pvp…maybe we’re gonna get less ppl rushing svanir on start, dieing there and blaming team cause noone helped with boss…

and no…i’m not even joking, it really happens…

Ark 2nd Account

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Just disable ALL pve stuff in pvp…maybe we’re gonna get less ppl rushing svanir on start, dieing there and blaming team cause noone helped with boss…

and no…i’m not even joking, it really happens…

Its funny, how much people rage about that.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Tman.6349


@Gates: pay no attention to Saturn if he can’t be bothered to read the rest of the thread.
Saying, “well, people already do [x bad behavior] anyway, so at least this other bad option isn’t quite as bad” completely undermines the entire point that we don’t want any dailies that encourage [bad behavior] in any way.

Shiyo and Lopez already said exactly what we want: simple, generic dailies that can be completed passively as long as you play to win. No thought should go into achieving the dailies other than ‘Have I won a match yet?’ and/or ‘Do I need to play another match?’.

With the PvE/WvW dailies, it seems like 2 hrs (world boss timers) is about the max amount of time it should it should take, so maybe ~1hr/3matches would be good for PvP.

This last post was much closer to what we want, although missing the forth alternative. I do think 20 kills should be lowered a bit though. Teams that maybe run home bunker/decap setups might have people that only get a few kills a match. The whole idea is to avoid anything that would modify how people normally PvP to win. The PvP Dailies were pretty good before this updated version. Let’s ‘unfix’ what wasn’t broken.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: SoPP.7034


You’re a pretty terrible forum specialist.

That’s a really stupid thing to say.

Additionally your ‘play one ranked game’ makes no sense. Why push noobs into something where they should be unranked, and why promote a format where once someone gets points they can just afk the rest of the match.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


@Gates: pay no attention to Saturn if he can’t be bothered to read the rest of the thread.
Saying, “well, people already do [x bad behavior] anyway, so at least this other bad option isn’t quite as bad” completely undermines the entire point that we don’t want any dailies that encourage [bad behavior] in any way.

You sir, are an… no, I better don’t say the word. Because you know… I’ve actually read the entire thread, unlike you it seems. You seem to at the very least have skipped my posts and also the actual question at hand. And instead of DISCUSSING about my idea, you just tell people to not pay attention to it.

Nowhere did I say that none of the other ideas is any good and mine would be the best. I’ve merely thrown another idea into the pot of ideas. You know… for discussion. Brainstorming. Whatever you want to call it.

The reasoning behind my idea was, that it would be close to what we have now, just that it would NOT encourage bad behaviour (afk-ing and such). It would encourage active contribution no matter if you’re winning or losing, while still being able to be tied to a specific class.

Now, you say we do not want dailies that do not encourage any bad behaviour. Yet, you praise the posts of Shyio and Lopez, who both proposed “win x matches” as a daily. How would that be any different from what we have now? People will just afk as soon as they think the match will be lost, so they can get into another match more quickly. My idea on the other hand, would encourage them to still contribute. Now OF COURSE it might lead to people double-capping points and stuff. But guess what… THEY ALREADY DO THAT. And that’s WITHOUT my daily-idea. So they WILL keep doing it no matter what, unless you make it a daily “play x matches without double-capping any point”. My daily idea does NOT encourage any bad behaviour, unlike (part of) those you praised lol.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


i made a lot of match and usually i did not go afk. Yesterday for first time i went afk sitting down. When you start a match .. .and you start with 4 people on mid destroyed by 2 on the other team … what do you do ? i was on close and i took it 2 or 3 times but when i see that i have 3 with me that really weren’t able to win a 3 vs 1 …. it is normal to go afk and to wait for the next match … the faster it finish the better it is . Probably people roll the daily class even if they don’t know it .. .

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: mulzi.8273


If you have a ‘kill X amount of people’, all you will do is:

1. have people pick that stupid courtyard map every kitten time
2. get their kill then goof off the rest of the match (or leave) if they were not serious about pvp anyway.

I think they should reward folks that don’t play on the daily class. eg. On ranger daily day, all other classes get 25% more pvp track rewards or something other reward type thing.

In my opinion they should:
1. remove dailies completely from ranked. only unranked and hotjoins count towards dailies.

2. randomize the daily class win for each account.
3. Change ‘class win’ to ‘advance pvp reward track’. this will get people out of the map rotation quicker if they don’t want to be there. A ‘win’ daily makes idiots requeue over and over as alot of them cannot seem to win.

4. fix match making so that only one of each class is on on each team. If this breaks up premade stacking, so be it. premades, imo, should be playing in ranked against other premades who have the same resources (eg. voice chat).

5. increase rewards for the non-daily classes.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: pelle ossa.9705

pelle ossa.9705

why not insert a rule like: you can’t do daily pvp in ranked?
ranked it’s a competitive mode , not a casual farming mode…

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


My idea was/is, to make it “Gain 200 points personal score (with class xy).” You can tie this to a profession, or not.


What do you think?

Edit: And of course… please, if you tie it to a class, make all classes have an equal chance of being chosen. Put it on RNG at least.

I think it’s an awful idea. Here’s why (copied from reddit):

The game gives a lot of points to your personal score for things that often aren’t actually helpful to your team. For example:

  • Destroy enemy trebuchet (15 pts): Only helps if the enemy are using the trebuchet in Battle of Kyhlo throughout the game.
  • Forest creature kill (25 pts): Time spent killing the mob on Forest of Niflhel is almost always better spent helping your allies with defending/attacking a capture point.
  • Guild Lord kill (25 pts): Killing the enemy guild lord on Legacy of the Foefire gives your team 150 points, but if you leave your team outnumbered you risk losing control of the map, and once that happens it may be impossible to fight your way back into the game.
  • Skirmisher (10 pts): If you are having fights away from capture points, you could simply be wasting your time while your opponents accumulate points from capture points that you aren’t contesting.
  • Objective Neutralized/Capture (10 pts): The time it takes to neutralize/capture a point is the same no matter how many players are standing on the spot. Only one person needs to do this, and anyone else standing on the same capture point will be a lot more useful going elsewhere on the map.
  • Kills (5 pts + bonuses): Joining in on a fight that your team is already winning isn’t really making a contribution, and as with the above your time will be better spent elsewhere.

I think 200 points specifically is an absurd marker, if you have a game that is a total stomp it’s not even possible because the match ends so quickly. I might top 200 points in a close game, but even then it’s not because I was MVP.

The problem is not really with the practicality of any particular point threshold, but with the reasons given above. PvP is a competitive game mode, you should be encouraging players to work with their team to win instead of completing some laundry list of side quests.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Shiyo.3578


  1. Daily Match Winner (Win 2 Practice, Unranked or Ranked Matches).
  2. Daily Map Player (Play on two distinct maps)
  3. Daily Kills (Kill 20 players)

This means you could probably get your dailies done in two matches and the effect on the gameplay itself would be minimal. Would you be okay with this as the daily every day?

Killing 20 players is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many and would encourage people to ignore objectives and just kill people.
Does the map daily means “Play any 2 maps” or is it “Play two specific maps”? Two specific maps is awful and means I’ll get those 2 maps every day all day, and it could be maps I hate. Absolutely no reason for this daily to exist.

Just stop being creative and trying to make interesting dailies, they need to GENERIC AND BORING. Why don’t people get this yet?

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I think it’s an awful idea. Here’s why (copied from reddit):

The game gives a lot of points to your personal score for things that often aren’t actually helpful to your team. For example:

  • Destroy enemy trebuchet (15 pts): Only helps if the enemy are using the trebuchet in Battle of Kyhlo throughout the game.
  • Forest creature kill (25 pts): Time spent killing the mob on Forest of Niflhel is almost always better spent helping your allies with defending/attacking a capture point.
  • Guild Lord kill (25 pts): Killing the enemy guild lord on Legacy of the Foefire gives your team 150 points, but if you leave your team outnumbered you risk losing control of the map, and once that happens it may be impossible to fight your way back into the game.
  • Skirmisher (10 pts): If you are having fights away from capture points, you could simply be wasting your time while your opponents accumulate points from capture points that you aren’t contesting.
  • Objective Neutralized/Capture (10 pts): The time it takes to neutralize/capture a point is the same no matter how many players are standing on the spot. Only one person needs to do this, and anyone else standing on the same capture point will be a lot more useful going elsewhere on the map.
  • Kills (5 pts + bonuses): Joining in on a fight that your team is already winning isn’t really making a contribution, and as with the above your time will be better spent elsewhere.

I think 200 points specifically is an absurd marker, if you have a game that is a total stomp it’s not even possible because the match ends so quickly. I might top 200 points in a close game, but even then it’s not because I was MVP.

The problem is not really with the practicality of any particular point threshold, but with the reasons given above. PvP is a competitive game mode, you should be encouraging players to work with their team to win instead of completing some laundry list of side quests.

Hm yes, that’s right. But the question is, what could you do instead? I mean, as it is, many players still give killing Svanir/Utaheim a high priority at the start of a match. You still see 3 players cap close at the beginning. So what the daily point system would change is, that you might see it a bit more often, but in exchange you might see afk-ing players less often. I’m aware it is not optimal, though. But so far, no option seems to be optimal.

Let’s see…

Win x amount of matches: Same as win x matches with y profession; some people will go afk on matches that might be lost
Play x amount of matches: Some people will go afk on every match
Kill x players: Some people fight off point

As I see it, it’s not really possible to make a daily requirement that can in no way be completed through unwanted behaviour. Thus, the most optimal choice would be which “unwanted behaviour” would have the least amount of negative impact on the performance of your team in a match. Which I guess is part of what we are trying to figure out in this thread.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: lighter.2708


i never understood why people care about class daily or any pvp daily so much…

i just play whatever i wanted to play…

the rewards arent that good to begin with

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I think they should revert all profession daily back to: Win 3 games…
This daily will reward you 4 chests, just like the old two “x profession” win.

I really want to play the class I’m best at.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Infatum.2481


The profession dailies seem to only have a negative impact on the PvP experience for both those engaging in them and those they play with so I would strongly support their removal.

I think having a few of the other more generic suggestions in this thread as well as always having a “Participate in 3 matches” would be the way to go, obviously requiring a certain level of participation (using the same metric that determines rank point gain). These dailies have a surprising impact on guiding player behavior, and I think something simple like “play more PvP” would probably be way more beneficial to the community than “play PvP as a class you’ve never even struck a training golem with”.

If the devs really want to encourage alting I think that’d be far more advisable as a PvE daily of some sort. Although personally I don’t see any reason for it.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Just disable ALL pve stuff in pvp…maybe we’re gonna get less ppl rushing svanir on start, dieing there and blaming team cause noone helped with boss…

and no…i’m not even joking, it really happens…

Its funny, how much people rage about that.

I already stopped raging…i’m on istant afk mode now, way better for nerves..when 2 ppl go for boss at start and other team doesn’t you already know there’s no point in tryharding anyway…

afk gg


Ark 2nd Account

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Now, you say we do not want dailies that do not encourage any bad behaviour. Yet, you praise the posts of Shyio and Lopez, who both proposed “win x matches” as a daily. How would that be any different from what we have now? People will just afk as soon as they think the match will be lost, so they can get into another match more quickly.

We’ve had daily wins in the past. Did this occur often?

Killing 20 players is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many and would encourage people to ignore objectives and just kill people.

Personally (maybe it’s the builds I run), I get anywhere from 8-12 kills per match. 20 Kills is basically 2-4 matches at the most, even if you’re a bunker getting tags.

It seems like no matter what dailies Anet picks, there will be a small group of people who will attempt to game the system to get them done quicker. I don’t think there’s any way to fix that besides maybe a report button for that offense. Leeching/Giving up/going afk in a match is against the rules and is bannable.

What I do think we can fix is the problem that these new dailies have created, which is the requirement to do something you don’t want to do in order to get the full daily reward (ie, playing a different class). Daily Profession, restrict players who are playing PvP the right way.

Now while most players seem to not like Daily Profession, some players do like this as a way to mix up their play. It might be possible to simply add more dailies and leave Daily Profession in there as another option. The issue is that if daily profession is the easiest way to finish up the daily, players will do that instead of these other options. While that allows PvPers to get their dailies their own way, this doesn’t fix the influx of certain professions on these Dailies. Even if Daily Profession isn’t the easiest way to get the daily done, you still have players trying the daily profession out, creating that influx which creates matches with 4 thieves across both teams.

That’s sort of what I’m getting from this thread. Any disagreement?

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Now, you say we do not want dailies that do not encourage any bad behaviour. Yet, you praise the posts of Shyio and Lopez, who both proposed “win x matches” as a daily. How would that be any different from what we have now? People will just afk as soon as they think the match will be lost, so they can get into another match more quickly.

We’ve had daily wins in the past. Did this occur often?

I can’t really speak about the past, since I didn’t play much PvP back then. But I do know that it happens nowadays, and I think there’s not much difference between “win x matches with profession y” and “win x matches with any profession” in that regard. Bout frequency… well; luckily it doesn’t happen super-often, but often enough. It’s hard to measure, because you do not always have those games that look like they might be lost. But it definitely has happened a few times that one or even two of my team decided to go afk. And today (well; yesterday by now) I’ve had a match where the opposing team suddenly only had 3 players remaining, because the other two apparently did not just go afk, but left the match for good.


That’s sort of what I’m getting from this thread. Any disagreement?

I agree.

I think a report-option would be good and probably be the only thing that could make people with no honor think twice about just going afk. I once was gonna report a guy who went afk and complained about the team and the match and everything else except himself of course. But I ended up not doing so, because what should I report for… botting? Not really. Verbal abuse? Well, as long as he doesn’t throw around insults and/or uses foul language, that’s not correct either. So yeah… a fitting report-option would be a good thing, I guess.

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


I think there’s a difference between “Win a game as profession X” and “Win a game”, those who just want to get the daily rewards and avoid PvP will go to a custom farm arena in either situation.

People who are willing to play a couple PvP matches for the daily reward will take the daily profession, and since they aren’t experienced with the profession and the comps are unbalanced, the game will just be less fun for everyone involved. They don’t have to be the type to go afk when they think they can’t get the win for the daily to have tht negative impact.

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