SPvP 8 Players is too many?

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


I’ve been thinking that 8 players is too many for SPvP, I think the due to the map size it should be 5 Players instead of 8 players, some times it even feel like a zerg fest rather than actual Player VS Player.
I was told however that it is infact 5 players for Tpvp, and it’s the exact same maps, now that’s much more to my liking. However I do not wish to play TPvP since I know it’s meant for those who want to approach SPvP in a more professional manner, and I do not have a team of 5 players I can play with whenever I like to.
But based on that information I was given, I was quite displeased that they went with 8 players for SPvP so people who play SPvP will actually not get any idea about how actual 5 player TPvP would feel.
Then it hit me that this could actually be an approach they did to save money on servers, if they increased the player limit that would decrease the amount of matches the servers had to run, which in the end saves ANet & NCSoft money. Of course you could argue that this is not the case, but I’ve seen that the SPvP server list have been full a few times. Although that’s rare, it still add up with the idea about saving money, would make sense. If their budget can’t afford more servers. Keep in mind it’s nothing but theory, no one but ANet themself can actually confirm this.
Still I rather want a 5v5 match in SPvP than a 8vs8, because quite often it is me with some guy, against 6 players fighting for a node. I don’t feel like I am able to do anything because it’s obvious who is going to win that fight.
Maybe I am the only who feel about it that way, I’ve been playing SPvP now for quite a while.
I feel they should change the player limit to 5 instead of 8, that way it would also fit better into being equal to TPvP, so players can get a feeling of how it would be if it was TPvP.
Does anyone else think 8vs8 is a bit too many?

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

Server costs are kind of small potatoes to a company like NCSoft.

If I had to pick a financial conspiracy theory, it’d be more like;
Given that they mentioned wanting these rooms to be 10v10 before I imagine it’s more of a stop-gap measure until Rented Servers, the stepping stone between hotjoin and tourney play, gets implemented. If they give us free 5v5 rooms they devalue the future monetization potential of Rented Servers, but if they’d only left us with 10v10 they’d of run the risk of losing people like us and risk creating a barrier between hotjoin and tourney play because the games would play too differently with nothing between to ease the transition. So, compromise number; 8v8.

Not that I’m casting imaginary stones, here, I find that all fair and sensible. It’s just that mass wild speculation is kind of fun. I only hope whatever’s going on behind the curtain, they get those servers up and ready kinda’ soon. I also am not a zerg fan.

(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


That’s a nice theory, but it’s wrong. The reason that hotjoins are 8v8 is because the devs genuinely believe that 8v8 is more appealing to casual players. The idea goes that in games with more players, individual contribution is less important to the outcome of the game, so newer/more casual players can make more mistakes and still do okay.

The problem with this theory, of course, is that the 8v8 games are happening on maps which were very clearly designed for 5v5. So you end up with a zergfest where the winning team steamrolls the losing team, and the casual players are dying so quickly they have no idea what they did wrong, get frustrated, and leave.

The concept of 8v8 or even 10v10 as a casual format is fine, but if you don’t create new maps to accommodate the larger teams, all you’re going to get is a bunch of frustrated players.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: Untouch.2541


Oh god, 10v10 would be awful
So glad they didn’t do that.

But yeah, I do find 8v8 is still too much.
For the design, it should be one global number and I feel 5v5 works the best.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


Oh god, 10v10 would be awful
So glad they didn’t do that.

But yeah, I do find 8v8 is still too much.
For the design, it should be one global number and I feel 5v5 works the best.

I suspect the majority of players agree with you. I know I do. But the devs are VERY adamant on this subject. If anything, they’ll increase the number of players in hotjoin games. If they do, I hope they have the sense to create maps specifically to accommodate that style of play.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I have hope that we will get Ranked Team 5v5 and Ranked Solo 5v5.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


They’ll definitely add ranked team 5v5. I’m not sure what the point of ranked solo 5v5 would be.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


8v8 is already bad.
If they do 10v10 I quit. I rly do.
So sick of the zerg spam

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: albotelho.2931


6v6 would be a good size… more than that is a complete mess.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


8v8 is perfect.
5v5 is too small.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: Untouch.2541


8v8 is perfect.
5v5 is too small.

5v5 is perfect.
8v8 is too large.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


8v8 is perfect.
5v5 is too small.

i’d gladly agree with u except for one thing.
The game is balanced around 5v5, Anet said that and it’s easily noticiable aswell.
So yea… I can’t agree with you.

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: Pinder.5261


Another thing to consider is that hot-join servers are subject to constant fluctuations in the roster. It’s common for one team to be down a player; also common for both teams to have one or two slots constantly occupied by transients (players who are only available for part of a match).

This doesn’t make much difference in an 8v8 game, since one or two missing players generally will not hand the game to the other team. But in 5v5, an open or transient player slot has a much more detrimental effect.

TPvP can function on 5v5 more easily given the demand for remaining active and in-game for the full duration of the match. SPvP, on the other hand, has no guarantee, and adding more player slots is about the most simple and effective way of smoothing out the problem so long as they continue to use a hot-join server structure.

(edited by Pinder.5261)