because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Rush is still terrible.
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Rush is simply a movement skill, it does pretty low damage so why even use it in a fight other than running back for auto regen or catching someone doing just that.
I wouldn’t call 5-6k crits ‘low damage’. (Assuming it actually hits…)
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Rush moves to the main bar?
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Rush moves to the main bar?
Not sure if trolling, but I’ll bite.
Rush already is on main bar, number 5 ;>
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Rush moves to the main bar?
Ingenius. We’ll move Rush from the main bar to the main bar, so you can main it while you main it.
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Rush moves to the main bar?
Class needs a little more than just swapping skills around.
Blinds are really really difficult to deal with in melee especially with the condi meta.
Cleansing Ire helps, but it doesn’t help when being blind spammed by spirit rangers, thiefs and necros. Most of the time it’s not even targeted at us, it’s just AoE.
Zerkers stance is fantastic, but it’s not up enough of the time to help in a sustained fight. If I can’t get on a target when Zerkers stance goes down, I take an immense amount of condi pressure, most of it just AoE cleave.
Frustrating meta right now man let me tell you.
dude its skill 5 on great sword :P ye the animation is preaty kitten as always xD
I meant Arcing.
Sorry, in a meeting. My bad.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
But actually, thinking about it more, Arcing/Rush/100b. All those could be moved, but what would it do?
What if the CD on 100B was reduced and it moved to 5? WHat would happen if 100B went to burst and Arcing went main bar?
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
I meant Arcing.
Sorry, in a meeting.
My bad.
That still makes no sense and has nothing to do with rush anymore, which is the topic at hand here.
But actually, thinking about it more, Arcing/Rush/100b. All those could be moved, but what would it do?
What if the CD on 100B was reduced and it moved to 5? WHat would happen if 100B went to burst and Arcing went main bar? Trying to remember the bar + all the names from memory, sorry if I messed it up again.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
I meant Arcing.
Sorry, in a meeting.
My bad.
That still makes no sense and has nothing to do with rush anymore, which is the topic at hand here.
Nods, that’s just an animation change, which is possible.
Just, while we’re talking about it, I’m also just thinking about the weapon overall, how it performs in all game types, strengths, weaknesses, what would happen with adjustments, etc.
Sorry to brainstorm w/ the community in an effort to be more transparent. My bad!
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
But actually, thinking about it more, Arcing/Rush/100b. All those could be moved, but what would it do?
What if the CD on 100B was reduced and it moved to 5? WHat would happen if 100B went to burst and Arcing went main bar?
You are proposing two different scenario’s?
One of Arcing burst, with a lower CD 100b? and one of 100b as burst and arcing on mainhand?
Arcing might get used. but you’ll remove a lot of the set up possibilities for 100b in the first place and skull crack + 100b disappears as does Flurry + 100b.
Well it was posted within the same minute so I didn’t see your post until after I posted. And I would strongly recommend reading and responding to defektive’s post as it underlines one of warrior’s key issues.
I think the animation of Rush needs to be reworked the same as Shadow Shot on D/P Thief was. Atm, it will miss if you try to hit somone who is running away (the same as the old Shadow Shot).
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament
@ Defektive: We give Endure Pain with a trait, would Berserk’s via trait be too strong?
Or, alternate idea, what about a trait that aims solely at resistance to blinds? Sorta like the Goggles for Engineer.
Not saying we’d do that, just asking.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
@ Defektive: We give Endure Pain with a trait, would Berserk’s via trait be too strong?
Or, alternate idea, what about a trait that aims solely at resistance to blinds? Sorta like the Goggles for Engineer.
Not saying we’d do that, just asking.
Ya I understand what you’re getting at.
The new Seismic Stomp on Rampage would have been an amazing F2 skill so that people could rely less on Mobility weapons so we could expand into other sets.
As for Condi, I’m unsure if having a proc-on [Event] trait will help anything. Personally, I’m against anything that gets me put on cruise control.
I meant Arcing.
Sorry, in a meeting.
My bad.
That still makes no sense and has nothing to do with rush anymore, which is the topic at hand here.
Nods, that’s just an animation change, which is possible.
Just, while we’re talking about it, I’m also just thinking about the weapon overall, how it performs in all game types, strengths, weaknesses, what would happen with adjustments, etc.
Sorry to brainstorm w/ the community in an effort to be more transparent. My bad!
This would change nothing for PvE if that’s your intent for making it the burst ability.
Axe/mace with axe autoattack does such obscene damage that it actually outsustaines 100b now.
It does more damage than the necro and thief’s single target dagger weapons, and it cleaves to boot.
So moving 100b to the burst skill would change nothing in terms of warrior broken, ridiculous damage gap over others in PvE (it’s a combination of much higher base numbers, easy might stacking and vulnerability stacking, and the only class with a group boost utility for primary stats, and specifically the incredibly good 15% extra crit damage).
Basically, you’d be hurting PvP warriors for no reason by moving 100b and the PvE meta would remain dominated by warriors and guardians as axe/mace has already replaced 100b for damage dealing.
You’re good Jonathan
An idea for burst could be to drop Arcing Slice, since Warriors have a 36s fury elite that they almost always take with GS anyway
Maybe make Bull’s Charge GS’s burst and have a physical skill that charges adrenaline and makes you immune to blinds and weakness, maybe called “Hulk Angry” or “RAWRRRRRR”
(edited by jmatb.6307)
@ Defektive: We give Endure Pain with a trait, would Berserk’s via trait be too strong?
Or, alternate idea, what about a trait that aims solely at resistance to blinds? Sorta like the Goggles for Engineer.
Not saying we’d do that, just asking.
What about just reducing the source/durations of blinds in the game? As it is right now it’s the condition version of aegis and aegis is nowhere near that frequently applied.
Well is glad to have a dev talking to the community, im going to say that the healing buff is good, but and im not trying to just be negative for no reason, the problem of the warrior is that other classes for example, have stealths, evades, teleports on weapons, and utilities, while warriors have to take the damage all the time, 4 seconds endure pain on a 60 cd is not good enough, shield block is good but is the only one, berserker stance is very good as it is, you could add a stun break on that maybe but well.
I was thinking if warriors could be the retaliation class?, we are taking damage all the time, im sure the warrior is justified to reflect that damage at least some part of it, so how about puting retaliation on traits/weapon skills/utilities, obviously this needs a lot of thoughts but it could manage to make the warriors more usefull, and if not retaliation it can ve evasion, but i think with retaliation people will stop to go all out on warriors because they are going to be hurting themselves.
I know it’s off topic, but has anyone noticed how chatty ANet has been since this patch? Keep it up, guys. Even if it’s just brainstorming and such, it appeases the part of me that wants to know why you guys make the changes you make. /cheer
On Topic: Well, greatsword has some great things going for it. I think hundred blades COULD be a burst skill, but it’d need some tweaking, like being usable when moving, inflicting vulnerability with each hit, or something like that. Otherwise it runs the risk of being a wasted burst. It WOULD be a great way to combine it with Cleansing Ire, though, since it’s a multi-hit skill.
Arcing slice would be a good #2 skill, as would Rush. Maybe make arcing slice a bigger AoE around the warrior, or even a larger cone, allowing for better damage outside of Hundred Blades, or heck, cut down the damage on Rush and put THAT on #2, keep Arcing Slice damage high and put it on #5. Mobility seems to be the theme on the greatsword, so making rush more consistent seems like a good move.
(edited by Manijin.3428)
I meant Arcing.
Sorry, in a meeting.
My bad.
That still makes no sense and has nothing to do with rush anymore, which is the topic at hand here.
Nods, that’s just an animation change, which is possible.
Just, while we’re talking about it, I’m also just thinking about the weapon overall, how it performs in all game types, strengths, weaknesses, what would happen with adjustments, etc.
Sorry to brainstorm w/ the community in an effort to be more transparent. My bad!
Hehehe … ownt. So very well put. People cry for more transparency, and they just QQ while you’re answering one of their pleas (about transparency) and offering up an idea where personally I think 100B as a burst would be a good melee option. Why? Even if blind, it’s going to land a hit somewhere and use that adrenaline to proc cleansing ire.
Is that not the idea that was behind this, I assume? Having Arcing slice on the main bar would allow for more fury uptime much more easily, too, and could be an overall buff.
But of course … too busy being mad at about anything and everything to akshully discuss. I’m not even a warrior, and I’m seeing some potential benefits here. Hell, being a burst skill it could actually be buffed in someway, be it either damage or add a short duration snare to it. Just please, no stun, warriors have enough of those as it is IMO.
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Arcing Slice moves to the main bar?
I actually like this one, 100B is the signature move of the greatsword afterall, you could buff it in some interesting ways, giving it some utility per bar of adrenaline spent, slightly nerfing its direct damage and moving Arcing Slice to slot 2. You would nerf PvE damage this way (good!) while gaining more utility, specially for PvP (good!) and therefore slightly nerfing cheese combos such as Skull Crack+100B (good!) which are easy to apply, too effective and hard to counter currently.
My proposal:
Arcing Slice is moved to slot 2.
8 seconds CD, same damage, applies fury on hit 5 (?) seconds duration (you can achieve 100% fury uptime with boon duration I guess?) opening up other utility/elite choises and therefore other trait choises as well as possible new gear/equipment combos (ex. valkirie amulet). Cast time reduced from ¾ to ½.
Hundred Blades is moved to Burst (F1) slot.
Casting time remains 3½s.
Level 1 adrenaline: 1 second immobilize on 1 second of cast
Level 2 adrenaline: 1 second daze on 2 seconds of cast
Level 3 adrenaline: 1 second stun on 3 seconds of cast
I donno how could it be worded when quickness is active!
Damage coheficients changed. Now the full chain up until the last hit has it’s damage slightly reduced (like mainhand Axe), but the actual last hit of the chain has it’s damage significantly increased (even more than the current version). So now it feels much more rewarding landing that full chain. Now that it doesn’t need as much set up (just raising adrenaline bars and… maybe a paralization sigil?), it actually frees some utility/trait/gear choises (good!) therefore opening up new potential viable builds.
The good thing is that it would offer some room for counter play such as allowing a dodge when dazed or right after the stun just before the last hit will come.
The pros of this would be:
-more PvP utility or better self set up for 100b opening up new build possibilities
-no more 100B>Eviscerate for overpowered PvE DPS
-You no longer feel as pressured to take bolas, sword for the Flurry or Mace mainhand just to set up 100B.
-Greatsword is now a more selfsustained DPS weapon overall.
The cons:
-cancel Flurry into immob>100B and Skull Crack>100B would lose some of it’s charm for only 100B set ups evidently.
(edited by Khenzy.9348)
I feel the frustration building up here in this thread >_>
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
While we’re moving things … Cleansing wave from Ele off dagger to Ele off focus?
I totally Agree. 100 Blades should be on the F1 and Rush could be moved to 2 and nothing in slot 5 :p
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Throwing HB into the burst slot would be more of a nerf than a buff to greatsword, which most people seem to be moving away from anyways. On top of that destroys most of the ways to currently set up the skill.
How about changing it to ‘inspiring strike’, and making the fury AoE (still has to connect). Could also be ‘demoralizing strike’ and apply AoE weakness.
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Arcing Slice moves to the main bar?
I actually like this one, 100B is the signature move of the greatsword afterall, you could actually buff it in some interesting ways, giving it some utility per bar of adrenaline spent, slightly nerfing its direct damage and moving Arcing Slice to slot 2. You would nerf PvE damage this way (good!) while gaining more utility, specially for PvP (good!) and therefore slightly nerfing cheese combos such as Skull Crack+100B (good!) which are easy to apply, too effective and hard to counter currently.
My proposal:
Arcing Slice is moved to slot 2.
8 seconds CD, same damage, applies fury on hit 5 (?) seconds duration (you can achieve 100% fury uptime with boon duration I guess?) opening up other utility/elite choises and therefore other trait choises as well as possible new gear/equipment combos (ex. valkirie amulet). Cast time reduced from ¾ to ½.Hundred Blades is moved to Burst (F1) slot.
Casting time remains 3½s.
Level 1 adrenaline: 1 second immobilize on 1 second of cast
Level 2 adrenaline: 1 second daze on 2 seconds of cast
Level 3 adrenaline: 1 second stun on 3 seconds of castI donno how could it be worded when quickness is active!
Damage coheficients changed. Now the full chain up until the last hit has it’s damage slightly reduced (like mainhand Axe), but the actual last hit of the chain has it’s damage significantly increased (even more than the current version). So now it feels much more rewarding landing that full chain. Now that it doesn’t need as much set up (just raising adrenaline bars and… maybe a paralization sigil?), it actually frees some utility/trait/gear choises (good!) therefore opening up new potential viable builds.
The good thing is that it would offer some room for counter play such as allowing a dodge when dazed or right after the stun just before the last hit will come.The pros of this would be:
-more PvP utility or better self set up for 100b opening up new build possibilities
-no more 100B>Eviscerate for overpowered PvE DPS
-You no longer feel as pressured to take bolas, sword for the Flurry or Mace mainhand just to set up 100B.
-Greatsword is now a more selfsustained DPS weapon overall.The cons:
-cancel Flurry into immob>100B and Skull Crack>100B would lose some of it’s charm for only 100B set ups evidently.Thoughts?
People don’t use eviscerate or 100b in PvE. Axe/mace does more damage than 100b, and you never want to spend adrenaline as you lose the 15% extra damage from the grandmaster trait.
There is no reason whatsoever to move 100b from a weaponskill to burst. It would not change a thing in pve about warrior OP damage and it would only hurt PvP warriors.
Change Rush into a 1200 range leap, just like the Ranger’s 1000 range Swoop. The effect needs to be instant. No more crappy “running at a slightly faster speed” which can get reduced in range by cripples and chills, and stopped by daze and stun.
While we’re at it, Arcing Slice needs to go. You can move Hundred Blades to become the burst skill (though that wouldn’t solve anything), but in the end: Arcing Slice needs to go. It needs to be erased from the game, and replaced with a different effect. The greatsword has mobility + damage. What is it lacking? Hint: Utility. My proposal: Garen’s spin. Break out of all cripples and chills and spin to win for a few seconds.
(edited by zone.1073)
I would love it if ..
F1 was 100b.
Rush was 2.
Whirlwind was 3.
Blade Trail was 4 (AND CHANGED NOT TO BE MAGIC boomering…)
Arcing Slice kitten , changed to be like the ranger’s swoop.
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Rush moves to the main bar?
No, please, don‘t ever think about switching Arcing with HB.
Maybe Arcing need a little bit of damage buff, but that’s it. HB as a burst skill would be so bad,
I liked Arcing as a burst skill, A quick caste burst that gives the damage you need to down an enemy real quick, or with Building Momentum, it gives you a quick endurance refill to avoid enemy’s big hit or cleansing ire to quickly get rid of condis, its really good. and the fury is nice too. but i wouldn’t say no if you are going to replace it with a new quick casting high damage burst skill.
and making HB a burst skill is just going to be bad, 10 second cd, and you have to put 30 points in to a completely unrelated line for it to be 7 seconds and lost damage from other related traits, sure you can boost its damage by a lot to maybe equalize, but still this change will make it even harder to land and less compensated for landing it. Or if you can give it a stun, immo or anything, but i don’t think thats possible
But actually, thinking about it more, Arcing/Rush/100b. All those could be moved, but what would it do?
What if the CD on 100B was reduced and it moved to 5? WHat would happen if 100B went to burst and Arcing went main bar?
100B CD reduce would be nice, but whats the different between 2 and 5. i mean you can rebind and all, but 2 is better because it should be closer to the hand as a skill with low CD
OFF TOPIC: please remove leg specialist’s ICD, it destroys builds, i’d see cripple from swords auto chain go, instead of having a ICD for LS. maybe replace it with torment or just give it high damage like before, and also, you moved final thurst from auto to 3, but you forgot to move the special effect and the sound effect too, i think it helps the gameplay alot. now hamstring is doing slash with a thrust effect..
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
(edited by Lighter.5631)
Arcing Slice should steal or destroy 2 boons, tbh. (and be the 2.)
People don’t use eviscerate or 100b in PvE. Axe/mace does more damage than 100b, and you never want to spend adrenaline as you lose the 15% extra damage from the grandmaster trait.
There is no reason whatsoever to move 100b from a weaponskill to burst. It would not change a thing in pve about warrior OP damage and it would only hurt PvP warriors.
That’s what I supposed people did on PvE, I didn’t know it was all about stacking passive increases, but it makes perfect sense. Still, even is deleting the part “adressing OP PvE damage” I think it has some value even then.
100B needing so much set up only narrows down build diversity, or a weapon focusing so much on a single damaging skill that’s quite unreliable and easily counterable on it’s own is not a good sign in my opinion. That’s why I was proposing a more reliable 100B in a weapon that never uses its adrenaline skill.
Arcing Slice on slot 2 removing 2 boons is a great suggestion actually, as said above.
If the PvE problem is adrenaline passive damage increases, just nerf them or change them altogether to something more interesting, PvP warriors use adrenaline constantly so they wouldn’t be affected much at all.
While we’re moving things … Cleansing wave from Ele off dagger to Ele off focus?
Let’s talk about balance. Imagine a good old weighing scales with two plates.
Now think about why everybody takes offhand dagger instead of focus. Superior mobility, superior healing, and sinergizing burst or control skills.What would I change:
Offhand dagger:
Ride the Lightning range reduced to 1000. 30s CD at all timesScepter:
Shatterstone removed
Water Trident moved to slot 2. CD reduced to 10 seconds, healing reduced by 30%, damage increased by 30% (made up numbers, you get the point).
Alternative Water Trident moved to slot 2. CD reduced to 10 seconds. No longer heals. Damage increased by 30% (made up number, you get the point), it now applies 10 stacks of vulnerability for 10 seconds.
New skill Freezing Speed. Water. slot 3. CD 15 seconds. 600 range. Slide forward and strike the area leaving your foes vulnerable and leaving behind an icy line that chills foes.
New skill alternative Slippery Speed. Water. slot 3. CD 15 seconds. 600 range. Slide backwards and do an area burst heal leaving an icy line that chills foes.^basically an improved water version of Burning Speed
Dagger mainhand:
Burning Speed charge range increased to 600, blast area increased.Focus:
Freezing Gust revamped. Is now a targeted area (same area as dragon’s tooth possibly smaller). It no longer requires you to face your enemy to cast it, still affected by LoS. It lasts 3 seconds, it pulses direct damage every second as well as chill, it now does a final burst heal at the end (heal similar to Cleansing Wave). CD increased to 30 seconds, casting remains the same. Moved to slot 5.
Comet damage increased by 33%, area increased to 180. Moved to slot 4.
Swirling Winds In addition to its current functionality, now gives you and allies in the area swiftness on cast. 10 seconds duration.
Gale Now affects a small cone area. No longer requires you to face your enemy, still affected by LoS.
Flame Wall this skill is now three times as broader, now lasts for 5 seconds, its persistent direct damage has been doubed. Cast time reduced to ½s.Thoughts?
Thoughts = please don’t steal thread, make your own.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
the problem of the warrior is that other classes for example, have stealths, evades, teleports on weapons, and utilities, while warriors have to take the damage all the time, 4 seconds endure pain on a 60 cd is not good enough, shield block is good but is the only one, berserker stance is very good as it is, you could add a stun break on that maybe but well.
At least you’ve got blocks.
I meant Arcing.
Sorry, in a meeting.
My bad.
You are in a meeting at 8:30 pm your time? No wonder you are not making any sense. Get some rest man.
Since you seemed to move off of rush to F-skills…
IMO classes should be slowly built up to the point where they get an innate toolkit of abilities that will let any spec in the class be playable… there are so many percs in that for the player base, from top down if you think about it. That’d leave weapons/traits to exist for what they were supposed to… flavor and min/maxing…
It’d entail some barebones cleansing based off foresight, along with a 20~s CD, 2~s, stability proc or some sort of bonus phys defense.
When it comes to specifics….
A lil off topic but, bursty attacks could not scale as well with power, but have better base dmg. It’d give all warriors somewhat decent situational dmg, but to compensate, power could really bump up spammable attack dmg so ‘high dps’ warrior bring good constant/pressure in addition to the decent situational ‘spikes’ attacks. That’d shift the game away from ‘spike dmg is king’ hopefully, as long as the base dmgs for the spike attacks isn’t made really high.
Ways to give situational defense…
Give a trait for ‘1/2s of protection (or retaliation) when you use a weapon ability.’
Make adrenaline like frenzy.
If you have 0 bar , have protection and? retal.
If you have 1 bar of adrenaline, +10% attack speed, gain retal.
If you have 2 bars of adrenaline +15% attack speed, +15% healing, take 15% more dmg (condi duration too?).
If you have 3 bars of adrenaline +35% attack speed, +25% healing, take 30% more dmg (condi duration too?).
Make an F skill on no CD only usable if you are under 2 or 3 bars of adrenaline ‘you evade while using your next ability, gain 10 strikes of adrenaline’
Bam, a very interesting setup.
You blow adrenaline with the burst skills (lose 1/3~ of your adrenaline if you miss) but are in the danger zone (yes I watch too much Archer) if you let extra adrenaline sit around.
Also throwing Berserker stance (maybe cut the duration to 3~s and CD to 20~) on the F keys could be cool, since it’s not as powerful as currently. Building adrenaline hurts survivability, so you are forced to have tons of adrenaline to deal with to mitigate conditions for a short time.
(edited by garethh.3518)
100B does seem like something that should be a burst skill.
Lol, Warriors are going to hate that, though. But I think it’s for the best.
100 blades should have been the greatsword burst skill from the beginning. Moving it to burst would promote better play because now players would need to think about adrenaline instead of just sitting on full adre all fight long. I know it roots the warrior, but so does sword burst (flurry) as well, which is weaker in damage (but gives immobilize).
Arcing slice as GS #2 would be better than most players think, as it would allow 100% fury uptime without the use of any utility skill. That would make some utility skills in fact a bit irrelevant. So maybe make arcing slice 10 s cooldown and give 5 seconds of fury, but ability to hit multiple foes? With boon duration runes + consumables that would still give almost 100% fury uptime. Now it could be comboed for devastating effect e.g. arcing slice (fury on), bull’s charge to knockdown the foe and then 100 blades to burst it down. Or alternatively make arcing slice remove one boon (instead of giving fury) and give it 8 s cooldown.
I would advice against buffing greatsword, because it has already been the most popular warrior weapon by far. The reasons are simple: It has two movement skills (and one with 1200 range), the highest damage skill in the game (100 blades) on a mere 8 s cooldown and the best trait synergy (forceful greatsword trait is better than any single hand weapon traits are). Please don’t turn this game into Greatsword Wars 2.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
I meant Arcing.
Sorry, in a meeting.
My bad.
You are in a meeting at 8:30 pm your time? No wonder you are not making any sense. Get some rest man.
dude, he said he is in china in the summer. He should stay indoors, eat ice cream, and find an a/c
replace the rush with bullcharge on a 35s CD.
Just replace rush animation with bulls charge animation. Arcing slice is useless 3k crit with 15 sec fury is meh. Needs to be replaced with a utility type burst since the weapon carries the main damage itself.
But actually, thinking about it more, Arcing/Rush/100b. All those could be moved, but what would it do?
What if the CD on 100B was reduced and it moved to 5? WHat would happen if 100B went to burst and Arcing went main bar?
Sry for the bad eng, but i want to give my 2 coppers.
How about deleting hb completely and replace it with something better, for example a counterblow of ranger gs? A selfrooting skills doesnt belong to this game, adding for example immo won’t solve anything as in many cases ppl dodge out of range anyway (see flurry), or they will just teleport away, a cc is needed in order to land it, making it pointless
As for rush we have a working is on fiery gs, its also makes more sense to jump on target from rushing to them.
Arcing slide in current state is just bad, its does lower damage than 2x regular hits and is single target..Imo not worth casting it for 15sec fury. Also that animation just screaming for a kd and weakness debuff.
A lot has been said in this topic and since I don’t have time to read through it all I’ll just say what I think about Rush.
The short version: Rush damage should be applied as soon as warrior gets into 130 range (which is the range of the weapon if I’m not mistaken)
Reasoning: As it is right now, when Warrior uses Rush, he runs up to his target, then he stops and swings his sword, which makes no sense to me really. I imagine rush being a kind of impale skill, where you use the speed and weight of your body as you charge into someone and impale him with your sword. What sense does it make to run at him, stop when you get to him, and then hit him with a sword?
So in short, the swing part of the animation should be removed. And don’t worry, the skill will still be telegraphed enough.
-I think Rush animation should look and work the way bullstrike does.
-Arcing strike is useless, completely useless
-I would actually like to see some rework on HB because in my opinion the skill is useless in PvP, unless you take Bullstrike AND Frenzy along with it. And taking 2 utility skills, to make 1 weapon skills work is a no no. Anyway 3,5s cast time is just way too much to do anything serious with that skill. And I don’t want to use it only to cleave downed people. :S
There’s one thing I can think of that would make 100b more accessible in pvp without totally gimping your utility slots:
Make trait “Last Chance” more appealing. Increase duration to 6, increase health to 33% and keep the internal cooldown. Or rather incrase duration 6, increase health to 50% and increase internal cooldown to 60.
That way warriors can be rewarded for some battlefield awareness and careful timing and target picking. It’s also a XII trait, so you have to spec 30 points into Arms, which I probably have never done before, because I don’t like that trait line, so the price you pay for that quickness access is high…
If you could do that 100b would become a pretty tactical skill, not that easy to pull off, and the results wouldn’t come cheap. Of course then you would have to deal with warriors running last chance + frenzy in their utility, which may seem a little too much. But I would pull Quickness out of utility skills anyway, and make more traits that reward people for being aware and take their chance and execute things well. Last Chance trait is that kind of trait, but it’s just a little to weak, 4 seconds is a very small time window to act even when you’re ready for it…
I’d personally have to vote against making 100B the GS’s burst skill, since it would destroy the current 100B PvP builds (Mace/Shield/GS), and those are actually pretty healthy for the meta. When played well, they can help counter Necros and Engis, amongst other things, but it’s still very possible to bring counterplay against them. It’s honestly the sort of build I’d like to see more of in the game, and making 100B compete with Skull Crack for adrenaline would ruin the combo that defines the build. It’s not a problem build, and Warriors are using it to finally find their footing in PvP, so why ruin it?
I also don’t really see what making 100B the burst skill would accomplish, since as others have said here, all the GS needs is a bit more utility. The problem isn’t that Arcing Slice is the burst skill – it’s that Arcing Slice doesn’t bring anything to the table that the Warrior doesn’t already have good access to. High Fury uptime is something Warriors can achieve through any number of means, which makes AS completely redundant and a waste of adrenaline. Changing Arcing Slice to strip boons, break CC, or have some sort of effect that’s relatively unique and useful for a GS Warrior is all that needs to be done. I’d argue against putting any sort of Immobilize or Stun on it, and the GS doesn’t really need more gap closers, but other than that, they sky is the limit.
I think the placement of abilities for the GS set is fine and doesn’t need to be moved around.
Change arcing slice’s animation. Make it an AOE blind with a 500 radius with moderate AOE dmg, as well as give fury. Make it so you don’t need a target to use. Name could be changed to arcing wind.
Rush needs to be changed to a leap, similar to leap of faith. This way you won’t have to deal with trying to figure out if it goes to the area it’s suppose to. Maybe let it also give 3-5sec of swiftness.
100B’s needs to used while on the move or best thing yet would to get rid of the channel? Channeling while trying to melee dodging targets is no good at all. I know this is the warrior’s most controversial ability. Others can do at least half the damage of a FULL 100B channel with no real set-up but just a press of a button. Or: make it so while using 100B’s your target becomes immobilized? 100B’s shouldn’t require a utility slot being available just to be effective(having to use bull charge or bolas just to get full potential from our weapon ability sucks. even then it might not work)
(edited by Azrayl.4936)
Rush and arcing slice feel like ‘filler’ moves, skills that you use in pvp when you got nothing else to throw out. Maybe the idea of moving HB to burst isn’t such a bad idea. But then you’d have to move arcing slice to skill 2 and with that, gs weapon skills look pretty weak – and the synergy of the moves will probably be out of whack.
Rangers and Guardians get alot more out of their greatsword skills then warriors. If there are changes to be made, I hope it is enough to be unique to warriors. I will throw my ideas out there !!!
Rush – Speed increase of 50%, removes cripple, blast finisher (same kind of animation as bulls charge, should be a finisher).
Arcing Slice – I don’t think the fury cuts it for this move. As someone else suggested, maybe remove 3 boons would spice it up.
Can we get a new burst (f2 maybe)? I’d vote for endure pain f2!