(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
Ready Up: Team Strategy - 6/27 @ Noon PDT
Helseth will play in this ToL?
Will he play a naked norn thief like in soloq?
Will he play a naked norn thief like in soloq?
That’s such a good idea.
Phaatonn, London UK
What’s your opinion about summon builds place/role in competetive PvP.
I’m talking here about:
- Turret Engie
- Spirit Ranger
- Minionmancer
The team fights with my team are generally played by our condi necro, bunker guard, h/a-a war and dps staff Ele. We do generally well, but can’t seem to win any against pure dps teams, who burst down our members one by one really quickly.
Long story short, do you have any advice on how to win against this kind of team ?
Anyway, keep it up Helseth, huge fan of you.
I have a feeling I know the answer to this but will there be any balance oriented patches before the tournament? If not what do you think about this meta and what do you think needs attention the most(balance wise)?
Good tactics when it is 4 vs 5? It is common enough that it requires some sort of advanced tactic. In gw1 in TA or RA you rarely got 3 vs 4, but it did happen and it was not always insurmountable. Naturally with the vast amount of times, and length of time this has been happening, there must be some sort of thinking that showcases decisive winning which justifies why this has not, or ever been corrected or addressed. Thanks in advance.
I think one of the biggest things that makes a good spvp team good, is rotations, as in the movement of certain classes from point to point. Would be nice if Helselth gave some examples of some general rotations and how they help push you ahead of your enemy/help you catch up to a winning enemy.
Charr Guardian – Gandara(EU)
Upon approaching skill cap, what professions/builds hard counter each other?
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
I thought Helseth is banned from any social activities connected with ANet..
Rank #1 Life
If he got invited to the show they probably wanted to set some rules about what he can say and what he cannot say, and i think he had to agree with those in order to partecipate.
Anyway, good to hear that helseth will be there, i hope i’ll make it in time to see how it will go
If he got invited to the show they probably wanted to set some rules about what he can say and what he cannot say, and i think he had to agree with those in order to partecipate.
Helseth in an official ANet podcast – the #esports is real. Though to be fair, there is a precedent for Helseth playing nice on State of the Game. Some of you might remember this little gem with Java, Vain and uncharacteristically low sodium levels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMqVzXr1-JU
Dat hair tho. Like an esports angel after a three-day bender.
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games
How do you beat a fierce bunker class, with a balanced build (not offensive, neither to defensive). My tests, confirm that if both players, land the same attacks on each other, the bunker always wins. Even with full zeker build, the lack of armor, so much hurts your survival, that the extra damage gained from it, does not fully make you equally dangerous to the bunker, he’ll just outlive it, unless you play a lot smarter then him. And fighting a bunker with a bunker is even more hilarous… This happes in every pvp match, and frustrates me a lot. How to get past the bunker defences. Is ’2 vs 1"ing, really the only way to do that? Cause at the tournement, it sure seemed like that.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
The time for endless padding on the back sessions is over.
We/they need to look critically at pvp as a whole. Adding Helseth (one of anets biggest criticasters) to one of the official podcasts might mark the start of the evolution of pvp.
A saying that is used quite often amongst top tier esports players is “to achieve greatness, you must first acknowledge that you suck”. A statement that applies to Anet aswell. I hope that they are able to look at pvp in GW2, admit that they made some big mistakes, and improve their product based on that.
Or … they told him to talk purely about the teamstrategy thing (and put him on a leash pretty much).
(edited by Locuz.2651)
What makes skyhammer such a competitive map?
(edited by Marcos.3690)
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons on racial divisions? Would the increased queue times outweigh the ability to partake in matches/tournaments exclusive to a certain race or races of similar scaling?
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons on racial divisions? Would the increased queue times outweigh the ability to partake in matches/tournaments exclusive to a certain race or races of similar scaling?
Phaatonn, London UK
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons on racial divisions? Would the increased queue times outweigh the ability to partake in matches/tournaments exclusive to a certain race or races of similar scaling?
Or, how would you like to see the asura issue handled?
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons on racial divisions? Would the increased queue times outweigh the ability to partake in matches/tournaments exclusive to a certain race or races of similar scaling?
Or, how would you like to see the asura issue handled?
Asuras are not even an issue. They should fix 4v5, matchmaking, ladders, skyhammer, class balance, proper rewards, game modes, etc.
Strategy Question: If your opponent gets a 3 cap and your team is just spawning, what is the best way to handle coming back from that? (please consider different maps and comps)
IGN: Valkyrie Friisong
Lvl 80 Warrior
If you where the pvp lead and had unlimited resources…
“How would you ease new players in to something as crucial as teamstrategy, mapawareness, positioning, etc?”
how was your grandma’s visit? was she happy with your work cleaning up your home?
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
I’ll be looking at this thread for questions for another hour, so feel free to post any additional questions you might have before then.
Guardian and Thief both play unique, and some would say ‘overpowered’ roles in team queue (Team Support and Mobility). Do you think that this type of role dominance is acceptable from a balancing standpoint given the way the game promotes the idea of every class can play every role?
Dear Helseth…
Can I become a blacksmith as well?
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
What about fabulous shirts … can you share with us where we can buy one of those amazing shirts with huge chains printed on them? :P
(edited by Locuz.2651)
When thieves will stop pushing mesmer out of meta ?
I just saw helseth tonight on constant downed state vs unkillable thieves.
Situation os crazzy out of control.
Anyone have a summary of the stream?
I’m terrible with timezones, so I’ve probably missed the boat, but I would love to know Helseth’s thoughts on TCG vs. the comp that Outplayed ran this week (soldiers hambow, d/d Ele, necro, double engi)…
I’m terrible with timezones, so I’ve probably missed the boat, but I would love to know Helseth’s thoughts on TCG vs. the comp that Outplayed ran this week (soldiers hambow, d/d Ele, necro, double engi)…
he pretty much answered this on the stream
The fact that there is no perfect meta and that Helseth can say play what you want and make it work is a testament to how good the design is in general.
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
would be nice if the questions thread were open for 24+ hours so those of us in different timezones could participate.
If you’re looking for feedback: This was much more interesting than last time, it would have been cool if it had lasted longer rather than the balance discussion one.
The balance RU was too broad to get anything interesting out of the people talking even with the extended time-frame. This one was focused enough, but I do wish it had lasted a tad bit longer.
The cliff notes version is that rather than assigning roles to each player on your team they instead need a build with a goal while keeping in mind that switching roles in reaction to the other team is paramount.
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
So basicly ……….NA is still in the stoneage
more of this XD
Too bad the only mention of necromancer was that you can counter it easy.
Ranger OP though.
(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)
did they mention skyhammer? ^^
can you upload this to youtube so it doesnt take my internet 4 hours to load thank you
that was quite tense. I think I saw Josh trying hard to not freak near the very end
And why does Lord Helseth keep drill around in his chair, was he nervous?
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90