(edited by Acandis.3250)
Queue Pop Feedback.
I agree mostly with these.
There should be an option to make the pop sound ungated.
For the queue pop, if you click cancel, you should not get dishonor. The whole point of the ready check is to prevent 4v5s etc. Dishonor’s job is to punish people who say they are ready and actually aren’t after the ready check. The ready check is not the place for dishonor.
A potentially useful idea would be if someone goes offline during the pre-game when everyone is loaded into the map, then everyone is put back in the mists and back into the queue, and then that person who quit gets dishonor.
This would allow a secondary stage to prevent 4v5s if someone needs to quit and they are willing to take some dishonor. This would also allow people to dodge if the team comps are too horrible or if people are being uncooperative (after all this is a team game like anet said). The downside to this is you might get more dodging, but might be worth a try. – This is actually what dota 2 does if I remember correctly.
Never had a queue last longer than 5 minutes, if it goes past 5 I abandon queue and rejoin and it’s near instant then. Sometimes the queue bugs.
In regards to a queue taking to long and you decide to cancel, in that situation he or she should have planned their time better as most games can take up to 15 minutes of your time.
The players that run into this issue where they don’t hear the sound will correct it themselves after they get dishonorable.
Cancel means dishonor? That is not good. Cancel should be free
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm who is this billybkpk he sounds like esports
Past member of most teams NA. Retired proleague season 1+2.
PvP Gameplay Programmer
People staying in queue after not accepting a queue pop sounds like a bug.
You must get dishonor for declining a match or else will troll the queue constantly. Do you know how the new dishonor system works? It isn’t nearly as harsh as the old system for small offences.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
(edited by Evan Lesh.3295)
he realizes he’s hungry so he decides to go down to the 7th story of his mansion to check the fridge. Note: In reality, BillyBkpk—a young neckbeard padawan—would just yell at his mom to bring him some food, but I digress.
- If I click cancel, I should NOT get dishonor. Seriously, what’s the point of dishonoring someone because something came up and they had to leave before the game even started? Sorry, if we were sitting in queue for 15-20 minutes, something came up, and we have to leave. I’d rather click cancel and not screw over my teammates.
I think you should get dishonor. GW2’s playerbase is small enough to where you get continuously get the same troll in your queue over and over again. Dishonor changed a lot so it’s a fairly small amount. To the normal player that has something pop up and leaves the queue, by the time you’re back your dishonor will be gone. But for the trolls, if they repetitively decline it will rapidly add up. It won’t be an issue.
I do agree with your other points you made, though.
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
That’s a fair point tichorum. I was trying to envision having enough players with the new system where population would no be a problem. But indeed you do get a lot of the same people in gw2. The trolls would have a bigger impact among less players.
(edited by Supcutie.2538)