Red circles heal you. Just relax.
Please don't pop up Score at end of match
Red circles heal you. Just relax.
And add total damage/heal/kills.
alternatively, have the scoreboard ‘freeze’ the match, no more character actions and damage taken.
but the scoreboard pop up is annoying.
alternatively, have the scoreboard ‘freeze’ the match, no more character actions and damage taken.
but the scoreboard pop up is annoying.
I’d be against locking everything, though. Sometimes there’s just that 1v1 match going on and you want to see who wins. Or a group chasing that annoying mesmer/ele and just wish to stomp him and /dance.
Red circles heal you. Just relax.
Or you know, have the game actually end when it’s supposed to. I have no idea why GW2 keeps the game running that way. I find it really annoying to be honest.
When the game ends, it should end.
Or you know, have the game actually end when it’s supposed to. I have no idea why GW2 keeps the game running that way. I find it really annoying to be honest.
When the game ends, it should end.
its nice if you drink, you can go refill your glass, sure someone might kill your character, but you’re not losing anything
but yeah, agree with OP, the score boards are annoying,
plus its just rubbing it in that you’ve got the lowest score because you were holding a shrine in the shrine holding game, meanwhile some thief on the losing team has been running around backstabbing people, not taking any shrines, and he has 4 times as many points as you.