Rangers are beyond OP
Yeah yeah, a one trick pony gimmick build that sacrifices healing, cleanse, and stunbreak, doing exactly what Ele does for years is so OP.
Guess the salt is real. Ranger can’t have nice things.
Mayday! My sarcasm detector appears to be failing again! Over to you, captain.
^ Usually only characer that i play on
We’ve all seen the PU nerf coming, no big deal. The whole “we heal as one” thing has to be balanced out. Maybe the same way they did with PU?
Nerf damage of ranger pets, weapons, shave off a bit from traits. Then a month later nerf the source of the problem, but forget to put the other things back.
A Mesmer crying over Rangers?
This sort of hypocrisy only serves to generate anger and hatred.
Not only did PU get a nerf, Mesmer in general got stomped into the turf. This has happened repeatedly over the past 3 years. Mesmer almost achieves parity and gets stomped hard. Ranger and War get large buffs.
The next phase of the cycle will be that anet will be extremely slow to nerf either ranger or war being careful not to harm those classes. At the same time Mesmer won’t receive meaningful buffs for months or years.
Come on, you were OP for a month. A whole month.
But sarcasm aside, mesmer is pretty ok at the moment. How it will be in the post-HoT meta, we will see when we get there.
Its funny when Mesmers/warriors any class says they got nerfed to the oblivion, There is only 1 class that has WHOLE TRAITLINE useless, there is 1 class that doesnt get new playstyle in new spec, but still Mesmers get nerfed stealth buffed mantras stacking dmg buffed staff cd recharge trait so MESMERS ARE DEAD? Are you guys mad?
Rangers always dealt random bighits of dmg if you guys ever 1v1 ranger you should know, even before this patch flying pets could just eat 60% of your life in 1 shot without buffs nor sick em, They hit ok dmg then BOOOOM your dead, Anet wanted to buff ranger so hard to make them meta, cuz apparently they cant give them healthy playstyle. You want to fix ranger? FOCUS HIM ON PURE RANGE AND KITTING, NO STONE AMULET NO BULLkitten 10000000000 dmg melee, Let pet heal teammates and stomp enemies like scraper bot (if they got cc they stop healing) Ranger would need to sacryfice pet dmg to heal/stomp that is good trade and lets RANGER plays RANGE not “i kill, enemies rezz my target cuz i need to travel 1500 range to finnish him off”
There should be reward for good rangers that stay on range(THIS CLASS EVEN GOT RANGE IN IT) and there should be punish for noobs that cant stay at max range (not only on auto-attack, every skill (aside from 4th skill on LB,or skills that are close combat) should punnish ranger with lower dmg etc if he cant play ranger).
In b4 rangers with their smokescales using UA to deal 10k (noncrits and 0 might) every 15sec while evading kappa
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Well, my ranger has been nerfed. No pet at all in pvp :|
Really wish I could be enjoying some of this OPness but without anyone to swap boons with…. sad panda.
Don’t worry I’ll roll a ranger. Everytime I roll a new class it gets nerfed It’s my fault
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
thanks for the good joke
at least ranger need skill and don’t hide behind clones, ports and stealth.
hopefully rangers get super strong with druid,
so the hole forum can cry like babys again, looks like a lot of peoples are not used and know how to deal with rangers.
actually the counterplay vs ranger for most peoples look like:
go into the forum and cry hard as possible when a ranger beats you.
a lot of players with some specific professions had a to long time where there lovely professions was to much on the top of the meta.
the ranger profession is not used in esl since one year and is the weakest one compared to the other professions.
so… looks like all ranger players had to play better since one year now to receive some win/reward in pvp.
i guess that was a good training, so the time to farm mesmers like you will come some day again, haha.. :P
but wait, you mesmers get chronomancer, kitten it…
sry but i can’t take any ranger qq topic serious before druid will come out,
and even then it’s hard to take most peoples serious in ranger topics, because this forum over react every time when it’s about ranger.
but well keep your crying, because it simply works and is the best counterplay.
just look what happend with spirits, crying works pretty good vs rangers, thats a verry good counterplay :P
Just, fyi: The name “Ranger” doesn’t have anything to do with fighting at range.
You know secretly Rangers were hoping for a title like this in the SPvP forums…
You gonna make them hug each other and celebrate now.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
So 100% quickness uptime and awesome dmg is not OP right?
cmon, be realistic!
So 100% quickness uptime and awesome dmg is not OP right?
cmon, be realistic!
Tchuu Tchuu Im A Train [TCHU] – Gandara
Playing my condi mesmer (I have never played it with pu or cs and this patch did not touch my build in anyway) I have yet to get spiked by that build with no chance of winning. It really is a one trick pony imho.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Condi mesmer just got nerfed, again along with the ranger buffs. I’m expecting another 3 + years of being considered trash tier. With the ranger ability to change your target, awesome heal and way over the top longbow. It won’t be long before hambow is back too.
You guys want to see something really funny take a look through the ops posting history. She used to go on non stop about the “homing missile pets” and how they would wreck her in stealth.
Just, fyi: The name “Ranger” doesn’t have anything to do with fighting at range.
yep, but maybe that’s an intentional pun xD
Ragnarox is right, Anet always tried to keep quickness to low time.
As a mesmer using boon removal, i don’t care but something is wrong there.
It is not how Anet is doing things. So i guess you can expect some change soon or later.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they soon change it to have the same table as fortifying bond.
Yeah yeah, a one trick pony gimmick build that sacrifices healing, cleanse, and stunbreak, doing exactly what Ele does for years is so OP.
Guess the salt is real. Ranger can’t have nice things.
Actually it doesn’t even do what Ele does becuase it has nowhere close to the same sustain.
I think if something is fully build around quickness, it should get what he wants. Wait a little bit so people can learn how to counterplay this build and then we will see if its op or not
Ragnarox is right, Anet always tried to keep quickness to low time.
As a mesmer using boon removal, i don’t care but something is wrong there.
It is not how Anet is doing things. So i guess you can expect some change soon or later.
because it’s ranger and we all know what happens if some monkeys lose one time vs a ranger.
everybody is so used to easy beat rangers or even don’t see any one in tournaments.
it must hurt so hard to lose one time vs one after this patch
but well, who cares if they nerf we heal as one back,
just wait untill druid will be playable on the weekend,
we can expect a lot of qq and a lot of call for nerfs on ranger/druid.
and after that we can expect nerfs.
as i see you like to play guardian a lot,
guardians received a verry good shield buff on this patch,
i ask myself why no ranger should complain about the nice shield buffs on guardian,
because this buffs make shield a verry good counterplay to projectiles and to most ranger builds running around.
so stop throwing stones on other professions
when your own profession get a pretty good shield buff on this patch aswell.
What are you thinking anet? It’s back to the same thing as 3 years ago. Mesmers kneecapped to trash tier and rangers way overbuffed. I don’t honestly think you’re working from good data.
Mesmer kneecapped? Yeah right.
I don’t get it, wasn’t mesmer stealth supposed to be nerfed?
Just played a game where one spent whole game running around me with what felt like perma-stealth (dipping out for a second or two every ~10, then back in).
This was what I saw every time I tried to go for objective.
The Quickness stacking needs to be adjusted. Besides that, the boons a Ranger can now stack is about the same as they’ve always been able to do but now they can do it a bit more easily. It’s not like Guards and Ele’s don’t already stack nearly every boon in the game constantly anyway, right.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
as i see you like to play guardian a lot,
guardians received a verry good shield buff on this patch,
i ask myself why no ranger should complain about the nice shield buffs on guardian,
because this buffs make shield a verry good counterplay to projectiles and to most ranger builds running around.so stop throwing stones on other professions
when your own profession get a pretty good shield buff on this patch aswell.
Srry but perma quickness (more than 25 sec) is too good on a range class. You should know better. Even guardians quickness elite is nerfed because it was too good. (5 sec quickness on 30 sec cd and now on 45 sec).
This new shield is what shield supposed to be 3 years ago. We are guardian class so aegis and shield are our trademarks and one was bad for years.
And yes I play guardian a lot, my main class for over 2k+ matches played in pvp, and I do not fear against mesmers (which can do awesome dmg to me) and eles (you know why) but having a perma quicknes while you and your pet hitting like a truck 8k+ crits both, and you even can oneshot ppl, is something to look at.
So you wouldnt qq when lets say guardian pop up quickness and doing 10k Mighty blow and 4k autoattacks? cmon…
That’s kinda crazy though to be so OP that you are beyond it. Must be a first time in GW2’s history.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
You keep mentioning 8k hits. The only way a ranger can hit you for 8k is with maul, remorseless AND moment of clarity. The only way a pet can hit you for 8k is a drake with either remorseless or moment of clarity. Both require a ton of setup and are very easy to dodge. On top of that, this is something rangers have been able to do for over a year, nothing in yesterday’s patch has changed this.
Wether or not the quickness uptime is OP remains to be seen (I highly doubt it honestly), but your arguements about oneshots really damage your credibility.
as i see you like to play guardian a lot,
guardians received a verry good shield buff on this patch,
i ask myself why no ranger should complain about the nice shield buffs on guardian,
because this buffs make shield a verry good counterplay to projectiles and to most ranger builds running around.so stop throwing stones on other professions
when your own profession get a pretty good shield buff on this patch aswell.Srry but perma quickness (more than 25 sec) is too good on a range class. You should know better. Even guardians quickness elite is nerfed because it was too good. (5 sec quickness on 30 sec cd and now on 45 sec).
This new shield is what shield supposed to be 3 years ago. We are guardian class so aegis and shield are our trademarks and one was bad for years.
And yes I play guardian a lot, my main class for over 2k+ matches played in pvp, and I do not fear against mesmers (which can do awesome dmg to me) and eles (you know why) but having a perma quicknes while you and your pet hitting like a truck 8k+ crits both, and you even can oneshot ppl, is something to look at.
So you wouldnt qq when lets say guardian pop up quickness and doing 10k Mighty blow and 4k autoattacks? cmon…
The big difference was guardian quickness was aoe….
Rangers are sacrificing a stun break, pet taunt, and their friggin heal to get the kind of quickness you are talking about.
I know everyone is used to rangers doing mediocre damage and having pets that missed nearly every attack on a moving target, but if a ranger is going to sacrifice so much to pull this build off there should be a good reward for the risk involved.
No. Don’t touch my PVE WHaO. You keep your grubby PVP baked hands off of it. Split it or leave it alone.
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
What are you thinking anet? It’s back to the same thing as 3 years ago. Mesmers kneecapped to trash tier and rangers way overbuffed. I don’t honestly think you’re working from good data.
Rangers aren’t OP (but better, yes) and Mesmers are still very good. Ele’s are fine, guards are fine, Necro’s are fine; everything is fine – stop complaining! before yesterday, the balance was acceptable, now it’s probably the best we’ve ever had and that I’ve ever experienced in any similar game.
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
The reason why it is op is because it takes zero investment. Take the meta power survival build for instance which could now take zephyrs speed over beastly warden after it was nerfed. So the only “sacrifice” you have to make in your build is taking WHaO over TU. In exhcange for two condi removal every 20 seconds you can have 6-7s quickness just by swapping pets right before WHaO is cast. You can have 12-13s quickness by popping WHaO shortly after QZ is cast(say you just got bursted and need to stunbreak/heal). That’s totalling ~20s of quickness on a Marauder build just bc the Ranger was playing normally. Plus that’s only considering the boons you apply and not the other ones that would be on your pet from allies or traits etc.
That’s not good for balance and just adds to power creep, in the future people can say “oh look at Ranger they can have 20s quickness why can’t we have xxx.”
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
The reason why it is op is because it takes zero investment. Take the meta power survival build for instance which could now take zephyrs speed over beastly warden after it was nerfed. So the only “sacrifice” you have to make in your build is taking WHaO over TU. In exhcange for two condi removal every 20 seconds you can have 6-7s quickness just by swapping pets right before WHaO is cast. You can have 12-13s quickness by popping WHaO shortly after QZ is cast(say you just got bursted and need to stunbreak/heal). That’s totalling ~20s of quickness on a Marauder build just bc the Ranger was playing normally. Plus that’s only considering the boons you apply and not the other ones that would be on your pet from allies or traits etc.
That’s not good for balance and just adds to power creep, in the future people can say “oh look at Ranger they can have 20s quickness why can’t we have xxx.”
What is this? 3rd grade? “He has it! I have to have it too!!” Say it out loud and listen how silly that sounds.
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
WAAAAAAAA! I lost to a ranger.
I see your logic. Fact – rangers suck. Fact – I do not suck. Therefore, if I am beaten by a ranger, it cannot be because I suck, and by process of elimination, must mean the game is unbalanced.
This is not the first time oversights on anet’s part have lead to balance issues. It’s not like they PLAY the game all day like some people and dig up every conceivable build and combination. The only blame anet deserves, imo, is leaving rangers so neglected for so long that the entire class is considered crap and therefore losing to one under any circumstances has everything to do with balance and nothing to do with skill.
At any rate, this is going to get nerfed in a couple weeks, so rangers, enjoy your time in the sun.
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
The reason why it is op is because it takes zero investment. Take the meta power survival build for instance which could now take zephyrs speed over beastly warden after it was nerfed. So the only “sacrifice” you have to make in your build is taking WHaO over TU. In exhcange for two condi removal every 20 seconds you can have 6-7s quickness just by swapping pets right before WHaO is cast. You can have 12-13s quickness by popping WHaO shortly after QZ is cast(say you just got bursted and need to stunbreak/heal). That’s totalling ~20s of quickness on a Marauder build just bc the Ranger was playing normally. Plus that’s only considering the boons you apply and not the other ones that would be on your pet from allies or traits etc.
That’s not good for balance and just adds to power creep, in the future people can say “oh look at Ranger they can have 20s quickness why can’t we have xxx.”
No investment… You just said they have to
-drop a condi removal
-drop their taunt (which up until yesterday was the providing the most qq about rangers)
-blow a stun break and condi removal
-blow a heal
-swap pets on cooldown rather than properly managing them and saving the swap for when they are in danger
Not to mention this is in PvP where everyone is running as much boonstripping as possible to deal with guardian’s and ele’s (who have easily been stacking boons without putting themselves in so much danger since forever).
How exactly is that OP again?
Is this going to be a yearly thing? Last year everyone was crying about the longbow buffs on Ranger and now this. Patch’s been out a day and already Ranger is once again proclaimed “OP” because they happened to have gained a somewhat useful buff.
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
The reason why it is op is because it takes zero investment. Take the meta power survival build for instance which could now take zephyrs speed over beastly warden after it was nerfed. So the only “sacrifice” you have to make in your build is taking WHaO over TU. In exhcange for two condi removal every 20 seconds you can have 6-7s quickness just by swapping pets right before WHaO is cast. You can have 12-13s quickness by popping WHaO shortly after QZ is cast(say you just got bursted and need to stunbreak/heal). That’s totalling ~20s of quickness on a Marauder build just bc the Ranger was playing normally. Plus that’s only considering the boons you apply and not the other ones that would be on your pet from allies or traits etc.
That’s not good for balance and just adds to power creep, in the future people can say “oh look at Ranger they can have 20s quickness why can’t we have xxx.”
What is this? 3rd grade? “He has it! I have to have it too!!” Say it out loud and listen how silly that sounds.
Funny considering the response coming out of the Ranger forums to this is that “I don’t see the problem since every other class can stack boons too.” But try to actually contribute to the discussion instead of trying to detract from the argument without actually having a counter-argument please.
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
The reason why it is op is because it takes zero investment. Take the meta power survival build for instance which could now take zephyrs speed over beastly warden after it was nerfed. So the only “sacrifice” you have to make in your build is taking WHaO over TU. In exhcange for two condi removal every 20 seconds you can have 6-7s quickness just by swapping pets right before WHaO is cast. You can have 12-13s quickness by popping WHaO shortly after QZ is cast(say you just got bursted and need to stunbreak/heal). That’s totalling ~20s of quickness on a Marauder build just bc the Ranger was playing normally. Plus that’s only considering the boons you apply and not the other ones that would be on your pet from allies or traits etc.
That’s not good for balance and just adds to power creep, in the future people can say “oh look at Ranger they can have 20s quickness why can’t we have xxx.”
No investment… You just said they have to
-drop a condi removal
-drop their taunt (which up until yesterday was the providing the most qq about rangers)
-blow a stun break and condi removal
-blow a heal
-swap pets on cooldown rather than properly managing them and saving the swap for when they are in dangerNot to mention this is in PvP where everyone is running as much boonstripping as possible to deal with guardian’s and ele’s (who have easily been stacking boons without putting themselves in so much danger since forever).
How exactly is that OP again?
There is only 1 thing you have to invest in, which I said in my post was WHaO:
-I said that it is an exchange of only 2 condi cleanse every 20 seconds. In exchange for the potential of 20s quickness, pretty fair trade.
-It is questionable to slot taunt now when it is no longer broken and can be blocked/evaded. Zephyrs Speed offers more utility both with WHaO and general might stacking as well as for something like ressing or stomping.
-you misunderstand the gameplay, you don’t “blow” your skills, you use them normally as you would in any situation previously except now you can just have the potential for 20s quickness.
-you don’t swap the pets on cooldown, you swap them once again when you need to do so
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
The reason why it is op is because it takes zero investment. Take the meta power survival build for instance which could now take zephyrs speed over beastly warden after it was nerfed. So the only “sacrifice” you have to make in your build is taking WHaO over TU. In exhcange for two condi removal every 20 seconds you can have 6-7s quickness just by swapping pets right before WHaO is cast. You can have 12-13s quickness by popping WHaO shortly after QZ is cast(say you just got bursted and need to stunbreak/heal). That’s totalling ~20s of quickness on a Marauder build just bc the Ranger was playing normally. Plus that’s only considering the boons you apply and not the other ones that would be on your pet from allies or traits etc.
That’s not good for balance and just adds to power creep, in the future people can say “oh look at Ranger they can have 20s quickness why can’t we have xxx.”
No investment… You just said they have to
-drop a condi removal
-drop their taunt (which up until yesterday was the providing the most qq about rangers)
-blow a stun break and condi removal
-blow a heal
-swap pets on cooldown rather than properly managing them and saving the swap for when they are in dangerNot to mention this is in PvP where everyone is running as much boonstripping as possible to deal with guardian’s and ele’s (who have easily been stacking boons without putting themselves in so much danger since forever).
How exactly is that OP again?
There is only 1 thing you have to invest in, which I said in my post was WHaO:
-I said that it is an exchange of only 2 condi cleanse every 20 seconds. In exchange for the potential of 20s quickness, pretty fair trade.
-It is questionable to slot taunt now when it is no longer broken and can be blocked/evaded. Zephyrs Speed offers more utility both with WHaO and general might stacking as well as for something like ressing or stomping.
-you misunderstand the gameplay, you don’t “blow” your skills, you use them normally as you would in any situation previously except now you can just have the potential for 20s quickness.
-you don’t swap the pets on cooldown, you swap them once again when you need to do so
And if you are playing normally you aren’t immediately healing after every pet swap and every time you use QZ, which means your point is moot.
50% nerf on pu and mesmer is trash tier? you gotta be joking >.> Originally the trait was only 1 sec to stealth durations and was still op in 1 vs 1. There is still plenty of time to set up those 10k bursts even with the 50% nerf.
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
The reason why it is op is because it takes zero investment. Take the meta power survival build for instance which could now take zephyrs speed over beastly warden after it was nerfed. So the only “sacrifice” you have to make in your build is taking WHaO over TU. In exhcange for two condi removal every 20 seconds you can have 6-7s quickness just by swapping pets right before WHaO is cast. You can have 12-13s quickness by popping WHaO shortly after QZ is cast(say you just got bursted and need to stunbreak/heal). That’s totalling ~20s of quickness on a Marauder build just bc the Ranger was playing normally. Plus that’s only considering the boons you apply and not the other ones that would be on your pet from allies or traits etc.
That’s not good for balance and just adds to power creep, in the future people can say “oh look at Ranger they can have 20s quickness why can’t we have xxx.”
No investment… You just said they have to
-drop a condi removal
-drop their taunt (which up until yesterday was the providing the most qq about rangers)
-blow a stun break and condi removal
-blow a heal
-swap pets on cooldown rather than properly managing them and saving the swap for when they are in dangerNot to mention this is in PvP where everyone is running as much boonstripping as possible to deal with guardian’s and ele’s (who have easily been stacking boons without putting themselves in so much danger since forever).
How exactly is that OP again?
There is only 1 thing you have to invest in, which I said in my post was WHaO:
-I said that it is an exchange of only 2 condi cleanse every 20 seconds. In exchange for the potential of 20s quickness, pretty fair trade.
-It is questionable to slot taunt now when it is no longer broken and can be blocked/evaded. Zephyrs Speed offers more utility both with WHaO and general might stacking as well as for something like ressing or stomping.
-you misunderstand the gameplay, you don’t “blow” your skills, you use them normally as you would in any situation previously except now you can just have the potential for 20s quickness.
-you don’t swap the pets on cooldown, you swap them once again when you need to do soAnd if you are playing normally you aren’t immediately healing after every pet swap and every time you use QZ, which means your point is moot.
No, again lets say you NEED to heal so you cast WHaO, a 1s cast, 3/4 of the way through the cast, you swap pets=8s Quickness. You’re not casting heal immediately after swapping pets, you are using heal normally when you need to, but also deciding to swap pets then in order to get 8s Quickness. This is broken in itself because this could potentially have 50% uptime.
Now you don’t have to heal every time after you use QZ, but if you do and then decide to combo it with pet swap as discussed above then you will get 20s Quickness. Essentially you will have almost 50% uptime on Quickness for the cd of QZ. If you do not decide to pop heal, then your Quickness uptime is still ridiculous because of the 6s you get from QZ.
There is no defending this amount of quickness.
Stop. Its broken.
I applaud effort but the devs who allowed this to go through need to be fired.
Care to elaborate on that or is this just another, ”I don’t know what killed me and I am too lazy to try to figure it out and see if I can counter it, so I’m just going to qq for nerfs” posts?
The reason why it is op is because it takes zero investment. Take the meta power survival build for instance which could now take zephyrs speed over beastly warden after it was nerfed. So the only “sacrifice” you have to make in your build is taking WHaO over TU. In exhcange for two condi removal every 20 seconds you can have 6-7s quickness just by swapping pets right before WHaO is cast. You can have 12-13s quickness by popping WHaO shortly after QZ is cast(say you just got bursted and need to stunbreak/heal). That’s totalling ~20s of quickness on a Marauder build just bc the Ranger was playing normally. Plus that’s only considering the boons you apply and not the other ones that would be on your pet from allies or traits etc.
That’s not good for balance and just adds to power creep, in the future people can say “oh look at Ranger they can have 20s quickness why can’t we have xxx.”
No investment… You just said they have to
-drop a condi removal
-drop their taunt (which up until yesterday was the providing the most qq about rangers)
-blow a stun break and condi removal
-blow a heal
-swap pets on cooldown rather than properly managing them and saving the swap for when they are in dangerNot to mention this is in PvP where everyone is running as much boonstripping as possible to deal with guardian’s and ele’s (who have easily been stacking boons without putting themselves in so much danger since forever).
How exactly is that OP again?
There is only 1 thing you have to invest in, which I said in my post was WHaO:
-I said that it is an exchange of only 2 condi cleanse every 20 seconds. In exchange for the potential of 20s quickness, pretty fair trade.
-It is questionable to slot taunt now when it is no longer broken and can be blocked/evaded. Zephyrs Speed offers more utility both with WHaO and general might stacking as well as for something like ressing or stomping.
-you misunderstand the gameplay, you don’t “blow” your skills, you use them normally as you would in any situation previously except now you can just have the potential for 20s quickness.
-you don’t swap the pets on cooldown, you swap them once again when you need to do soAnd if you are playing normally you aren’t immediately healing after every pet swap and every time you use QZ, which means your point is moot.
No, again lets say you NEED to heal so you cast WHaO, a 1s cast, 3/4 of the way through the cast, you swap pets=8s Quickness. You’re not casting heal immediately after swapping pets, you are using heal normally when you need to, but also deciding to swap pets then in order to get 8s Quickness. This is broken in itself because this could potentially have 50% uptime.
Now you don’t have to heal every time after you use QZ, but if you do and then decide to combo it with pet swap as discussed above then you will get 20s Quickness. Essentially you will have almost 50% uptime on Quickness for the cd of QZ. If you do not decide to pop heal, then your Quickness uptime is still ridiculous because of the 6s you get from QZ.
So now you are back to arguing that you will occasionally blow cooldowns when you don’t need to in order to get the benefit of the skill…. That’s part of what makes it balanced….
Yeah yeah, a one trick pony gimmick build that sacrifices healing, cleanse, and stunbreak, doing exactly what Ele does for years is so OP.
Guess the salt is real. Ranger can’t have nice things.
Actually it doesn’t even do what Ele does becuase it has nowhere close to the same sustain.
Do note I use complete sentence of “sacrifices healing, cleanse, and stunbreal”, and what I meant by what Ele always does is the stacking boon part only.
Btw, forgot to mention, Ele’s boons applies to the whole party while ranger can only help keep up permanent swiftness and regen for the party.
With WHAO, it’s pretty easy to get perma swiftness/regen/fury if you’re spamming the skill off CD, which isn’t too crazy compared to how many boons other classes can keep up. Maintaining high uptime on any of the other boons (especially quickness) requires pretty large sacrifices. But obviously it’s a bit too early to tell how strong this is.
If you want to maintain perma-quickness, you have to give up BW (taunt), which is HUGE, as well as spam pet-swap and heal off cooldown, which makes you extremely vulnerable to counterplay. (Although the quickness does take the WHAO cast time down to 0.5s). And if you want perma-protection, you need to sacrifice a utility for Guard and then spam Guard + WHAO constantly off cooldown — which obviously means potentially wasting heals and also messes with pet management. Not saying these builds are necessarily bad, but I think people are being too hasty in calling the builds OP, and they’re overlooking a lot of the tradeoffs.
And, as others have mentioned, boonstrips are a particularly hard counter to WHAO because the ranger relies on refreshing long-CD boons, rather than constantly applying new boons through their skills. As a mesmer (the OP’s main class), a single solid shatter combo + GS3 will will pretty much nullify the WHAO boonshare.
And to the OP, Mesmers are still very strong — the PU nerf was justified and something many mesmer players were calling for. You’re grossly overexaggerating the nerf.
It really isn’t OP. They sacrifice all forms of sustain for this DPS output, making them even more of a target than they already were.
But at any rate, what Ranger really needed, animation and mechanic fixing, not generalized buffs.
Mesmer kneecapped? Huh? What? I don’t even? Seriously? You can’t be serious? Huh?
The PU trait was grossly overbuffed in the specialty patch.