Sad state of NA PvP
in europ there are no paids before 18 am, yesterday we waited for 6 hours then i had to go offline. When we can actually play, we always face the same teams.
Same thing in Europe (although paids do pop during peak times: 7pm to 9pm)
It’s a real shame as this game has the best combat system of any MMO to date (in my opinion). The balance is kinda what I’d expect of a 3 month old game but the activity has dropped sharply in the last couple of weeks. This is something that needs to be sorted promptly and needs a response from Anet immediately. The player base really do need to know what kind of time scale we can expect things to be implemented in. “When it’s ready” is something that only really works before a game is released. I don’t mind if we have to wait til January or when ever to get matchmaking and custom servers, but I’d like to know when we can expect it!
You’ve gotten your response from Anet already about the ideas on the forums:
“We are considering these ideas but right now our focus is on X thing that won’t help the game at all.”
You’ve gotten your response from Anet already about the ideas on the forums:
“We are considering these ideas but right now our focus is on X thing that won’t help the game at all.”
^ this, can someone please teach all these game developing companies how to run an MMO. They all seem to be following the same trend lately.
I think in game communication of features is a big problem. We need the community to grow with new blood not the opposite.
Some things just straight out confuse me, and im usually very optimistic with devs.
For example, why were the 5v5 hot joins just thrown at the very bottom of the browser? I look and see that the only real full servers are the 8v8s at the top, and im willing to bet that a big reason for that is people just dont even realize the 5v5s are there.
Most of the player base either forget or dont even read a small blip on the patch notes explaining the change.
Another example is with the tournament browser UI, just yesterday I had to explain to someone who was obviously new to the mists how to join a free tourney. I suspect that most dont even know this much, to even try to solo join a free in the first place. What scares me is that while this guy was lucky enough to ask in /map, theres probably a multitude of other players that never got it, and all that opportunity to bolster the community with “new blood” is gone.
In conclusion, I feel that the actual pvp system is great— but people dont even know that it is there. And we cant just count on them to slowly figure it out, because they will just quit. Which results in the current active community eventually quitting too.
Remember for every person who is active on these forums there are hundreds that are not and must have everything spoon fed via in-game UI and announcements.
Heh, I remember confusion of my first time joining free tournament, when I simply abandoned que and went for normals. I figured out how to join them properly few days later. There should be a window to choose either “play solo” or “play with friends”, not just always the same window waiting to add friends. It’s a small thing, but I believe it would help few rookies in their beginnings of sPvP.
Premades joining free tourneys is a total tragedy. There are two ways of playing frees now – meet another pug and enjoy balanced fight, or meet a premade and loose the game 0 to 500.
For my first time I luckly met 3x pugs in a row and won first place, what encouraged me to play some more tourneys, but if I wasn’t lucky enough and kept fighting premades, I would have never returned (at least as a solo player).
Funny thing – people pubstomping frees in premades aren’t happy either, they even write it in chat, so everyone isn’t satisfied.
(edited by Dagins.5163)
You’ve gotten your response from Anet already about the ideas on the forums:
“We are considering these ideas but right now our focus is on X thing that won’t help the game at all.”
^ this, can someone please teach all these game developing companies how to run an MMO. They all seem to be following the same trend lately.
I’ll be you could coach your favorite sports team better than that guy in charge as well.
It’s a deeply rooted problem. There’s a lot of reasons for it.
The PvP itself is lacking. Poor balancing, lack of build diversity and viability, several broken, overpowered mechanics, the single game mode… The fact that professions lack roles, yet obviously one profession performs a function much better than others means it’s very hard for players to enter into games with a role in mind.
Entry into PvP in general is a problem. Where is PvP? Many players don’t know, starting out, as it’s not something you see during normal gameplay. Assuming you’re in the Mists, how do you start? There’s no “enter battle” button, just a NPC many will miss. Many will also never know there are multiple modes of PvP, and especially have no clue that more organized play exists. While obviously a surprising notion to people who are aware of PvP, the mechanics of how PvP integrates with the rest of the game (or rather, how it seals itself off completely) ensures many players never even try PvP at all.
Also, in terms of PvP being isolated, as you have all your progress effectively removed when you PvP (aside from dyes, which don’t even work in matches), there’s no incentives to participate. If you invest hours into PvE and are told to start over in PvP, you get a floating sense of separation from your own character, who now feels like a completely different person from that one you’ve been developing. Consequently, this detachment discourages people from bothering at all.
Not even touching on the combat mechanics of the game itself, how PvP integrates with the rest of the game is what kills it, before it even leaves the gate. The fact that PvP in GW2 is NOT newbie friendly at all only serves to continue to drive people away from it. And that stems mainly from the lack of established roles combined with poor class balance and an unwillingness on the part of the PvP team to actually address major mechanical concerns with the game.
GW2 PvP had potential, but is simply too segregated and ignored to be worth playing. It certainly will never be an e-sport, and probably will just die out completely (aside from a casual base anyway) within a few months. It can be fixed, and it can be fixed quickly, but given ANet’s prior behavior and choice pattern, I doubt it’ll ever happen.
Yeah I think you have said it pretty well plague. I can remember when I started this game how discouraging pvp was. It was incredibly confusing and hard to get the hang of. I was honestly about to quit, but I kept playing and got better and I now I can’t get enough of the pvp. This game is certainly not newbie friendly and that does push many players away.
Another issue to add to my previous post that I think would have an impact on the current state of the game is with cross-server play.
I think the idea of being able to group and chat with players from cross server is completely lost on most people. This is a great aspect of the game and in theory SHOULD dramatically increase the capabilities of a community.
But theres no real mention or encouragement for players to do this. Most probably see the (dwindling) number of players in their own heart of the mist lobby which then adds to the feeling that even attempting to put together 5man groups (pick up or consistent) as futile.
Reinforcing this idea and making it easier to group up with non-server people could help reverse this trend.
Some ideas would be a cross-server lobby or chat, which would simply just show this aspect of the game to its players and they could go from there. Or even some ideas from FPS matchmaking type games where there is a list of recent players that you have been grouped with no matter what server their on. Or maybe an accessible in game “LFG” type of bulliton-board where all servers can see and quickly make groups of 5 to then q into free/paid tourneys.
Yeah I think you have said it pretty well plague. I can remember when I started this game how discouraging pvp was. It was incredibly confusing and hard to get the hang of. I was honestly about to quit, but I kept playing and got better and I now I can’t get enough of the pvp. This game is certainly not newbie friendly and that does push many players away.
I will agree on that fact, this game is very unfriendly to new players in PvP in general, from interface, making builds, and actual gameplay.
Also, in terms of PvP being isolated, as you have all your progress effectively removed when you PvP (aside from dyes, which don’t even work in matches), there’s no incentives to participate. If you invest hours into PvE and are told to start over in PvP, you get a floating sense of separation from your own character, who now feels like a completely different person from that one you’ve been developing. Consequently, this detachment discourages people from bothering at all.
The fact that even cosmetic stuff doesn’t transfer between PvE and PvP does make it feel like you’re starting an alt if you do a lot of PvP on a character and then try PvE or vice versa. It doesn’t feel like the same character at all.
I wish there were totally different skins for PvP armor and PvE armor, but you could wear PvP skins in PvE and vice versa. That way you could show off your accomplishments from other parts of the game, and people would still know “he got that helm from X Dungeon” or “he got that for being rank 30” or whatever whether you were currently doing PvE or PvP or WvW.
They should also have put a lot more thought into the way rewards are given out. The way you get tons of boxes full of random items is reward overload. It desensitizes you to the enjoyment of getting a new gold box, or piece of gear, when you are constantly flooded with items that you don’t want and throw away. They should have designed a reward system that gave boxes/items far less frequently, but didn’t give duplicates nearly as often.
(edited by nurt.5401)
Yesterday paids were popping all day.
Of course, that doesn’t make anything that you’re saying less true. I think it’s mostly thanksgiving taking a decent amount of players away, but it is a very bad sign if during a holiday you can’t even get 8 teams together to play a paid tourny.
Personally I think they need to do away with the tourny system. It’s a great idea and perfect for weekly’s/monthly’s when they come out, but it’s terrible for standard play. Additionally, making it so that you only face one team (bo3 perhaps) makes it far easier to implement a logical matchmaking/ladder system.
I think if the game developers just made a post admitting they need to do away with the current tournament system in favor of a ladder system they would keep interest up. Right now what worries me the most is they are going to keep trying to push this system on us. Balance and certain gameplay mechanics can be iterated on and is in an expected state atm. Issues in those areas don’t really raise too many alarms because its easy enough to take a couple steps back. However when it come to designing the foundation used to play the game it is much harder to reiterate on as it affects the ranking and reward systems.
It is very worrysome that the devs haven’t admitted the system isn’t working already because each day that passes it makes it more and more likely such a change will never occur. The decision to either get rid of the tournament system or keep it will make or brake the game. It would be really useful to know what Anet’s plans are for this system so players can make their choices instead of remaining in the dark. I am sure they have already lost a number of players out of doubt that they will change tournaments.
Scrap tournies and introduce laddered best of three’s. Yeah tournies are unique but who cares how unique they are when your forced to wait 20 mins prime time ( i use prime time loosely because its only a two hour window) and 1 hour + off peak.
All i know is there seem to be less and less playing PvP by the week. I am not interested in WvW and ascended gear or PvE grind. I think things will get worse with xmas and other games being released.
On the other hand $60 for about 3 months good fun was worth it. Feels like wasted potential however.
Yeah more people like deathmatch node taking is never as popular as good old fashion deathmatch in anygame I have played.
I would say flag running is more popular then node capture models.
Casuals also like deathmatch… that said I dont know how deathmatch would work in this game… would be very short for sure.
On a side note Free tournys pop up faster for me then a month ago, I think more people from spvp are joining pug style /shrug.
I’m not playing because of the constant Conquest game variant. I’ve been on a 3 week break now and until I see a new game variant being added, like where the HELL is capture the flag! I’m not playing, PvP, PvE or WvW. Just not going to bother.
Arenanet needs to address the PvP community because I remember 3 weeks back, the Mists were absolutely dead. You can’t make a game with such high PvP hopes then only offer Conquest, its complete suicide. What is World Of Warcraft up to now? Last in Lich King there was 5 different variants I believe, which is still low for PvP gaming but still, if somehow Blizzard managed to think of game variants, I’m sure Arenanet can.
2 things that will help
1) balance entry fee and rewards of PAID tournaments. If this is done properly, almost all premades will move (and they will be happy for it) to paid tournaments. Gem lotery is flustrating. IF ArenaNet has problem with GEM distribution.. then just skip the GEMS! most of us dont need them, give us tournament ticket instead and keep GEM reward only for first place.. BUT we need to get tickets to play paids.. so it has to be balanced again and properly this time. THIS COULD BE DONE WITHIN A DAY ! no programing is needed.. just adjust the values.
2) implement matchmaking. As soon as possible this game need players fighting players of same or similar skill level. Fighting hardcore team is not fun, fighging casual players as hardcore is not fun either. This of course need serious programing and time to implement. But any other activity doesnt make any sense without matchmaking. You will see even balance in different way if you fight equally skilled opponents
just my 2 cents.. again
I agree with you on the fact that more game types are necessary. While I do enjoy conquest playing one map type over and over gets old fast. I can’t stand the fact anet hides behind the stance of not being able to balance the game when other map types are implemented. Every other pvp mmo I have played has offered 3+ game modes at launch usually more. These games weren’t any less balanced then what we see in gw2 today.
I like whoever suggested just matching two teams up to play a best of three. This would of course need a ranking and matchmaking system. Each team that joined would get at least two games and they would feel like they got their tickets worth. It would only take two teams to start so queue times would be shorter.
Dont get me wrong, I loved the idea of tournaments and entry fees, but the population can’t support it atm. Some changes need to be made to build the population back up. Reserve the tournaments for the monthly/yearly competition.
Matchmaking is direly needed. Facing off a team of 5 all under rank 8 on Kyhlo just feels bad. I mean, the match never even gets to a point where player skill is involved, they lose simply because they don’t know enough about the game yet.
Even if it’s as crude as a team’s average rank gets paired with similar team ranks would help.
And fix the kitten load screen bugs and lags.
I run as a pugger all the time. I have since level 1 and I’m now almost 30.
For 3 free tournaments yesterday, I was in pug vs. pug from the first game until the last. It was AMAZING! So much fun, seriously, the closest games and the best time I’ve had in PvP in GW2 since release.
This only reinforces the fact that they need to have rankings, individual sign ups, and team sign ups.
The main complaint I hear about this is: “But then the teams won’t have anyone to play against.” LOL
Why is that? Because of the low population in PvP.
Why is there a low population in PvP?
Because new players don’t like to stick around very long.
Why don’t many new players like to stick around in PvP?
Because they are getting STOMPED by PvP teams.
If there were more people in general in the game, eventually there would be more teams and eventually there would be better tournaments.
Anet is putting the cart before the horse and because of that, they are killing their game.
The main complaint I hear about this is: “But then the teams won’t have anyone to play against.” LOL
Why is that? Because of the low population in PvP.
Why is there a low population in PvP?
Because new players don’t like to stick around very long.
Why don’t many new players like to stick around in PvP?
Because they are getting STOMPED by PvP teams.If there were more people in general in the game, eventually there would be more teams and eventually there would be better tournaments.
Anet is putting the cart before the horse and because of that, they are killing their game.
5WHY havent seen that method used out of my work, but hey.. its a good one how to find a root cause.
More interesting question
Why ArenaNet dont see it?
im pretty sure they do have tools to meassure population, count howmanygames / tournaments the game run etc.. those are probably easy to get DATA they have available and we still dont see some FAST and direct adjustment to our issues?
Why ArenaNet dont act ?
Becaues they dont see it?
Why they dont see it?
Because they still get money from PVE
The main complaint I hear about this is: “But then the teams won’t have anyone to play against.” LOL
Why is that? Because of the low population in PvP.
Why is there a low population in PvP?
Because new players don’t like to stick around very long.
Why don’t many new players like to stick around in PvP?
Because they are getting STOMPED by PvP teams.If there were more people in general in the game, eventually there would be more teams and eventually there would be better tournaments.
Anet is putting the cart before the horse and because of that, they are killing their game.
havent seen that method used out of my work, but hey.. its a good one how to find a root cause.
More interesting question
Why ArenaNet dont see it?
im pretty sure they do have tools to meassure population, count howmanygames / tournaments the game run etc.. those are probably easy to get DATA they have available and we still dont see some FAST and direct adjustment to our issues?
Why ArenaNet dont act ?
Becaues they dont see it?
Why they dont see it?
Because they still get money from PVE
Haha, yup, I can’t seem to shut it off sometimes.
lets be honest here, the maps in this game for these matches are just awful..Boring and bland..
As much crap as SWTOR gets, Huttball is still probably the best PvP Map i’ve played in an MMO, followed by a couple of the Warhammer Online ones….(TSW El dorado map was also really well designed, just never popped)
Till they make the SPvP maps interesting and add a reason to actually do SPvP (Also another thing that keeps this game down..Warhammer Online,TSW,SWTOR all gave you something for doing it..hell even WoW did.. same with Rift… There really isn’t any reason for me to ever bother with SPvP in this game) no one will actually waste time with the game.
Elder Scrolls Online has already saw the writing on the wall, and are just going to flat out not have instance pvp in their game.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
lets be honest here, the maps in this game for these matches are just awful..Boring and bland..
As much crap as SWTOR gets, Huttball is still probably the best PvP Map i’ve played in an MMO, followed by a couple of the Warhammer Online ones….(TSW El dorado map was also really well designed, just never popped)
Till they make the SPvP maps interesting and add a reason to actually do SPvP (Also another thing that keeps this game down..Warhammer Online,TSW,SWTOR all gave you something for doing it..hell even WoW did.. same with Rift… There really isn’t any reason for me to ever bother with SPvP in this game) no one will actually waste time with the game.
Elder Scrolls Online has already saw the writing on the wall, and are just going to flat out not have instance pvp in their game.
Yeah huttball was really fun and new. Anet needs to do some thinking outside the box.
We can build a pyramid with the amount of players for each kind of sPvP.
1. Paid Tournaments
2. Free Tournaments (premade)
3. Free Tournaments (solo)
4. Random (5vs5)
3. Random (8vs8)
So, 8vs8 is the most played, and paids the less.
Actually, the link between randoms and tourneys is broken, so people get stucked at randoms.
I think the UI for sPvP should be corrected to use only 1 NPC, so people will know tournaments exists, and incentivating to play them.
Why not let us choose the kind of game we wanna play in a simple UI? The list I wrote before could be useful by showing it as it is, adding a little description for each item.
By doing this, people will only have to walk to a single NPC (or just clicking on the PvP icon in the user UI maybe [letting us join whitout being in the mists]?) and in a single view will know every kind of game available.
PD: Sorry if my english isnĀ“t perfect =P.
lets be honest here, the maps in this game for these matches are just awful..Boring and bland..
As much crap as SWTOR gets, Huttball is still probably the best PvP Map i’ve played in an MMO, followed by a couple of the Warhammer Online ones….(TSW El dorado map was also really well designed, just never popped)
Till they make the SPvP maps interesting and add a reason to actually do SPvP (Also another thing that keeps this game down..Warhammer Online,TSW,SWTOR all gave you something for doing it..hell even WoW did.. same with Rift… There really isn’t any reason for me to ever bother with SPvP in this game) no one will actually waste time with the game.
Elder Scrolls Online has already saw the writing on the wall, and are just going to flat out not have instance pvp in their game.
There are people who are only interested in instanced pvp and play just for the competition. I never was a fan of open world pvp or pve. I thought this game would be perfect for someone like me, but I think wow’s arenas still hold most of the instanced pvp’er population. Which is a shame because GW2’s gameplay and combat mechanics are far better than any game I have ever played. A-net has created an amazing game, now they just need to build on it. I still believe that spvp can make a comeback since there is no sub fee. Its too easy to log in and check out changes that have been made.
I like whoever suggested just matching two teams up to play a best of three.
I also like this idea. Either that, or just replace 3-round tourneys with a single map match between two teams.
I really don’t know why tourneys are the core mode of play to begin with. Requiring 8 teams to do anything just seems wasteful to me and, IMO, might be one of the reasons they’re having trouble implementing a matchmaking system – since matching 40 players together can be problematic compared to matching 10 players together, especially once you get to higher ratings.
I’d really rather have single map matches w/ two teams as the basic, every day game mode while leaving 8-team tourneys as a monthly or seasonal thing.
I like whoever suggested just matching two teams up to play a best of three.
I also like this idea. Either that, or just replace 3-round tourneys with a single map match between two teams.
I really don’t know why tourneys are the core mode of play to begin with. Requiring 8 teams to do anything just seems wasteful to me and, IMO, might be one of the reasons they’re having trouble implementing a matchmaking system – since matching 40 players together can be problematic compared to matching 10 players together, especially once you get to higher ratings.
I’d really rather have single map matches w/ two teams as the basic, every day game mode while leaving 8-team tourneys as a monthly or seasonal thing.
Yeah, this is probably one of the easiest fixes. As many others have stated the tourney system is just not working imo. Even when I win 2 out of the 3 matches I still feel like I have lost overall. My sense of accomplishment is just not the same as it is when I win the 3rd round. I strongly support either making it a 1 round game, or 3 rounds versus the same team. I feel this would bring more people into the tpvp scene.
I think matching two teams together for a best of 3 is a great idea. Queues would be MUCH faster, everyone would get more playtime out of their tickets, and people would have a more equal distribution of practice across the maps.
I feel like if an MMR system was put in place it should still be across an individual level. Gain points for winning lose points for losing. In terms of matching maybe the system can average the people on a team’s MMR and attempt to prioritize them to match with another team with a similar average MMR. Obviously there should be time stops put in place so you can get matched with teams with lower/higher MMR than yours if there is no one else in queue.
yes there is only 2 ideas to fix this game.
the best being if ANET decides to move away from 8 teams need to q and just match 1 team vs 1 team like SWTOR does and put them on a random map. (they can even take the SWTOR 3 game modes to make some ppl happy).
second thing is to implement a advanced playist
either way no matter what they are deciding to do they need to do something fast otherwise it will only be me and kalifa in the mist talking to each other now asking for a 1v1 playlist because everyone is gone.
yes there is only 2 ideas to fix this game.
the best being if ANET decides to move away from 8 teams need to q and just match 1 team vs 1 team like SWTOR does and put them on a random map. (they can even take the SWTOR 3 game modes to make some ppl happy).
second thing is to implement a advanced playist
either way no matter what they are deciding to do they need to do something fast otherwise it will only be me and kalifa in the mist talking to each other now asking for a 1v1 playlist because everyone is gone.
lol right, either way is fine with me just please ANET actually respond to something here and let the players know what you are doing/planning to do. Stop keeping the players in the dark. We are after all the only reason you all have jobs.
I think that previous posters have mentioned very important ideas that should be recognized. Here are some quick things that in my opinion, could help to solve some of the issues we have currently.
1) Paid Tournaments
I think that there is nothing structurally wrong with the tournament system, but changes must be made to refine it if there are issues of which there are plenty. It can also survive alongside a rating-style serious competition mode, as tournaments are more casual.
Premade teams, with their superior organization will most certainly defeat pick-up teams. Paid tournaments are supposed to be the go-to place for premade teams, but they are not serving this purpose at the moment. This causes premade teams to leak into the free tournament system, ruining it for players who want to solo queue and ultimately making competition more difficult. A quick and easy change to promote teams into doing more paid tournaments would be to reduce the tickets required to enter, while reducing the amount of ticket and gem rewards that you receive to reduce the cost of entry. This allows teams that are not good to be “relegated” to doing free tournaments for only a round or two before they can get back to the real competition, or only have to farm tickets for a day or two to be able to do paid tournaments for a week.
2) Quickjoin vs Tournament
I think that quickjoin (8v8 mostly) and tournament modes require different strategy which is detrimental to success. People play quickjoin to farm rep or to test builds, so things like point strategy (eg: very little new players do not know that it only takes one person to cap a point and any additional players do not speed up the capture) are completely thrown out the window in favour of joining a zerg to farm points. This makes it difficult for new players to compete at a higher level in tournaments as they pick up bad habits from quickjoin.
The addition of 5v5 quickjoin games was a very smart decision. However, with less players it makes the loss of one or two players very important, and if there is no buffer of players ready to jump in at a moment’s notice, the loss of the extra person at key moments makes the game mode frustrating.
3) Meeting other like-minded players
The lack of meaningful cross-server ingame communication makes it difficult for a true community to be constructed, as there is no easy in-game way to be connected to the entire community pvp players on different servers ingame. It’s rather difficult to form premade teams if you are not on specific, high-PvP population servers, can find a good (or large) cross-server guild, or are lucky using out-of-game methods.
In order for a proper community to be formed, the PvP lobby should have districts of cross-server players, rather than the current system of grouping players by the server they are on. This allows for servers that don’t have quite an active sPvP base to connect with the community. I remember in the early days of GW2, there was enough population in my server (Maguuma) that this wasn’t quite a big issue, as there were teams forming left and right. However, it is now barren in non-US time and in US prime time, there are no groups advertising for a group and there are not enough people looking for one.
This is already implemented with overflow servers and shouldn’t take much development time to get up and running for real.
Overall, the fundamentals of the sPvP system are good, however the sPvP team needs to iterate and make constant changes in order for the existing system to be fun. New features like custom servers, new maps, and observation mode are grand, but what needs to be changed the most is what is currently broken.
The sPvP team needs to communicate better with the community, no matter how much “rage” will result of it on the forums. The bottom line is, actions speak louder than words. We hear you loud and clear.
I think the main problems are the lack of communications with the community and that ANet just ignores bugs, exploits and unbalanced skills / builds for weeks or months (best example: loading screen bug – which is game-breaking).
There were so many good suggestions in this forum how to make PvP better, more interesting and so on … but ANet doesnt even reply in these threads. Take a look in how many threads a staff-member wrote something constructive (not “threads have been merged”, “topic was edited” …).
People reported tons of bugs and exploits, but they didnt get fixed for ages. But concerning the loading-screen bug they say “the more detailed your reports, the faster we can fix it”. Thats not the experience players have made when reporting bugs and exploits.
Concerning hotjoin: Its a massive zergfest. Thats not the way players new to pvp should learn how to pvp. They think its totally normal to run around with 3-5 teammates and capture the points, then run away to the next point. And if they join free tourn. they wonder why they have no chance to win.
There could be some changes concerning point-capture that could help. More people of one team results in a longer capture-time. So its fastest for 1 player (8s), 2 players need longer (12s) and so on. If there is a point-fight 2vs3 guess what: the point will be captured for the team of the 2 players. Why? They deserve it – they played 2vs3. If they die – the point will be taken back, but as long as they survive the point ticks for them. Fine.
You shouldnt get glory for capturing points, perhaps then the players wouldnt try to capture the point with 4 guys instead of helping teammates out or preventing the enemies to get on the point.
I hope they read this topic, coz i found some really good ideas here.
I hope they read this topic, coz i found some really good ideas here.
Keep bumping and posting you concerns/suggestions, that’s all we can really do at this point.
Yea, I’m pretty much gone at this point I think. I might check in once a week or so, maybe once a month to see if some new stuff is out there. It was fun while it lasted, but it seems Anet won’t give the PvP devs enough support to give us enough support.
My team decided today to take a hiatus from the game. Maybe in a couple months if/when a rating system comes out we will consider putting in the hours to compete at the upper echelons but currently attempting to play this game at a competitive level seems to be a bigger waste of time than nearly any other alternative use of one’s time.
I would rant about how flawed the QP and tournament system are but its been covered enough that I think everyone understands how bad it is outside of ArenaNet developers.
I’ve had fun playing against the competitive teams and I think competitive community overall is a pretty good one, it is a shame ArenaNet did not provide the necessary structure to nourish and grow the community. I wish the best for all those I have competed against and hopefully ArenaNet will take the necessary steps to allow this game to rise up from the ashes so that we can compete again in the future but I wonder if there will be much of a community left at that time.
(edited by Seether.7285)
Bump for justice. I, too, have quit PvP altogether and will wait several months before coming back to see if ArenaNet is doing anything productive.
Quite frankly I am frustrated with their lack of or vague communication and overly long periods between patches; “when it’s ready” philosophy doesn’t quite work when the game is already released. PvP has become bland and boring, and there are still tons of unfixed bugs.
Peace. ArenaNet needs to get their kitten together.
Sorry to hear you guys are done for now had some great games against you seether, but I can’t say that I blame you. I’m still trying to play daily but sadly D3 has becoming more rewarding and also the fact I can’t put together a solid 5 man for the life of me :/
Quite frankly I am frustrated with their lack of or vague communication and overly long periods between patches; “when it’s ready” philosophy doesn’t quite work when the game is already released. PvP has become bland and boring, and there are still tons of unfixed bugs.
Peace. ArenaNet needs to get their kitten together.
Shh, they’re busy adding gear grinds.
Quite frankly I am frustrated with their lack of or vague communication and overly long periods between patches; “when it’s ready” philosophy doesn’t quite work when the game is already released. PvP has become bland and boring, and there are still tons of unfixed bugs.
Peace. ArenaNet needs to get their kitten together.
Shh, they’re busy adding gear grinds.
Yeah, and you notice how the reddit Q&A thread they skipped over answering any question relating to spvp….
(edited by Khalifahaze.6045)
when will the devs aknowledge us ?
this game will never become an e-sport and that’s a good thing cause it’d ruin e-sports.
I have logged on less and less each day, I only like to pvp casually, but it has got boring now, to the point where I don’t log on any more =(
That’s my 2 cents
i play this game atm for the same reason i played wow for so long—the gameplay itself is rock solid. i am still finding new features of the combat system & some mechanics take a really long time to master. that in itself will keep me individually busy for a long time, but there is little incentive for me to put any effort at all into a consistent 5-man team until ratings & custom servers hit. pug farming ain’t alright.
the current pvp system inhibits the development of the metagame itself. we think the meta is stagnant, because we don’t have thousands & thousands of players out there mastering obscure specs to bring something new to the table. it’s just like beta testing—there are some things you will never know until you release it to the masses. but now, our pvp community has been reduced to the size of a beta testing community, so we’re back to square zero.
DON’T GIVE UP ANET. it ain’t over yet. just be prepared to drop a boatload of cash as prizes for that first tourney you throw after the features are released. give a 2 or 3 month heads up after the features are released for players to return & train for the moneys.
Lack of communication is something you thought would have gone out the window as new younger video game companys have jumped on the trend of being open and close to their community …even when they dont have good news to atleast create a connection and understanding from the players.
Riot Games (League of legends) has done this very well… and as such is the most played competitive game of 2012 and growing after only being around for about 3 years.
If you do dev tracker for this game its over 90% of just posts occasionally about shutting down a forum thread or responce to a game crashing issue or the classic ’this is good feedback thanks!". Which happens about once every 2 weeks.
Now lets look at a more successful esport.
While they do have a few posts where they just mingle with the fans on non-game mechanic related issues they also are open about answering questions about balance or design and will even go so far to create 25 responces in one thread to help explain a simple stat change on an ability. I’ve even seen these threads end where the developer gets enough good ideas from the community that they change the game to fit it.
Its great because the community is involved in the game design process. They get to help directly mold the game to be what they “the consumer” wants instead of waiting to see what the developers want them to want. Which is bad business no matter how you slice it.
RNG has been hated by the engineer community since beta and yet it still exists. You can see repeated threads of things players really want being put on the shelf for things Arenanet wants players to want. You see lack of communication to most all the major issues often not even getting a single responce to show atleast its being looked at. Its due to this that many people cant take this game seriously or want to take it seriously. Its sad that it would be such a simple fix as good communication. But the company isnt showing much hope that this will change.