Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: vorpal.1497


It looks like the matchmaking algorithm places a huge emphasis on slapping a team together in the shortest time, and ignore all other factors. I’ve played about 100 (solo queue) tournament matches since the patch, and have had a 58% win rate… so my invisible matchmaker rating should be something other than zero now…

Yet almost all of my matches are like this (I’m listing the rank totals):
Rank 97 vs 27

Rank 30 vs 83

Rank 165 vs 45

These were all taken today. I’ll continue to post the ridiculous imbalance match shots as they come.

Oh and I dont mind playing with new people, but when they’re all on the same team (an extremely common occurence now for some reason) it just reaches the point of hilarity.

Edit: and in that 2nd shot a 5th team member never showed up, for what it’s worth

(edited by vorpal.1497)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


This game has such quality matchmaking


Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: vorpal.1497


Rank 89 vs 39
I didn’t add the afk person’s rank. It was a 4v5 which is why the low rank team got a decent score.

Rank 40 vs 80
The very next game, same situation

(edited by vorpal.1497)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: sploosh.3601


211 vs 14 (would be 17 but the other guy left before I took the screenshot)


Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

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Posted by: Shukran.4851


wtf so many warriors

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

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Posted by: Larynx.2453


wtf so many warriors

That banner buff really helped their viability.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: vorpal.1497


It was a miracle, I had a match that was 5v5 and no one afk. Just kidding, the low rank team had an afk mesmer.

Rank 127 vs 30 (didn’t count the afk guy’s rank)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Don’t have a pic of it, but just a few Minutes ago, I (~r43), was teamed up with two lvl 10, one level 5 and one level 1 against a Team with average rank 30-35….

I highly doubt that this invisible Matchmaking even exists.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: JoopFOX.9510


I don’t want to suggest that matchmaking is perfect, but this kind of “mismatching” based on only ranking is also kind of misleading. I’ve had plenty of matches were groups of lower average rank gave us trouble, and the other way around. We need to see the RATINGS not rank in order to know if matchmaking works or not.

Professor James – Mesmer

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: JoopFOX.9510


For instance, I just was on a team with “rank 100” added up beat a “rank 150” team. Anyways, matchmaking has mostly been fine for me so far.

Professor James – Mesmer

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Nilvio.7941


Don’t have a pic of it, but just a few Minutes ago, I (~r43), was teamed up with two lvl 10, one level 5 and one level 1 against a Team with average rank 30-35….

I highly doubt that this invisible Matchmaking even exists.

sure it does, but its just not working with 100 players.

English is not my native language :)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


I assume I’m the only one getting fair matches, usually I get against ‘rank’ 200 – 250 team and I play in a ‘rank’ ~220 team.
When I solo Q I usually get a ‘rank’ ~123 while my enemies get around ‘rank’ 100-180. And I win most of my Solo Q’s, even during dead times I don’t get against co-ordinated premade teams, although I play a lot more with a team than solo Q.
I haven’t played in the last few weeks due to vacation but I don’t think it’s died that much in that period of time..

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Verdelet Arconia.6987

Verdelet Arconia.6987

It is already quite common to have imbalanced matchmaking in tpvp but after the 26 march patch, nearly every match that i solo queued for, will have warrens of rabbits. The amount of people playing TPVP is not enough to support a separate queue for premades from pugs and also no separation between high rating and low rating pugs.


(edited by Verdelet Arconia.6987)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Theplayboy.6417


A full solo queue PUG Group gets stuck playing against some of the [PURP] Peeps in a Pre-Made. Two Rank 20 something’s and a Rank 9 vs 4 Guys that are 50+ and a single Rank 49.

Two of the people on our team quit a few minutes into the match.

What really gets me though is that I want to play against these kinds of teams. But with people on my team that are of similar skill level. It makes for am epic match. Love the big team fights with skilled knowledgable players. I was literally emberrased by how I could do nothing because of the lack of team support.


(edited by Theplayboy.6417)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: vorpal.1497


I know that ranking is more an indicator of time spent in pvp rather than skill at pvp, but when someone is low/mid rabbit, they are almost certainly still confused and still learning how to even walk around the maps. So for very low ranks, rank is an indicator of a handicapped player.

The lowest rank that I have noticed “hey that guy is giving me trouble” was a rank 12 ranger yesterday.

Edit: Also I am NOT trying to give the impression I want low rank/skill players locked from tpvp or something. Just that their distribution be equal between the two teams, and I am OK with waiting 5 or even 10 minutes for the matchmaker to make sure it picks from a diverse pool.

(edited by vorpal.1497)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Yep, here’s an imbalance win screenshot of me against another team with much higher ranks.

Good slap in the face for all the rank celebrities.

(It’s not 5 v 4, one of them just rage quit before that)

ps: A good discussion before the start of the match really helps.
However, a tyranny bossy type of order from one person does not help at all.
Especially some snubs who’s talk as if he’s some kind of big shot, treating ppl like noobs because he got slightly higher ranks. Oh hell, his strategy doesn’t work a single big.

Famous quote from him:
“No-one should go to middle cap point in the silent temple map or they’re noobs.”


(edited by Aomine.5012)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: vorpal.1497


Aomine, while there is rank imbalance there, everyone is at least Deer rank, so you all could (and did) give the more experienced dudes a spanking.

I joined some folks for a bunch of premades all morning, only encountered one other premade, and they were very inexperienced. Here’s some of our results:

Rank 54 vs 117 us versus the premade

Rank 54 vs 117 and again

Rank 118 vs 58

Rank 44 vs 105 We swapped some members here, got pitted against very low rank randoms.

We won something like 18 out of 20 matches. The two we lost were satisfying and well balanced, and there were about 3 that we won that were similarly balanced. The rest was just us stomping rank sub rank 5’s.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.4386


Matchmaking will fix itself in some time.

How about Pugs vs voice-chat premade? Where is the competitiveness?
We dont need leaderboard for that as it has zero value until solo-queuers and premades get separated. It has always been THE priority.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Matchmaking will fix itself in some time.

How about Pugs vs voice-chat premade? Where is the competitiveness?
We dont need leaderboard for that as it has zero value until solo-queuers and premades get separated. It has always been THE priority.

But Anet is smart enough to know, unless they made some drastic change in pvp and balance to redeem themselves, the tpvp population currently is so thin that they cannot afford to separate the pre-made team from solo que.

We can forsee that the pre-made will now have to wait for ages to actually find a matchmaker, since obviously the majority of pvp population will go for solo que UNLESS they make the pre-made competition way more competitive and rewarding IN ADDITION to all the good changes in pvp.

Currently as far as I see, there won’t be too many competitive teams out there to play for 24/7 to actually fill out all the time gap between waiting, plus if a team is always against the same team and also on the losing side, they might as well just quit the pre-made and back to solo que.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


Some of these screenshots of match making really isn’t all that bad…it’s a mixed bag for the most part…Unless you’re lvl 10s and 20s fighting all lvl 50s, that’s bad match making.

You have to understand it’s not all about levels too, it’s MMR which are individual ratings…the people you are playing with may have won games before your bad match…

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: vorpal.1497


Yeah, it’s clear that eventually rank is not indicative of skill. But at very low rank it is. At rank 5, you’ve played maybe 15 matches.

The problem isn’t that these people are mixed with veteran players, the problem is when all the very low rank players are on the same team, and the veterans (solo queue or otherwise) all on the other team.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


Matchmaking will fix itself in some time.

How about Pugs vs voice-chat premade? Where is the competitiveness?
We dont need leaderboard for that as it has zero value until solo-queuers and premades get separated. It has always been THE priority.

rankings and matchmaking have been up for more then a month (rankings were reset on 26th february), if after all this time someone who has been playing for a month, without taking breaks, is still getting matched with r1 and r4 against full r40+ premades, there is something really wrong with this kitten system.


Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Rank has NOTHING to do with MMR.
But that doesn’t mean a rank 10 who ques up and wins 2 matchs, then goes in against rank 50s who solo Q a lot and therefore don’t have a great w/l record is in any way fair.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


and that simply shows how broken the system is.
you can’t put together 2 people with the same ratings when one has 2 games and the other has 200.
5 games in a row tonight where I end up with n00b pvers in my team against r40/50 premades, it’s stupid and will make a lot of people to stop playing.
(if it hasn’t already)

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

(edited by Shar.3402)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I think the need for a solo/duo Q, vs a premade Q is more pressing than they know.

I find it frustrating as well. The bulk of my matchs I solo Q. Impossible to have a great w/l record.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Puff Pure.8631

Puff Pure.8631

This is all pretty good, but anyone have any images where the underdogs flatten the high-rankers?

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: mongolianmisfit.8350


I like that more people are pvping (broken record), but O…M…G.

I have never been so frustrated, than jumping on today, being queued up with all these new folks. I know it will take time but MMR should take into account games/matches played as well along with other variables, not just pure wins and losses. You have a lot of individuals who are fresh to the current meta, and have NO CLUE. So they get paired up with 1 or 2 other experienced players and it is just downhill from there.

(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I had some imbalance matchmaking games and honestly i dont get it..I mean if someone is rank 1 and has 0 wins 0 loses its in the same ranking as someone who is 30+ and has 10-10?This invisible matchmaking is so wrong for me


Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


It is already quite common to have imbalanced matchmaking in tpvp but after the 26 march patch, nearly every match that i solo queued for, will have warrens of rabbits. The amount of people playing TPVP is not enough to support a separate queue for premades from pugs and also no separation between high rating and low rating pugs.

Well that must be nice that you always get the high rating team. Havent seen 1 pic of you on the low rating team. I don’t see why you should be complaining.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


And people wonder why aNet have such a horrible time balancing classes, they can’t even get the matchmaking formula to work.

Since march 26th the matchmaking is horrible (to the point where you have to wonder is there even a matchmaking system in the game, because to me its pretty non existant). Whats making the problem even worst is how people are jumping into tpvp for the laurels now – even tho in the longrun it would be a good thing as it will give more exposure to pvp, at the moment its a bit like feeding time at the zoo for high level premades.

I’m trying to understand how the matchmaking works, is there a post anywhere that shows the exact algorithm? My guess is the matchmaking is so basic that its barely passable for the word matchmaking :

- Group up with your own premade (2 or more) will pair you up against another premade regardless of their rank and pre-made size of the team. So its common to see a premade of lvl 10’s vs premade of lvl 40’s – no guessing who this matchup favors.

- If it doesn’t find another premade team, will just gather a group of lvl 40’s and champions solo queue people together, because you know its totally fair that if your a low rank premade to be up against solo queing rank 40’s too.

- If your of mid-high rank and queuing solo, will chuck you in a group of lowbies while the other team has consistantly high ranks. Because it figures your the hero and you can surely take on 3-5 on your own.

Anyway thats my thoughts, matchmaking needs to be reworked with laurels and the inflex of pve players or something needs to be done or else to queue solo is just a gamble.

Maybe its time for 2 seperate solo tournaments – One for rank 1-30, one for rank 30+.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: etiolate.9185


Even with the increase of people looking for Laurels, there’s probably not enough people doing spvp for the higher rated players to get queues versus similar ranks.

Zed Zebes – SBI Mesmer

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


Even with the increase of people looking for Laurels, there’s probably not enough people doing spvp for the higher rated players to get queues versus similar ranks.

Yeah your right. That speaks more about how people feel about pvp then if the population is this low after the game has been out for only 6 months and Pvp being one of the main game modes and reasons for people playing initially.

Something needs to change with the matchmaking tho. If matchmaking doesn’t work, tournament pvp style mode simple does not work.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


Though this was in spvp..


Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


This is all pretty good, but anyone have any images where the underdogs flatten the high-rankers?

that rarely happens as tpvp has to do a lot with experience and at higher ranks it requires a LOT of points to rank up. If this ever happens, it’s the rank 20+ organized underdogs that we’re talking about against less organized 30s and 40s – there may be a chance there.

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

(edited by Raptured.9307)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Duncanmix.5238


I doubt that after rank 10 it matters that much. I honestly don’t even watch these ranks anymore. They should probably remove this rank from being visible after match end, and put new hidden rank.
This is mostly people whining and cant deal with loses, just finding some excuses.

Gunnar’s Hold

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: kaplis.7195


This is all pretty good, but anyone have any images where the underdogs flatten the high-rankers?


Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: IDarko.4709


This is all pretty good, but anyone have any images where the underdogs flatten the high-rankers?

Ranks are overrated.


Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


This is all pretty good, but anyone have any images where the underdogs flatten the high-rankers?

Ranks are overrated.

Tbh, after 20 I think the skill level would not be that much of a difference now anymore.
Rest is up to personal skills and team cooperation/communication.

This team you’re in have 4 ppl that’re almost 40, so the skill level is almost identical to the people in the other side of the map.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


All the matches I played last night were all equally or similar in balance (rank). I think the problem is that they are so few high ranks as compared to low ranks that you get unbalance teams.

The real problem is really the fact that when new blood tries to check out PvP, you got a few jackhole QQing, like it is the worst thing ever and then complain how very little resource dedicated to a mode that few actually play.

As for the matchmaking, it seems more plausible that the queue prioritize time over rank if there is nobody of similar strength. That is not to say that, Pre-made vs pug is actually fair.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Pug v. Pug.
66 vs 102. What is this? a difference of nearly 36. If you pick and choose, most likely you will see negatives than positives. Not to say matchmarker works.


As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


Pug v. Pug.
66 vs 102. What is this? a difference of nearly 36. If you pick and choose, most likely you will see negatives than positives. Not to say matchmarker works.

you won the game, what are you complaining about? your print could actually server as an argument to people saying matchmaking works fine and that rank doesnt actually matter.

this game is just so so unfinished, if I was looking at gw2 for the first time and saw all the amateur flaws of this game (poor matchmaking, no function to report leavers, lack of ladder, the tournaments that were introduced just to be removed 5 months later but that will be back again once they have a clue of what to do with it, the step back with tickets who were one of the good steps forward, etc etc etc etc the list goes on and on) id say its a low budget f2p game, but it definetly is not.
This game is unrewarding in so many ways (pvp wise), most times i win a game it just feels like i won because either the other team had more low ranks, or because they had -1 player, and the same frustration applies to when I win, it never feels that I lost a game because I played better/worse, everything depends on rng from the matchmaking system.

(edited by ahuba.6430)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Phantaram.1265


Guys, I heard that the matchmaking system isn’t about your pvp rank.

This thread is comparable to the people in league saying “wow I have 2000 normal wins and I get matched with a whole team of people with only 200 wins? Thanks riot.”

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941



I wasn’t complaining, I was saying that rank doesn’t mean kitten and that people can pick and choose bad screenshot to make a bias point or QQ about the current matchmaking system. Then finally, I said the current system doesn’t work 100% of the time, as with everything in man-made.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Edo Tensei.8254

Edo Tensei.8254

Arenanet Matchmaking System , GZ


Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: forrae.6708


80 v 19



thugged out since cubscouts

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Jelle.2807


I was under the impression matchmaking is based on (currently hidden) rating, not ranking.
That does not excuse 4v5 or other such scenarios ofcourse.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I was under the impression matchmaking is based on (currently hidden) rating, not ranking.
That does not excuse 4v5 or other such scenarios ofcourse.

Correct. Rank has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with MMR. However, it can still b an issue. Theres a huge difference between a rank 5 who has X mmr, because he got good teammates his first few matchs, and a rank 40 with the same X.

When those 5’s end up a few of them on same team, vs those 40’s few on same team, even with same MMR, the tendency is for the really low ranked players to get whallopped.

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


If the matchmaking goes off Rank, it needs to be separated between classes/skill level. I say classes because Johnny Pro may be an expert with Ranger but suck kitten at Guardian; plus I would rather see where my personal skill level is with each profession I play with in pvp.

If it doesn’t, we need to be able to see our personal skill rank. My PvP rank will probably be slightly above average but no where near the “pro” level. I only have a 58% hotjoin win record, and my tPvP win record is less than 50% iirc because I never run with premades and before this “matchmaking system” I faced A LOT of premades after launch. Tournaments have just seemed like a waste of time ever since.

I probably won’t even que for tournies until they actually do something that makes a noticeable difference and attracts a larger player base. Right now if I’m not farming dragons or in WvW, I’ll most likely just play 8v8 zergfests to practice surviving 1v2’s.

(edited by Chesire.9043)

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


This is all pretty good, but anyone have any images where the underdogs flatten the high-rankers?

Ranks are overrated.

I like this one.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock