“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
Hey guys,
As some of you have noticed, reward tracks are capped at TWO TIERS a day if you are playing in custom arenas. This is intended to prevent botting in custom arenas. There is NO LIMIT to how much progress you can make on reward tracks if you are playing in solo or team arena. Just wanted to clear this up!
PvP team
So the allotment of custom arena track progression and Solo/team arena progressions are independent of each other, correct?
Example: If I do three tiers worth of progression entirely in solo/team arean thats its own alotment. Afterwards I play some custom arenas, I will still be able to gain progression for up to two tiers, right?
Also is it two tiers per day per track, or two tiers per day TOTAL involving ALL tracks available on that day?
Whoa need to bump this back up so people see this….this…Hell I don’t even know….
It’s 2 TOTAL, not 2 per track.
Custom arenas only allow 2 tiers per day, but solo and team have no limit. They are tracked separately.
I understand why Custom Arena has this cap but this also applies to arenanets 5v5 hot join servers, this is confusing a lot of people.
This is really frustrating. So you can’t progress past a certain point if you just want to log on and have some casual fun? Even on the generic 0045 Arenanet servers?
Why the generic Anet hotjoins have this too is because in those matches you can not just swap teams, but you can also change your build during the game.
When you’re playing solo and team arena, you can’t do either. Also the more you win, the more you rank up the leaderboard and face tougher opponents. It makes sense that something that’s tougher to continuously win in will reward more than something that has more freedom and is more random.
Aren’t you just driving the botters to soloQ.
Being new to pvp, I really dislike this. As I am still learning different professions and how to counter them, its annoying that I’m restricted in this way.
A group of guildies and I went into a team arena to try it out, and we were just abused by the opposite team about being ‘noobs’.
Why can’t we still advance in custom arenas? Even if it gives diminished rewards, it’ll still feel like the time we spent in there wasn’t wasted while getting ‘owned’ trying to l2p.
Just my 0.02c.
Aren’t you just driving the botters to soloQ.
Yup, big reddit thread on it.
So I was stuck at 23% yesterday, logged back on today, did a match but I still got no progression?…
Aren’t you just driving the botters to soloQ.
Think of it this way. Easier wins, as bots put up almost no fight. Either that, or I’m mistaking players with no skill for bots.
Aren’t you just driving the botters to soloQ.
Think of it this way. Easier wins, as bots put up almost no fight. Either that, or I’m mistaking players with no skill for bots.
Sure if you’re on the team that has no bots…
It’s 2 TOTAL, not 2 per track.
Custom arenas only allow 2 tiers per day, but solo and team have no limit. They are tracked separately.
My progress is still stuck at 28% after daily reset and it did allow me to get to that percentage in 1 day, so something is wrong with this.
It’s 2 TOTAL, not 2 per track.
Custom arenas only allow 2 tiers per day, but solo and team have no limit. They are tracked separately.
My progress is still stuck at 28% after daily reset and it did allow me to get to that percentage in 1 day, so something is wrong with this.
This could be related to the bugs with daily resets and time gated crafting not working properly with timers as well.
It’s 2 TOTAL, not 2 per track.
Custom arenas only allow 2 tiers per day, but solo and team have no limit. They are tracked separately.
Can you please write this sort of info on the reward track UI directly? I wasted a bunch of time in hotjoin today because the track stopped progressing, but didn’t give me any indication of why.
Serious problem with this; makes it impossible to gain progress beyond a point on ‘goofing around’ spec.
Nobody wants me to bring PP thief into solo queue, and for a good reason.
Hopefully there’ll be a more elegant solution than this implemented sometime soon.
reward track is stuck for me too.
edit: after 48h it is going again.
(edited by Morgoth Bauglyr.9726)
So play soloq/ tspvp or get nothing, got it. Understood.
This sticky should be in game somewhere, the ui perhaps.
Personally, I think players actually getting something out of their time spent in either mode was the better route.
There is NO LIMIT to how much progress you can make on reward tracks if you are playing in solo or team arena. Just wanted to clear this up!
I understand the OCD attempts at deterring botters, but do the regular players really need to suffer for Anet’s said attempts? Surely there’s another way to detect bots than stifling player’s progress if they want to just have some casual fun with friends and don’t enjoy the stress of Team/Solo arena pvp.
I get extremely de-motivated when I find that if I’m willing to put in the extra hour or two of pvp with some friends that I will get nothing for it.
Please consider another route, I’m sure me and my handful of pals aren’t the only ones disappointed.. Though don’t get me wrong, these updates are just fantastic lately and I thank you all for your hard work at Anet.
It took a while to find this information anywhere. It really should be better explained to players so that people have the knowledge about the limits of gaining experience on the loot tracks. For somebody who probably will never get to the point of enjoying soloq/tspvp it’s a bit of a bummer that I’m capped for just trying to enjoy myself.
This might be an obvious question, but I’m new to the Custom Arena scene (as well as PvP in general) and I was wondering if the track progression refers to open custom arenas or private custom arenas. I know it use to be that you couldn’t gain glory in a password protected custom arena (I believe) and I guess I was just wondering if it was the same with the tier progression considering we are only allowed to gain 2 tiers a day regardless.
I can’t hotjoin and get my 2 tiers after daily resets (likely due to dailies not resetting anyways?)
It’s pity random arena is my favorite in Guild Wars. Why GW had such bots and afkers too but there was no such kind of rewards cap before?
I don’t understand all of it. Do Anet arenas that we can use in hot joins count as custom arenas? I have stopped receiving progression from hot joins completely, so I’d assume that is the case. I don’t like the feeling of being forced to join ques to continue progression though.
I have to agree with others here, I just thought I had hit a bug.
I only play PvP casually, therefore I try to stay out of the serious matches (such as the leaderboards) where people will likely be upset with me playing experimental builds all of the time.
Please make this clear to people, maybe some kind of marker over the progress bar with a comment to make it clear that progress will only be made in certain modes.
Truth be told I do not really mind if people can farm things easily or not, I just want to enjoy my time playing.
I have to agree with others here, I just thought I had hit a bug.
I only play PvP casually, therefore I try to stay out of the serious matches (such as the leaderboards) where people will likely be upset with me playing experimental builds all of the time.
Please make this clear to people, maybe some kind of marker over the progress bar with a comment to make it clear that progress will only be made in certain modes.
Truth be told I do not really mind if people can farm things easily or not, I just want to enjoy my time playing.
Agreed! In another mmo I used to play one of the developers once said, “It doesn’t matter how much we try, people will always find a way to abuse the system.” That is very, very true. You can’t stop all of it, so where do you draw the line? I think you should draw the line where people’s fun starts to get hindered.
I’ve always enjoyed vsing my friend in guild arenas or something, which I suppose I can still do. But it sucks to not get any reward knowing that I could be if I enter solo or team que.
That’s fun, so instead of giving 99.9% of the people that pvp legitimately a reward for playing, you cap it so that 0.1% can’t abuse the system?
Nobody likes time gated content. All you’re doing is stopping players from playing the game. I was enjoying spvp for the last hour or so, but just realized this cap exists after my reward stopped increasing and now I have no interest in playing for the rest of the day.
(edited by dragonkoh.1023)
That’s fun, so instead of giving 99.9% of the people that pvp legitimately a reward for playing, you cap it so that 0.1% can’t abuse the system?
Nobody likes time gated content. All you’re doing is stopping players from playing the game. I was enjoying spvp for the last hour or so, but just realized this cap exists after my reward stopped increasing and now I have no interest in playing for the rest of the day.
Yep, that’s the well-designed mechanism of anti-addiction. How sweet they are!
This capping thing doesn’t make sense. Someone told me I can only do 2 tracks per day but that isn’t true because I completed 6 tracks of one reward and 2 of another and 2 of a third. Then it stopped, so what is the real cap here?
This capping thing doesn’t make sense. Someone told me I can only do 2 tracks per day but that isn’t true because I completed 6 tracks of one reward and 2 of another and 2 of a third. Then it stopped, so what is the real cap here?
By “track” he meant a segment of the bigger line in the PvP window, not a segment of the line in the scoreboard, I’m guessing.
The cap is 2 segments in the bigger line, or 10 segments in the scoreboard line.
Agree with everyone here. As a new player getting into PvP, the solo queue is daunting. I’m not experienced enough to jump into it, but if I’ve maxed my custom arena allotment, I either have to do solo queue or not PvP at all because “the carrot” has been taken from me and I’ve lost a very great sense of progression.
Plus, no where do you even say this is the reason. There’s no “custom arena allotment” bar that fills as you approach two tiers. There’s no message telling you that you’ve hit the cap. Very poorly done on ArenaNet’s part.
You need to change this ArenaNet – It is way too limited for these newer players. It is bringing them into SoloQ which is ruining the game quality for the more experienced players.
(edited by Obsidia.5127)
I have to agree with everyone, it seems unfair that we get punished and get limited on the track progression because of botters.
Why should hot join be affected, like people have pointed out a lot of new pvpers arent going to do arena but halting the progression is just going to hurt the arena pvpers when the new ones join in order to progress.
If you want to stop botters isnt there a better way rather than punishing the actual players?
so we all get punished because you can’t come up with a better way to prevent farming?
currently newbie and none meta players are being forced in to tournaments if they want to progress, this sucks for everyone.
the newbie/none meta players will be getting rage from their team,
noone wants a none meta player on their team if you’re doing tournaments.
and the meta/elitists will likely lose due to the none meta player on their team dragging them down.
it sucks for everyone.
if i was you i’d remake the 8v8 official servers and make them auto-balance with no team selection and allow us to progress tracks on official hotjoin servers.
/bump the change to remove hotjoin cap from ANET hosted servers. Are custom and ANET servers code even decoupled? I would think be easier to decouple the code so you could make specific changes to one without the other. Especially for future plans….If it is, then why not remove the lock from ANET servers? (Was excited with the new track system, now I bummed out.) soloQ | teamQ? too competitive for me. I like the casual feel of hotjoin play and I can test builds on the fly. But limiting goal advancement is really a bummer.
(edited by Billionaire.5607)
The casual PvP’er that is not interested in any ladder form gets punished by the implementation of this.
I can understand to limit tier progression by introducing a cap limit. Fine. But then do so per day. Last time I played PvP was 3 days ago. Today I played another match and noticed no progress at all (not even the daily achievements progressed!). So even after 2 days of PvP inactivity there is no way to increase that tracker for players that casually play PvP.
Great! Well thought, devs! You made a casual PvP’er (and probably many others) leave PvP.
One thing that strikes me as very odd is that you force people to head into soloQ/teamQ to progress not only the reward track, but PvP rank point progression as well! Very odd for a game that claims to attract casual players!
My first post is to thank you for telling me that after 2 years of playing pve strictly and now willing to do some pvp just for Achievement points i cant progress them.
Well done, keep making me hate more and more spvp, and yes i dont even care about the competitive spvp.
Sarcasm aside please fix that so other people can progress and not get into the bitter hatred that i feel now.
My gods, first I went ahead and got Diablo III’s expansion because the dailys were borked last week. What’s next, me finally checking out Hearthstone?
Please stop trying to improve my playing experience. Ah well, off to Arenas because.
Edit: Only 5 minutes in solo Q for the first one to pop. REALLY?
(edited by WyldKat.4712)
Is sPVP supposed to be casual, or is it supposed to be competitive? Because you can’t force newbies into ranked matches if it’s casual, and you can’t balance classes so slowly if it’s competitive. Seems like another focus issue. The devs really need to decide what exactly they’re doing with it and buckle down, because this isn’t the only thing with an obvious lack of focus by the team.
Well I was able to get to 71% baalth in a solid couple days in hotjoin ( I am a wvw player not spvp and i do no want tournys) but now it wont progress.. so i guess i forget about it and all the other tracks ( along with spvp) once again and go back to getting nothing in wvw as usual.
I was wondering what was going on – thought the progress meter was bugged in some way when it stopped increasing earlier today.
2 tier restriction is absurdly draconian. what extreme damage could bots do at any number above 2 tracks that they can’t do with 2 tracks?
i do understand the bot prevention.
in my case though, if i have time playing since 2 weeks or so and i try to catch up i have no chance to do so.
i cannot do soloQ because i won’t punish other players for my bad interwebs connection.
wouldn’t it be possible to sum the 2 tier per day restriction up, so if i haven’t been playing for 4 days i am able to do 8 tiers?
this would not punish players like me with not so much time to spend on playing but still prevent farming/botting
That’s somewhat ridiculous. Surely if we wanted to progress more than twice in one day (Especially if we didn’t have as much time in another) we should be able to do so.
So let me get this straight? Arena is punishing all players by limiting ALL players to ONLY TWO tiers a day? Will you do the same for dungeon runs too? If botting is a problem, then deal with those who are using bots. This is BS!
I understand this and I agree with it…here in EU servers we have farm arenas where ppl go only to farm this rewards and thank god theres a cap otherwhise ppl would farm that 24/7…ohh and there should be a cap in rank points too…again cause of these farm arenas!
I understand this and I agree with it…here in EU servers we have farm arenas where ppl go only to farm this rewards and thank god theres a cap otherwhise ppl would farm that 24/7…ohh and there should be a cap in rank points too…again cause of these farm arenas!
Make a rule against ‘farm arenas’ and close them down, you know – rather then punishing players who have nothing to do with these ‘farm arenas’.
my post the other day made this topic unreadable?
my post the other day made this topic unreadable?
Forum bug. The forums think that because there are 51 posts in the thread, it needs a second page, but the first post of the thread isn’t counted towards the first page.
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