Please start involving the community
Actually they do prioritize based on the community’s feedback.
They’re currently implementing custom servers, which was apparently asked for by a decent amount of people a while back.
Problem is it’s not really what the game needs anymore.. Now sPvP desperately need more content (new maps, new modes) to hook some players again, since the vast majority of players have since then lost interest in sPvP. More “structure” wont attract many new players.
ANet probably can’t just stop working on custom arenas now though, as they have invested effort in them. They might as well finish..
(edited by admiralnlson.2380)
A more proactive and interactive dialog with ANET and the community would be nice.
(edited by Tracker.6483)
I do agree with spvp lacking incentive to play long term, but new game modes are a heavy development effort, something we, regular users, can’t really estimate easily.
One simple and direct way would be giving out pve-world-rewards for glory, this would reattract users to spend some time with spvp again. Although this may be more effective after some other pressing spvp issues are fixed (like a real ranking).
Every player has its own opinion on what the game is missing and whoud should be priority.
For some it is new map, new gamemode, ladder implementation, balance changes, spectator implementation, custom servers etc.
If you check this forum regulary you see all these as offten discussed topic and from that .. i dont think someone can do really conclusion what is needed most.
BUT – i totaly hate the fact that im blind and i do not know what the devs are working on right now, and what we can expect in upcoming month or two… I would like to know these short terms plans in advance…. – and i do not really care about long term plans, because frankly.. we speaking in years here and i was waiting for 5 years allready..
As admiralnlson mentioned; once you start working on something, it’s not a good idea to just leave it behind. It’s better to finish one thing first and then move on to something new. But I still don’t know why ArenaNet thought that renting servers were more important, then establishing a solid high end PvP community. A ladder system, observer mode, and steaming support, along with more maps, should have been highest priority in my opinion. ArenaNet should focus on making a strong foundation first, and then start building up from that. Right now sPvP is a bit of a mess..
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
They won’t include community in process making. Why? Because quite frankly most of the ideas here are simply kitten And i hope it remains as it’s now.
They won’t include community in process making. Why? Because quite frankly most of the ideas here are simply kitten And i hope it remains as it’s now.
Really? i think some of the thoughts and general idea’s that have been put out by particulars on this forum have been great. Also at the moment yes arena net need to focus on the high end pvp, however there is no point for high tier pvp if the people on the lower tiers are not having fun for example hot join being a complete mess so new people to the game get fed up and bored with spvp, which in turn hurts the high end because at the end of the day what’s the point of holding a monthly/ yearly tourne when no one will watch it? -[Desolation EU]
my two cents on the current project:
we had custom servers on guild wars 1, as they are being described. they were guild hall scrims. ~sigh~ why would the community be put in a position to be made to pay for that (did the people in the office forget their mission statement)? it’s understandable that the devs wanted to make this game totally a different game, but it seems to me that they sacrificed a good deal that was solid, tried and true.
pve is epic. wvw is epic, now that things are balancing out a bit. ok, but looking at all this, i cannot help but think that the pvp players are getting all the crumbs from the table.
have you ever seen a comedian ask for suggestions from the audience? They ask for some sort of topic idea for their next bit. People start shouting ideas. Often the comedian selects one that s never shouted, but through the chaos most people don’t realize it. That’s the way I feel about anet listening to our suggestions:
The community: “Balance!” “More game types”. “Duels!” “More customization!”
Anet:“What’s that? Paid tournament you say? We’ll get right on that”