Pvp F2P Population

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Abimes.9726


hello ,

I remember , a few month ago when you made Gw2 core game, a free to play game, i was enthusiastic to see the competitive scene grow and reach higher grounds.

Sadly (by experience )new pvp players I have introduced to the game left the game, cause right now if you don’t play the HOT elite specs you will be underperforming compared to some one runing HOT elite specs.

I think this is a realy huge issue, if you want to make the game, somehow, fun to play for newcomers . I think HOT should bring fun on the table (new specialisation , new mechanics , new roles ) but not overlapping the old content.

I Think the last balance patch had good things implemented like slow/quickness not affecting rez/stomps/blocks/evades & also some well diserved nerfs , the removal of some tanky amulets is also good. But Also a lot of missplaced changes.

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


And that would be how Anet pull you in. See all those elite specs winning and owning you? Pay for HoT today to win too!

Make no mistake, this is exactly how Anet want it to be, even if they will never openly admit it. F2P is a taste. An extended demo. A kitten good one for sure, but you need more if you want to be competetive in PvP.

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Cheers! You are completely right.

The two stances are mutually exclusives. They need to do like MOBA. Give free rotations of specialization and give a chance to unlock with GOLD/Gem.

Here is a great post about how to make SPVP a MOBA game and let people benefit!


Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Abimes.9726



Actualy I made my way up to legendary playing scrapper quite easily (yoloQ) , still i’m sad i can’t play core riffle engi without losing efficiency. I think what should motivate players to buy is the fun it’s going to be to try the new stuff , not to be totaly over the top when you buy the new stuff.

I’m going to be honnest i’m planing to give overwatch a try , i realy like gw2’s addictive gameplay, still i can’t stop thinking moving on to something else now.

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: RaGe.9834


With all honesty, What that should do isn’t free rotations for specs or any of that nonsense, they simply need to tweak the numbers away from insanity (i.e. 20k killshots), the slow and quickness not affecting stomping was a great move in the right direction, but what the game needs is simply a balance where the extremes of damage aren’t too far from the damage of those focused on defence. And that’s exactly why we see the extreme problems we do see. The extremes are too far apart, meaning anyone in the middle wildly misses out on certain benefits and with the removal of celestial… They’ve further polarized the balance to those insane extremes. I want them to simply dial back on dps, dial back on defense and put everyone just a little closer to the middle-ground where everyone can customize towards they’re play-style but avoid complete insanity.
(make note that I typically am more of a burst-dps style of player so I am on one of the extremes and I see how it needs to be dialed back)

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

(edited by RaGe.9834)

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

While it isnt perfect, guild wars 2 offers a lot more then most other f2p games do. Sure to be the most effective you have to buy the expansion, but to scoff over that is like forgetting that gw2 is a business.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

While it isnt perfect, guild wars 2 offers a lot more then most other f2p games do. Sure to be the most effective you have to buy the expansion, but to scoff over that is like forgetting that gw2 is a business.

Your right.. Gw2 does offers more then the average f2p mmo out there. So why is it not the number 1 mmo out there. & why population arent sticking around after playing it for a wile? Can you explain that?

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Shiyo.3578


Popular games are generally horrible, I’m glad GW2 isn’t the #1 MMO. It attracts really annoying people.

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Your right.. Gw2 does offers more then the average f2p mmo out there. So why is it not the number 1 mmo out there. & why population arent sticking around after playing it for a wile? Can you explain that?

Do we actually know anything about f2p trends in this game? Especially in relation to PvP?

As far as I know Anet hasn’t said what this game stats are, but I do recall that when I used to play Bioware’s SW:TOR those devs stated at one point that less than 2% of that game’s PvP community was f2p. And anecdotally I think that game had a overall higher f2p representation than this simply due to being a subscription game.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Abimes.9726


@ stand the wall

It’s true GW2 free to play model is realy enjoyable in pve (no time gated leveling , xp ratio remains the same as a paid game) and that’s realy great.

Buy you forget one thing , some bought the regular gw2 and even if they paid the game they are now left behind and if we go even further gw2 end game is supposed to be cosmetical and not stat based ( there is no difference to me between grinding stuff on a new xpac and grind a new mastery).

I realy think if arenanet manage to bring a lot of F2P player in pvp , the gem store + the ones buying hot cause they wan’t to try out a new gameplay will be worth more than forcing people who enjoy the game to buy an xpac.

If I understand why arenanet would make elites specs stronger , I think they don’t respect their moto : “you won’t have to grind your gear each expention , cause we believe it’s not fun” and I think if the only motivation for a player is to buy the xpac cause he will grow stronger , then the xpack is just a bad design. And finaly I think F2P cosmetic based games have shown it’s possible to make money whitout breaking balance.

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


I don’t know. But I am going to be blunt on this one. What were you expecting like really?? Anet is a company. They have to make money. You are being very ungrateful. First you don’t support the gane or the devs. You are on a f2p version hence the demo. But you just had to find a way to complain didn’t you? And to debunk your little story, xpac dosent offer a huge advantage in spvp, whoever said it was lying. Every class as a string pre hot build , don’t take my words for it, just check metabattle. Com .

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Abimes.9726



Just going to answer this : I’m playing since beta , bought hot and gems
Check Last meta game and tell me how many core specs where playing wait 3 month and come back to tell me how many core specs will be in next meta. Like i said you still can play core at the cost of behing underperforming (I never said total trash) and i know it I played up to legendary (on 2 accounts 1 hot & 1 core).

Now if you could be somehow polite and constructive (and read what people actualy say) i’d maybe care about your opinion. Cheers

NB: Metabattle.com isn’t up to date at the moment since the season finished and there is a new balance patch update thrown into the game (That’s why there is nothing in the “meta” part) + the great selection has only 2 core classes.

(edited by Abimes.9726)

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267



Just going to answer this : I’m playing since beta , bought hot and gems
Check Last meta game and tell me how many core specs where playing wait 3 month and come back to tell me how many core specs will be in next meta. Like i said you still can play core at the cost of behing underperforming (I never said total trash) and i know it I played up to legendary (on 2 accounts 1 hot & 1 core).

Now if you could be somehow polite and constructive (and read what people actualy say) i’d maybe care about your opinion. Cheers

NB: Metabattle.com isn’t up to date at the moment since the season finished and there is a new balance patch update thrown into the game (That’s why there is nothing in the “meta” part) + the great selection has only 2 core classes.

You have answered your own question in your thread. My point still stands f2p pvp build are as strong as elite build. It takes time to get better at a game. I can’t belive you are blaming your f2p friend departure on HOT. That’s my issue with your post. I takes time to develop skills, had they stayed longer they would have improved.
Since they are NEW f2p player. I believe ,and everyone will agree with me on this one, they are under performing because of their skills or lack thereof.

(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Abimes.9726


@ fivedawgs

Core builds are definately weaker , if i agree it takes time to get somehow good when you start playing a game. Two of the players I played with where top tier SC2 players (their average APM is like 10 times higer than most players)and they have a realy fast learning curve (some people learn faster than others , that’s a well known fact). They are actualy verry good considering they where playing core specs and have better game understanding than some pvp heroes who play the game since realease (not even talking about individual skill here).

I’ll illustrate it like this : I was playing meditation guard (It’s one of the builds i have played the least) vs one of them also playing the same build and matchup was verry close , once I took DH I clearly had the upper hand. There is a reason HOT elites specs where meta in this previous season and not core builds. And if you don’t agree with that well I can understand it but you are probably one of the only few ones still thinking this way , i’m not gonna name , but even proleague players I know think HoT > Core.

NB: “I can’t belive you are blaming your f2p friend departure on HOT.”

—> Not at all , I’m just trying to say it would be more attractive to new players to be able to compete with their regular class against elites.

Thanks for this constructive answer.

(edited by Abimes.9726)

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: daggerhands.9634


@ fivedawgs

Core builds are definately weaker , if i agree it takes time to get somehow good when you start playing a game. Two of the players I played with where top tier SC2 players (their average APM is like 10 times higer than most players)and they have a realy fast learning curve (some people learn faster than others , that’s a well known fact). They are actualy verry good considering they where playing core specs and have better game understanding than some pvp heroes who play the game since realease (not even talking about individual skill here).

I’ll illustrate it like this : I was playing meditation guard (It’s one of the builds i have played the least) vs one of them also playing the same build and matchup was verry close , once I took DH I clearly had the upper hand. There is a reason HOT elites specs where meta in this previous season and not core builds. And if you don’t agree with that well I can understand it but you are probably one of the only few ones still thinking this way , i’m not gonna name , but even proleague players I know think HoT > Core.

NB: “I can’t belive you are blaming your f2p friend departure on HOT.”

—> Not at all , I’m just trying to say it would be more attractive to new players to be able to compete with their regular class against elites.

Thanks for this constructive answer.

So instead of being on even builds you jump on a semi tank with tons off cc vs a build without any stability there is a reason you beat him easyer you were his counter learn to run even builds for comparison not hard counters

Pvp F2P Population

in PvP

Posted by: Abimes.9726


Well since DH brings more burst , more cc , more sustain , more stab , good ranged weapon , better team utility , insane cleave … (you just said it.) why would i ever wan’t to take meditation guard , it makes no sence to me. (and medit guard actualy has acces to stab trought F3 twice.) —> the point of my thread was to show core< HOT you din’t invalidate that point.

let’s present it like this :

Helseth mentioned chrono was a more viable choice to play mes.
Chaithh agree scrapper is stronger and think it’s normal cause you paid hot.
Prototype thinks reaper is better than core necro.
Rena thinks DD is better than core thief.
Rom played 90% of time druid over warrior and stated druid was an improvement to ranger.
Bullet punch also mentioned DH was stronger thant regular medguard.
Most top players agree rev is a realy strong class.
Phantaram stated tempest and ele are not viable atm due to the cele amulet removal.
Warrior is warrior.

(edited by Abimes.9726)