New Twitter: @chaithhh
You should be happy that the enemy Engineer is using a Function Gyro to stomp, it means he’s given up the ability to use it for reviving, which is comparatively much more powerful.
The stomp takes between 3.5-5 seconds and if it dies, accomplishes nothing. Often times stomping is not necessary due to proper corpse cleaving. The function gyro revive starts giving value instantly, and has a much more important task, with a better success rate.
So using Function Gyro as a stomp is an oddly specific thing to consider needing changes when it’s not even among the strongest Scrapper or HoT mechanics.
I don’t get this thread. When I started playing pvp back in 2014, stomping was a big thing, but these days you just cleave your downed ennemies a lot more often. It feels weird that you are complaining about this now.
I think its pretty self explanatory. You can get a guaranteed stomp (= kill) with the gyro while doing something else. It also takes away a large chunk of the downed counterplay because it can’t be interrupted.
I also think stomping is still a key part of the game despite the excessive aoe spam and cleave these days.
Just remove the Stability from the gyro so there is some sort of counter play too it
While we’re at it, lets just remove the ability for players to stomp all-together. It’s so annoying when I lose all my health instantly.
Isn’t the gyro the scrappers keymachanic, and I’m not talking about the other gyros but the function gyro. Wouldn’t removing it completely mean that the other classes new keymachanics due to elite specs should be removed as well? Like tempest overloads, reapers reapershroud, berserkers berserk, daredevils extra dodge, chronomancer’s continuum split, druids astral force, dragonhunters new virtues (be replaced with the old ones) and heralds facet of nature. Don’t say that gyros are the engi keymachanic because they are just skills, like the dragonhunters traps or the tempests shouts Sure the gyro might need a nerf, but removing it fully is crazy and would demand either the scrapper getting a new profession mechanic on par with the other classes profession mechanics or they should have theirs removed as well.
(edited by Bjarkov.9751)
Again, Function gyro does 2 things, either stomp or rez assist, and on a 20s recharge to boot given that it charges in that time.
I find the stomp problematic mainly because of how good it is in a 1v1 or 2v2 situation.
Engi downs you, finds you low health or whatever, you get downed, presses “F” runs along to +1 somewhere else.
And forget being able to get up unless you’re able somehow to move the gyro away from you while downed or move away yourself. Yes, it’s not all classes that have a major issue with this, I understand. But having some classes helpless @ all is the issue.
For those that forget too, engi does also have an other guaranteed stomp with Elixir S. I’m fine with that cause I at least get 3 seconds of that engi’s time for the stomp and I can use similar mechanics on whatever class.
Hell, Engi’s could use final salvo to stack stabilities and do the stomp themselves and I would be fine with that…They would be there for the actual stomp.
Gyro Stomping as it is now simply seems too “FREE”…minor trait for this….I get the rez part and I rather deal with it than a stomp…
Hell even giving the engi a 1.5s cast time to “tune” the gyro would better than it’s now…at least I could interrupt the Engi, maybe, hit the gyro while he’s “Tuning” it for a stomp rather than a rez.
Again its the only way Scrappers can safe stomp. If you want to make it interruptible be prepared to also accept every other classes “safe stomp” be interruptible.
Shall we make thieves elite stomp also have a 1.5 sec cast time also so they can “tune” their impact? Should guardians F3 shield also have a cast time so they can be interupted before shield appears?
I think its pretty self explanatory. You can get a guaranteed stomp (= kill) with the gyro while doing something else. It also takes away a large chunk of the downed counterplay because it can’t be interrupted.
I also think stomping is still a key part of the game despite the excessive aoe spam and cleave these days.
If you can guarantee the stomp while doing something else, then you don’t need the gyro in the first place. It is useful in a couple of rare situations (like winning a 1v2), but I think, because stomping, while still important, see less use in competitive play, that it is balanced.
If really it can’t be interrupted, it’s a bug that needs to be corrected. But the thread is about the gyro being OP, which it isn’t. It’s arguably a power creep compared to base engi, but Anet made it clear that it was their intention with elite specs.
I find the stomp problematic mainly because of how good it is in a 1v1 or 2v2 situation.
It is good for rezzes, but no more than the ranger rez trait. For stomping however, it changes absolutely nothing. The 2v2 is over once one of the player is down, and in 1v1, you don’t need a gyro to stomp: either you bleed the guy out off point or you stomp him on point, in neither case using your gyro.
It’s very strong in winning 1v2 scenarios, but those rarely happen in conquest, and when they do it shouldn’t be considered competitive.
Funny the engies are claiming it’s there safe stomp yet they kitten out stability and protection…..
Make it completely interruptable then it’ll be balanced
Funny the engies are claiming it’s there safe stomp yet they kitten out stability and protection…..
Make it completely interruptable then it’ll be balanced
Don’t forget the automatic Elixir S proc :P
I find the stomp problematic mainly because of how good it is in a 1v1 or 2v2 situation.
It is good for rezzes, but no more than the ranger rez trait. For stomping however, it changes absolutely nothing. The 2v2 is over once one of the player is down, and in 1v1, you don’t need a gyro to stomp: either you bleed the guy out off point or you stomp him on point, in neither case using your gyro.
This is my experience too. Great tool for reviving, which is good in 2v2s and up. Useless 1v1, far from problematically good. It never helps 1v1 if the enemy dies on point, at best, it can end an often long 1v1 fight three seconds faster, as you can be rotating for 3 seconds instead of stomping if the enemy dies off point.
@Anyone finding themselves getting often Function Gyro stomped, I’m going to drop some optimal strategies – concede the point and not die, if you’ve lost, as any profession can quite easily walk away and survive the Scrapper’s Tranquilizer Dart spam if you commit to escaping. If you were killed outnumbered off point, they wasted more manpower than the 3 seconds Function Gyro will free up by doing the stomping.
In 2v2, the enemy Scrapper can benefit from Function Gyro stomping if you’re being dominated already, but a Scrapper’s bread and butter in 2v2 is reviving their higher damage teammate who gets focused. Focus that non-Scrapper, force him to attempt to revive.
If your perspective is that Gyro/Invuln/Stability stomps are overpowered, I think the core issue is not Function Gyro but rather a player feeling like their problem is anything else but why they’ve gotten themselves in the downed state. In GW2 you control the fight by downing somebody first, or saving cooldowns to immediately revive if your side receives the first downed state.
If your team rallies, revives, or stealths, good on them. If not, RIP the false hopes of living anyways. Things like invuln/safe stomps used to be stronger in the first two years of GW2, but now, reviving is faster and occurs in the first few seconds if it’s going to occur.
The ability for one side to cleave/stomp has to be balanced with the other side’s ability to revive. I’d say at the moment reviving tools across the game, after getting nerfed, are pretty closely balanced with cleave and stomps. If everyone plays perfectly with perfect awareness, I’d say the reviving side is still slightly favored often.
This might blow everyone’s mind but if ArenaNet were to nerf safe stomps it would further favor the ress’ers, and ironically, Engineers using Function Gyro to revive.
A lot of people don’t have access to aware, and coordinated teammates, if this is the case, as when solo queuing, the mentality is, you down, you lose.
The counter to stomping is reviving, so if you or your teammates are facing Engineers/Eles/Mesmers with good stomping ability, you’d best have some Engineers and Druids for good reviving ability.
InB4 2 more pages of nerf stomping tho xd
(edited by Chaith.8256)
Meh I can’t help but think… If this was a ranger ability on a 20s icd and had a range of 900 and could stomp & rez it would be nerfed…
Probably it would be nerfed down to 600 range and have a 60s icd… Oh wait, this already happened to rangers but it only had half the functionality that the gyro does and wasn’t nearly as strong…
In short I’d like to see the range nerfed to 600 and the icd increased to a minimum of 48s but preferably 60s…
Meh I can’t help but think… If this was a ranger ability on a 20s icd and had a range of 900 and could stomp & rez it would be nerfed…
Probably it would be nerfed down to 600 range and have a 60s icd… Oh wait, this already happened to rangers but it only had half the functionality that the gyro does and wasn’t nearly as strong…
In short I’d like to see the range nerfed to 600 and the icd increased to a minimum of 48s but preferably 60s…
LOL Search and Rescue was able to completely remove a downed player from any cleaving action from the enemy team. It could teleport the downed player to the Ranger that was positioned 1200 distance away, usually on a ledge or other difficult to access location, thereby guaranteeing a successful rez.
So this whole time I thought people were complaining because they were having trouble reviving a teammate or something when the Gyro is stomping. Which is a legit complaint cause it bugs out sometimes.
But you guys are complaining because you can’t stop it when you ARE the downed player!? Come on guys, seriously!? With the huge amount of safe stomps in the game and you are all up in arms about this one? I mean why, just because that Scrapper didn’t give you his personal attention for 3 seconds? I mean hell, the gyro stomp is slower than a normal stomp.
It’s not like Scrappers can’t stealth stomp/blind stomp/invuln stomp/stability stomp anyways. It’s not like every other profession doesn’t have safe stomps of their own. But here you guys are complaining, and I guarantee you it is just because it’s a Scrapper. We get it already, you guys hate Scrappers. Huge shock by now. Just open one big Scrapper hate thread and pour all of your emotions in there until Scrapper is no longer viable.
PvP forums never cease to amuse me.
So this whole time I thought people were complaining because they were having trouble reviving a teammate or something when the Gyro is stomping. Which is a legit complaint cause it bugs out sometimes.
But you guys are complaining because you can’t stop it when you ARE the downed player!? Come on guys, seriously!? With the huge amount of safe stomps in the game and you are all up in arms about this one? I mean why, just because that Scrapper didn’t give you his personal attention for 3 seconds? I mean hell, the gyro stomp is slower than a normal stomp.
It’s not like Scrappers can’t stealth stomp/blind stomp/invuln stomp/stability stomp anyways. It’s not like every other profession doesn’t have safe stomps of their own. But here you guys are complaining, and I guarantee you it is just because it’s a Scrapper. We get it already, you guys hate Scrappers. Huge shock by now. Just open one big Scrapper hate thread and pour all of your emotions in there until Scrapper is no longer viable.
PvP forums never cease to amuse me.
Actually it’s more than your snide comment having someone use their invulnerable skill to secure a stomp has the cost of that same skill being unavailable for the cooldown duration, and in this case, since it’s a 60s cooldown for Elixir S, well that means the pressure performed by said player change accordingly.
Keep in mind this is a fast game, and in 3s period, you can very well launch a good number of attacks depending on cast times.
On the other hand, like I mentioned in my title, if this is supposed to be the way to go, to increase game dominance speed (often because people don’t care to rally much), well then make it more widespread as an ability type, through various forms that could fit each class…
Ranger Pet Finish, Warrior Banner Stomp, hell might even make spirit weapons useful if they could range stomp an enemy…
I like the point that solo Q solo player mentality vs group mentality was brought up, because a solo Q player will almost always use the gyro to stomp and seldomly to rez. Yes you could pin that down on the game type, but then again, why should anyone restrain themselves on a 20s timer…
Stomp & Rez to your heart’s content…
Last match I did a bad move, rushed in to cleave some enemy players,, had popped resistance and necro in the back had the decency to corrupt me, and I downed quite fast in the massive aoe’s, and you know what? there were 2 function gyros on top to stomp…Of course I was already going to die there, necro had got me good with corrupt, and I was butchered, but still…it’s the go to to stomp, I barely ever see an engi actually doing a stomp, Gyro it always is.
So maybe I should instead Petition for all Class Range stomp abilities so I can press a button and run away to the next spot…with a 20s cooldown which can also assist in reviving players faster….
So for my Warrior, please give me an animated Banner which can grant me bonuses like I want, that I CAN pick up and use the skills or that I can let floating behind me that grants me and my teammates boons, and that I can use to range finish & assist in rezzing… Yeah that should be my demand, NO MORE WHINING!!! ONLY DEMANDS!!
Anyways, it does seem that for a lot of people, it appears to be something that is also a little too much.
What is unfortunate is that unless we get a massive amount of different people posting about this, it might not change at all…
I remember reason gave by devs for thief sword 2 return nerf was because you could go for s2 > return > infi signet combo and stomp with.. I think gyro is way more legit!
(edited by Saku Joe.2857)
Again its the only way Scrappers can safe stomp. If you want to make it interruptible be prepared to also accept every other classes “safe stomp” be interruptible.
Shall we make thieves elite stomp also have a 1.5 sec cast time also so they can “tune” their impact? Should guardians F3 shield also have a cast time so they can be interupted before shield appears?
Hate to break this to you but there is a pre cast time on every ability in the impact strike chain…. It is also not a safe stomp. now in theory you can take Haste to speed this up, but to do that you would need to drop Thrill of the crime. a choice most thief’s won’t go for. The total time is 1/2 seconds + 3/4 seconds + 1 1/2 seconds. by all means reduce this to 1.5 instead of the 2 3/4 seconds it is now
Thief’s safe stomp was already nerfed, that would of been IR + stomp + steal. Which btw also recieved a cast time.
(This was the worst example you could of used)
Again its the only way Scrappers can safe stomp. If you want to make it interruptible be prepared to also accept every other classes “safe stomp” be interruptible.
Shall we make thieves elite stomp also have a 1.5 sec cast time also so they can “tune” their impact? Should guardians F3 shield also have a cast time so they can be interupted before shield appears?
Hate to break this to you but there is a pre cast time on every ability in the impact strike chain…. It is also not a safe stomp. now in theory you can take Haste to speed this up, but to do that you would need to drop Thrill of the crime. a choice most thief’s won’t go for. The total time is 1/2 seconds + 3/4 seconds + 1 1/2 seconds. by all means reduce this to 1.5 instead of the 2 3/4 seconds it is now
Thief’s safe stomp was already nerfed, that would of been IR + stomp + steal. Which btw also recieved a cast time.
(This was the worst example you could of used
I dont play a thief in pvp (i have one i use in open world) but i read good thieves can time their impact strike, starting it just before the enemy is downed and then final strike finishes the enemy immediately. Again i may be wrong here.
Maybe it was a bad example but my point was that people are complaining about it but a lot of other classes have excellent safe stomping abilities.
Again its the only way Scrappers can safe stomp. If you want to make it interruptible be prepared to also accept every other classes “safe stomp” be interruptible.
Shall we make thieves elite stomp also have a 1.5 sec cast time also so they can “tune” their impact? Should guardians F3 shield also have a cast time so they can be interupted before shield appears?
Hate to break this to you but there is a pre cast time on every ability in the impact strike chain…. It is also not a safe stomp. now in theory you can take Haste to speed this up, but to do that you would need to drop Thrill of the crime. a choice most thief’s won’t go for. The total time is 1/2 seconds + 3/4 seconds + 1 1/2 seconds. by all means reduce this to 1.5 instead of the 2 3/4 seconds it is now
Thief’s safe stomp was already nerfed, that would of been IR + stomp + steal. Which btw also recieved a cast time.
(This was the worst example you could of used
I dont play a thief in pvp (i have one i use in open world) but i read good thieves can time their impact strike, starting it just before the enemy is downed and then final strike finishes the enemy immediately. Again i may be wrong here.
Maybe it was a bad example but my point was that people are complaining about it but a lot of other classes have excellent safe stomping abilities.
Again why is NOT ok for the Mesmer to use whatever skills/traits/abilities for stomp/rez.
But its a “learn to play” issue when other classes can.
ANet has shown they can single out certain abilites during rez/stomp. So then all classes should be looked at and adjusted accordingly.
(edited by SlimChance.6593)
Lol. My snide comments, when the op is all “He has it and it’s not fair so we should all have it or get rid of what he has!” tantrum mode.
This is in now way game changing, and again, most professions have multiple safe stomp options. Never been in a situation where I did not have a safe stomp option available. That 3 seconds the Scrapper could have spent stomping you is in no way game changing. This is complaining for the sake of complaining.
Totally down for Function Gyro being removed and Scrappers getting a much cooler class mechanic though. Please make that happen.
Part of what makes this so funny is that when the Function Gyro was introduced Scrappers were all like “This class mechanic is way too situational and it sucks.” Now people are like “Function Gyro too OP please remove or give us one too!” I love this thread.
(edited by Shaogin.2679)
-Quickness/slow no longer affects rez/stomping.
-Rez/stomping now applies reveal(3s)
-Stability/invulnerability is removed during rez/stomping.
-Poison/Healing power no longer speeds/slows rez/stomping.
-AI controlled NPC’s (pets, minions, turrets, illusions, gyro’s, etc.) will no longer attack/assist in rez/stomping (Rez/stomping must be done by a player)
Why is one of those an actual thing, but the others are just the ramblings of a forum nobody?
(edited by SlimChance.6593)
Because quickness/slow was too effective on rez/stomping. Quickness allowed record-time rez and stomps, while slow was too effective at preventing it. All of the other options do nothing to effect the time required to perform a rez or stomp to such an extreme.
If people want to remove all safe stomp options then sure, do it across the board. May make it more strategic, or it may just remove rez/stomping altogether.
But this thread is all about singling out one specific safe stomp.
The same could be said for all those that i listed.
Function gyro is providing a safe stomp ability. Just like quickness/slow was doing.
You could also argue the same for stealth/stabilty/invulneribilty etc and etc.
Yeah, and thieves shouldn’t have an extra dodge bar
eles shouldn’t be able to overload
warriors shouldn’t have berserk mode
rangers shouldn’t have celestial avatar
necros shouldn’t have reaper’s shroud
etc, etc etc
Don’t go down, then no worries!
To be fair everyone should be nerfed to the ground- 1 hp, 1 attack dmg and no stamina. Then no one would complain except for the laggy ones. Tired of seeing “this is too OP” no, it’s not.
The only issue I have with the gyro stomp is the fact that it totally ignores mesmer downstate clone or thieves port or any downstate skill that can at least bring you some seconds to survive.
The only issue I have with the gyro stomp is the fact that it totally ignores mesmer downstate clone or thieves port or any downstate skill that can at least bring you some seconds to survive.
Really? I port away all the time on my thief, and the gyro takes forever to figure out I moved and follow me…
With all this, Engi’s have a lot of safe stomps, without gyro on top.
Elixir S, their invulnerable skill.
Stability stacking, through their many ways
Invisibility, Combo or Elixir S Toolbar/Sneak Gyro
Which is plenty enough as far as having something that rivals other classes even thief.
My point is, it’s the only kind of stomp that bothers me because it feels too much like a freebie. A default go to, and a lazy stomp ability.
I hardly believe that any scrapper thinks “I should keep my function gyro for an emergency rez instead of using it for a stomp”, as the cooldown is so short, it’ll most likely be up for both the rez and the stomp.
I stand by this opinion. I do think it’s something worth looking @, or wouldn’t have posted about this at all in the first place.
Others have pointed out this also seems as a little extra that is too much and that is my point.
I understand any users of this ability to not want to get a nerf, who ever wants to get nerfed? But with balance in mind and fairness, I do think either it should go, or add other mechanics to other classes that rival this stomp/revive ability considering it’s cooldown.
I understand the list is repetitive, as it’s even listed somehow on this same page earlier, which I first missed because of the format.
(edited by Aveigel.2601)
With all this, Engi’s have a lot of safe stomps, without gyro on top.
Elixir S, their invulnerable skill.
Stability stacking, through their many ways
Invisibility, Combo or Elixir S Toolbar/Sneak GyroWhich is plenty enough as far as having something that rivals other classes even thief.
My point is, it’s the only kind of stomp that bothers me because it feels too much like a freebie. A default go to, and a lazy stomp ability.
I hardly believe that any scrapper thinks “I should keep my function gyro for an emergency rez instead of using it for a stomp”, as the cooldown is so short, it’ll most likely be up for both the rez and the stomp.
Others have pointed out this also seems as a little extra that is too much and that is my point.
I understand any users of this ability to not want to get a nerf, who ever wants to get nerfed? But with balance in mind and fairness, I do think either it should go, or add other mechanics to other classes that rival this stomp/revive ability considering it’s cooldown.
Function Gyro could be nerfed to not include the stomping capability, and it would not mean much except having to be more careful when bleeding out enemies in downed state, and quality of life speed reduction when cleaning up the last enemy and rotating out.
Just throwing it out there, the revive feature is mutually exclusive with stomping, much stronger, Scrapper isn’t the only profession to have fast revive, (I can do the pros and cons of Scrapper vs. Ranger reviving ability if you dispute this). Most importantly, all of what makes Scrapper good doesn’t have anything to do with Function Gyro stomping people.
My actual reasoning:
Also listing stomping tools like: Sneak Gyro, Elixir S utility skills, Bomb Kit smoke field combos, these things aren’t on people’s bars to be used as stomping tools (or at all) because there are better things Engineers should be doing to guarantee your team dominates than bringing stomping tools.
I stand by this opinion, no matter the comments, snide or not, people calling me whiner or not, I honestly don’t care.
Right then, well, generally not caring attitude when you’re aiming QQ at stuff would explain a few things
(edited by Chaith.8256)
You know the title of this isn’t only remove gyro stomp. It’s also add in other things to balance it out…ok I named it OR ADD OTHER OP STOMPS.
I’ve even started out with naming a few possibilities, but unless I missed any…I’m the only one who done so.
And so, the conversation stayed on the path of removing gyro stomp.
I’m saying I think we need adjustments regarding this…I’m still waiting to see any other suggestions other than “nerf”.
Yep, edited my post before this one because Chaith’s reaction is just the same as mine, something somewhat negative. Ty Chaith, for making me think about the weight and impact of my words.
(edited by Aveigel.2601)
While we’re at it, lets just remove the ability for players to stomp all-together. It’s so annoying when I lose all my health instantly.
That pretty much has already happened due to the stability change. Stomping has never been so difficult and frustrating at times.
ha nice discussion, but do they read ?
Function gryo is just on far, far, far too low a cooldown. If it was 75s CD then I doubt anyone would complain.
Honestly in my personal opinion, most scrapper abilities are on extremely low cooldowns relative to how much they do (even more so that other HoT abilities, which are all ridiculously spammy).
The same could be said for all those that i listed.
Function gyro is providing a safe stomp ability. Just like quickness/slow was doing.
You could also argue the same for stealth/stabilty/invulneribilty etc and etc.
You seem to have missed everything I said. Function Gyro/stealth/stability/invuln etc do nothing to ridiculously speed up the stomp or res. That is the difference right there. That is why one was nerfed and the others were left alone.
With quickness stomps/resses, it left little counterplay when combined with safe stomps. With safe stomps alone, you can still stop them. For instance, stealthing a downed ally will stomp every safe stomp. CC’ing the downed target will stop a safe res. Quickness made it to where there was very little time to react and counter these safe stomps/resses, and it became an issue when Chronomancers made it widely available to entire groups.
I hope that clears everything up for you.
And you seem to missing my point. A guaranteed stomp is a guaranteed stomp. Doesn’t matter if its 3 seconds or 1.5 seconds.
If a class can maintain stability/stealth throughout a stomp and there’s nothing any one can do to stop it. What difference does make how long it takes? Still no counter play.
And you seem to missing my point. A guaranteed stomp is a guaranteed stomp. Doesn’t matter if its 3 seconds or 1.5 seconds.
If a class can maintain stability/stealth throughout a stomp and there’s nothing any one can do to stop it. What difference does make how long it takes? Still no counter play.
Your point being that Impact Strike, any amount of stability, or stealth are guaranteed stomps?
Down somebody in a medium sized fight and attempt finishing with stealth, impact strike, or less than 2-3+ stability stacks and see what happens the majority of the time. Far from guaranteed that you’ll succeed in that with the rate of crowd control flying around.
I think ranger pets should be able to stomp. A stomping necro pet would actually be quite in theme – “pulling the souls of the downed to the grave” kind of thing. An AOE mesmer “Illusion of Death” an aoe auto stomp sounds pretty good as well.
And you seem to missing my point. A guaranteed stomp is a guaranteed stomp. Doesn’t matter if its 3 seconds or 1.5 seconds.
If a class can maintain stability/stealth throughout a stomp and there’s nothing any one can do to stop it. What difference does make how long it takes? Still no counter play.
Your point being that Impact Strike, any amount of stability, or stealth are guaranteed stomps?
Down somebody in a medium sized fight and attempt finishing with stealth, impact strike, or less than 2-3+ stability stacks and see what happens the majority of the time. Far from guaranteed that you’ll succeed in that with the rate of crowd control flying around.
They’re just as guaranteed as quickness stomps were.
In season 1, it was more about the OP build that was Chronobunker. Quickness /stomp ust added to that. Now the build has been adjusted. But quickness Nerf remains.
Time Warp is an 180 second cooldown and is an Elite skill! Up until chronobunker there was no issue with using it for stomps/rezing. And now there are other professions that have just as guaranteed a stomp as Time Warp was before Chronobunker. So if you Nerf one……..
They’re just as guaranteed as quickness stomps were.
In season 1, it was more about the OP build that was Chronobunker. Quickness /stomp ust added to that. Now the build has been adjusted. But quickness Nerf remains.
Time Warp is an 180 second cooldown and is an Elite skill! Up until chronobunker there was no issue with using it for stomps/rezing. And now there are other professions that have just as guaranteed a stomp as Time Warp was before Chronobunker. So if you Nerf one……..
Quickness stomping is not comparable to safe stomping, since you just stacked both stability/invuln with quickness in practice. They’re not comparable cause they’re not mutually exclusive.
Now all stomping is 3 seconds standard, everyone has their ways to guarantee a stomp will fully channel, yes, your Mesmer too, what exactly is the problem again – I can’t really see past your just being upset quickness stomping/reviving was nerfed
Edit: Also I dunno why you are talking about Time Warp enabling quick stomps as if Chrono didn’t have quickness on every stomp and revive from their GM trait that everyone took.
(edited by Chaith.8256)
Just want to point out seize the moment is a trait you rarely see in PvP in all 3 seasons, chronophantasma is generally a better option (bunker, condi, whatnot) despite I put StM in my own signature lol. Generally you need chronophantasma if you don’t have dueling or you’ll be quickly deprive of illusion in HoT meta.
Just want to point out seize the moment is a trait you rarely see in PvP in all 3 seasons, chronophantasma is generally a better option (bunker, condi, whatnot) despite I put StM in my own signature lol. Generally you need chronophantasma if you don’t have dueling or you’ll be quickly deprive of illusion in HoT meta.
Every Bunker Mesmer in S1 ran Quickness, rarely seen after it no longer affected stomps and revives.
I think ranger pets should be able to stomp. A stomping necro pet would actually be quite in theme – “pulling the souls of the downed to the grave” kind of thing. An AOE mesmer “Illusion of Death” an aoe auto stomp sounds pretty good as well.
Haha! Finally someone else adding to possibilities other than the “nerf” gun.
I had to point it out!
I think ranger pets should be able to stomp. A stomping necro pet would actually be quite in theme – “pulling the souls of the downed to the grave” kind of thing. An AOE mesmer “Illusion of Death” an aoe auto stomp sounds pretty good as well.
Haha! Finally someone else adding to possibilities other than the “nerf” gun.
I had to point it out!
Totally agree. Then you guys will see that meta builds won’t actually give up something important like a utility or major trait for a pet/AI to channel a stomp
It trivializes ressing too much.
Stomping – not so much but the gyro should disappear after 1-2 interrupts on its finishing move instead of trying to finish of someone until it eventually succeeds.
It trivializes ressing too much.
Stomping – not so much but the gyro should disappear after 1-2 interrupts on its finishing move instead of trying to finish of someone until it eventually succeeds.
Currently it has a 10 second duration, but it’s more limited by its health pool. If you really want to annoy the Engineer, if you, or allies manage to interrupt it once, you have enough time to kill it with downstate damage alone. It will likely just increase your respawn timer though, cause the Engineer will not be far.. and you’re in downed state.
And you seem to missing my point. A guaranteed stomp is a guaranteed stomp. Doesn’t matter if its 3 seconds or 1.5 seconds.
If a class can maintain stability/stealth throughout a stomp and there’s nothing any one can do to stop it. What difference does make how long it takes? Still no counter play.
No, no, I got everything you said and provided a proper and detailed response. You on the other hand, claim that safe stomps have no counter despite the fact that I explicitly spelled out for you how you can still counter safe stomps. I also informed you that it was the combination of safe stomps/resses in combination with quickness/slow that was creating problems with the down system, and was the reason the nerf was implemented. You, however, are blatantly choosing to ignore these facts in order to push your own agenda. This leads me to believe you have no interest in any sort of serious discussion, and thus I just can’t take you seriously.
End point, gyro stomp is fine, and quickness/slow stomps/resses were nerfed for a good reason.
Gyro stomp isn’t fine imo, Chaith pointed out many reasons why, and they pretty much concord with what I think as well. If it’s fine, allow something similar to other classes
Gyro isn’t a fractal avenger, it’s much better than one.
Looking for “other alternatives”:
Revenant: Shiro/Enchanted daggers to finish your opponent. With 5 or 6 daggers, hit “F” for the daggers to go into a stomping animation.
Should other alternatives be HoT oriented only to carry on with the HoT aspect the gyro is? Or Should they be more widespread?
Kind of has an impact on how you decide what to attach these Stomps to.
If HoT/Elite Specialization it is, well then they should all be attached to the first minor trait same as Scrapper, so that they don’t become dependent of any other traits.
Dragonhunter might be able to Call upon an avenger to stomp for him through virtue of justice if it’s up. Targetting a downed player, hitting F and go, putting the Virtue of Justice on cooldown.
Reaper: Executionner’s Scythe Finishing Blow, makes much sense.
Druid: Black Hole Finish. Body being dragged to Black Hole and gets finished when it comes into contact with it.
Berserker: F1 Zerk state finishes any downed player
Tempest: Overload Cyclone finishes.
Chrono: Well of Eternity Petrify finish or Calamity Finishes foes, Speeding up greatly the downed state dmg to kill foe over 3 secs
Gyro stomp isn’t fine imo, Chaith pointed out many reasons why, and they pretty much concord with what I think as well. If it’s fine, allow something similar to other classes
Gyro isn’t a fractal avenger, it’s much better than one.
Looking for “other alternatives”:
Revenant: Shiro/Enchanted daggers to finish your opponent. With 5 or 6 daggers, hit “F” for the daggers to go into a stomping animation.
Should other alternatives be HoT oriented only to carry on with the HoT aspect the gyro is? Or Should they be more widespread?
Kind of has an impact on how you decide what to attach these Stomps to.
If HoT/Elite Specialization it is, well then they should all be attached to the first minor trait same as Scrapper, so that they don’t become dependent of any other traits.
Dragonhunter might be able to Call upon an avenger to stomp for him through virtue of justice if it’s up. Targetting a downed player, hitting F and go, putting the Virtue of Justice on cooldown.
Reaper: Executionner’s Scythe Finishing Blow, makes much sense.
Druid: Black Hole Finish. Body being dragged to Black Hole and gets finished when it comes into contact with it.
Berserker: F1 Zerk state finishes any downed player
Tempest: Overload Cyclone finishes.
Chrono: Well of Eternity Petrify finish or Calamity Finishes foes, Speeding up greatly the downed state dmg to kill foe over 3 secs
I did not point out any reasons why Gyro stomping is too useful, more like it isn’t on the radar of deeply impacting OP skills at all when used for stomping.
Also, you’re really suggesting stomping mechanics, some you’re able to pre-cast an AoE to instantly finish players, some that aren’t interruptable, killable, and none take the place of the HoT class mechanic or ability they are attached to, even temporarily.
You’ve gone full R
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