Ranger Pets Need a Nerf!!!
I see what you did there!
I see what you did there!
I found something curious. Someone told to me pickup smokescale. So I did and everytime I hit f2 it was doing nothing. I thought it weird so I checked skill description and its just an evade. I could have sworn it was the shiro bounce around attack skill that hit hard. Nope its a pet passive use skill.
so in a way, a ranger opening with rapid fire and having a smokescale set to attack will seem pretty strong ;-)
I agree this nerf seems justified. Put your best men on it monday morning and get these mechanic nerfed into the ground Roy style.
I agree this nerf seems justified. Put your best men on it monday morning and get these mechanic nerfed into the ground Roy style.
You realize they already nerfed it… right?
Edit: to clarify for everyone below me.
Am I good?… I’m good.
(edited by Eurantien.4632)
You realize they already nerfed it… right?
You realize he’s asking for better mechanics? o.O
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
You realize they already nerfed it… right?
You realize he’s asking for better mechanics? o.O
You realize this thread is a basket of kittens?
You realize they already nerfed it… right?
You have of course completely missed the meaning in the OP
6.5/10. I appreciate the effort though. Keep the troll community alive OP.
It is completely OP that ranger pets passively use their hard hitting skills without the rangers having to do anything.
Rangers pet controls should be nerfed so that their F1 toggles between attack and return to me. When a ranger selects a target “attack” becomes active, after pressing it “return to me” takes its place. If a ranger selects a new target it changes back to “attack”.
The ranger should now be forced to slot one of his other pet skills in the F3 slot. For example his bird could use quickening screech, pigs could use brutal charge, or the drake could use tail swipe.
No more easy mode passive play for those lazy rangers, make them actively choose when to use their pet skills.
I know it’s sunday so you can’t make this ranger nerf happen as quickly as usual but I’m sure you can get this knocked out by tuesday.
This thread is amusing.
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
You realize they already nerfed it… right?
You realize he’s asking for better mechanics? o.O
You realize pets have been a broken mechanic for 3 years. o.O
the pet mechanic is fine. look at the new ones – theyre incredible, all of them.
electric wyvern has an instant charge that knocks people down. smokescale’s new f2 gives us more burst and might. bristleback with a bunch of might can take down a golem in one cast with its f2. fire wyvern does pretty decent condi damage, along with giving us a fire field to blast. and the tiger does some really good damage.
the new pets are responsive and all bring great utility to the ranger. as far as I’m concerns, the old pets (other than birds and canines) might as well not exist. now it would be nice if the old pets got the reworks they needed.
You realize they already nerfed it… right?
You realize he’s asking for better mechanics? o.O
You realize pets have been a broken mechanic for 3 years. o.O
What the hell does that have to do with someone else not understanding that the OP is simply asking for those broken mechanics to be fixed?
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I think some people missed your sarcasm there, Jim. That said, only time I’ve seen a faster ranger ‘update’ is when they fixed the longbow giving buffs. And that took a week or two.
Good times.
Honestly, I think this was the fastest nerf I’ve ever seen in any game to a class.
Ranger: The Charlie Brown of Guild Wars 2.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
I think some people missed your sarcasm there, Jim.
That said, only time I’ve seen a faster ranger ‘update’ is when they fixed the longbow giving buffs. And that took a week or two.
Good times.
Honestly, I think this was the fastest nerf I’ve ever seen in any game to a class.
Ranger: The Charlie Brown of Guild Wars 2.
I think the WHoA nerf was faster less than 24 hours.
Yikes. I stand corrected.
Dude, its Ranger. Expect a fast nerf monday and no sort of fix till a few months down the line. :P
(edited by Zalani.9827)
Sadly it’s true…
A warrior or Revenant complain about Ranger and Roy comes through the wall like the Kool-Aid man with a nerf hammer then leaves without bothering to clean up the mess….
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Wolfey.3407)
Pets should have passive +25% movement speed by default since their pathing is so terrible. I literally watched a Ranger’s pet take a 15-second route around an obstacle while the poor Ranger ran up to melee me alone with his 66% damage since all Ranger attacks were shaved by 33% which is accounted for by their pets. I feel really bad for this class.
/signed someone who plays Elementalist and Mesmer in PvP and only touched Ranger for daily wins in hotjoin when necessary
I think some people missed your sarcasm there, Jim.
That said, only time I’ve seen a faster ranger ‘update’ is when they fixed the longbow giving buffs. And that took a week or two.
Good times.
Honestly, I think this was the fastest nerf I’ve ever seen in any game to a class.
Ranger: The Charlie Brown of Guild Wars 2.
Mesmer was nerfed moments before the specialization patch and subsequently in the hours after, too.
get on my level bruv
^ Usually only characer that i play on
I think some people missed your sarcasm there, Jim.
You can really tell who reads the post and who just reads the title before posting.
(edited by Jim Hunter.6821)
This is a much needed nerf for Ranger. Anet plz respond.
yes that’s a nerf we need.
come one roy where are you.
swing your hammer.
Oh and then there’s the fact the a Ranger has to sacrifice an ENTIRE trait line to get big pet DPS …. this is a L2P issue, the OP is prob trying to kill pet not the ranger. lol man these guys kill me.
yes that’s a nerf we need.
come one roy where are you.swing your hammer.
Jokes on all the people still asking for nerfs. The pet has already been through the guillotine as of yesterday, 50% damage nerf, and they took away our control on smoke field.
You people either dont read patch notes or are “I dont play this so nerf it!” kids.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
yes that’s a nerf we need.
come one roy where are you.swing your hammer.
Jokes on all the people still asking for nerfs. The pet has already been through the guillotine as of yesterday, 50% damage nerf, and they took away our control on smoke field.
You people either dont read patch notes or are “I dont play this so nerf it!” kids.
Yeah I hate it when people don’t bother reading
I’m surprised there isn’t more support for this, usually the community is all to ready to jump on the “nerf ranger” bandwagon.
Whiners everywhere, nerf this class, nerf that ability , this healing needs nerf , nerf nerf .. why not nerf your tears ? Please learn to play this game and stop being so Losers.
Good players learn how to counter the enemy, they are not crying everywhere asking to nerf.. nobody knows who you are , that talks about how bad you are , you just complaints,
look good teams members do not cry for nerfs and still win, this is the difference !
its not just ranger its the poor balance design balancing combat by giving more and more offensive stuff instead of balancing o ut everything else
such as armor , seriously go to pvp and try Knights gear vs serker you ll take 200-300 tops, less damage with knights but then when you use soldier or sentinel damage taken will plummet by half or more so the way armor is working is its useless and for some reason scales with vitality
Nerf the braindead evades, buff their pets. BUT MAKE PETS TAKE SKILL so that ranger has to play 700 APM instead of clicking random buttons on gaming mouse.
This class takes absolutely no skill, braindead garbage.
Lol at these responses. This is easily my favorite thread ever.
Me entering this thread: “Aww you sarcastic wonderful bast..wait……………reads..they aren’t..serious are..hmm..my god.. they ARE”.
Who needs imgur when you got these threads.
haha of course Nier jumps into such a topic and don’t even read.
always up for some ranger hate, hmm?
Me entering this thread: “Aww you sarcastic wonderful bast..wait……………reads..they aren’t..serious are..hmm..my god.. they ARE”.
Who needs imgur when you got these threads.
Right? When I made this thread I expected rangers to get a good laugh and commiserate a bit. But these comments are gold, this turned out way better than I expected.