Finding out that the PvP developers can only balance the amulets, runes , and sigils (as far as I can tell from the forum post Josh Davis made) was really eye opening to the all the limitations they face. Now, given that the classes are balanced for all game modes, making them not optimally balanced for any one mode, I think it might be a good idea to make amulets, runes, and sigils (the things the balance team can control) specific for each class (only when necessary) to counteract the inequalities in balance inherent to the classes.
For example, back when dagger/dagger celestial elementalist was king, that amulet was fine for almost all the other classes, but it was way to over powered on elementalist. So, if that amulet was just restricted or toned down for elementalist it would make that amulet’s effectiveness more equal in practice.
Also doing this to runes and sigils would only give the developers more control as to what types of builds they want to see without having to rely as much as they do on the skill balance team.
Now I know this is not a perfect solution. In a perfect world the skills would be balanced enough to where this isn’t necessary. But sadly, imbalances do exist and complaining to the PvP team about over powered skills they can do nothing about isn’t going to accomplish anything. Also, I believe that this idea could be improved with feedback from others and that my iteration is in no way set in stone. If anything, the main goal of this post is to get people involved in PvP thinking about possible solutions to improve balance with the tools that are available to the PvP team.
Link to Josh Davis’s post: