Remove mulitple profession meta achievement
Agreed, I ONLY play my Ranger Ochit in PVP and am somewhat proficient on it. I am only missing the Achievement for winning 5 matches on second class and I REFUSE to drag down my Team with my sub par play on another class…result is practicing in Hot Join and unranked on a class I have no desire to play in order to not drag down my team.
Last 3 days painful and ZERO progress as I practice on a Guard I have never played…
Worst is people talking trash when practicing in Hot Join when your on a class other than your main and you know full well you would decimate that individual if you were playing on your Main…
That achievement is problematic
Vol I –
Vol II –
All those different profession achievements should just be made into one “win XX games in ranked” achievement. I mean, thats what they essentially are after all.
It causes so much hate and toxicity.
You aren’t looking at this through the eyes of a cold, emotionless, money loving producer.
When you make players suffer through playing a new profession to grind out these wins, they spend more time playing the game, more time looking at gem store items, and it helps “class variety” because in your data more people are playing different classes. Game has variety and balance because people are playing a multitude of classes! The game is beloved because people are spending time on it!
This isn’t about “fun” or “trying to master your class”, or any of that crap. That’s not what game development is about, guys.
You aren’t looking at this through the eyes of a cold, emotionless, money loving producer.
When you make players suffer through playing a new profession to grind out these wins, they spend more time playing the game, more time looking at gem store items, and it helps “class variety” because in your data more people are playing different classes. Game has variety and balance because people are playing a multitude of classes! The game is beloved because people are spending time on it!
This isn’t about “fun” or “trying to master your class”, or any of that crap. That’s not what game development is about, guys.
They could have the same effect by just tripling the number of profession wins needed. Ultimately, you are still limited by needing to win a certain number of games.
Besides, if you are the kind of player that loves to stick to a single main character, you don’t deserve your pvp legendary, because
What is really problematic is a completionist syndrome.
have 2/3 professions done on Ascension III, will probably save the 3rd profession after season restarts in amber/early emerald.
Yes, this. Can this achievement please be changed for Season 2?
It is very disruptive to have someone on your team, who clearly has no idea how to play his profession, just because he needs this achievement .
I understand your view but my take is that to be “Legendary” at pvp a player should be able to play more than 1 class well. And lets be honest how hard is it to get 5 wins on a profession. The cheese meta builds make it so easy. I just did my 5 wins on Engie. Made a level 2 engie. Copy/Pasted Meta marauder hammer build. A couple unranked matches and i was good to go into ranked and got the 5 wins pretty easy. I never felt like a liability to the team.
And i’m a casual player. Any good player would have done it in half the time.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
You don’t get that is bad when some1 tell you what u must play?
Take a moba, an fps, an mmo.
You must play sniper… but i m not good and i enjoy assaulter.
You must play healer… but i don’t like it, i play tank/dps.
You must play Jungler… but i play support as role.
There’s nothing good in forcing players to play what they don’t want.
Also, they could achieve the legendary backpack by playing other classes…
…but to me, and the others posting this thread, should be better play the classes we like and who give us fun.
Agreed, I ONLY play my Ranger Ochit in PVP and am somewhat proficient on it. I am only missing the Achievement for winning 5 matches on second class and I REFUSE to drag down my Team with my sub par play on another class…result is practicing in Hot Join and unranked on a class I have no desire to play in order to not drag down my team.
Last 3 days painful and ZERO progress as I practice on a Guard I have never played…
Worst is people talking trash when practicing in Hot Join when your on a class other than your main and you know full well you would decimate that individual if you were playing on your Main…
That achievement is problematic
3days without any wins on a guard, and one of the easiest classes to pick up? This sounds like hogwash or u found the division ur meant to be in
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
Agreed, I ONLY play my Ranger Ochit in PVP and am somewhat proficient on it. I am only missing the Achievement for winning 5 matches on second class and I REFUSE to drag down my Team with my sub par play on another class…result is practicing in Hot Join and unranked on a class I have no desire to play in order to not drag down my team.
Last 3 days painful and ZERO progress as I practice on a Guard I have never played…
Worst is people talking trash when practicing in Hot Join when your on a class other than your main and you know full well you would decimate that individual if you were playing on your Main…
That achievement is problematic
Holy smoke. Unless you are playing in Diamond/Legend division how can you possibly not progress playing guard (i assume you are playing DH). Its one of the easiest classes to play in lower tiers. It harder in the higher tiers if its not your main.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I understand your view but my take is that to be “Legendary” at pvp a player should be able to play more than 1 class well.
If this was a solo game, I would agree. But here the person who tries to get the achievement and ends up playing the profession badly, screws over his 4 team mates.
If you really can’t progress the mutli profession achievments over for 4 seasons in a whole kitten year really you should not feel entitled to getting the meta achievment done. If you can’t procure a win on even DH idk what to say watch some videos streams builds read up play some games it’ll come. It’s not impossible and playing only class to the extent of you not knowing how another class even works mechanically or skill wise usually indicates a not so good pvp player.
The achievement makes me sad.
Because of those silly multiple prof requirement, you can see people playing theives in legendary league and die to a svanir because they’re uber noob in playing thief..
I’d rather not screw over my team by playing sub-par on professions I rarely use.