Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


Thursday night, and all is well in the GW2TPVP channel.

In fact, Jon Peters dropped by to chat, and was talking about POTENTIAL future buffs (who knows if/when, but he said it) to the following:

- Guardian Consecrations
- Warrior Shouts
- Staff Ele

See Screens attached, and thank you Jon


I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

would be very nice if all warrior / guardian / ranger shouts are blast finishers.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Leuca.5732


We need more info than that, though I guess we have to appreciate anything we can get right now.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


Maybe warriors get something as awesome as ranger shouts. Gl with your optimism.

All is vain.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: yanchoy.9176


The topic is about potential BUFFS, and you guys are still talking about warriors??!

Why not give everything to them?
Or maybe they can rip off the entire engi class and make it as a warrior’s minion instead, cause I think they too need some AI. >.>

And yes, I’m mad, bro. ><

/Snow white and the 7 dwarfs and their wives

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Lower CD of warrior shouts to ~10 seconds = Viable new support build.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

Lower CD of warrior shouts to ~10 seconds = Viable new support build.

On the topic of cd reduction, I would reduce fear me to kitten and on my mark to 18s. They both are not good enough to wait that long

There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Lower CD of warrior shouts to ~10 seconds = Viable new support build.

lets see now.

warriors have
25s for great justice
25s shake it off
30s on my mark
60s fear me

buff the shouts …
make all shouts blast finishers …
and further decrease the recharge time?
20s for great justice
20s shake it off
25s on my mark
kitten fear me (lower cool down justified since blindness, aegis, stability negates this)

maybe also make shake it off lose 2 conditions instead of one? XD
and for great justice, x2 adrenaline gain for 5 seconds?

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


The topic is about potential BUFFS, and you guys are still talking about warriors??!

Why not give everything to them?
Or maybe they can rip off the entire engi class and make it as a warrior’s minion instead, cause I think they too need some AI. >.>

And yes, I’m mad, bro. ><

thats all devs play.warriors!of course they will buff them into oblivion, ignoring the fact that they are dominating in wvw and pve.mesmers do need buffs for wvw,but not spvp at all as we are good in dueling. same with thieves, they are great in duels, but in wvw only ganking and dolyak, and gatetaggers. anet. split the gamemodes already.if warriors get more buffs wvw will become unplayable!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

yep but they shouldnt dominate everything.this is an mmo and other classes have roles too and i would like tomove away from veil/portal/tw bot and from duelist 1v1 only.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Azunai.5974


But staff elementalists are boringgggg. Add rifles, yo!

And I find it adorable that people want stuff with 25-40 cd be lowered. Elementalists need THEIRS with 60-90 cd stuff LOWERED.

Resident deaf elementalist – Tarnished Coast
Everyone needs a little optimism!

(edited by Azunai.5974)

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: yanchoy.9176


i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

/Snow white and the 7 dwarfs and their wives

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Azunai.5974


i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

Reconaissance, assassination, information-gathering, subterfuge, etc. All done many times.

Resident deaf elementalist – Tarnished Coast
Everyone needs a little optimism!

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: yanchoy.9176


i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

Reconaissance, assassination, information-gathering, subterfuge, etc. All done many times.

and thieves in gw2 do that? oO

/Snow white and the 7 dwarfs and their wives

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

sabotage is part of war right? that’s why we have thieves who are effective in killing dollies!

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

Reconaissance, assassination, information-gathering, subterfuge, etc. All done many times.

and thieves in gw2 do that? oO

thieves kill dollies very effectively, i’ve heard. “assassination”

i think they can be good scouts too. “Reconaissance”, “information-gathering”

not sure how they can manage “subterfuge” though.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: yanchoy.9176


i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

sabotage is part of war right? that’s why we have thieves who are effective in killing dollies!

yeah, only thieves can kill dolyaks.
and killing dolyaks is a big part in wvw.

/Snow white and the 7 dwarfs and their wives

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Azunai.5974


i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

Reconaissance, assassination, information-gathering, subterfuge, etc. All done many times.

and thieves in gw2 do that? oO

thieves kill dollies very effectively, i’ve heard. “assassination”

i think they can be good scouts too. “Reconaissance”, “information-gathering”

not sure how they can manage “subterfuge” though.

Speaking outside of WvW, subterfuge is very important when gathering information in the midst of enemies. Pretending to be a soldier, courier, officer, diplomat, etc.

In WvW… Well, don’t have to be a thief for it but people can grief enemy servers by spamming sieges and relaying troop movement. :p

Resident deaf elementalist – Tarnished Coast
Everyone needs a little optimism!

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

sabotage is part of war right? that’s why we have thieves who are effective in killing dollies!

yeah, only thieves can kill dolyaks.
and killing dolyaks is a big part in wvw.

well, other professions can kill dollies too, but i’ve heard thieves can kill them real quick. and slip away quickly too.

hmmm killing dollies is part of wvw, i’m not sure if it is a big part of wvw or not though …

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: kreios.7108


good thing i have a guard and a war in mi alts. some day whille be onlie wars on character creation window thats best for balance xD

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Oxygen.5918


Maybe they could just heal by default/untraited so you’re not so reliant on healing signet to survive any amount of time

I was the best at burning things. Especially bosses that
didn’t move.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


About some love on staff ele…That doesnt not even sound enough.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


if those are gnna be the buffs for October…sry, but goodbye gw2 for me. if devs are too blind to see the issues of the classes that might wanna maybe be effective in wvw and devs buff warriors that are already op in wvw. sry that will be it for me.
eles need buffs in spvp, but are ok in wvw. necros are too strong in everything but pve, mesmers are only good in 1v1, same with thieves. warrior are op in pve, op in wvw and only stunlock warriors have a slight chance in spvp.
rangers are in a bad spot in wvw, in a mediocre spot in pve and only sirit rangers are good in spvp,
guardians are in a good spot if not too tanky in wvw.
engis are ina good spot, but need help in pve and more people to have the skill to play it in wvw.
mesmers need buffs in wvw, need a way to hit multiple targets, need stability, need to move away from duelist only , they are in agood spot in spvp, pve needs buffs aswell.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


i don’t think devs know what they’re doing if they’re buffing war instead of nerfing them.

All is vain.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


i don’t think devs know what they’re doing if they’re buffing war instead of nerfing them.

yeah they dont know anything! seriously! how can they even think about buffing them?!!?! warrior is out of control in wvw. i mean i get crit by 13 k eviscerata and yes,im light armor but still have 1600 toughness and 2,2k armor. so yeah not glass, but not really tanky either, but 13k?wtf. i get chain stunned to death and can only use 1 single attack during the whole time.
warriors get toughness, power, condition and stuns all at the same time without sacrificing anything. if i went full condi glam with my mesmer, i end up with 900 power adn 1.7 k – 2k condi dmg. with my mesmer i never even got close to 13 k ever ever ever.
but no dev’s keep destroying wvw with their kitten balance system. they think mesmer is in a great spot?!?! yeah in a 1v1 situation. every other class can hit multiple targets. in wvw its important, but no lets buff the op golden child warrior even more while mesmers get to be veilbots!

do u think i wanna play the stupid cheesy phantasm build?no, i never have and never will! id rather give up all phantasms if its what i takes to get anet to giveus more than i 1v1 class that cant do anything better than any other class. even our confusion was taken away and now given to interrupt classes with a broken rune. yeah guess which class is getting it…warrior!!!!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

(edited by selan.8354)

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


But warrior is the most played class. Its the easiest way to get more people into pvp, as they can bring their warrior in and instantly feel awesome. I think they want warrior’s to be absolute god-mode (which they are in wvw/pve).

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Lycus.2834


So let me get this straight. Elementalists have one weapon which currently does overall quite well and that is what they are buffing … So staff gets buffed, becomes overpowered in WvW, gets nerfed into the ground (or “bugfixed”) and as a result we are no longer in demand in high level fractals/WvW.


Even though he is talking about sPvP, we -all- know the buffs will also have an effect outside sPvP. Considering staff is doing very well in other areas it will probably get overbuffed and leave us with only 1 good build for pve left (Might stacking… As far as that is worthy of a name “build”).

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Staff ele buff because this game needs more aoe. haha fail

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Lower CD of warrior shouts to ~10 seconds = Viable new support build.

Yeh but they are then promoting even more spammed condition removal. Which means condition spam must also be kept up to make condition specs viable.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Any buffs to the infrastructure being planned? ‘Cus balance isn’t everything…

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Lower CD of warrior shouts to ~10 seconds = Viable new support build.

Gotta say I love Fear Me then.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

i think that is intended.

warriors are soldiers after all, in war, more soldiers is always good.

and since there are no thieves in war, the less thieves the better.

sabotage is part of war right? that’s why we have thieves who are effective in killing dollies!

yeah, only thieves can kill dolyaks.
and killing dolyaks is a big part in wvw.

Thief is by far the best profession for tagging in zerg fights though. (short bow #4). I don’t think much else is important in that type fights. 1 player means nothing.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


These buffs make me somewhat angry; like that time they gave mesmer 3 might per shatter, totally disconnected from the community.

Edit: Seems like SOTG somewhat contradicts the changes in the chat screenshots.. what are the real changes lol?

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

(edited by Darnis.4056)

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


These buffs make me somewhat angry; like that time they gave mesmer 3 might per shatter, totally disconnected from the community.

omg totally forgot about that epic fail. same like adding burn for necros, same with permastleath that has never been fixed, same with stunlock warrior mess.

yeah anet keeps buffing the wrong things after they nerfed certain things too hard. for example mesmers glam build was very powerful and confusion. the main problem was that confusion kept ticking when people dodged or healed. but no anet decided to nerf bb that was important for stacking and reduced confusion by 50 percent in wvw.
this was our most viable zerg weapon. yes confusion ticks that scale up to 2k ticks if stacked by a mesmer group are strong, but didnt even close as long as any other condition out there. but anet went too harsh on about it and now they have a rune that gives warriors 20-25 stacks with 4 to 5 interupts for 15 seconds. it needed a nerf,but not soo much that an entire build gets destroyed. what a necro can do with their marks,wells, deathshourd, dhuum and all that is way more powerful than what a glambuild was ever capable of.
warriors are out of control, can insta rez a tower and keeplord, have high toughness, vitality, stuns that can perma interrupt u so u cant even use 1 single skill, they have a huge dps (and anet allows 20k killshots and 13k eviscerate). meanwhile mesmers have a hard time to tag in a zerg, are trying to puzzle a build together that can maybe do what other classes can, but with less dmg, less condition dmg, less toughness and more skills we gotta use to do so. mesmers are stong in spvp, but in wvw every other class outshines them atm.
but hey yeah, lest buff the warriors, they need it soooooo badly. …..
stuff like that shows that anet really doesnt have a clue about how to balance things.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Balance won’t make a bad game good, only a good game better.
Focus on making the game more engaging to play and you might actually get somewhere devs.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


He was also discussing giving a leap finisher and short backwards dodge on thief pistol 2 so that pistol/pistol has an escape mechanism.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


OMG hopefully they don’t buff Warrior Shouts to be incredibly Overpowered like Ranger ones grin

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


He was also discussing giving a leap finisher and short backwards dodge on thief pistol 2 so that pistol/pistol has an escape mechanism.

Just what thieves need.
Another spammable evade.

It’s like, got a problem to solve?
Just give it spammable evades or stealth or overwhelming passives… all fixed.
kittening devs.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I don’t think Consecrations really need buffs, it’s just that nobody really uses them.

Wall of Reflection is great, but I think most people are smart enough to stop using ranged attacks when they see it.

Hallowed Ground is extremely helpful in a team fight, but Guards will use SYG for the most part. You don’t have to be in a certain area, it also gives retaliation, and to top it off it removes conditions if you have PoV or soldier runes. Also a lower CD. So that’s why you see SYG>HG.

Sanctuary is good. Nothing to talk about.

Purging Flames another power tool. Removes conditions, fire field, and burning. I think the biggest problem people really don’t know it’s there. When I use it teammates don’t go into it to remove conditions.

Consecrations are all really good tools, but just underused.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(edited by Harbinger.8637)

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


He was also discussing giving a leap finisher and short backwards dodge on thief pistol 2 so that pistol/pistol has an escape mechanism.

Just what thieves need.
Another spammable evade.

It’s like, got a problem to solve?
Just give it spammable evades or stealth or overwhelming passives… all fixed.
kittening devs.

pp thieves doesn’t have much to do with evades, just saying.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


Makes me really sad they arent talking about giving rangers tools for Zerg fights :/
Only nerfs, when everyone already thinks we’re kitten.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Makes me really sad they arent talking about giving rangers tools for Zerg fights :/
Only nerfs, when everyone already thinks we’re kitten.

Nobody thinks rangers are bad though. What?

Also traps, entangle, wolf howl, 20 seconds of stability are not good for zerg fights?

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Leuca.5732


He was also discussing giving a leap finisher and short backwards dodge on thief pistol 2 so that pistol/pistol has an escape mechanism.

Um, what? It already has range; it doesn’t need to leap finish through black powder to dodge/stealth at the same time.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Three most common professions in WvWvW guild group: hammer + sword/warhorn shout warrior, support guardian and staff elementalist. This has been the overpowered WvWvW meta since Autumn 2012. The only thing which has changed has been the rise of necromancers.

Arenanet: Make a proper WvWvW, pve and spvp/tpvp skill split. Stop buffing those things, which do not need any buffs in pve or WvWvW.

Warrior has been king of pve since launch and even more buffs to warrior…

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Three most common professions in WvWvW guild group: hammer + sword/warhorn shout warrior, support guardian and staff elementalist. This has been the overpowered WvWvW meta since Autumn 2012. The only thing which has changed has been the rise of necromancers.

Arenanet: Make a proper WvWvW, pve and spvp/tpvp skill split. Stop buffing those things, which do not need any buffs in pve or WvWvW.

Warrior has been king of pve since launch and even more buffs to warrior…

It IS way more work to manage skills which are different across many aspects of the game. It is borderline not viable as Jon Sharp says. It is similar to a database where you repeat data and then you can get clerical errors and inefficiencies when the data has to change.

If they do it your way and split everything then whenever they make a change to ANY skill then they have to test how this changes things in many different ways because the classes will have diverged so much based on skill splits.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Achilles.2197


Why the kitten would they buff staff eles. They need to revive d/d eles and rework scepter to be more useful than “kill or be killed”

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Three most common professions in WvWvW guild group: hammer + sword/warhorn shout warrior, support guardian and staff elementalist. This has been the overpowered WvWvW meta since Autumn 2012. The only thing which has changed has been the rise of necromancers.

Arenanet: Make a proper WvWvW, pve and spvp/tpvp skill split. Stop buffing those things, which do not need any buffs in pve or WvWvW.

Warrior has been king of pve since launch and even more buffs to warrior…

It IS way more work to manage skills which are different across many aspects of the game. It is borderline not viable as Jon Sharp says. It is similar to a database where you repeat data and then you can get clerical errors and inefficiencies when the data has to change.

If they do it your way and split everything then whenever they make a change to ANY skill then they have to test how this changes things in many different ways because the classes will have diverged so much based on skill splits.

They have to separate the game modes, Sorry, but what is overpowered in SPvP is not overpowered in World vs World because the same mechanic of standing on a small kitten point doesn’t exist in World vs World to win a match.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Three most common professions in WvWvW guild group: hammer + sword/warhorn shout warrior, support guardian and staff elementalist. This has been the overpowered WvWvW meta since Autumn 2012. The only thing which has changed has been the rise of necromancers.

Arenanet: Make a proper WvWvW, pve and spvp/tpvp skill split. Stop buffing those things, which do not need any buffs in pve or WvWvW.

Warrior has been king of pve since launch and even more buffs to warrior…

It IS way more work to manage skills which are different across many aspects of the game. It is borderline not viable as Jon Sharp says. It is similar to a database where you repeat data and then you can get clerical errors and inefficiencies when the data has to change.

If they do it your way and split everything then whenever they make a change to ANY skill then they have to test how this changes things in many different ways because the classes will have diverged so much based on skill splits.

They have to separate the game modes, Sorry, but what is overpowered in SPvP is not overpowered in World vs World because the same mechanic of standing on a small kitten point doesn’t exist in World vs World to win a match.

Yes but balancing based on pve is silly.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Potential Buffs, according to Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Three most common professions in WvWvW guild group: hammer + sword/warhorn shout warrior, support guardian and staff elementalist. This has been the overpowered WvWvW meta since Autumn 2012. The only thing which has changed has been the rise of necromancers.

Arenanet: Make a proper WvWvW, pve and spvp/tpvp skill split. Stop buffing those things, which do not need any buffs in pve or WvWvW.

Warrior has been king of pve since launch and even more buffs to warrior…

It IS way more work to manage skills which are different across many aspects of the game. It is borderline not viable as Jon Sharp says. It is similar to a database where you repeat data and then you can get clerical errors and inefficiencies when the data has to change.

If they do it your way and split everything then whenever they make a change to ANY skill then they have to test how this changes things in many different ways because the classes will have diverged so much based on skill splits.

They have to separate the game modes, Sorry, but what is overpowered in SPvP is not overpowered in World vs World because the same mechanic of standing on a small kitten point doesn’t exist in World vs World to win a match.

Yes but balancing based on pve is silly.

PvE balancing is always based on dungeons and fractals, which require way more skill than simple Open-World PvE. Which is also why there needs to be a divide between balancing and the 3 modes of play. What is good in dungeons doesn’t necessarily work in PvP and WvW, and what works in PvP doesn’t necessarily work in WvW and PvE.

For example, the nerf to pets hit Rangers hard in PvE due to our pets being now borderline useless in dungeons on the damage front.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald